z/OS UNIX directory structure

Figure 1. z/OS UNIX directory structure
z/OS Unix directory structure

Figure 1 shows an overview of the z/OS® UNIX directories used by z/OS Explorer. The following list describes each directory touched by z/OS Explorer, how the location can be changed, and who maintains the data within.

  • /usr/lpp/IBM/zexpl is the root path for the z/OS Explorer product code. The actual location is specified in the RSED started task (variable HOME). The files within are maintained by SMP/E.
  • /etc/zexpl/ holds the RSE and miner-related configuration files. The actual location is specified in the RSED started task (variable CNFG). The files within are maintained by the system programmer.
  • /tmp/ is used by ISPF Gateway and various miners to store temporary data. Some IVPs store their output here. The files within are maintained by ISPF, the miners, and the IVPs. The location can be customized with the TMPDIR variable in rse.env. It is also the default location for Java™ dump files, which can be customized with the _CEE_DUMPTARG variable in rse.env.
    Note: /tmp/ requires permission bit mask 777 to allow each client to create temporary files.
  • /var/zexpl/WORKAREA/ is used by ISPF Gateway to transfer data between z/OS UNIX and MVS™ based address spaces. The actual location is specified in rse.env (variable CGI_ISPWORK). The files within are maintained by ISPF.
    Note: /var/zexpl/WORKAREA/ requires permission bit mask 777 to allow each client to create temporary files.
  • /var/zexpl/logs/server/ holds the logs of RSE daemon and RSE thread pool servers. The actual location is specified in rse.env (variable daemon.log). The files within are maintained by RSE.
  • /var/zexpl/logs/$LOGNAME/ holds the user-specific logs of the RSE server and miners. The actual location is specified in rse.env (variable user.log and DSTORE_LOG_DIRECTORY). The files within are maintained by RSE and the miners.
    Note: /var/zexpl/logs/ requires permission bit mask 777 to allow each client to create his $LOGNAME directory and store the user-specific log files.
  • /var/zexpl/pushtoclient/ holds client configuration files, client product update information that is pushed to the client upon connection to the host. The actual location is specified in pushtoclient.properties (variable pushtoclient.folder). The files within are maintained by a z/OS Explorer client administrator.
  • /var/zexpl/pushtoclient/grouping/ holds group-specific client configuration files, client product update information that is pushed to the client upon connection to the host. The actual location is specified in pushtoclient.properties (variable pushtoclient.folder). The files within are maintained by a z/OS Explorer client administrator.
  • /var/zexpl/pushtoclient/install/ holds configuration files used to update the client product version upon connection to the host. The actual location is specified in /var/zexpl/pushtoclient/keymapping.xml, which is created and maintained by a z/OS Explorer client administrator. The files within are maintained by a client administrator.
  • /var/zexpl/pushtoclient/install/responsefiles/ holds configuration files used to update the client product version upon connection to the host. The actual location is specified in /var/zexpl/pushtoclient/keymapping.xml, which is created and maintained by a z/OS Explorer client administrator. The files within are maintained by a client administrator.