Relative percent adjustment data spreading method

The Relative Percent Adjustment method spreads values to the leaves of a consolidation by applying a percentage adjustment to the leaves of a reference cell.

This method increments the values in the leaves of the reference cell by a specified percentage. The resulting values are then spread to the leaves of the consolidation from which you initiated spreading.

The reference cell can be located in the cube from which you initiate spreading or in a separate cube. However, the reference cell must share the same consolidations as the cell from which you initiate spreading.

The following example illustrates relative percent adjustment spreading where both the initial cell and the reference cell exist in the same cube.

Say you have a single consolidated value of 600 is in the cell identified by 1 Quarter, Brazil. The leaves of 1 Quarter would look like this:

A view showing the leaves of 1 quarter, Brazil, are populated with January = 100, February = 200, and March = 300
  • Jan contains the value 100
  • Feb contains the value 200
  • Mar contains the value 300

If you initiate Relative Percent Adjustment spreading from 1 Quarter, Argentina and specify a percent adjustment of 50% while using 1 Quarter, Brazil as a reference cell, the result is as follows.

A view showing the leaves of 1 Quarter, Argentina are populated with values that are 50% of the values in the leaves of 1 Quarter, Brazil

Note that the leaves of 1 Quarter, Argentina are populated with values that are 50% of the values found in the leaves of 1 Quarter, Brazil:

  • Jan, Argentina contains the value 50, a 50% adjustment of the value in Jan, Brazil
  • Feb, Argentina contains the value 100, a 50% adjustment of the value in Feb, Brazil
  • Mar, Argentina contains the value 150, a 50% adjustment of the value in Mar, Brazil