Apply PTFs from the Internet

This section describes the steps that are required to prepare the system, if you downloaded the PTFs from the Internet. The shipment you received consists of the following files:
  • a readme file
  • the PTF cover letter
  • the PTF file
The readme and cover letter files are plain text and you can read them without transferring the files to your VSE system first. The PTF file includes all the PTFs ordered, and it must be transferred to the VSE system in binary mode. The PTF file might be compressed by the ZIP facility, and therefore you must first decompress it before you can transfer it to your VSE system.

Transferring the PTF file to the VSE system can be done in different ways. It is recommended to transfer it to a VSAM file called IJSYSPF, which is defined on the VSE system and used by the PTF application dialog (since VSE/ESA 2.4 or later). For older VSE systems, a tape is required as application medium. In this case, you need a VSE library as intermediate storage.

You can use the PTF file residing on a remote system (for example, a PC) by using a virtual tape. See Applying PTFs for more details. This avoids transferring it to the VSE system. The zipped PTF file must be extracted and the resulting file SHIPTFS.BIN should be stored as yourname.PTF on the PC or a Linux on IBMZ® server.