Deprecated APIs

The following table shows the IBM® Security Verify APIs that are deprecated.

For the most current API information, see IBM Security Verify Documentation Hub.

Support For more information, see the API documentation in the IBM Security Verify Documentation Hub.

IBM Security Learning Academy Watch a Verify API video in the IBM Security Learning Academy.

APIs subject to deprecation

The following APIs are being deprecated and will be removed after their end of life date. Use the replacement APIs.
API Deprecated Replacement End of life
Create identity source /v1.0/identitysources /v2.0/identitysources 01 June 2025
Delete identity source /v1.0/identitysources/{instanceId} /v2.0/identitysources/{instanceId} 01 June 2025
Update identity source /v1.0/identitysources/{instanceId} /v2.0/identitysources/{instanceId} 01 June 2025
Get an identity source /v1.0/identitysources/{instanceId} /v2.0/identitysources/{instanceId} 01 June 2025
Get all identity sources /v1.0/identitysources /v2.0/identitysources 01 June 2025
Get all identity sources with the property /v1.0/identitysources/property/{propertyName}/{propertyValue} /v2.0/identitysources/property/{propertyName}/{propertyValue} 01 June 2025
Get all identity sources with the specified password policy /v1.0/identitysources/passwordPolicies /v2.0/identitysources/passwordPolicies 01 June 2025
Application grants /v1.0/appgrants /v2.0/appgrants/app/{app-id} 30 June 2024
Application grant /v1.0/appgrants/{grant-id} /v2.0/appgrants/app/{app-id}/grant/{grant-id} 30 June 2024
Create an access policy https://{tenant_url}/v3.0/policyvault/accesspolicy https://{tenant_url}/v5.0/policyvault/accesspolicy 23 Dec 2023
Retrieve access policies https://{tenant_url}/v3.0/policyvault/accesspolicy https://{tenant_url}/v5.0/policyvault/accesspolicy 23 Dec 2023
Update an access policy https://{tenant_url}/v3.0/policyvault/accesspolicy/{policyId} https://{tenant_url}/v5.0/policyvault/accesspolicy/{policyId} 23 Dec 2023
Retrieve an access policy https://{tenant_url}/v3.0/policyvault/accesspolicy/{policyId} https://{tenant_url}/v5.0/policyvault/accesspolicy/{policyId} 23 Dec 2023
Delete an access policy https://{tenant_url}/v3.0/policyvault/accesspolicy/{policyId} https://{tenant_url}/v5.0/policyvault/accesspolicy/{policyId} 23 Dec 2023
Download Template. /v1.0/branding/download /v1.0/branding/themes 30 June 2023
Upload Template. /v1.0/branding/upload /v1.0/branding/themes 30 June 2023
Manage application consents of apps that the user is an owner of. /v1.0/appconsents /config/v1.0/privacy/consents 30 June 2022
Manage tenant consents. /v1.0/consents /config/v1.0/privacy/consents 30 June 2022
Manage your own consents. /v1.0/userconsents /config/v1.0/privacy/consents 30 June 2022
Get schema attributes. /v2.0/Schema/attributes /v1.0/attributes 31 May 2022
Post schema attributes. /v2.0/Schema/attributes /v1.0/attributes 31 May 2022
Delete schema attributes {name} /v2.0/Schema/attributes/{name} /v1.0/attributes/{attrId} 31 May 2022
Get schema attributes {name} /v2.0/Schema/attributes/{name} /v1.0/attributes/{attrId} 31 May 2022
Put schema attributes {name} /v2.0/Schema/attributes/{name} /v1.0/attributes/{attrId} 31 May 2022
Authentication Factors. /v1.0/authnmethods /v2.0/factors 31 December 2021
Email One-time Password. /v1.0/authnmethods/emailotp /v2.0/factors/emailotp 31 December 2021
SMS One-time Password. /v1.0/authnmethods/smsotp /v2.0/factors/smsotp 31 December 2021
Time-based One-time Password. /v1.0/authnmethods/totp /v2.0/factors/totp 31 December 2021
Authentication Methods. /v1.0/authnconfig/authnmethods/<type>/properties /config/v2.0/factors/<type> 31 December 2021
Access Policy Management. /v1.0/policyvault/<policytag> /v3.0/policyvault/accesspolicy 31 December 2021