SETLL (Set Lower Limit)

Free-Form Syntax SETLL{(EHMR)} search-arg name
Code Factor 1 Factor 2 Result Field Indicators
SETLL (E) search-arg name (file or record format)   NR ER EQ

The SETLL operation positions a file at the next record that has a key or relative record number that is greater than or equal to the search argument (key or relative record number) operand specified (search-arg). The file must be a full procedural file.

The search argument, search-arg, must be the key or relative record number used to retrieve the record. If access is by key, search-arg can be a a single key in the form of a field name, a named constant, a figurative constant, or a literal. See Figure 2 for an example of searching key fields.

Start of changeIf the file is an externally-described file, search-arg can also be a composite key in the form of a KLIST name, a list of values, or %KDS. For keys specified using a KLIST, key fields must have the same CCSID as the key in the file. See the example at the end of %KDS (Search Arguments in Data Structure) for an illustration of search arguments in a data structure.End of change

If access is by relative record number, search-arg must be an integer literal or a numeric field with zero decimal positions.

The name operand is required and can contain either a file name or a record format name. A record format name is allowed only with an externally described file.

The resulting indicators reflect the status of the operation. You can specify an indicator in positions 71-72 that is set on when the search argument is greater than the highest key or relative record number in the file. This information can also be obtained from the %FOUND built-in function, which returns '0' if no record is found, and '1' if a record is found.

To handle SETLL exceptions (file status codes greater than 1000), either the operation code extender 'E' or an error indicator ER can be specified, but not both. For more information on error handling, see File Exception/Errors.

You can specify an indicator in positions 75-76 that is set on when a record is present whose key or relative record number is equal to the search argument. This information can also be obtained from the %EQUAL built-in function, which returns '1' if an exact match is found.

When using SETLL with an indicator in positions 75 and 76 or with %EQUAL, the comparison between the specified key and the actual key in the file is normally done by data management. In some cases this is impossible, causing the comparison to be done using the hexadecimal collating sequence. This can give different results than expected. For more information, see the section "Unexpected Results Using Keyed Files" in Rational Development Studio for i: ILE RPG Programmer's Guide.

If name is a file name for which the lower limit is to be set, the file is positioned at the first record with a key or relative record number equal to or greater than the search argument specified (search-arg).

If name is a record format name for which the lower limit is to be set, the file is positioned at the first record of the specified type that has a key equal to or greater than the search argument specified (search-arg).

Start of changeYou can use the special values *START and *END for search-arg. *START positions to the beginning of the file and *END positions to the end of the file. Both positionings are independent of the collating sequence used for keyed files and independent of null-valued key fields. If you specify either *START or *END for search-arg, note the following: End of change
Start of changeFigurative constants can also be used to position the file. However, there are some situations where using *LOVAL or *HIVAL does not position the file exactly at the first or last record in the file; it is better to use *START and *END if you want to position to the first or last record in the file.
Note: The discussion and examples of using figurative constants which follow, assume that *LOVAL and *HIVAL are not used as actual keys in the file.
End of change
Start of changeWhen used with a file with a composite key, figurative constants are treated as though each field of the key contained the figurative constant value. Using SETLL with *LOVAL positions the file so that the first read retrieves the record with the lowest key, if the file does not contain any records with null-capable key fields. In most cases (when duplicate keys are not allowed), *HIVAL positions the file so that a READP retrieves the last record in the file, or a READ receives an end-of-file indication. However, note the following cases for using *LOVAL and *HIVAL: End of change

Figure 1 shows the use of figurative constants with the SETGT operation. Figurative constants are used the same way with the SETLL operation.

Remember the following when using the SETLL operation:

See Database Null Value Support for information on handling records with null-capable fields and keys.

For more information, see File Operations.

Note: Operation code extenders H, M, and R are allowed only when the search argument is a list or is %KDS().

In the following example, the file ORDFIL contains order records. The key field is the order number (ORDER) field. There are multiple records for each order. ORDFIL looks like this in the calculation specifications:

Figure 1. SETLL Operation
 *  All the 101 records in ORDFIL are to be printed.  The value 101
 *  has previously been placed in ORDER.  The SETLL operation
 *  positions the file at the first record with the key value 101
 *  and %EQUAL will return '1'.
C     ORDER         SETLL     ORDFIL
 *  The following DO loop processes all the records that have the
 *  same key value.
C                   IF        %EQUAL
C                   DOU       %EOF
C     ORDER         READE     ORDFIL
C                   IF        NOT %EOF
C                   EXCEPT    DETAIL
C                   ENDIF
C                   ENDDO
C                   ENDIF
 *  The READE operation reads the second, third, and fourth 101
 *  records in the same manner as the first 101 record was read.
 *  After the fourth 101 record is read, the READE operation is
 *  attempted.  Because the 102 record is not of the same group,
 *  %EOF will return '1', the EXCEPT operation is bypassed, and
 *  the DOU loop ends.
The READE operation