What's new in 1.2.0

Learn about what's new, changed, or removed in the continuous delivery of IBM® Wazi Developer 1.2.0.

Wazi Analyze

Starting with 1.2.0, Wazi Analyze is generally available as a containerized component that helps you understand impact of programs and files changes through graphical analysis. With this web-based and pre-installed application that is delivered in a Docker container, you can scan your source files and view the impact analysis through an easy-to-use web user interface. For this release, Wazi Analyze supports the following types of impact analysis.
  • Program call references that display the call relationship between COBOL programs.
  • Source file references that display the relationship between COBOL files and COBOL included files.

To quickly get started with Wazi Analyze and explore its key features, see Checklist for getting started. For a complete user guide of Wazi Analyze, see Understanding impact of changes with IBM Wazi Analyze.

Wazi Sandbox

Latest version of Extended ADCD
Extended ADCD is updated to ADCD z/OS V2R4 December Edition for 2020 with the following software packages added or updated.
  • Added software packages:
    • z/OS® Explorer Extensions Version 15 (HLQ - FELF00)
    • z/OS Explorer API Version 1.0.3 (HLQ - HUH100)
    • IBM Z® Open Automation Utilities Version 1.1.0 (HLQ - BGY110)
    • Rocket Git 2.14.4 (HLQ - RL2110)
    • Rocket Bash 4.3.46 (HLQ - RL2110)
    • Rocket Perl 5.24 (HLQ - RL2110)
    • IBM® Python SDK 3.9 (HLQ - PYZ380)
Updated software packages:
  • IBM Dependency Based Build is updated to 1.1.0 (HLQ - BGZ110)
  • IBM Debugger is updated to 15 (HLQ - EQAF00)
  • z/OS Explorer is updated to (HLQ - FEK320)
Capabilities to provision custom images by using the newly provided ZD&T provisioning tools
In addition to using the out-of-the-box Extended ADCD images provided by Sandbox, you can also create your custom images that contains components created from IBM Z platforms of your choice.
To create custom images, use ZD&T Enterprise Edition provisioning tools, which are made available to Sandbox users in 1.2. ZD&T Enterprise Edition provisioning tools (shortened as provisioning tools) include a web UI with role-based access control and REST APIs. The provisioning tools ease the process of provisioning and managing your emulated IBM Z environments. The Sandbox installer is updated to let you install the ZD&T Enterprise Edition web server to set up ZD&T provisioning tools.
For more information, see Provisioning custom images by using the newly provided ZD&T provisioning tools.
Enhanced capabilities to specify manifest of what volumes to copy
You can specify what volumes to copy and additional options for copying when using WaziSandboxVolumeCopy to create volumes. For more information, see Specifying manifest of what volumes to copy.
More configuration fields for WaziSandboxSystem and WaziSandboxVolumeCopy
The following fields are added to WaziSandboxSystem to let you better control the sandbox instance creation:
  • license.accept
  • zpdt.configMap.secondaryLicenseServer
  • copyVolumes
  • fsGroup
  • iplZOS
  • iplAddress
  • iplIODFAddress
  • iplLoadParm
  • devmap
  • shutdownCommand
  • shutdownTimeout
The following field is added to WaziSandboxVolumeCopy to let you better control the volume copy: fsGroup
For more information, see Configuration reference.
Migration considerations from releases prior to Sandbox 1.2
Starting from Sandbox 1.2, if you want to reuse Custom Resource files from a version prior to 1.2, you might also need to make configuration updates manually. For more information, see Upgrading to 1.2 from a previous version.
Best practice of setting up sandbox instances
You can optimize sandbox instances provisioning by overriding the default behavior. For more information, see Best practice of setting up sandbox instances.

Wazi Code

IBM Wazi Developer for VS Code
See the change log.
Z Open Editor
  • Starting from this release, language support for TSO/E REXX for z/OS is supported. For more information, see Making REXX code changes.
  • Added EBCDIC conversion mappings for z/OS USS to User Build. You can provide a standard .gitattributes file that specifies the encoding that the program files should be converted to when the program files are uploaded to z/OS USS for a build. For more information, see Setting up the user build.
  • In the COBOL editor, added context menus to remove and renumber sequence numbers. For more information, see Making COBOL and PL/I code changes.
  • Made include file resolution case-insensitive by default to support lowercase file names and property group path names on local case-sensitive file systems such as Linux. You can use the new user setting called zopeneditor.enforceCaseSensitiveIncludeFileNames to enable case-sensitive matching. For more information, see Setting property groups.
  • You can set the maximum line length for COBOL, PL/I, HLASM, and JCL program files with IBM Z Open Editor so that a file that exceeds the maximum line length is not allowed to be saved. For more information, see Setting language-specific maximum line length.
  • Expanded the capabilities of the Reload Zowe Profiles command so it can be used to restart the Language Servers and retry loading any remote MVS include files when Zowe profile information is updated. For more information, see Setting property groups
  • Added a new Welcome page for new users that interactively checks for prerequisites and gives tips for getting started.
  • Added support for APIML SSO for remote include file resolution such as COBOL copybooks located on MVS.
IBM RSE API Plug-in for Zowe CLI
Added full support for encoding conversions between UTF-8 and international EBCDIC code pages for all z/OS MVS interactions that use RSE API:
  • Introduced a new mapping file concept to ZAPP and stand-alone JSON files, which allows specifying mappings to groups or individual data sets or even members.
  • Added support for all RSE API CLI commands with new parameters as well as the ability to read mapping files that read and write to MVS.
  • All Z Open Editor remote MVS read operations that use RSE API to find include files can use mappings that are defined in ZAPP or user-local mappings files.
  • The Zowe Explorer integration with RSE API can also be configured to use mappings files for read and write operations of data set members.
For more information, see Setting property groups.
Z Open Debug
Log files can now be found in the user's home directory. For more information, see Troubleshooting using log files for Wazi Developer for Workspaces or Troubleshooting using log files for Wazi Developer for VS Code.
IBM Wazi Developer for Workspaces
Applied the above new features and enhancements of IBM Wazi Developer for VS Code 1.2.
IBM Wazi Developer for Eclipse

This release adds a new editor for TSO/E REXX files. The REXX Editor is a modern Eclipse-based editor that provides some of the same features as the Eclipse-based COBOL and PL/I Editors: an outline view of REXX programs, a Find References menu action, syntax highlighting and real-time syntax checking, and content assist. For more information about the new REXX Editor, see REXX Editor.

COBOL and PL/I Editors
  • The COBOL and PL/I parsers support the latest syntax added by program temporary fixes since the release of Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 6.3 and Enterprise PL/I for z/OS Version 5.3.
  • The Program Control Flow diagram highlights the paragraph declaration from which the Show In > Program Control Flow menu item was selected in the editor. Within the Program Control Flow diagram, this enhancement highlights nodes on which the Show Program Control from Here, Show Program Control to Here, and Show Program Control from Here to menu items are selected.
  • The PL/I Editor Filter view displays include synonyms, such as -INC and ++INCLUDE as well as SQL includes.
Engineering Workflow Management Integration (formerly Rational Team Concert Integration)
  • A new option on the User Build page of the Preferences window, Reset the dependency file selection for every build, clears the dependencies selected for a user build operation. This option forces dependencies to be reselected or rediscovered for each user build request.
  • You can start a user build by using the Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Z (Windows) or Ctrl+Option+Command+Z (MacOS) keyboard shortcuts. You can alter these key bindings on the General > Keys page of the Preferences window.
  • The Configure User Build operation and Select a build definition pages of the user build wizard display the project area and source file for a user build operation.
z/OS Integrated Development Environment
Many actions now generate JCL with a new symbolic parameter, FELJOB, so that you can determine the context of the JCL and the action that caused the JCL to be generated. By examining this parameter, you can distinguish between, for example, JCL generated by a remote syntax check and JCL generated by a z/OS Automated Unit Testing Framework (ZUnit) test case build. For more information about this new symbolic parameter, see Determining the source of generated JCL.