Installing Watson Explorer oneWEX on IBM Cloud Private

You can install IBM Watson® Explorer oneWEX into IBM® Cloud Private (ICP), IBM's new Kubernetes-based private cloud, by using the IBM Cloud Private CLI. ICP 2.1 is supported by Watson™ Explorer oneWEX version 12.0.2 and earlier. ICP 3.x is supported by Watson Explorer oneWEX version 12.0.2.

About this task

Note: All links for ICP 3.x are linked to information for ICP 3.2. Please refer to the appropriate ICP version information you are using.
Important: If you are installing Watson Explorer oneWEX on IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift, see Installing Watson Explorer oneWEX on IBM Cloud Private with OpenShift.


Install IBM Cloud Private

  1. To install IBM Cloud Private and IBM Cloud Private CLI, see
    Version Links
    ICP 2.1 Installing IBM Cloud Private and Installing the IBM® Cloud Private CLI
    ICP 3.x Installing IBM Cloud Private and Installing the IBM® Cloud Private CLI
    Note: If you want to ensure that all data in motion is encrypted, then IPsec needs to be enabled in the cluster.

Install Watson Explorer oneWEX on the ICP catalog

  1. Sign into your cluster from the IBM Cloud Private CLI.
    Version Command
    ICP 2.1 bx pr login -a https://<cluster_CA_domain>:8443 --skip-ssl-validation
    ICP 3.x cloudctl login -a https://<cluster_CA_domain>:8443 --skip-ssl-validation
  2. Sign in to the Docker private image registry.
    docker login <cluster_CA_domain>:8500
  3. To install Watson Explorer oneWEX, type the command:
    Version Command
    ICP 2.1 bx pr load-ppa-archive --archive ibm-wex-prod-<version>.tar.gz
    ICP 3.x cloudctl catalog load-archive --archive ibm-wex-prod-<version>.tar.gz --registry mycluster.icp:8500/namespace
    where ibm-wex-prod-<version>.tar.gz is the Watson Explorer oneWEX installation package from Passport Advantage.
  4. To view the chart in the ICP catalog, in IBM Cloud Private, select Admin > Repositories, and click Sync Repositories. From the Navigation menu, select Catalog.

Set up storage

  1. You must set up the Persistent Volumes (PVs) for Watson Explorer oneWEX. To deploy Watson Explorer oneWEX on ICP, the Persistent Volumes listed in the Prerequisites section in the Watson Explorer oneWEX Helm Chart README are required. To create a Persistent Volume, see
    Version Link
    ICP 2.1 Creating a PersistentVolume
    ICP 3.x Creating a PersistentVolume

    See also Preparing storage with YAML on IBM Cloud Private.

    If you use an NFS server, create each of the directories manually and change their file permissions to 777 before deploying the Persistent Volumes.

Configure Watson Explorer oneWEX on ICP

Important: You must have an Administrator or Cluster Administrator role.

  1. In the IBM Cloud Private, go to Catalog > Helm Charts, select ibm-wex-prod, and click Configure. The major configuration parameters are listed in the Configuration section in the Watson Explorer Helm Chart README. Please refer to the Secret for initial administrator password section in the README to update the initial administrator password.

Deploy Watson Explorer oneWEX on ICP

  1. Set the Release name and Target namespace, and click Install.
    Note: Authentication and TLS for inter-pod communication are enabled by default, starting with v12.0.3.2. See Configure authentication and TLS for inter-pod communication when deploying Watson Explorer oneWEX when enabling or disabling this feature.