Using IBM Cloud Private database services in IBM Cloud Private Cloud Foundry

When you register the service broker in IBM® Cloud Private Cloud Foundry, the service catalog becomes available for consumption.

After the service broker for database is deployed in IBM® Cloud Private, you can register the service broker in IBM Cloud Private Cloud Foundry to import the service broker's catalog into IBM Cloud Private Cloud Foundry and provision and bind service instances from IBM Cloud Private Cloud Foundry.

Before you begin You must implement the Open Service Broker (OSB) database in IBM Cloud Private. For information about implementing OSB, see Implementing Open Service Broker (OSB) database in IBM Cloud Private.

Complete the following steps to set up IBM Cloud Private database services in IBM Cloud Private Cloud Foundry:

  1. Use the IBM Cloud Private Cloud Foundry CLI to log in to IBM Cloud Private Cloud Foundry. Run the following command to register the service broker. <external-nodeport> is the external port number that you obtained when exposing service broker for external access from IBM Cloud Private.

    $ cf create-service-broker <your-broker-name> admin password https://<ICPExternalClusterIP>:<external-nodeport>
  2. List services. This lists available services and their access permission.

    $ cf service-access
  3. Grant access to the services by using this command.

    $ cf enable-service-access <service-name>
  4. Run the following command to view a list of enabled services.

    $ cf marketplace