Learn more about updates to TM1 REST APIs

IBM® Planning Analytics Local version 2.0.7 and the cloud release of IBM Planning Analytics version 2.0.7 includes the following updates to the TM1 REST APIs for IBM TM1® Server version 11.5.0.

Metadata updates

The following entity types were changed in 11.5.0:

  • Added GitPlan
  • Added GitPullPlan
  • Added GitPushPlan

The following complex types were changed in 11.5.0:

  • Added Git
  • Added GitCommit
  • Added GitRemote
  • Added TopLogSettings

The following enumerated types were changed in 11.5.0:

  • Added GitPlanExecutionMode
  • Added TopScanMode

The following actions were changed in 11.5.0:

  • Added GitPullPlan.Execute
  • Added GitPushPlan.Execute
  • Added GitDeploy
  • Added GitInit
  • Added GitPull
  • Added GitPush
  • Added GitStatus
  • Added GitUninit

The following properties were changed in 11.5.0:

  • Deprecated property ID in Entry
  • Added property Active in Session

To learn more, see What's new in 11.5.0.

Support for hiding hierarchies

The Visible property of a Hierarchy entity has been extended to allow a client to filter any collection of hierarchies.

For example:

GET /api/v1/Dimensions('dim')/Hierarchies?$filter=Visible eq true

By default, the Visible property is determined by the Visible dimension property (currently this is in the }DimensionProperties cube, which includes every individual hierarchy). This property defaults to True.

If a control cube exists with the name }HierarchyVisibility_{{DIMNAME}}, which has two dimensions: }Hierarchies_{{DIMNAME}} and }Groups, then more specific values here will overwrite the default dimension property (if TRUE or FALSE is written to the appropriate cell). Similar to security, if a user belongs to multiple groups, and any of those groups sets the hierarchy as visible, then the hierarchy will be visible.

Determining the value of the Visible property uses the following logic:

  • Is there a value of TRUE anywhere in the }HierarchyVisibility_{{DIMNAME}} cube for this hierarchy or any group the current user belongs to? Then, Visible = true.
  • Is there a value of FALSE anywhere in the }HierarchyVisibility_{{DIMNAME}} cube for this hierarchy or any group the current user belongs to? Then, Visible = false.
  • Is the value of the VISIBILITY dimension property (note that this is per hierarchy) set to TRUE? Then, Visible = true.
  • Is the value of the VISIBILITY dimension property set to FALSE? Then, Visible = false.
  • Otherwise, Visible = true.