Create a Jazz work item template from an MEC process element

About this task

You can create a Jazz work item template from an MEC process element.


  1. Select the Team Process Perspective. Select the Method configuration, and if applicable the Team, that defines the process that you have published or intend to publish.
  2. Click on a process element in the Team Process Navigator view. The process element can be a Delivery Process, Capability Pattern, or any sub-element in the breakdown structure of Delivery Process or Capability Pattern. It can also be from a MEC activity. Then right-click and select Create Jazz Work Item Template from the context menu.
  3. Select a project area available in your jazz repository connection. (If not connected, right click on the repository connection node to log in). See for more guidance.
  4. Set the Team Process Site context root to the URL to which your MEC process was published, or will be published. You can use a relative path if you deployed your MEC process to the Jazz server. Click Next.
  5. Enter the template id and template name.
  6. Choose from amongst the following generate settings:
    1. Create Jazz Work Items from planned tasks only from the WBS: this option allows you to fine tune which WBS activities and tasks are available as tasks in the work item template. If checked, only those WBS elements marked as “planned” are available. If not checked, all the elements in the WBS selection are available as tasks in the work item template.
    2. Add type prefix to Jazz work item summary: if checked, this option adds the type of the element (i.e. Activity or Task) as prefix to the work item summary text.
    3. Create Jazz work items for phases and iterations from the WBS: if checked, this option creates a task work item for each phase and iteration node (in addition to activity and task nodes) from the WBS. If not checked, only activities and tasks from the WBS selection become work items.
    4. List the task's steps in the description of the work item: if checked, this option adds the steps text to the work item description field. If not checked, only the brief description of the task is added to the work item.
  7. Click Finish.


A work item template corresponding to the selected breakdown structure is created in the Jazz project area.
