Release notes for IBM Rational Test Automation Server V10.0.2

Read about new features, system requirements, installation, known problems, and support for IBM® Rational® Test Automation Server.


Rational Test Automation Server is a server component that includes capabilities such as project and role-based security, Docker-based distribution and installation, and running of test cases. For more information about the server, see Overview.

What's new in Rational Test Automation Server V10.0.2

  • Test runs
    • You can now start and stop an IBM WebSphere® MQ stub from Rational Test Automation Server. For details, see Starting or stopping stubs.
    • You can set up dedicated external Docker hosts to run large tests or run tests remotely to free up the dependency of running tests on the internal Docker host of Rational Test Automation Server. For details, see Managing Docker hosts.
    • You can configure the timeout, capture results, and enable execution of the "finally-block" code when you want to stop a running test asset. For details, see Configuring and running a test.
    • In the Execute test asset dialog box, you can now select the dataset that is stored as an excel file in the Git repository to override the original dataset. For details, see Running tests.
    • You can set up agents on remote workstations to run large performance tests from Rational Test Automation Server. For details, see Adding an agent to the project for running tests.
    • From Rational Test Automation Server, you can now configure the timeout details when you want to stop a running API suite. For details, see Stopping a test run.
  • Test run status

    You can now update the view of test assets on the Progress page to show only the assets that are running or scheduled to run. For details, see Viewing the progress of running test assets.

  • Resource monitoring

    You can monitor the performance of Docker hosts sources now. Counters are selected to collect data and check performance statistics of a Docker host during a test schedule run. Data collected uses the Docker stats command, which returns a live data stream for containers that are running. Thus, the performance of each resource such as the CPU, the memory usage, the network and block input/output, and number of processes can be easily analyzed. For details, see Monitoring system resources.

  • Projects
    • You can now delete a project. This action deletes the project and all of its test assets and results. This action also frees up disk space and the name of the project so that you can use that name again. The Git repository associated with the project is not deleted. For details, see Deleting server projects.
    • The access control list for a secrets collection is enhanced to grant or revoke access to all members in a project with a specific role. Also, members with access to the secrets collection can add other members or all members with a specific role. For details, see Protecting API test assets by using secrets.
  • Integrations

    Now, you can integrate Jenkins with Rational Test Automation Server to run the tests on a Jenkins server. See Integrating with Jenkins.

System requirements

For system requirements specific to this release of Rational Test Automation Server, see Software Product Compatibility Reports.

Installing Rational Test Automation Server

For instructions about installing the software, see Installing the software on Windows or Installing the software on Linux.

Note: You cannot upgrade to the latest version of Rational Test Automation Server. You must uninstall the existing version and install the latest version of Rational Test Automation Server.

Known problems

Known problems are documented in the download document for each product and in the form of individual technotes in the Support Knowledge Base:

Table 1. Download documents and technotes
Product Download document Knowledge base
Rational Test Automation Server

The knowledge base is continually updated as problems are discovered and resolved. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.

Contacting IBM support

IBM support provides you with technical assistance.

For contact information and guidelines or reference materials that you will need when you require support, read the IBM Software Support Handbook. For personalized support, including notifications of significant upgrades, register at IBM support.

For Rational software product news, events, and other information, visit the IBM Marketplace.

Before you contact IBM Support, gather the background information that you will need to describe your problem. When describing a problem to an IBM support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions:
  • What software versions were you running when the problem occurred? For more information, see Accessing the installed software version information.
  • Do you have logs, traces, or messages that are related to the problem?
  • Can you reproduce the problem? If so, what steps do you take to reproduce it?
  • Is there a workaround for the problem? If so, be prepared to describe the workaround.
