Removing deprecated components and services

Provides the steps required to remove the deprecated components and services which are not supported by Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP).

About this task

You must stop and remove all the deprecated services and components from the Ambari server.


  1. Remove the HBASE REST SERVER component. For each HBase Rest Server installed on the cluster:
    1. In Ambari, select the Hosts link
    2. Select the host with the HBASE REST SERVER component running
    3. From the Actions drop-down menu select Stop
    4. From the Actions drop-down menu select Delete to delete the component
    5. Delete the mapping of HBASE REST SERVER component to HBase service by using the following REST API as follows:
      curl -u <admin-username>:<admin-password> -H "X-Requested-By:ambari" -i -X DELETE 
      For example:
      curl -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By:ambari" -i -X DELETE 
  2. Remove the TITAN, SOLR, JNBG, R4ML, and SYSTEMML services in order (if present). To remove a service, follow these steps:
    1. In the Ambari web UI, select the service (for example, TITAN) in the Services list.
    2. Select Service Actions > Stop to stop the service.
    3. Select Service Actions > Delete to delete the service.

    Repeat this process for all the services listed above.

What to do next

The next step in the migration process is to upgrade your stack. See Upgrading the stack for details.