Installing IBM software onto IBM Cloud Private

You can install other IBM software onto IBM® Cloud Private to either extend the functionality of the IBM Cloud Private platform or add to the IBM Cloud Private Catalog.

There are two options for installing IBM software onto IBM Cloud Private:

  1. Adding IBM software to the IBM Cloud Private Catalog: You can use the CLI to manually install the IBM software and then load the Helm chart into the IBM Cloud Private Catalog.

  2. Installing IBM software onto the IBM Cloud Private platform: You can use the IBM Cloud Private installer to install and activate the IBM software immediately on the cluster.

You can obtain IBM software that can integrate with IBM Cloud Private through IBM Cloud Private bundles, IBM Solution Paks, and IBM Cloud Paks. Each IBM Cloud Private bundle and IBM Solution Pak contains different entitled software that you download from IBM Passport Advantage. The list of add-ons that are available on Passport Advantage changes frequently, as new ones are added. For more information, see IBM Cloud Private bundles, Identifying IBM Solution Paks, and Identifying IBM Cloud Paks.

Required user type or access level: Cluster administrator or team administrator

Adding IBM software to the IBM Cloud Private Catalog

You must manually install the Helm charts for other products that can integrate with IBM® Cloud Private.

Before you load a chart, complete the following prerequisites:

To install IBM software and load a Helm chart into the Catalog:

  1. Download the compressed file from IBM Passport Advantage® Opens in a new tab.
  2. Ensure that you have enough disk space to load the images in the compressed files to your computer.

    1. Check the Docker disk usage by running the following command:

      docker system df

      For more command options, see docker system df Opens in a new tab in the Docker documentation.

    2. If you need more disk space, perform one of the following actions:
      • Remove the old Docker images.
      • Increase the amount of storage that the Docker daemon uses. To increase the amount of storage that the Docker daemon uses, see the entry for dm.basesize in the dockerd Opens in a new tab Docker documentation.
  3. Log in to your cluster from the IBM Cloud Private CLI and log in to the Docker private image registry:

    cloudctl login -a https://<Cluster Master Host>:<Cluster Master API Port> --skip-ssl-validation
    docker login <cluster_CA_domain>:8500

    The <Cluster Master Host>:<Cluster Master API Port> is defined in Master endpoint. The cluster_CA_domain is the certificate authority (CA) domain. If you did not specify a CA domain, the default value is mycluster.icp. See Specifying your own certificate authority (CA) for IBM Cloud Private services.

  4. Install the file from Passport Advantage:

    • For either Linux or Windows run the following command:

      cloudctl catalog load-archive --archive <compressed_file_name> --username user --password pass --registry mycluster.icp:8500/namespace

      The compressed_file_name parameter is the name of the file that you downloaded from Passport Advantage, --registry is the registry where the Docker image is pushed to, and namespace is the Docker namespace that hosts the Docker image.

    • For macOS:

      cloudctl catalog load-archive --archive <compressed_file_name> --username user --password pass --registry mycluster.icp:8500/namespace

    Note: The --registry parameter is not required. If the --registry parameter is not specified, images are uploaded to the registry associated with the default cluster CA domain and the current targeted namespace.

  5. View the charts in the IBM Cloud Private Catalog:

    From the IBM Cloud Private management console, click Catalog. The new Helm charts load into the Catalog, and you can install them into your cluster.

    Note: You can load the Helm charts by using only the Catalog. You cannot load the charts by using the Helm CLI.

Installing IBM software onto the IBM Cloud Private platform

You can use the IBM Cloud Private installer to install and activate the IBM software immediately on the cluster.

Before you begin, you must have an installed IBM Cloud Private or IBM Cloud Private-CE cluster that is version 3.1.2 or later.

To install IBM software onto IBM Cloud Private:

  1. Download the compressed file from IBM Passport Advantage® Opens in a new tab.

  2. Optional: Prepare the archive dependency yaml resource file.

  3. Optional: Create a directory called resources in your cluster directory and put the yaml resource file under it.

     mkdir -p cluster/resources
     mv your-resource.yaml cluster/resources/
  4. Create a directory called addon in your cluster directory by running the following command:

     mkdir -p cluster/addon
  5. Move the archive package to the directory that you just created. For example:

     mv software-version.tgz cluster/addon/
  6. Update the cluster/config.yaml file by adding the following content. For example:

         namespace: default
         repo: local-charts
         path: addon/software-version.tgz
           - name: software
               name: software-service

    The following list describes the content in the example:

    • namespace: The namespace where you want to upload IBM Passport Advantage images and install your IBM Passport Advantage charts.
    • repo: The Helm repo where you want to upload the IBM Passport Advantage charts. This can be either local-charts or mgmt-charts.
    • path: The IBM Passport Advantage package path relative to the cluster directory.
    • charts: A list of charts that you want to install. If no charts are listed, no chart is installed.
    • charts[].name: The Passport Advantage chart that is installed with the installation of IBM Cloud Private.
    • charts[].values: The customized values of the IBM Passport Advantage chart.
  7. Run the IBM Cloud Private installation command. The installer uploads the specified charts and images to the Helm repository and registry.