Customizing the Site Options

The Site Options panel provides parameters for configuring the Optim environment at your site. Using this panel modifies FOPMDFLT, the distributed site defaults module that contains the default site options.

Use Option 10 on the Full Installation menu to review and modify the Site Options. The Site Options panel can also be invoked from any of the following menus or panels:

The following figure shows the first page of the default Site Options panel.

Figure: Site Options

------------------------- FOPMDFLT Site Options -----------------------------
Command ===>                                               Scroll ===>  CSR


************************************ TOP ************************************
Audit Mode                 ===> N         A-Always, N-Never, U-User
Load Utility to Use        ===> D         D-DB2 Load, B-BMC, U-User
Use Special Unload Utility ===> N         N-None, B-BMC, I-IBM, C|O-CDB
Unload Utility Strategy    ===> H         U-Unload Utility Only, H-Hybrid
Confirm on Deletes         ===> Y         Y-Yes, N-No
Submit Jobs with END       ===> Y         Y-Yes, N-No
Display DB2 Subsystem      ===> Y         Y-Yes, N-No
Selection List Format      ===> S         S-Short, F-Full, D-Desc
User Supplies Defaults     ===> U         A-Always, N-Never, U-User
NULL as Insert Default     ===> U         A-Always, N-Never, U-User
Table Lock Mode            ===> C         C-Can Not Lock, U-User
Editor Fetch Rows          ===> 1000      In Range (1 - 4294967295)
Maximum Compare Fetch Rows ===> 100000    In Range (1 - 4294967295)
Process Batch Compare Only ===> N         Y-Yes, N-No
Maximum Archive Rows       ===> 100000    In Range (1 - 4294967295)
Maximum Restore Rows       ===> 100000    In Range (1 - 4294967295)

The site options are:

Audit Mode
For Access only. Audit activity for edit sessions. Specify:
Activate the Audit Facility. Users are unable to deactivate it.
Deactivate the Audit Facility. Users are unable to activate it. Default.
Allow users to activate and deactivate, as desired.
Load Utility to Use
The load utility used for the Load process. Specify:
Use the DB2® Load utility. Users cannot override. Default.
Use the BMC LOADPLUS utility. Users cannot override.
Allow users to use DB2 Load or LOADPLUS, as desired.
Use Special Unload Utility
The unload utility available when extracting data. Specify:
None. No special unload utility is available. Default.
The BMC UNLOAD PLUS utility is available.
The IBM® High Performance Unload utility is available.
A CDB unload utility is available. Indicate the version by specifying C or O:
  • C for CDB Auto-Unload; formerly known as Super Unload.
  • O for CDB Auto-Online Unload; formerly known as RW-Unload.
Unload Utility Strategy
The strategy for using a special unload utility, when the response to Use Special Unload Utility is anything but N. Specify:
Use only the special unload utility. Exclusive use of the special unload utility allows a site to avoid overhead or contention that is possible using DB2.
Use the faster method, either DB2 or the special unload utility. This option is the default and allows a site to obtain the best performance.
Confirm on Deletes
Setting for user-enabled confirmation prompt on deletion of an Optim™ object. Specify:
Users cannot request confirmation prompt.
User option allows user to request confirmation prompt. Default.
Submit Jobs with END
The default for a User Option to submit jobs while reviewing JCL and control statements for any batch job. Specify:
Users cannot submit job by using END. The SUBMIT command must be used to submit the job.
Users can choose to submit job by using END.
Display DB2 Subsystem
The default for a User Option governing the display of the DB2 subsystem name on panels. Specify:
DB2 subsystem name is not displayed.
DB2 subsystem name is displayed on every panel. Default. If connected to a remote subsystem, the DB2 subsystem name is replaced with the location of the remote subsystem.
Selection List Format
The information that is presented on a selection list of Optim objects. Specify:
Short format. Modification information is displayed with the object name. Default. (This is the display format used in figures throughout this documentation.)
Description is displayed with the object name.
Each entry is presented on two lines. The first line is the same as for Short format. The second line displays the description and the security status, if other than PUBLIC.
User Supplies Defaults
For Access only. Setting for user-supplied default values for columns with no DB2 default. Specify:
Always require user to supply a default value.
Never require user to supply a default value.
User determines whether to supply default values. Default.
NULL as Insert Default
For Access only. Indicator for blank column defined as nullable. Specify:
The NULL value is always supplied when inserting data.
The NULL value is never supplied.
User determines whether to supply the NULL value. Default.
Table Lock Mode
The table lock option for Insert, Restore, Delete or Archive with Delete Processes. Specify:
Users cannot lock tables. The prompt for locking tables for each process is always set to No and cannot be changed. This setting lets sites force the frequency of commits because the commit logic occurs only for tables that are not locked. Default.
Users can determine whether tables are to be locked for each process individually.
Editor Fetch Rows
The maximum number of rows that can be retrieved in one fetch set, when editing data, or browsing an extract or archive file, for example. This value can be from 1 through 4,294,967,295, and is displayed on the Editor and Display Options panel, where a lower limit can be specified. The default is 1,000.
Maximum Compare Fetch Rows
The maximum number of rows that can be fetched when browsing a Compare File. This value is displayed on the Compare Options panel where a lower limit can be specified. The default is 100,000.
Process Batch Compare Only
The batch processing default for Compare. Specify:
Allow users to execute Compare Processes online or in batch. Default.
Perform all Compare Processes in batch.
Maximum Archive Rows
The maximum number of rows that can be archived in a single Archive Process. This value is displayed on the Specify ARCHIVE Parameters and Execute panel, where a lower limit can be specified. The default value is 100,000.
Maximum Restore Rows
The maximum number of rows that can be restored in a single Restore Process. The default value is 100,000.
Maximum Extract Rows
The maximum number of rows that can be extracted in a single process. This value is displayed on the Extract and Compare Specify Parameters and Execute panels, where a lower limit can be specified. The default value is 10,000.
Maximum Insert Rows
The maximum number of rows that can be inserted in a single process. For Extract Files that exceed this number, use the Load Facility. The default value is 10,000.
Maximum Delete Rows
The maximum number of rows that can be deleted in a single process. The default value is 10,000.
Maximum Online Archive Rows
The maximum number of rows that can be archived online in a single process. If this value is exceeded, the Archive Process must be executed as a batch job. This value cannot exceed the value in Maximum Archive Rows.
Maximum Online Restore Rows
The maximum number of rows that can be restored online in a single process. If this value is exceeded, the Restore Process must be executed as a batch job. This value cannot exceed the value specified in Maximum Restore Rows.
Maximum Online Extract Rows
The maximum number of rows that can be extracted online in a single process. (Does not apply to Archive Processes). If this value is exceeded, the Extract Process must be executed as a batch job. This value cannot exceed the value specified in Maximum Extract Rows.
Maximum Online Insert Rows
The maximum number of rows that can be inserted online in a single process. (Does not apply to Restore Processes). If this value is exceeded, the Insert Process must be executed as a batch job. This value cannot exceed the value specified in Maximum Insert Rows.
Maximum Online Delete Rows
The maximum number of rows that can be deleted online in a single process. If this value is exceeded, the Delete Process must be executed as a batch job. This value cannot exceed the value specified in Maximum Delete Rows.
Maximum Online Convert Rows
The maximum number of rows that can be converted online in a single process. If this value is exceeded, the Convert Process must be executed as a batch job.
Commit Frequency Rate
The maximum number of rows that can be processed before a commit. This value is displayed on the Specify Parameters and Execute panels for an Insert, Delete, or Restore Process and can be overridden with a lower number. The default value is 1,000.
Administrator Password
The password needed for Administrator privilege. A user has Administrator privilege if the value specified at the User Supplied Password prompt on the User Options panel matches this value.

At installation, the Administrator password is set to PSTDB2. It may be changed to any one- to eight-character value. A change to the Administrator Password automatically updates the User Password (of the same value) for the current user.

Trace SYSOUT Job Class
The location where output from the diagnostic trace is to be printed. The trace should be executed only when requested by IBM Technical Support to help diagnose and resolve problems.
Object Security Suffix
The two-character suffix, to be appended to FOP2OS to indicate the name of the exit called for object security. Clear Object Security Suffix to disable object security, or change the suffix appropriately to use a different exit.

If you change the object security suffix, it will take effect immediately. The security exit is loaded when a session is invoked or the suffix is changed. (See Object Security.)

Object Security Mode
An indicator for the display and user assignment of security attributes. (This setting is valid only if you are using object security.) Specify:
Do not display security attributes. The user cannot assign the security status. Default.
Display security attributes. The user can assign the security status explicitly. Security attributes may be displayed on the Object Attributes panel, selection lists, and object information panels.
Default Security Status
The default security for a new object. (This setting is relevant only if Object Security Mode is Y.) Specify:
For PUBLIC. Allow any user to access, edit, or delete an object. Default.
For READ-ONLY. Allow any user Read-only access to an object.
For PRIVATE. Allow only the object owner or administrator to access an object.
Archive Security Suffix
The two-character suffix, to be appended to FOP2AS to indicate the name of the exit called for archive security. For Archive only. To use a different exit, change the number appropriately or, to disable archive security, clear Archive Security Suffix.

If you change the archive security suffix, the change takes effect immediately. The security exit is loaded when a session is invoked or the suffix is changed. (See Archive Security.)

Archive Security Mode
An indicator for the display and user assignment of security attributes. (This setting is valid only if you are using Archive security.) Specify:
Do not display security attributes. The user cannot assign the security status. Default.
Display security attributes. The user can assign the security status explicitly. Security attributes may be displayed on the Object Attributes panel, selection lists, and object information panels.
Archive Default Security
The default security status to assign to a new Archive File. (This setting is relevant only if Archive Security Mode is Y.) Specify:
PUBLIC. Allow any user to read, modify, or delete an Archive File. Default.
READ-ONLY. Allow any user Read-only access to an Archive File.
PRIVATE. Allow only the owner or administrator to access an Archive File.
Functional Security Suffix
The two-character suffix, to be appended to FOP2FS to indicate the name of the exit called for external function security. If blank, functional security is not enabled.

If you change the functional security suffix, the change takes effect immediately. The security exit is loaded when a session is invoked or the suffix is changed. (See Functional Security.)

Temp DASD Unit, Primary
The primary location of temporary work files created during a process. Specify a valid unit name or VIO, which is the default value. Offline tape units cannot be specified. Primary and secondary Temp DASD specifications are validated by performing a test allocation. If neither primary nor secondary allocations can be made during a session, SYSDA is used.
Temp DASD Unit, Secondary
The secondary location of temporary work files. Specify a valid unit name or SYSDA, which is the default value. Primary and secondary Temp DASD specifications are validated by performing a test allocation. If neither primary nor secondary allocations can be made during a session, SYSDA is used.
Default Aging Rule Table
The name of the default Aging Rule Table. This table is used whenever an explicit default Aging Rule Table is not defined for an Insert, Convert, or Load process. The distributed default is FOP2RUSA.
Change Line Characters
Edit the characters used to create borders around pop-ups. Specify:
Retain current or default settings for characters used to delineate pop-ups. Default.
Display prompts to change characters used to delineate pop-ups.
Review Del After Archive
Indicator for user review of names of tables marked for deletion after archiving. Specify:
Users cannot review tables after archiving and before deleting.
Users can review tables after archiving but before deleting. Default.
Restore Processing Option
Indicator for user-chosen insert or update during a Restore Process. Specify:
Allow users to choose a Restore processing option. Default.
In a Restore process, all data rows are inserted. Restoring data rows that exist at the destination causes errors.
In a Restore process, rows can be updated or both updated and inserted, according to the If Update, Process Mode option.
If Update, Process Mode
The processing mode when the Restore Processing Option is U. Specify:
All data rows are updated if they exist. Rows that do not exist are inserted. Default.
All data rows are updated. Any rows not found are considered errors.
Restore after Table Change
The action taken when data is restored to a table for which attributes have changed since the data was archived. Specify:
None. Restore proceeds.
An informational message is displayed and the Restore proceeds.
Restore fails.
User is prompted to continue or abort. Default.
Use DB2 LOB Defaults
The LOB tablespace used by the Create Process when creating an auxiliary table. Specify:
User must create tablespace explicitly.
Use DB2 default LOB tablespace.
User can specify the type of LOB tablespace on the User Options panel. Default.
Allow Dual Archive Output
Indicator for writing an Archive File to more than one output. Specify:
Do not allow user to specify more than one output.
Allow user to specify more than one output. Default.
Tape VOLSER required
Indicator for a volume serial number for Archive File tape processing. Specify:
No volume serial number is required.
Volume serial number is required. Default.
Change Archive Logging
Settings for Archive Logging. Specify:
Do not display the Archive Logging Operations pop-up. Logging settings remain as specified previously. Default.
Display the Archive Logging Operations pop-up. Use Y to enable logging or N to disable logging for each listed operation.
Remote DB2 Connection
Indicator for remote connections. Specify:
Application-directed connection (that is, DRDA®). The application must issue the SQL CONNECT statement to connect to the remote location. Default.
System-directed connection (that is, DDF). The system connects to the remote location based on a three-part name or an alias of that name, in which one part names the location.
Replace Arch Dir in Batch
Batch Archive processing when an entry for the Archive File exists. Specify:
Halt process with error message.
Proceed with process, replacing Archive File entry in Directory.
Enable User Option to determine processing when entry exists. Default.
Target Rows Del Before Isrt
Indicator for delete before Move insert processing. Specify:
Users cannot delete target rows before insert or specify commit frequency. These options are omitted from the Specify INSERT Parameters and Execute panel.
Users determine whether to delete target rows before insert, and specify the commit frequency. Profiled values are displayed. Default.
Users can determine whether to delete target rows before insert, and can specify the commit frequency. Profiled values are not displayed.
Maximum Data Space Blocks
The maximum size of each data space in 4K blocks. This value can be from 500 through 524,288. The default value is 524,288. If this value exceeds limits imposed by system defaults or the IEFUSI exit, data space creation fails and a system error occurs. (For information on these error codes, refer to your IBM documentation for the DSPSERV macro.)
Maximum Data Spaces
The maximum number of data spaces created by the temp database. This value can be from 1 through 10. The default value is 10. If this value exceeds limits imposed by system defaults or the IEFUSI exit, data space creation fails and a system error occurs. (For information on these error codes, refer to your IBM documentation for the DSPSERV macro.)
Compare Row Contents
Indicator for comparing rows of data in the Source File with rows in the database prior to deletion. Specify:
Rows are deleted from the database only if they exactly match rows in the Source File.
Row comparison is not performed during the Delete Process. If a table does not have a DB2 primary key or an Optim primary key with a unique index, the Delete Process always compares row contents prior to deletion.
User can determine whether rows are compared prior to the Delete Process. Default. If a table does not have a DB2 primary key or an Optim primary key with a unique index, the Delete Process always compares row contents prior to deletion.
Enable Rels Prefetch
Indicator for whether all relationships for a Creator ID are retrieved. Specify:
Retrieve only those relationships in which the base table participates.
Retrieve all defined relationships for the specified Creator ID at the first lookup request. Default.
Change Storage Options
Indicator to configure options that allow you to store Archive Files on a Centera networked storage system or Tivoli® Storage Manager backup device. Specify:
Do not display the Storage Site Options pop-up. Default.
Display the Storage Site Options pop-up. When you close the Storage Site Options pop-up, Change Storage Options reverts to N.
Ignore Generic Rels
Option for ignoring generic relationships to increase performance. Specify:
Do not use generic relationships to retrieve data.
Use generic relationships to retrieve data from related tables.
Use generic relationships to retrieve data, only if the Creator ID is the same for both the parent and child tables.
Allow user to set a User Option to determine whether generic relationships should be ignored.
Specify Arc File Retention
Indicator for specifying a retention period for Archive Files. You cannot delete or overwrite an Archive File, its associated Archive Directory entry, or any associated Archive Index File until after the specified retention period.
No retention period is assigned.
Assign a retention period to Archive Files, according to the If Y, Retention Period option.
Allow the user to specify a retention period for an Archive File on the Specify ARCHIVE Parameters and Execute panel.
Note: You can alter the retention period assigned to an Archive File, or add a retention period to an existing Archive File, using the ALTER statement of the IBM Utility program, IDCAMS, to set the expiration date parameter of the z/OS® file. Archive automatically recognizes any change to the retention period.
If Y, Retention Period
The retention period for Archive Files when Specify Arc File Retention is Y. If blank, the profiled value is used. If there is no profiled value, a default value of 1Y (one year), is assigned. Specify one of the following:
The number of days to retain the Archive File.
The number of years to retain the Archive File.
An explicit date, after which you can delete or overwrite the Archive File.
Note: Any Archive File assigned a retention period over 9999 days or 27 years is considered permanent and can be deleted or overwritten only if you reduce the retention period using the ALTER statement of IDCAMS.
Defer Auth-Check for Batch
Options to defer authorization checks on objects during the creation of JCL and control statements for batch Extract and Archive Processes. Specify:
Use authorization checks in batch.
Defer authorization checks in batch.
Allow the user to set a User Option to determine whether authorization checks are deferred in batch.
Default Defer DAA
Default value for Defer Delete After Archive on the Specify ARCHIVE Parameters and Execute panel. Specify:
Set the default value to No.
Set the default value to Yes.
Use Uncommitted Reads
Option to extract uncommitted data from the database during an Archive or Extract Process. Specify:
Do not extract uncommitted data from the database. Default.
Always extract uncommitted data from the database. If you choose to archive or extract uncommitted data, the relational integrity of the data in the Archive or Extract File may be compromised. Use caution if inserting data from any Archive or Extract File with uncommitted data.
User can determine whether uncommitted data is extracted during an Archive or Extract process. The Archive/Extract With Uncommitted Reads option is enabled on the Specify ARCHIVE/EXTRACT Parameters and Execute panel.
Allow Mismatched CCSIDs
The action taken when the CCSID of a source column does not match the CCSID for the destination column, or the terminal CCSID does not match that of the DB2 subsystem. Specify:
Terminate the process if mismatched CCSIDs are encountered. Default.
Continue the process, which will fail if CCSIDs are incompatible.
The User Option Allow Mismatched CCSIDs determines the action taken. See Allow Mismatched CCSIDs in the Common Elements Manual.
Generate USEDD Parm in JCL
The action taken in a batch Insert, Restore, Load, Convert or Delete process when the USEDD keyword is encountered. Specify:
Do not generate DD cards. Default.
Generate the DD cards for the file.
Legacy MIXED Data
The use of code points X'0E' and X'0F' as shift-out and shift-in controls for double-byte character strings in legacy data. Specify:
Character strings can be single-byte character set (SBCS) or MIXED data with X'0E' and X'0F' serving as shift-out and shift-in controls. The CCSID that is specified in the Legacy EBCDIC CCSID field must be the mixed CCSID for the encoding scheme. During processing, this value determines the associated SBCS and double-byte character set (DBCS) CCSIDs for the encoding scheme. A valid entry in Legacy EBCDIC CCSID is required.
All character strings in Legacy data are processed as SBCS data.
Legacy MIXED DATA and Legacy EBCDIC CCSID values are obtained from the Legacy Options panel, available to all users.
The default CCSID for EBCDIC-encoded character data in your Legacy data. Required if Legacy MIXED DATA is set to 'Y'. Specify a value from 1 - 65533.
New Rels Warning in Batch
Behavior when relationships are found to be in NEW status during a batch Extract or Archive process. Specify:
No message or return code is produced when relationships are in NEW status.
A message and return code 4 is produced when relationships are in NEW status.
Enable IMS I/O Exit
Indicator for use of an IMS™ I/O Exit when a segment is read or written. Specify:
No I/O exit is used. Any exit specified in Exit Name and in Legacy Table definitions is ignored. Default.
The exit specified in Exit Name is called when an IMS segment is read or written. Any exit specification in a Legacy Table definition is ignored.
An exit specified in a Legacy Table definition, if any, is called. If the Legacy Table definition does not reference an exit, the exit specified in Exit Name is called.
Exit Name
The name of the default I/O exit. FOPIMIOX, the exit distributed with your Optim solution, is specified by default.
Enable VSAM/Seq I/O Exit
Indicator for use of an I/O Exit when a VSAM or sequential record is read or written. Specify:
No I/O exit is used. Any exit specified in Exit Name and in Legacy Table definitions is ignored. Default.
The exit specified in Exit Name is called when a record is read or written. Any exit specification in a Legacy Table definition is ignored.
An exit specified in a Legacy Table definition, if any, is called. If the Legacy Table definition does not reference an exit, the exit specified in Exit Name is called.
Exit Name
The name of the default I/O exit. FOP2DIOX, the exit distributed with your Optim solution, is specified by default.
Resolve DB2 Rel Change
For batch execution of extract and archive processes, determines whether Optim rebuilds any DB2 relationship if the columns in the relationship have changed since the time when the relationship was originally defined. Specify:
Yes. Rebuild a DB2 relationship if the columns have changed.
No. Do not rebuild a DB2 relationship if the columns have changed. If an extract or archive process encounters a relationship with columns that have changed, it will fail with a return code of 12. This is the default
User. Allow the user to specify whether or not a DB2 relationship is rebuilt if the columns have changed.
Register DASD Extract File
Allow users to register extract files stored on disk in the Optim directory. Specify:
Yes. Allow user to register an extract file.
No. Do not allow extract files stored on disk to be registered in the Directory. This is the default.
User. Enable user option to allow the user to register an extract file on disk in the Directory.
Replace Extr Dir in Batch
Batch extract file processing when an entry for this extract file exists in the Directory. Specify:
Yes. Allow processing to continue and replace any existing extract file entry.
No. Halt processing with an error message. This is the default.
User. Allow user the option to enable user to determine processing when there is an existing Directory entry for the extract file.
Require IMS Data Set Names
Controls whether or not the user is required to supply the name of an IMS database data set when creating a Retrieval Definition.
Yes. User must supply IMS data set name. This is the default.
No. User is not required to supply an IMS data set name. If the field for IMS data set name is left blank, IMS dynamically allocates the data set.
Note: Regardless of the setting for this option, all users can enable IMS to dynamically allocate the data set by specifying '$MDA' as the data set name.
Change Optim Data Privacy
Determines the environment variable file used for data privacy providers:
Yes. Set a site default environment variable file that applies to all users. The Site Data Privacy Options panel displays and prompts you to enter the name of the data set for the Unix System Services environment variables.
No. No default environment variable file is set.
User. Allow users to specify the name of the environment variable file on the User options panel.

Specifying Storage Options

Specifying Y for Change Storage Options displays the Storage Site Options pop-up, allowing you to specify information for your storage site (that is, Centera networked storage system or Tivoli Storage Manager backup device).

Figure: Storage Site Options

+----------------------------Storage Site Options---------------------------+
¦                                                                           ¦
¦ Allow Orphaned Files         ===> N     Y-Yes, N-No                       ¦
¦ Recall Processing            ===> U     U-User,P-Prompt,A-Auto,B-Abort    ¦
¦                                                                           ¦
¦ Centera Options:                                                          ¦
¦                                                                           ¦
¦ Modify Centera Pools         ===> N     Y-Yes, N-No                       ¦
¦ Minimum Retention            ===> N     D-Dflt,I-Intv,F-Inf,N-None,U-User ¦
¦  If User or Interval, Years  ===> 0     0-100                             ¦
¦                       Days   ===> 30    0-18300                           ¦
¦                                                                           ¦
¦ Tivoli Options:                                                           ¦
¦                                                                           ¦
¦ Modify Node Definitions      ===> N     Y-Yes, N-No                       ¦
¦ User Name                    ===> TIVOLI1                                 ¦
¦ Maintain Archive Collections ===>                                         ¦
¦ Path Name                    ===> \home\path\abc                          ¦
¦                                                                           ¦
¦            Enter EXPand PATH Command to Edit Long Path Name               ¦

The Storage site options are:

Allow Orphaned Files
User permission to delete an Archive Directory entry, when the associated Archive File is on a storage site. Specify:
Prevent a User from deleting an Archive Directory entry if the associated Archive File cannot be deleted from the storage site. Default.
Allow a User to delete an Archive Directory entry, even if the associated Archive File cannot be deleted from the storage site. Using this setting may cause Archive Files copied to a storage site to be "orphaned", that is, the Archive Directory entry is deleted and the Archive File on the storage site is inaccessible for Archive processing.
Recall Processing
Management of Archive Files that are recalled from a storage site in Archive processing (for example, browse or restore). Specify:
Allow user to set a User Option for recall of Archive Files.
Display an allocation panel when the Archive File is about to be recalled.
Recall an Archive File to the original location, with no user intervention.
Abort the request if the original Archive File is no longer on disk.

Centera Options

The following options apply to Centera networked storage systems only.

Modify Centera Pools
Setting for display of the Centera Pool Name List. A Centera Pool Name refers to a group of nodes that correspond to a Centera Server. Specify:
Do not display the Centera Pool Name List. Default.
Display the Centera Pool Name List pop-up, listing any existing Centera Pool Names and create or modify Centera Pool Names. When you close the Centera Pool Name List pop-up, the Modify Centera Pools setting reverts to N.
Minimum Retention
The period for which an Archive File is retained on the Centera Server before it can be deleted. Specify:
Use the default minimum retention period, based on your Centera configuration.
Protect an Archive File from deletion for a specified period. Once selected, you must specify a number of years, days, or a combination of both.
Keep an Archive File on Centera forever; the file cannot be deleted.
Do not use a minimum retention period. An Archive File can be deleted from Centera at any time.
Allow the user to determine the minimum retention period when the Archive File is created.
If User or Interval,
If Minimum Retention is I for Interval, Years and Days determine the minimum retention period. If Minimum Retention is U for User, Years and Days determine the maximum values the user can specify. The combined total of years and days must be greater than 0.
The number of years to protect an Archive File from deletion. Specify a number from 0 through 100.
The number of days to protect an Archive File from deletion. Specify a number from 0 through 18,300.

Tivoli Options

The following options only apply to Tivoli Storage Manager backup devices.

Modify Node Definitions
Setting to display the Tivoli Node List. Specify:
Do not display the Tivoli Node List. Default.
Display the Tivoli Node List pop-up, listing any existing Tivoli Node Names. When you close the Tivoli Node List pop-up, the Modify Node Definitions setting reverts to N.
User Name
The default user name for the Tivoli Node Definitions.
The default password for the Tivoli Node Definitions.
Path Name
The default path name for the Tivoli Node Definitions. If the path name is longer than 38 characters, you must use the EXP PATH command to open the Enter Path Definition panel, where you can specify the full path name.
Note: The User, Password, and Path Name are used only if that information is not entered for a specified Tivoli Node Name Entry. For more information, see Tivoli Node Entry.

Centera Pool Name List

Specifying Y for Modify Centera Pools displays the Centera Pool Name List pop-up.

Figure: Centera Pool Name List

       +---------------------Centera Pool Name List--------------------+
       ¦                                                               ¦
       ¦ Line Commands: I-Insert, D-Delete, S-Select, U-Update, P-Ping ¦
       ¦                                                               ¦
       ¦ Cmd  Pool Name         Description                            ¦
       ¦ ---  --------- ------------------------------                 ¦
       ¦ ___  CENT_R    Centera R (no Del/write) PEA                   ¦
       ¦ ___  SECOND    Centera R/W (no delete) PEA                    ¦
       ¦ ___  TEST      Test Pool                                      ¦
       ¦                                                               ¦
       ¦                                                               ¦
       ¦                                                               ¦
       ¦ Enter END or CANCEL command to return to prior panel          ¦

The Centera Pool Name List pop-up displays any available Centera Pool Names, and allows you to add, remove, or modify up to eight Pool Names. This list includes the following prompts:

Area for line commands. Valid line commands are:
Display the Centera Pool Name Entry pop-up to insert a new Centera Pool Name.
Delete an existing Centera Pool Name. If you delete a Centera Pool Name, you cannot recall any Archive Files saved to the Centera Server using that pool name.
Select an existing Centera Pool Name, displaying it in the Centera Pool Name Entry pop-up.
Update a Centera Pool Name. The Centera Pool Name Entry pop-up is displayed, allowing you to modify the Pool Name.
Ping the nodes in a Centera Pool to validate connections. The Process Status pop-up is displayed while the connections are validated. When the process is complete, the Centera Pool Node Report is displayed, indicating the connection results for each node and statistics for nodes with a successful connection.
Pool Name
The 1 to 8 character Centera Pool Name.
The 1 to 30 character description of the Centera Pool Name.

Centera Pool Name Entry

The Centera Pool Name Entry pop-up allows you to create or modify a Centera Pool Name.

Figure: Centera Pool Name Entry

 +-------------------------Centera Pool Name Entry-------------------------+
 ¦                                                                         ¦
 ¦ Pool Name          ===> FOPBOX                                          ¦
 ¦ Description        ===> Our Centera Box                                 ¦
 ¦ Authorization File ===> FOPEJG.CENTERA.PEA.FILES.RWDQEM                 ¦
 ¦                                                                         ¦
 ¦ Node List:                                                              ¦
 ¦                                                                         ¦
 ¦   ===>                                                      ¦
 ¦   ===>                                                      ¦
 ¦   ===>                                                      ¦
 ¦   ===>                                                                  ¦
 ¦   ===>                                                                  ¦
 ¦   ===>                                                                  ¦
 ¦   ===>                                                                  ¦
 ¦   ===>                                                                  ¦
 ¦                                                                         ¦
 ¦ Enter EXPand Primary Command to Edit Long Authorization File Names      ¦
 ¦ Enter END or CANCEL Command to Return to Previous Panel                 ¦

Specify the following:

Pool Name
The 1 to 8 character Pool Name.
A 1 to 30 character description for the Centera Pool Name.
Authorization File
If the site requires a PEA file for access to the Centera Server, enter the name of the Centera Pool Entry Authorization File.
Node List
The DNS names or IP addresses required to access the Centera Server. Enter each DNS name or IP address on a separate line following the prompts (===>) displayed under this heading, such as ===>

You can specify as many as eight DNS names or IP addresses.

Note: DNS Names or IP addresses are not validated.

After you have created or modified a Centera Pool Name entry, use END to save it and redisplay the Centera Pool Name List pop-up.

Centera Pool Node Report

After the P line command is entered from the Centera Pool Name List panel, the Centera Pool Node Report displays the connection results for each node in the specified pool and statistics for nodes with a successful connection.

Figure: Centera Pool Node Report

-------------------------- Centera Pool Node Report ---------------------------
 Command ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR
                                                               ROW 0    OF 31
********************************* Top of Data **********************************
Connection Test of Pool TEST Performed 2006-06-11-15.19.21

Node:          Connection Test: FAILED
                           No connection with any pool

Node:          Connection Test: PASSED
Pool Info Version:         2
Pool Capacity:             0x000004487C000000
Pool Freespace:            0x000005630B57E76F
Pool ClusterID:            cb06djjj2-1bb1-11h2-b9ac-e808djjed9e7
Pool Clustername:          Site
Pool Software Version:
Pool Replica Address:
Pool Buffer Size:          16384
Pool Timeout:              120000
Pool Failover:             1
Pool Collision Avoidance:  0
Pool Maxconnections:       100
Pool Retrycount:           6
Pool Retrysleep:           100
READ Capability:           true
WRITE Capability:          true
WRITE DUP Capability:      false
PURGE Capability:          true
DELETE Capability:         true
EXIST Capabilty:           true
CLIPNAME...Capability:     true
RETENTION Capability:      0
BLOBNAMING Capability:     MD5,MG
Client SDK Version:        3.1.477
******************************** Bottom of Data ********************************

Tivoli Node List

Specifying Y for Modify Node Definitions displays the Tivoli Node List.

Figure: Tivoli Node List

 +--------------------–---–Tivoli Node List---–-------------------+
 ¦                                                                ¦
 ¦ Line Commands: I-Insert, D-Delete, S-Select, U-Update, P-Ping  ¦
 ¦                                                                ¦
 ¦ Cmd    Name                      Description                   ¦
 ¦ ---  --------  ----------------------------------------------- ¦
 ¦ ___  TIVOLI1   Main Tivoli Server                              ¦
 ¦ ___  AIXTIV1   Aix Tivoli Server                               ¦
 ¦                                                                ¦
 ¦    Enter END or CANCEL command to return to previous panel     ¦

Specify the following:

The line commands area. Valid line commands are:
Insert a new Tivoli Node Name by displaying the Tivoli Node Entry pop-up.
Delete an existing Tivoli Node Name. If you delete a Tivoli Node Name, you cannot recall any Archive Files saved to the Tivoli Server using that node name.
Select an existing Tivoli Node Name, displaying it in the Tivoli Node Entry pop-up.
Update a Tivoli Node Name. The Tivoli Node Entry pop-up is displayed, allowing you to modify the Node Name.
Validate the connection. The Process Status pop-up is displayed while the connection is validated. When the process is complete, the Tivoli Node Report indicates the connection results.
The 1 to 64 character Tivoli Node Name. Only the first 8 characters of the name are displayed.
The 1 to 30 character description of the Tivoli Node Name.

Tivoli Node Entry

The Tivoli Node Entry pop-up allows you to create or modify a Tivoli Node Name.

Figure: Tivoli Node Entry

 +-------------------------Tivoli Node Entry------------------------+
 ¦                                                                  ¦
 ¦                                                                  ¦
 ¦             Primary Commands: EXPand NODE/PATH/OFILE/MFILE       ¦
 ¦                                                                  ¦
 ¦ Node Name    ===>                                                ¦
 ¦ Description  ===>                                                ¦
 ¦ User Name    ===>                                                ¦
 ¦ Password     ===>                                                ¦
 ¦ Path Name    ===>                                                ¦
 ¦ Option File  ===>                                                ¦
 ¦ Mgmt. File   ===>                                                ¦
 ¦ Filespace    ===>                                                ¦
 ¦ Mgmt. Class  ===>                                                ¦
 ¦                                                                  ¦
 ¦      Enter END or CANCEL command to return to previous panel     ¦

Specify the following:

Node Name
The 1 to 64 character Node Name. Use the EXPAND primary command to enter a long node name.
A 1 to 35 character description of the Tivoli Node Name. Optional.
User Name
The 1 to 35 character user name for the Tivoli Server.
The password associated with the User name.
Path Name
The fully-qualified path name for the Tivoli Server.
Option File
The fully-qualified path name for the Option File for the Tivoli Server.
Mgmt. File
The fully-qualified path name for the Management File for the Tivoli Server.
The name of the file space to be associated with the Archive Files saved to the Tivoli Server.
Mgmt. Class
The name of the management class object to be associated with Archive Files saved to the Tivoli Server.

When you have created or modified a Tivoli Node entry, use END to save it. The Tivoli Node List pop-up is redisplayed.

If the fully-qualified name for the path name, option file, and management file is longer than 46 characters, use the EXPand primary command with one of the following parameters:

Open the Enter Node Definition panel, allowing you to specify the 1- to 64 character Node Name.
Open the Enter Path Definition panel, allowing you to specify the fully-qualified path name for the Tivoli Server.
Open the Option File Definition panel, allowing you to specify the fully-qualified path name of the Option File for the Tivoli Server.
Open the Enter Management File Definition panel, allowing you to specify the fully-qualified path name of the Management File for the Tivoli Server.