Backing up value add metadata

It is critical to back up your Big SQL and DSM metadata before performing a migration.

Before you begin

The following are prerequisites for backing up your meta data:
  • You must disable Big SQL high availability.
  • Ambari configuration groups are not supported. The upgrade script produces a warning message if you use configuration groups. If you override the warning, you must validate that the configuration of all nodes in all configuration groups is updated as part of the upgrade. It is recommended that you remove all configuration groups.
  • You must disable Yarn and Slider support for Big SQL.

About this task

Provides information on how to back up:
  • Data Service Manager (DSM) metadata
  • Big SQL metadata using the Big SQL python script


  1. Install the Big SQL version 5.0.2 service definition:
    1. Obtain the IBM Big SQL package. See Obtaining IBM Big SQL for details.
    2. Execute the downloaded file; choose the migration option when asked. See Installing the IBM Big SQL package for details.
  2. Back up the Ambari Server database.
  3. Run the backup option of the Big SQL python script on the Ambari server node. (For details on the script, see - Big SQL upgrade utility.)
    1. The binaries of the new version of service Big SQL will be installed from a yum repository. If you want to check the URL, open /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/extensions/IBM-Big_SQL/ and locate the following code:
        <baseurl>http://<local repo server fully qualified domain name>/repos/bigsql</baseurl>

      If needed, change the repository URL.

    2. Back up your Big SQL environment by running the Backup option of the python command. The Backup option performs the following actions on all nodes of the cluster:
      • Backs up the Big SQL catalog, metadata and configuration information
      • Installs the binaries for the new version
      • Temporarily disconnects the Big SQL service definition from Ambari
      To perform the backup phase of the upgrade, run the script with the -m option and the value Backup. Include any additional options as documented in the - Big SQL upgrade utility. For example, if you have configured Ambari for non-root access, you should use the -a option.
      python /usr/ibmpacks/scripts/ -m Backup
    3. When the Backup phase is complete, the Big SQL service is no longer visible in the Ambari dashboard. However, it is operational, but not running. If needed, you can start the service from the command line and use it. In this case, the version executed is the initial Big SQL version.
  4. (Optional in case the backup phase fails) Consult the master log output or the upgrade log located at /var/ibm/bigsql/logs/upgrade.log to identify and resolve the problem. After it is resolved, re-run the backup phase.
  5. Backup DSM metadata. Save a copy of the following items from the DSM_Master node to a backup directory, such as /tmp. Replace $VERSION with the version of DSM that you want to back up.
    • /usr/ibmpacks/IBM-DSM/$VERSION/ibm-datasrvrmgr/Config/default_rep_db
    • /usr/ibmpacks/IBM-DSM/$VERSION/ibm-datasrvrmgr/Config/privileges.json, if this file exists
    For example:
    mkdir /tmp/dsm; cd /tmp/dsm
    cp -rf /usr/ibmpacks/IBM-DSM/$VERSION/ibm-datasrvrmgr/Config/default_rep_db .
    cp /usr/ibmpacks/IBM-DSM/$VERSION/ibm-datasrvrmgr/Config/privileges.json .

What to do next

The next step in the migration process is to back up the open source services. See Backing up open source services for details.