The OPTION keyword specifies the options to use when the source member is compiled.

You can specify any or all of the options in any order. However, if a compile option is specified, the *NOxxxx parameter for the same compile option cannot also be used, and vice versa. For example, if you specify *XREF you cannot also specify *NOXREF, and vice versa. Separate the options with a colon. You cannot specify an option more than once.

Note: If the keyword OPTION does not contain a member from a pair, then the value specified on the command for this particular option will be used. For example, if the keyword OPTION(*XREF : *NOGEN : *NOSECLVL : *SHOWCPY) is specified on the Control specification, then for the pairs, (*EXT, *NOEXT), (*EXPDDS, *NOEXPDDS) and (*SHOWSKP, *NOSHOWSKP), whatever was specified implicitly or explicitly on the command will be used.

If *XREF is specified, a cross-reference listing is produced (when appropriate) for the source member. *NOXREF indicates that a cross-reference listing is not produced.

If *GEN is specified, a program object is created if the highest severity level returned by the compiler does not exceed the severity specified in the GENLVL option. *NOGEN does not create an object.

If *SECLVL is specified, second-level message text is printed on the line following the first-level message text in the Message Summary section. *NOSECLVL does not print second-level message text on the line following the first-level message text.

If *SHOWCPY is specified, the compiler listing shows source records of members included by the /COPY compiler directive. *NOSHOWCPY does not show source records of members included by the /COPY compiler directive.

If *EXPDDS is specified, the expansion of externally described files in the listing and key field information is displayed. *NOEXPDDS does not show the expansion of externally described files in the listing or key field information.

If *EXT is specified, the external procedures and fields referenced during the compile are included on the listing. *NOEXT does not show the list of external procedures and fields referenced during compile on the listing.

If *SHOWSKP is specified, then all statements in the source part of the listing are displayed, regardless of whether or not the compiler has skipped them. *NOSHOWSKP does not show skipped statements in the source part of the listing. The compiler skips statements as a result of /IF, /ELSEIF, or /ELSE directives.

If *SRCSTMT is specified, statement numbers for the listing are generated from the source ID and SEU sequence numbers as follows:
stmt_num = source_ID * 1000000 + source_SEU_sequence_number

For example, the main source member has a source ID of 0. If the first line in the source file has sequence number 000100, then the statement number for this specification would be 100. A line from a /COPY file member with source ID 27 and source sequence number 000100 would have statement number 27000100. *NOSRCSTMT indicates that line numbers are assigned sequentially.

If *DEBUGIO is specified, breakpoints are generated for all input and output specifications. *NODEBUGIO indicates that no breakpoints are to be generated for these specifications.

If *UNREF is specified, all variables are generated into the module. If *NOUNREF is specified, unreferenced variables are not generated unless they are needed by some other module. The following rules apply to OPTION(*NOUNREF):

If the OPTION keyword is not specified, then the values specified on the command are used.