CICS environment variables

Table 1. CICS environment variables
Variable Description
CCFLAGS For CICS on Open Systems platforms, it sets compile and link options. For Windows this specifies the compile and link options for the C compiler.
CICSCOL Specifies the name of the default color mapping file that is to be used by the cicslterm command.
CICS_CSMT_BACKUP_DISABLE Disables the backing up of CSMT.out to CSMT.out.timestamp during region startup.
CICSDB2CONF_BIND_UR Specifies whether CICS can perform no lock from a DB2 database. That is, whether CICS can read images of database rows that are locked for update. To enable no lock, set the value of this environment variable to 1.
CICSDB2CONF_CONNECT_USER Specifies the DB2® UDB user ID for use by the cicsddt, cicsivp, and cicsdb2conf commands.
CICSDB2CONF_CONNECT_USING Specifies the DB2 UDB password for use by the cicsddt, cicsivp, and cicsdb2conf commands.
CICSDB2PASSWORD Specifies the DB2 UDB password for use by the command cicsdb2conf.
CICSDEBUGENV Specifies the location of the file that contains default values for the IBM Application Debugging Program.
CICS_COMIP_TIMEOUT Specifies the retry timeout, in seconds, for intersystem request between regions communicating over cics_tcp. This value specifies how much time the region initiating the intersystem request must spend on retry attempts to establish communication with the remote region, before throwing a communication failure message. The default value is 31 seconds.

To set CICS_COMIP_TIMEOUT, enter an entry in environment file for the region. For example, add the entry CICS_COMIP_TIMEOUT = 20 to the environment file to set the timeout to 20 seconds.

CICS_DISABLE_TASK_PRIV_STATS Disables Task Private statistics. This helps to minimize the performance impact when more Task Private pool utilization is there using GETMAIN and FREEMAIN APIs.
CICS_DONT_TERMINATE_AS_ON_ASRA When set, it will not terminate the application server process (cicsas) upon ASRA or ASRB abends.
CICS_DUMP_ON_A583 To enable transaction dump on A583 abend, set this environment variable to 1 in region's environment file.
CICS_DUMP_STORAGE_CHAIN (CICS® for Windows) On the Windows platform, set this variable equal to t:TranID f:FileName to allow the diagnostic data to be sent to a different file from the file to which the memory dump is sent.
CICS_HANDLE_HIGHVALUE=1 To specify for CICS Telnet deamon process (cicsteld) to display of COBOL application figurative constant High value 0xFF as space on TN3270 terminals. The variable must specify as CICS_HANDLE_HIGHVALUE=1 on cicsteld script file which starts cicsteld daemon.
CICS_HANDLE_TERMIDERR Specify this environment variable, if you want handle the TRMIDERR error when TXSeries Terminal Owning Region (TOR) issues EXEC CICS START API command for a function shipping request to AOR region.
CICS_AS_STARTUP_PROG To specify a TXSeries C program module to be executed before running any transaction on newly started application server. You must specify the path of absolute module and modules must be compiled as TXSeries C programming language module.
For example,

To specify a TXSeries C program module to be executed before terminating an application server. You must specify absolute path of module and modules must be compiled as TXSeries C programming language module.

For example,
CICS_ANIMATOR_TIMEOUT Controls the time that is taken for a Micro Focus COBOLprogram to attach to Animator. A value of -1 is to wait indefinitely; a value of 0 (zero) means no wait. See the CICS Application Programming Guide for more information about Animator.
CICSEXTERNALTRACE Causes CICS clients and offline utilities to write to an external (operating system) event performance trace facility if set to a value other than null.
CICS_FTOD_FILETYPE_BINARY (CICS for Windows) Controls how files are read when using the cicsddt ftod command. If set, it causes files to be read in binary mode instead of ASCII text mode (the default). Control characters are read as data.
CICS_KEEPONDELETINGCONNECTION If set, causes an application server to wait until a connection is deleted.
CICSKEY Specifies the name of the default key mapping file that the cicslterm command is to use.
CICS_NO_SPI This variable allows the automatic SPI generation to be turned off for the region. SPI is short for a debugging utility named Show Procedure Information (Show Proc Info) when run will produce stack dumps of all procedures being executed at a time. This environment variable can be used to control this automatic processing. To disable the automatic SPI, set CICS_NO_SPI=1.
CICSPATH Specifies the root directory for the CICS product. For AIX®, the default value is /usr/lpp/cics. For Linux®, the default value is /opt/ibm/cics. For Windows, the default value is d:\opt\cics. This environment variable is set in the installation process, and must not be changed.
CICS_PROGRAM_PATH Specifies the user-defined path for program search when a program is being loaded. This environment variable is used:
  • When a program is not found
  • When you are using an absolute path, a relative path in the region directory, or a filename in the region or bin directories

The path name entry in a program definition of the program that is to be loaded from this path must not include any directory information (for example, strings that contain any slash characters (/) on Open Systems, or backslash characters (\) on Windows systems).

This environment variable supports the standard operating-system behavior for paths. Therefore, on Windows platforms, the paths are delimited with a semicolon (;), and on Open Systems platforms, they are delimited with a colon (:).

CICSREGION Sets the default working region.
CICS_SUPPRESS_BAD_USER If set, suppresses message ERZ045006W ("User identity 'userID' is not defined in this region. PUBLIC access granted.") from printing out in the CSMT.out file.
CICSLTERM If set in the current environment, CICSLTERM is used instead of TERM.
CICSTRACE Can be used to set or to override trace-related RD stanzas. Format mimics a command line, allowing any number of stanzas to be set.
CICS_BROWSE_CACHE Specifies the number of 4 KB pages that are required for the browse cache.
CICS_CST_HTML Specifies path name of the directory in which the HTML help files for the CICS-supplied transactions can be found.
CICS_IBMC_FLAGS For Windows, this specifies user-defined flags that are to be passed to the compile and link stages by the cicstcl command when using the IBM® C++ compiler to compile a C program.
CICS_IBMCOB_FLAGS Specifies user-defined flags that are to be passed to the compile and link stages by the cicstcl command when using the IBM COBOL compiler to compile a COBOL program.
CICS_IBMPLI_FLAGS Specifies user-defined flags that are to be passed to the compile and link stages by the cicstcl command when using the IBM PL/I compiler to compile a PL/I program.
CICS_MSC_FLAGS For Windows only, this specifies user-defined flags that are to be passed to the compile and link stages by the cicstcl command when using the Microsoft C++ compiler to compile a C program.
CICS_PPC_GWY_SERVER Specifies the path name (either fully qualified or relative) of a Peer-to-Peer Communications (PPC) Gateway server. When executing a ppcadmin command, this variable identifies the PPC Gateway server to use when the command's -server option is not specified.

To set CICS_PPC_GWY_SERVER in a Korn shell, specify the path name for the appropriate PPC Gateway server (for example, /.:/branch1/server/gwy1) as follows:

export CICS_PPC_GWY_SERVER=/.:/branch1/server/gwy1
CICS_PPC_ALLOCATE_TIMEOUT Specifies how long the Peer-to-Peer Communications (PPC) Gateway or PPC Executive process waits for an allocate request to complete the connection. The timeout value is specified in seconds; 300 seconds is the default value. The CICS_PPC_ALLOCATE_TIMEOUT variable must be set before you start the PPC Gateway.

To set CICS_PPC_ALLOCATE_TIMEOUT in a Korn shell, specify the appropriate timeout value (for example, 400) as follows:

CICS_PPC_REFRESH_INTERVAL Specifies the frequency with which the PPC cache is refreshed. The default value of this variable is 150 seconds.
To set CICS_PPC_REFRESH_INTERVAL in a Korn shell, specify the interval in seconds (for example, 100 seconds) as follows:
CICS_PPC_REFRESH_MAX_IDLE_COUNT Specifies the number of times the PPC cache can be refreshed before any unused (or idle) entry is considered inactive and is deleted from the cache. The default value is 4 iterations; if an entry is unused after four cache refreshes, the entry is removed from the cache.
To set CICS_PPC_REFRESH_MAX_IDLE_COUNT in a Korn shell, specify the number of iterations (for example, 5) as follows:
CICS_PPCGWY_SERVER Specifies the name of a PPC gateway server. Used by cicsppcgwy command if the server name is not supplied with the command.
CICS_PPCGWY_SIZE Specifies the size (in MB) of the PPC gateway logical volume.
CICS_PPCGWY_VG Specifies the logical volume group for the PPC gateway logical volume.
CICS_TK_SFS_SERVER Sets the default SFS server used by CICS sfsadmin command
CICS_SCHEMA Sets the default working schema file.
CICS_SFS_DATA_SIZE Specifies the size (in MB) of the data logical volume for the SFS. This overrides the environment variable CICS_SFS_SIZE.
CICS_SFS_DATA_VG For Open systems, this specifies the logical volume group for, and for Window, the location of, the data logical volume for the SFS. This overrides the environment variable CICS_SFS_VG.
CICS_SFS_EXTFH Specifies the path name of a Structured File Server (SFS) server used by the COBOL External File Handler (EXTFH).

To set CICS_SFS_EXTFH in a Korn shell, specify the path name for the appropriate SFS server (for example, /.:/branch1/server/sfs2) as follows:

export CICS_SFS_EXTFH /.:/branch1/server/sfs2
CICS_SFS_EXTFH_AUTO_FLUSH Controls the setting of the operational force flag that the Structured File Server (SFS) uses when opening an SFS file by way of the COBOL External File Handler (EXTFH). Operational force applies only when accessing an SFS file nontransactionally. If operational force is enabled, changes to SFS data must be committed to disk before the operation can complete. If operational force is disabled, changes to SFS data are written to disk when necessary (lazily).

Setting the variable to 0 disables operational force; any other value enables operational force. If this variable is not set, it defaults to 0.

To set CICS_SFS_EXTFH_AUTO_FLUSH in a Korn shell, specify the appropriate value for the use of operational force (for example, 1 to enable operational force) as follows:

CICS_SFS_EXTFH_CACHE Specifies the size of the read and insert cache, in pages (a page is 4 KB), used by the Structured File Server (SFS) by way of the COBOL External File Handler (EXTFH). If this variable is not set, caching is disabled.

Use one of the following formats to set the value of this environment variable:


The parameters are defined as follows:

  • read_and_insert_cache_size specifies the size of both the read and insert caches in pages. Setting this value to 0 (zero) disables read and insert caching.
  • read_cache_size specifies the size of the read cache in pages. Setting this value to 0 (zero) disables read caching.
  • insert_cache_size specifies the size of the insert cache in pages. Setting this value to 0 (zero) disables insert caching.
  • flag specifies one or more caching restrictions to be relaxed. For a listing of these flags, see the reference page for the sfs_InitializeCache function. When specifying a flag, omit the SFS_CACHE_ prefix. For example, to specify the SFS_CACHE_ALLOW_DIRTY_READS flag, use ALLOW_DIRTY_READS.

To set CICS_SFS_EXTFH_CACHE in a Korn shell, specify the appropriate cache sizes (for example, 0 to disable the read cache, and 64 pages for the insert cache) followed by any flags (for example, ALLOW_DIRTY_READS) as follows:

CICS_SFS_EXTFH_DUP_DETECTION Specifies whether duplicate detection is enabled for Structured File Server (SFS) operations initiated by way of the COBOL External File Handler (EXTFH). Setting the variable to NONE disables duplicate detection; setting the variable to ALL enables duplicate detection. If this variable is not set, it defaults to ALL unless caching is enabled (see the CICS_SFS_EXTFH_CACHE variable), in which case the default is NONE.

To set CICS_SFS_EXTFH_DUP_DETECTION in a Korn shell, specify the appropriate value for duplicate detection in a file (for example, NONE) as follows:

CICS_SFS_EXTFH_OP_TIMEOUT Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for Structured File Server (SFS) operations initiated by way of the COBOL External File Handler (EXTFH). The operation timeout speCICS_SFS_EXTFH_OP_TIMEOUTcifies how long an application is willing to wait for an SFS operation to complete. If this variable is not set, it defaults to 60 seconds.

To set in a Korn shell, specify the appropriate number of seconds for an operation timeout (for example, 120) as follows:

CICS_SFS_EXTFH_OPEN_TIMEOUT Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for Structured File Server (SFS) open file operations initiated by way of the COBOL External File Handler (EXTFH). The open timeout specifies how long an application is willing to wait for an SFS open file operation to complete. If this variable is not set, it defaults to 60 seconds.

To set CICS_SFS_EXTFH_OPEN_TIMEOUT in a Korn shell, specify the appropriate number of seconds for an open timeout (for example, 120) as follows:

CICS_SFS_EXTFH_VOL Specifies the name of the Structured File Server (SFS) data volume used by the COBOL External File Handler (EXTFH).

To set CICS_SFS_EXTFH_VOL in a Korn shell, specify the name of the appropriate SFS logical volume (for example, sfsVol1) as follows:

export CICS_SFS_EXTFH_VOL sfsVol1
CICS_SFS_LOG_SIZE Specifies the size (in MB) of the log logical volume for the SFS. This overrides the environment variable CICS_SFS_SIZE.
CICS_SFS_LOG_VG For Open Systems, this specifies the logical volume group for, and for Windows, the location of, the log logical volume for the SFS. This overrides the environment variable CICS_SFS_VG.
CICS_SFS_LOGICAL_PARTITION_SIZE Specifies the size (in MB) of the logical partition. This environment variable provides the flexibility to set size to the physical partition size for the physical volume used. Set CICS_SFS_LOGICAL_PARTITION_SIZE in the shell before creating the SFS. Specify the size in MB, of the physical partition size. The default size of the logical partition is 4MB.
CICS_SFS_SERVER Sets the default working SFS. This overrides the environment variable CICS_TK_SFS_SERVER.
CICS_SFS_SIZE Specifies the sizes (in MB) of the data and the log logical volumes for the SFS.
CICS_SFS_VG For Open Systems, this specifies the logical volume group for, and for Windows, the location of, the data and the log logical volumes for the SFS.
CICS_SUPPRESS_BAD_USER Prevents the warning about a Bad Userid from appearing in the CSMT.out file.
CICS_SUPPRESS_XAOPEN_STRING Prevents the XA OPEN string from printing in the CICS console file when a region attempts to connect to an XA-compliant database.
CICS_SWALK_OFF Specifies to disable traceback file generation of CICS process when it receives an exception (an asynchronous signal). To enable CICS_SWALK_OFF, set the value of CICS_SWALK_OFF environment variable to 1 in the region's environment file. You must use it when you have to disable traceback file generation due to process hangs or exception.
CICS_SNA_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT The contents of the string in this environment variable trigger and control the timing-out of SNA conversations to the specified systems in the string. To set this environment variable, add the following line to the environment file that is in the /var/cics_regions/ region_name directory:

where SYS1 to SYSn are the Communications Definitions in the CD stanza of the CICS region that are subject to the forced timeout. Each of these is a remote system identifier with a maximum size of four alphanumeric characters. N1 through Nn are the actual timeout values in seconds. Each is the timeout value for the preceding system identifier, and is an integer value greater than, or equal to, 0.

CICS_TK_BDE_STACK_SIZE Specifies the stack size, in bytes, for threads created by CICS Toolkit applications. The default value varies by platform.

To set CICS_TK_BDE_STACK_SIZE in a Korn shell, specify the appropriate stack size (for example, 65536 for 64 KB) as follows:

CICS_TK_FLT_CLIENT_MAX_FDS Specifies whether a client can make Fast Local Transport (FLT) requests. If the value is set to 0, the client is unable to make FLT requests. A nonzero value (the default) enables FLT requests. The client can use any number of open file descriptors up to the limit set for the operating system.
To set CICS_TK_FLT_CLIENT_MAX_FDS in a C shell, specify the appropriate value (for example, 0 to disable FLT communication) as follows:
CICS_TK_FLT_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT Specifies the number of seconds after a server sends a reply to a client, by way of Fast Local Transport (FLT), that the server can disconnect the client and reuse its resources. A smaller timeout can reduce system performance because of the overhead associated with reestablishing broken connections. A larger timeout can prevent active clients from using FLT. The default value is 300 seconds.
To set CICS_TK_FLT_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT in a C shell, specify the appropriate number of seconds (for example, 360) as follows:
CICS_TK_FLT_INITIAL_THREADS Specifies the initial number of threads in the Fast Local Transport (FLT) thread pool. This number must be less than or equal to the value of CICS_TK_FLT_MAX_THREADS. The default value is 1 thread.
To set CICS_TK_FLT_INITIAL_THREADS in a C shell, specify the appropriate number of threads (for example, 2) as follows:
CICS_TK_FLT_MAX_THREADS Specifies the maximum number of threads in the Fast Local Transport (FLT) thread pool. If all threads are busy when a server receives an FLT request, the server returns the request to the client with instructions to repeat the request by way of RPC. The default value is 30 threads. The value of this variable must be greater than or equal to the value of the CICS_TK_FLT_INITIAL_THREADS environment variable.
To set CICS_TK_FLT_MAX_THREADS in a C shell, specify the appropriate number of threads (for example, 25) as follows:
CICS_TK_FLT_PIPE_DIR Specifies the directory used to store UNIX-domain sockets or named pipes (for pipes-based transport) used with Fast Local Transport (FLT). It is recommended that this directory not be on a network file system. The server using FLT must have permission to create and remove files in the directory, and clients using FLT must have lookup permission in the directory. The default directory is /tmp.
To set CICS_TK_FLT_PIPE_DIR in a C shell, specify the full path name for the appropriate directory (for example, /tmp/sockets) as follows:
setenv CICS_TK_FLT_PIPE_DIR /tmp/sockets
CICS_TK_FLT_REPLY_TIMEOUT Specifies the maximum number of seconds that a server using Fast Local Transport (FLT) waits for a client's reply pipe to become empty (if the pipe is full when a reply is to be sent). A smaller timeout can cause the server to discard a reply under heavy system load (resulting in communication errors in the client). A larger timeout can tie up threads in the FLT request pool for long periods. The default value is 15 seconds.
To set CICS_TK_FLT_REPLY_TIMEOUT in a C shell, specify the appropriate number of seconds (for example, 12) as follows:
CICS_TK_FLT_SERVER_MAX_FDS Specifies the maximum number of UNIX file descriptors that the server can use to connect to Fast Local Transport (FLT) clients concurrently. Setting this variable to 0 disables FLT connections. The default is 20 less than the file descriptor limit set when the operating system is configured. To disable FLT connections, set this variable to 0.
Note: We recommend that the limit on file descriptors be set to 128 for all UNIX platforms. The limit on file descriptors is determined by the UNIX system administrator when a machine is configured; the limit and the method of setting this limit vary by platform.
To set CICS_TK_FLT_SERVER_MAX_FDS in a C shell, specify the appropriate number of connections (for example, 10) as follows:
CICS_TK_SERVER Specifies the path name (either fully qualified or relative) of a Toolkit server. When a tkadmin command is executed, this variable identifies the Toolkit server to use when the command's -server option is not specified.

To set CICS_TK_SERVER in a Korn shell, specify the path name for the appropriate Toolkit server (for example, /.:/branch1/server/tk1) as follows:

export CICS_TK_SERVER /.:/branch1/server/tk1
CICS_TK_TRACE Specifies a trace specification that defines the CICS Toolkit type of tracing to be performed. Prior to starting a process for which you want to gather trace data, you must set this environment variable if you are not using some other way of enabling tracing. The trace specification is made up of one or more basic statements with the following syntax: name=value.

The name is the name of the CICS Toolkit components for which trace output can be generated. To get a list of valid component names, issue the tkadmin list trace command. The value is an expression that can contain numeric constants or one of the following string values. (Each string value sets one or more bits in a trace mask.)

  • trace_event—Trace all events
  • trace_entry—Trace external function entry or exit
  • trace_param—Trace external function parameters
  • trace_internal_entry—Trace internal function entry or exit
  • trace_internal_param—Trace internal function parameters
  • trace_global—Trace all of the following: trace_event, trace_entry, trace_param, trace_internal_entry, and trace_internal_param
  • trace_export—Trace external function entry or exit and function parameters
  • trace_dump—Dump the component on a fatal error
  • trace_dump_selected—Dump the component on a fatal error
  • trace_all—Trace all except trace_dump
  • all—Trace all except trace_dump

To determine which numeric constants are accepted for a given component, use the tkadmin query trace command. Trace specifications must not contain white space. Multiple statements can be separated with commas, as follows: name=value,name=value

To assign the same trace value to multiple components (name), use the following syntax: name=name=value

Two operators are supported in trace specifications: + (plus sign) or | (pipe) for bitwise addition and - (minus sign) for bitwise subtraction. In both bitwise addition and subtraction, a bit-by-bit comparison is made between two operands:

  • In bitwise addition, the bit position in a trace mask is turned on if the bit is turned on in either of the two operand values.
  • In bitwise subtraction, the bit position in a trace mask is turned off if the bit is turned off in either of the two operand values.

These operators can be placed between two values or prior to an = (equal sign). For example, to set all of the bits in the trace mask for the CICS Toolkit, use the following syntax: tpm=trace_all+trace_dump

For backward compatibility, the following form of trace specification is available: name:mask[:name:mask...]

In this format, mask is a numeric value that is implicitly assumed to be in hexadecimal; no leading 0x is necessary.

To set CICS_TK_TRACE in a Korn shell on a Open Systems platform, specify the appropriate trace specifications (for example, all=trace_event to view trace events for all CICS Toolkit components) as follows: export CICS_TK_TRACE all=trace_event

CICS_TK_TRACE_REDIRECT Specifies a destination for messages of specific CICS Toolkit trace classes after the messages are captured in the ring buffer. If this variable is not set, the Monitor redirects serious messages to the cell manager's serious message log. You can override this variable by using the tkadmin redirect trace command.

This environment variable takes the following format:


The trace_class can take any of the following values to indicate the events to be traced:

  • audit: Trace administratively significant events
  • critical: Trace a combination of audit, error, and fatal
  • dump: Trace state dumps
  • entry: Trace function entry and exit
  • error: Trace nonfatal errors (warnings)
  • event: Trace events
  • fatal: Trace fatal errors
  • param: Trace parameters
  • serious: Same as critical
  • trace: Trace a combination of entry, event, and param

The buffering argument describes the buffering characteristics of the output. You can specify either buffered or unbuffered. The formatting argument describes the formatting characteristics of the output. You can specify either formatted or unformatted. These two arguments are independent of each other, you can specify one or both. These arguments must be separated by a , (comma) and enclosed in [ ] (square brackets).

The destination can be any of the following:

  • The key word FILE: followed by the full path name of a file (for example: /tmp/error).
  • The key word RPC(contextString): followed by the CDS name or string binding of an RPC recipient. The contextString is a character string included to identify the source of the trace output. This destination can be used in conjunction with the traceListener server.
  • The key word AIX: followed by either
    • errlog: The AIX error log facility (AIX only)
    • trace: The AIX trace stream facility (AIX only)
  • The key word STREAM: followed by either
    • stderr: Standard error
    • stdout: Standard output

To set CICS_TK_TRACE_REDIRECT in a Korn shell, specify the appropriate trace classes and destinations (for example, to redirect trace and dump trace messages from myprog to a traceListener server, traceListener1) as follows:

CICS_TK_TRACE_RING_SIZE Specifies the size of the ring buffer for the CICS Toolkit trace, in bytes. To make best use of the available space, this value must be a power of 2 (for example, 1024 for 1 KB). If this variable is not set, it defaults to 65536 (64 KB).
To set CICS_TK_TRACE_RING_SIZE in a Korn shell, specify the appropriate ring buffer size (for example, 524288 to set the size to 512 KB) as follows:

You can also set the ring buffer size by using the tkadmin set ringbuffersize command. If you use this command, the new ring buffer size takes effect immediately. If you use the CICS_TK_TRACE_RING_SIZE environment variable, the change takes effect the next time the server is started.

CICS_TK_TRACE_VERBOSE Redirects CICS Toolkit trace output to either the standard error stream (stderr) or the standard output stream (stdout). To redirect output to stderr, set this variable to 1; to redirect output to stdout, set this variable to 2. Redirecting output to stderr is generally preferable to redirecting it to stdout because the former is an unbuffered stream.

To set CICS_TK_TRACE_VERBOSE in a Korn shell, specify the appropriate direction for trace output (for example, 1 to direct it to stderr) as follows:

CICS_XAOPEN_LIMIT Specifies the number of times an xa_open operation is retried. The value can be set to 1 through 49. The default value is 3. If value set is less than 1, it defaults to 3 and if it is set to more than 49, it defaults to 49. Works in conjunction with CICS_XAOPEN_RETRY_DELAY
CICS_XAOPEN_RETRY_DELAY Specifies the number of seconds that CICS waits to retry a call to the xa_open function after a call fails. The value can be set to 2 through 15. The default value is 2. If value set is less than 2, it defaults to 2 and if it is set to more than 15, it defaults to 15. Works in conjunction with CICS_XAOPEN_LIMIT.
CICS_XDT_SERVER Specifies the default database for CICS. This overrides the environment variable CICS_SFS_SERVER.
CICS_XFH_DBNAME Defines the name of the DB2 database that the external file handler is to use. If the variable is not set, the default DB2 database is used.
CICS_XFH_ COMMITINTERVAL If the external file handler is running in nontransactional mode (the environment variable CICS_XFH_TRANMODE is not set, or is set to “N”), the environment variable CICS_XFH_COMMITINTERVAL specifies the number of recoverable operations that will be performed on the database before they are committed. If CICS_XFH_COMMITINTERVAL is not set the changes will be committed after every operation.
CICS_XFH_LOCAL_LINE_SEQ (CICS for Windows) On the Windows platform where CICS is using DB2 for its file manager, set this variable equal to 1, if the user wants an external file of line sequential type to be handled by MF COBOL, instead of DB2.
CICS_XFH_LOCAL_ SEQ (CICS for Windows) On the Windows platform where CICS is using DB2 for its file manager, set this variable equal to 1, if the user wants an external file of sequential type to be handled by MF COBOL, instead of DB2.
CICS_XFH_LOCAL_ INDEXED (CICS for Windows) On the Windows platform where CICS is using DB2 for its file manager, set this variable equal to 1, if the user wants an external file of indexed type to be handled by MF COBOL, instead of DB2.
CICS_XFH_LOCAL_RELATIVE (CICS for Windows) On the Windows platform where CICS is using DB2 for its file manager, set this variable equal to 1, if the user wants an external file of relative type to be handled by MF COBOL, instead of DB2.
CICS_XFH_LOGFILE Defines the path name to an alternate log for the external file handler. Normally this environment variable is not set and the external file handler appends to a file in tmp directory called xfh.LogFile. If this file does not exist, it is created. Multiple concurrent external file handler applications can use the same file. If you do not want to keep a log file, set this environment variable to NONE. When this is done, errors are reported to stderr.
CICS_XFH_TRANMODE Defines transactional ‘T' or non-transactional access to the database. The default operation is nontransactional access. For more information about the differences between the access modes and how they are implemented, see File and record locking behavior when DB2 EXTFH is used with Micro Focus COBOL.
CICS_XFH_USERNAME Defines the user name that is used to connect to the database. If this is not set, the user ID that was logged in when the application started is used to access the database.
CICS_XFH_USERPASS Defines the user password that is used to connect to the database. If this is not set, the user ID that was logged in when the application started is used to access the database.
CICS_XFH_PASSWDSEN The External File handler (EXTFH) facility converts both the username and password passed through environment variables CICS_XFH_USERNAME and CICS_XFH_USERPASS to uppercase characters before connecting to the Oracle database. However password information supplied are case sensitive in case of Oracle11g and the EXTFH applications fail to connect. When this environment variable is set to TRUE, EXTFH sends the password as is to oracle 11g database for making connection.
CIPC_SHMSIZE Sets the size of the shared segment used to support CICS interprocess communication. Minimum size is 8 MB, maximum size is 128 MB, default size 22 MB. The default size of 22 MB is sufficient for approximately 2500 concurrent threads communicating at the same instant. For example, this might be in the form of 10 regions, each with 100 cicsas processes talking to up to 10 SFS servers, each configured with 100 threads and some additional fixed overhead (that is, a total of 10*100+10*100+500=2500 concurrent threads of control, all communicating at the same instant in time).
CIPC_SHMBASE Sets the virtual memory address that the shared segment will be attached at in each CICS process. The default is 0x70000000 (UNIX and Linux), 0x50000000 (Windows).
CIPC_CONFIG_FILE Defines the path and file name used to control and store the CICS interprocess communication variables. The default is /var/cics_servers/cicsipc/.cicsipc
CIPC_GC_FILE Defines the path and file name used to control and store the CICS interprocess communication garbage collector process details. The default is /var/cics_servers/cicsipc/.cipc-gc
CIPC_GC_INTERVAL Defines the garbage collection interval in seconds. Minimum is 3 seconds, maximum is 60 seconds, default is 5 seconds. CIPC garbage collection is minimally invasive and should be run as frequently as possible.
CICS_XDT_MARKER_PRESENT Specifies that the flat file created by the cicssdt,cicsddt, and cicsodt commands has the metadata information about the data.
DB2DBDFT Contains the name of the default DB2 database.
LANG This variable sets the locale in which CICS runs. The region's locale can be set by the standard LANG variable (for example LANG=en_US or LANG=C), or it can be overridden in the region's environment file. The client side (for example, cicslterm) uses the locale from the current environment.
LIBPATH (CICS for AIX) For use On Open Systems only. If you are using Micro Focus COBOL level 3.2.27 or later, LIBPATH should be set to /coblib (by cicsmkcobol). Otherwise it should not be set.
MSSQL_DEAD (CICS for Windows) When a Microsoft SQL Server encounters a transaction deadlock, it terminates the transaction and invalidates the XAID. This causes the XA_ROLLBACK to return RMER_NOTA (-4). CICS treats the negative return as fatal and abends the region (U8030) unless the environment variable MSSQL_DEAD is set to 1. If the environment variable MSSQL_DEAD is set to 1, CICS instead abends only the application server. To enable this option, MSSQL_DEAD=1 must be defined in the region's environment file.
PATH This includes the bin directory for CICS. The default value is
RPC_SARPCD_TPOOL_SIZE Specifies the number of threads available to process endpoint mapping requests. The default value is 5. To set RPC_SARPCD_TPOOL_SIZE in a C shell, specify the appropriate number of threads (for example, 50) as follows: set RPC_SARPCD_TPOOL_SIZE 50
RPC_SARPCD_TPOOLQ_SIZE Specifies the number of endpoint mapping requests which can be queued. The default value is 100. To set RPC_SARPCD_TPOOLQ_SIZE in a C shell, specify the queue size (for example, 300) as follows: set RPC_SARPCD_TPOOLQ_SIZE 300
RPC_UNSUPPORTED_NETADDRS If a server is started by masking all IPv4 addresses through RPC_UNSUPPORTED_NETADDRS, then RPC_UNSUPPORTED_NETADDRS must be set on the current shell for clients like sfsadmin/cicssdt/cicslterm to contact the server like region/sfs. If administration GUI is used, it is recommended that you start the GUI with the variable set.
SARPCD_TIMEOUT This variable is used to set the timeout of the sarpcd daemon in seconds. The default timeout value of the sarpcd daemon is 60 seconds.
TERM Determines the type of terminal that is used when a terminal is autoinstalled. Can be set in the user's environment.
CICS_VM_JAR_LOCATION Specify the path from lib to VM.jar file if not present in default location.

CICS does not allow you to use absolute or relative paths when specifying locale names. Locale names must not be larger than 32 bytes in length.