Improved look and feel

The Planning Analytics Workspace user interface has been updated to make it easier to accomplish tasks, provide a more consistent experience with other IBM products, and to simplify the transition between Planning Analytics Workspace and Cognos Analytics.

As part of the interface update, new icons adhering to the Carbon Design principles have been introduced throughout Planning Analytics Workspace. For more information about Carbon Design principles, see

Note: Because the interface that exists in versions of Planning Analytics Workspace prior to 2.0.57 SC is still supported, it is necessary to differentiate between the new interface and the 'old' interface in the documentation. When there is a divergence of procedures or capabilities between the current (new) interface and the old, the documentation describes the current interface as Planning Analytics Workspace and describes the interface in 2.0.55 SC and prior versions as Planning Analytics Workspace Classic.

A new Home page for Planning Analytics Workspace is the first significant changes you'll notice. On the new Home page, you can quickly access the area you want to work in, customized for your role within Planning Analytics Workspace. You can also quickly open your applications and plans, as well as your recent and favorite items.

New Planning Analytics Home page

The prominent Quick Launch tiles that provide immediate access to Applications and Plans, Reports and Analysis, Data and Models, and Administration are dynamically displayed depending upon your role when you log in to Planning Analytics Workspace. Only the tiles that you can use based on your role appear. For example, an administrator sees all of the Quick Launch tiles, while an analyst sees only Applications and Plans and Reports and Analysis. You can click the Quick Launch show/hide button Quick Launch button to show or hide the Quick Launch tiles. When you hide the tiles, you can see more of your applications, recent items, or favorite items.

You'll also notice improvements in other familiar places. For example, in books the user interface is simplified, new icons are present, and the toolbar has been decoupled from the view.

New books interface

Use of the new interface is described in the relevant topics throughout the Planning Analytics Workspace help and documentation.