Monitoring eDiscovery Manager system status

The IBM® eDiscovery Manager web client is supported by a server, which is called the eDiscovery Manager work manager. The work manager is a servlet that schedules and handles all of the asynchronous tasks that are created by users of the eDiscovery Manager web client. These tasks include saving search results to folders, copying and moving content between folders, exporting content, and so on.

You can check the status of the eDiscovery Manager system to ensure that it is running properly by using your browser to access the Work Manager status page with one of the following URLs:
http://server IP address:port/EDMWorkMgrServer/Status?User=user_name&
http://server host address:port/EDMWorkMgrServer/Status?User=user_name&
The Work Manager status page shows whether:
  • The work manager can establish connections to content servers.
  • The work manager thread pool was properly initialized.
  • The task finder is currently active. The task finder polls every 30 seconds to find new tasks for the work manager.
  • The email notification session is accessible.

The Work Manager status page also includes information about the tasks that are currently in the work manager memory. This includes tasks that the work manager is currently processing and tasks that the work manager recently completed. (If the eDiscovery Manager application server is restarted, any tasks that were in the work manager memory and that have completed are removed.)

Tip: If the task list is too long, click Clear to delete all of the completed tasks from the list.

The work manager is multithreaded, so it can handle multiple tasks simultaneously and it can process multiple batches of the same task in parallel.