Performing EWM actions from within Rhapsody

For model elements that are saved as separate units, you can perform a number of Engineering Workflow Management actions directly from the pop-up menu for the item in the model browser.

Installing the plug-in for direct integration

  1. Open Engineering Workflow Management and select Help > Install New Software.
  2. On the Available Software page, click Add.
  3. On the Add Repository page, click Local to display the directories on your computer.
  4. In the folder where Rhapsody® is installed, there is a folder that is called EWMIntegration. This folder contains a folder that is named EWMEclipseClient32bitPlugins and a folder named EWMEclipseClient64bitPlugins. Select the folder that corresponds to the version of Engineering Workflow Management that you installed - 32-bit or 64-bit.
  5. Click OK.
  6. On the Available Software page, expand IBM Rhapsody Tools.
  7. Select the IBM Rhapsody integration for Engineering Workflow Management plug-in, and click Next.
  8. On the Install Details page, select Next.
  9. On the Review License page, accept the terms of the license agreement and click Finish.
  10. When the installation has finished, restart Engineering Workflow Management.

Setting the Engineering Workflow Management integration properties

  1. Set the property ConfigurationManagement::General::CMTool to EngineeringWorkflowManagement.
  2. Verify that the property ConfigurationManagement::EngineeringWorkflowManagement::ShowCMStatus is set to True.

Troubleshooting the integration with Engineering Workflow Management

If Rhapsody does not seem to be communicating with the integration plugin for Engineering Workflow Management, try the following steps.

  1. Check for relevant messages in the Error Log view in Engineering Workflow Management.
  2. If you upgraded to a newer release of Rhapsody, make sure that you installed the plugins that are included with the new release.
  3. Verify that you installed the correct version of the plugins - 32-bit or 64-bit. Keep in mind that the plugin must match the Engineering Workflow Management client in terms of 32-bit or 64-bit. The version of Rhapsody that you are running (32-bit or 64-bit) is not relevant.
  4. Relaunch Engineering Workflow Management using the -clean option. This should resolve any cache-related issues.

Engineering Workflow Management actions available in the pop-up menu

Once you have installed the plug-in and set the necessary properties, the following options are displayed in the pop-up menu for elements in the browser that have been saved as separate units and for controlled files. These options can be found in the Unit submenu.

  • Save
  • Save and Check-in
  • Check-in
  • Deliver
  • Check-in and Deliver
  • Associate Work Item (available only in projects that are enabled for Rhapsody Model Manager)
  • Associate Change Request (available only in projects that are enabled for Rhapsody Model Manager)
  • Lock
  • Unlock
  • Locate in Pending Changes
  • Locate in Repository Files
  • Show History

In addition, the following options are found under the Unit with descendants option in the pop-up menu:

  • Accept Incoming Change Sets
  • Refresh EWM Status
Note: Rhapsody does not deliver and accept change sets that are contained in an outgoing or incoming baseline. You need to manually deliver and accept either the baseline itself or individual change sets contained in the baseline from EWM.

Performing actions on unit and its descendants

If you want to carry-out an Engineering Workflow Management action on a unit and all of its descendants that are defined as units, click the Unit with descendants option in the pop-up menu, and select the relevant action from the submenu.

Note: When performing actions on many units, there is the possibility of a large number of individual actions failing. In such cases, Rhapsody displays by default only a subset of the individual error messages. The number of individual messages that are displayed can be changed by modifying the value of the MAX_REPORTED_FAILED_OPERATIONS setting in the rhapsody.ini file.

Locking and unlocking files

When using the integration with Engineering Workflow Management:

  • If you select the Lock option from the pop-up menu for a unit, the status of the underlying file will be changed to read/write.
  • If you use the Unit Information window in Rhapsody to change a read-only unit to read/write, the file for the unit will be locked in Engineering Workflow Management.
  • If you select the Unlock option from the pop-up menu for a unit, the status of the underlying file will be changed to read-only.
  • If you use the Unit Information window in Rhapsody to change a unit to read-only, the file for the unit will be unlocked in Engineering Workflow Management.

The linkage between the Lock/Unlock status and the file system status is controlled by the property ConfigurationManagement::EngineeringWorkflowManagement::UnitLockIfReadWrite. The default value of this property is True. If you change the value of this property to False, selecting Lock or Unlock does not affect the status of the file in the file system. Similarly, changing the status of the file to read/write or read-only does not affect the Lock/Unlock status in Engineering Workflow Management.

By default, the setting of the unit to read/write is not dependent upon the successful locking of the file in Engineering Workflow Management. If you want to bind these two actions such that the write status of the unit will not be changed if the lock attempt was unsuccessful, set the value of the property UnitLockIfReadWritePolicy to WaitForLock.

Engineering Workflow Management status icons

If you set the value of the property ShowCMStatus to True, then elements that were saved as separate units (and controlled files) will have their statuses reflected in the model browser, based on combinations of icons that represent the following statuses:

  • Icon for locked by meLocked by me
  • Icon for locked by someone elseLocked by someone else
  • Icon for outgoingOutgoing
  • Icon for incoming changes availableIncoming changes available
  • Icon for conflicts with incoming changesConflicts with incoming
  • Icon for requires merge with incomingRequires merge with incoming
  • Icon for in-syncIn-sync
  • Icon for unresolvedUnresolved
  • Icon for status could not be retrievedStatus could not be retrieved

By default, these status indications are propagated upward to the parent unit and onward up to the project level. So if a package contains a class with incoming changes, the icon of the package also has the incoming arrow added to it.

If you want to change this behavior so that the CM status is displayed only on the unit itself, set the value of the property ShowCMStatusOfSubUnits to False. If you use the Undo option that is provided by Engineering Workflow Management in order to undo changes you have made to a Rhapsody unit, you will not receive a notification in Rhapsody that the file on disk no longer matches the element. To make sure that the information that is displayed is consistent with the saved file after using the Undo option in Engineering Workflow Management, unload the unit in Rhapsody and reload it.

Note: In the Engineering Workflow Management eclipse client Pending Changes view, if the model elements are contained in change sets under an unexpanded baseline, the incoming or outgoing icon decorators do not show in the explorer view. When the baseline is manually expanded, the set of change sets contained in that baseline are known to both the Rhapsody client and Engineering Workflow Management eclipse client and the incoming or outgoing icon decorators appears as appropriate.

Automatic check-in and delivery of changes to model

When using the direct integration with Engineering Workflow Management, you can choose to have your model changes automatically checked-in to Engineering Workflow Management when you save the model. You also have the option of having model changes automatically checked-in and delivered when the changes are saved.

The property ConfigurationManagement::EngineeringWorkflowManagement::UnitAutomaticOperationOnSave determines what Engineering Workflow Management actions are performed automatically when changes are saved. The property can be set to the following values:

  • None
  • CheckIn
  • CheckInAndDeliver

If UnitAutomaticOperationOnSave is set to CheckIn or CheckInAndDeliver, you can customize the check-in comment that is used by modifying the value of the property ConfigurationManagement::EngineeringWorkflowManagement::UnitAutomaticChangeSetComment.

Note: If the delivered changes to the model elements are not available in the RMM web client, verify that the Deliver configuration and its follow-up action is set for the project area on the EWM server. For more information, see the Verifying model elements delivered through Rhapsody section of the Check-in and deliver model changes to EWM topic.

Associating change sets with work items when using automatic check-in

If you configured Rhapsody to automatically check-in changes to Engineering Workflow Management when they are saved in the model (using the property UnitAutomaticOperationOnSave), you can use the property AssociateWorkItemOnCheckIn (under ConfigurationManagement::EngineeringWorkflowManagement) to have change sets associated with a work item.

Set the value of the property to CurrentWorkItem to have change sets associated with the work item that is set as "current" in Engineering Workflow Management.

To have change sets associated with a specific work item, set the value of the property AssociateWorkItemOnCheckIn to AssociateWorkItemURL, and use the property AssociateWorkItemURL (under ConfigurationManagement::EngineeringWorkflowManagement) to specify the URL of the work item to use. If you want to associate change sets with more than one work item, the value of the property AssociateWorkItemURL should be a comma-separated list of URLs.

Note: For projects that are enabled for Rhapsody Model Manager, you can also use the Associate Work Item... and Associate Change Request... options that are included in the pop-up menu (in the Unit submenu).

Renaming units

If you configured Rhapsody to use the integration with Engineering Workflow Management (using the CMTool property), then when you rename a model element that is a unit, the file that represents the unit is also renamed. You can modify this behavior by changing the value of the property RenameActivation.

Increasing the amount of memory allocated to Engineering Workflow Management

If you are working with a very large model while using the integration with Engineering Workflow Management, you may encounter "out of memory" messages. To avoid such memory issues, try to increase the amount of memory that is allocated to Engineering Workflow Management by changing the value of the Xmx parameter in the eclipse.ini file in the root directory of your Engineering Workflow Management client installation.