Known Issues and defect fixes

Learn about Known Issues (former APARs) and defects that are fixed in each application update.

Table of contents

Application update 9.2.37

Known Issues fixes
The following table lists Known Issues that are fixed in this update.
ID Available since Symptoms Behavior after you install the update
DT396009 9.2.37 Importing disconnected scanner results package from machines with huge number of IP addresses may cause import process failure. The problem does not occur.
DT396010 9.2.37 Improper functionality of 'Computer Groups' filter. The problem does not occur.
DT396547 9.2.37 Errors during Data Imports caused by failed computer reconciliation due to previously deleted and re-registered endpoints. The problem does not occur.
DT396550 9.2.37 Issue with re-registration of previously deleted BigFix endpoints in the system The problem does not occur.
DT396552 9.2.37 Data import fails to start due to loss of database connection and inability to restore connection in subsequent imports. The problem does not occur.
DT391415 9.2.37 License Metric Tool application fails to start after upgrading to version 9.2.36 when it is installed in a path with '/app/' in the middle (e.g. /app/LMT) The problem does not occur.
DT391481 9.2.37 After upgrading the License Metric Tool application to version 9.2.36, opening the Computer Group Details panels fails if the description field in the Computer Group was filled in. The problem does not occur.
DT391495 9.2.37 After upgrading the License Metric Tool application to version 9.2.36, opening All Metrics panel fails if API token was revoked for current user. The problem does not occur.
DT396008 9.2.37 Log rotation in Disconnected Scanner fails due to invalid Japanese locale. The problem does not occur.
Internal defects fixes
The following table lists defects that are fixed in this update.
Defect Available since Symptoms Behavior after you install the update
202665 9.3.37 License Metric Tool server does not start if setup phase is not finished and the server is restarted. The problem does not occur.
202692 9.2.37 License Metric Tool service does not start on RedHat when installed in system root and SELinux is in Enforcing mode. The problem does not occur.
202710 9.2.37 Incorrect recognition of init.d/systemd when License Metric Tool is installed in mount point. The problem does not occur.
202720 9.2.37 Incorrect behavior of the 'testRootDirMove' step on Windows during 9.2.36 upgrade. The problem does not occur.
202721 9.2.37 Audit snapshots generation on Linux can take very long time. The problem does not occur.
202740 9.2.37 Import is failing if non-ASCII char is used in computer_properties.yml disconnected scanner file The problem does not occur.
202783 9.2.37 License Metric Tool server does not start if initial import is not finished. The problem does not occur.
202826 9.2.37 The application does not works correctly on Linux after upgrade to 9.2.36 if SSO (SAML) is configured on Linux The problem does not occur.
202745 9.2.37 Database setup fails if there is an extra space in the host name. The problem does not occur.
VM Manager Tool version and changes

Version of the VM Manager Tool that is used with this application update is The following table lists defects that are fixed in this update.

ID Available since Symptoms Behavior after you install the update
No changes in this application update.
Scanner version and changes

Version of the scanner that is used with this application update is The following table lists defects that are fixed in this update.

ID Available since Symptoms Behavior after you install the update
202763 9.2.37 on os400 fails due to missing file. The problem does not occur.

Previous application updates

Known Issues (former APARs) fixes - previous application updates
Known Issue / APAR ID Available since Symptoms Behavior after you install the update
DT366090 9.2.36 In very rare situations data import might fail after server upgrade to version 9.2.35. The problem does not occur.
DT378668 9.2.36 Mail notifications stop working following the server upgrade to version 9.2.35, specifically when a mail setup lacks the STARTTLS option enabled. The problem does not occur.
DT277100 9.2.35 Data import may rarely hang during finalization phase The problem does not occur.
DT277096 9.2.35 ILMT may report less cores than expected on x86 VMs running in a public cloud with hyperthreading enabled. The problem does not occur.
DT277102 9.2.35 Automatic capacity configuration on z Systems does not work when 'CPUs Configured' value read from the Store Hypervisor Information (STHYI) instruction is equal to 0. The problem does not occur.
DT242337 9.2.34 Misleading message and exit code during ILMT upgrade on Linux in case /tmp filesystem is mounted with NOEXEC. The problem does not occur.
DT242340 9.2.34 On some Amazon EC2 instances the name of the file with the scan results generated by the disconnected scanner has shifted timestamp due to improper handling of time zone information. Correct time zone is used while the file with the scan results is created.
DT247347 9.2.34 Report definitions with relative Time Range specified are generated using a fixed time range when scheduled. Report definitions with relative Time Range are generated using correct time range when scheduled. The Time Range is relative to the moment of generation.
DT237031 9.2.33 Data import might fail after application upgrade if some specific custom bundling options are defined. The problem does not occur.
IJ46295 9.2.32 Upgrade of the License Metric Tool server might fail when a custom report view is saved on the Hardware Inventory report. The problem does not occur.
IJ46505 9.2.32 Update of the database schema after the upgrade might fail due to a discrepancy between the content of the computer_healths and computer_health_statuses tables. The following error is written in the logs.
SRVE0292I: Servlet Message - [tema]:.[ERROR]
Assignment of a NULL value to a NOT NULL column "TBSPACEID=2,
TABLEID=390, COLNO=5" is not allowed.. 
SQLCODE=-407, SQLSTATE=23502, DRIVER=4.28.11:
The problem does not occur.
IJ46609 9.2.32 Upgrade of the License Metric Tool server might fail when a custom report view is saved on the Software Classification report in which data is sorted by a column that contains catalog-related information. The problem does not occur.
IJ45361 9.2.31 Installation of License Metric Tool fails due to improper discovery of the /tmp directory. The problem does not occur.
IJ45254 9.2.31 Computers that run on Solaris have the No Scan Data status because LPAR capacity that is smaller than 0.01 processor core is not properly handled by License Metric Tool. The problem does not occur.
IJ45003 9.2.31 Statuses of VM managers are not updated in the user interface and the following SQL error can be found in the import logs at the step of importing data from the VM Manager Tool.
-> SQL Message : Cannot insert the value NULL into
column 'login', table 'temadb.sam.vm_managers_persistent';
column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails.
-> SQL ErrorCode : 515
-> SQL State     : 23000
The problem does not occur.
IJ44813 9.2.31 When the License Metric Tool database name contains SQL keywords, spaces, hyphens or special characters, License Metric Tool is not operational after the upgrade. The following message can be found in the tema.log file.
ERROR: initialization failed:
DBNAME: ILMT-DB - NativeException:
Database 'ILMT' does not exist. 
Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
The problem does not occur.
IJ44725 9.2.31 It is not possible to configure more than one MS SQL Server data source with the same IP address. The following error is displayed.
Bes Database has already been configured
Documentation is updated to provide detailed information about how to specify the database address depending on whether it is the default or non-default instance of MS SQL Server and whether it uses the default or non-default port. For more information, see: Adding a data source.
IJ44712 9.2.31 The All-in-One installation fails due to read-only rights on the /opt directory. Documentation does not provide information that this directory must be writable. Documentation is updated to inform about the required rights on the /opt directory. For more information, see: Installing All-in-One on Linux in silent mode (BigFix scenario).
IJ44202 9.2.30 Partition cores are limited by the maximum capacity value on uncapped PowerPC Linux LPARs although they should not be limited. The problem does not occur. Because partition cores are no longer limited (which is the correct behavior), license metric utilization for products that are installed on the affected machines might be higher after you upgrade to application update 9.2.30.
IJ42751 9.2.30 Information from the VM Manager Tool is not merged with information from the scanner in case of KVM hosts. As a result, the machine might appear as two separate entities on the PVU reports when software is installed both on the KVM host and on the VM. The problem does not occur.
IJ40497 9.2.29 Import of data fails after the upgrade and the following error is written in the tema.log file.
NoMethodError (undefined method `clear_wr_connection'
for nil:NilClass):
The problem does not occur.
IJ41106 9.2.29 Update of the database schema after the upgrade fails with a message that the default schema of the database user is incorrect. The problem does not occur.
IJ41238 9.2.29 When you decommission a disconnected scanner and then install it again, the last seen date for the particular computer is not updated during the first processing of the package with scan results. The problem does not occur.
IJ42063 9.2.29
The License Metric Tool user interface is not accessible after the upgrade to the latest application update. The following message is written in the tema.log file.
ActionView::template::Error 138: catalog_summary\r",
" 139: search_catalog\r", " 140: end\r", " 141: \r"]
rubygems/version.rb:215:in `initialize'
The problem does not occur.
IJ38793 9.2.28 The prompt to run an import is displayed even though there are no changes since the last import. The problem occurs when the local address of the License Metric Tool server is changed. The problem does not occur.
IJ39226 9.2.28 When the number of IP addresses that are assigned to a computer is large, the following error is shown in the tema.log file during generation of the PDF report.
Exception in thread "main"
There is a row that is too high to be drawn
on a single page
The problem does not occur.
IJ39691 9.2.28 Computer reconciliation does not work if at least one of the configured data sources is BigFix in version 9.2 or 9.5 with patch lower than 5. Documentation is updated with information that reconciliation mode requires that the BigFix to which the endpoint is migrated is at least in version 9.5 patch 5.
IJ40169 9.2.28 Computer reconciliation does not work if a computer to be reconciled has a very large number of IP addresses. The problem does not occur.
IJ40515 9.2.28 When a computer is migrated between data sources and some software is uninstalled from that computer after the migration, the software might not be marked as uninstalled. The problem does not occur.
IJ36903 9.2.27 After upgrading License Metric Tool to application update 9.2.26, it is impossible to log in to the web user interface in Internet Explorer. The following error is displayed.
There is a problem with this website's security certificate. 
The security certificate presented by this website is not secure. 
Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you 
or intercept any data you send to the server. We recommend that you 
close this webpage and do not continue to this website.
The problem does not occur.
IJ37789 9.2.27 There is no indication that the software catalog was not successfully imported during the import of data after the upgrade of the License Metric Tool server. Information about the failed import of the software catalog is displayed in the form of an exclamation mark icon that is shown on the Software Catalog widget on the Dashboard.
IJ38184 9.2.27 License Generator fails on Windows because 32-bit libraries are used instead of 64-bit libraries. The problem does not occur.
IJ35970 9.2.26 The All-in-One installer fails at enabling the License Metric Tool action site. The following message is returned.
logon failed: Failed to connect to server: HTTP Error 7:
Couldn't connect to server: Failed to connect to HOSTNAME port PORT:
Connection refused
Additionally, the following error can be found in the trace_servers.log file.
![CDATA[CODIN0329I The command completed with the
return code 7 ]]
![CDATA[CODIN0364I Action <Enable the IBM License Metric Tool
action site> status has changed: old status Running, 
new status Failed ]]
The problem does not occur.
IJ36343 9.2.26 Documentation provides inaccurate information about the version of DB2 that is supported by the BigFix server. Documentation is updated under the following links:
IJ35432 9.2.26 External Java processes are stopped while the VM Manager Tool is stopped. During the upgrade of the License Metric Tool server, external Java processes are stopped because the VM Manager Tool is stopped by using the old method. However, later on and during the subsequent upgrades the problem does not occur.
IJ33539 9.2.25 Computer reconciliation does not work for a computer that was previously imported to License Metric Tool from a different data source. The problem does not occur.
IJ33632 9.2.25 The outdated capacity scan status is incorrectly reported for endpoints that successfully run the scans according to the schedule. The problem does not occur.
IJ34223 9.2.25 When License Metric Tool is installed offline by using the All-in-One 9.2.24 installer, the BigFix console contains fixlets from application update 9.2.19. The problem does not occur.
IJ34763 9.2.25 Starting from application update 9.2.24, License Metric Tool does not accept Web Reports as an authentication method for License Metric Tool users. When a user for whom this authentication method is used tries to log in to License Metric Tool, an internal server error is returned. The problem does not occur.
IJ34773 9.2.25 License Metric Tool service does not start because the local VM Manager Tool does not start. The problem does not occur.
IJ34778 9.2.25 VMware VMs with Hyper-V feature enabled are treated as physical machines. The problem does not occur.
IJ34809 9.2.25 License Metric Tool license generator does not work on Windows. The problem does not occur.
IJ31178 9.2.24 During the import of data, .slmtag files might be reported as correct files, despite containing issues that prevent them from being imported. The problem does not occur.
IJ31736 9.2.24 Documentation does not provided sufficient information about different types of part numbers and does not mention which of them can be imported License Metric Tool. Documentation is updated under the following link: Part numbers.
IJ31817 9.2.24 Import of data fails when there is a data source with an existing Web Reports database and a wrong password is used. The problem does not occur.
IJ31903 9.2.24 Not enough information is provided in case when the scanner does not have sufficient rights to collect all required hardware information from the Solaris systems. An appropriate warning is added in the scanner and the server data import log.
IJ31909 9.2.24 It is not possible to log in to License Metric Tool 9.2.23 when secure LDAP authentication is used. The problem does not occur.
IJ31994 9.2.24 It is not possible to log in to License Metric Tool 9.2.23 when FIPS 140-2 compliance was enabled before upgrading to that application update. The problem does not occur.
IJ32018 9.2.24 The following error can appear on the Directory Servers panel while testing the connection.
The problem does not occur.
IJ32254 9.2.24 Only some default columns are shown in a scheduled CSV/PDF report which was customized to contain additional columns. The same report viewed in License Metric Tool is displayed properly. The problem does not occur.
IJ30037 9.2.23 Kofax 4.0 is incorrectly mapped in the software catalog. Kofax 4.0 is removed from the software catalog.
IJ30179 9.2.23 Description of APAR IJ25327 that is provided in the release notes is insufficient. The description is improved.
IJ30246 9.2.23 If you created a saved report view that is based on the Software Installations report that was deprecated in the past, you are not able to access the Saved Reports panel after the upgrade. Additionally, the following error is written in the tema.log file.
Error (No route matches "/sam/software_facts")
The problem does not occur.
IJ30523 9.2.23 When you schedule the PVU Subcapacity report to be sent via e-mail, some of the fields are incorrectly formatted in the PDF that is sent. The problem does not occur.
IJ30784 9.2.23 Documentation provides inconsistent information about the api/sam/v2/software_instances REST API. Documentation is updated under the following link: Software Classification (v2).
IJ30894 9.2.23 IBM i scan data is improperly displayed in License Metric Tool. Software items that were discovered are assigned to a wrong partition. The problem does not occur.
IJ30917 9.2.23 Improper number of cores is assigned to computers that run on public clouds when the computers have duplicated UUIDs. Documentation is updated to inform that License Metric Tool does not support public cloud VMs that are identified by duplicated serial numbers. For more information, see: Licensing on public clouds.
IJ30928 9.2.23 After upgrading to application update 9.2.22, PDF reports in Croatian are not properly generated. The problem does not occur.
IJ31141 9.2.23 Documentation does not provide information about the default port that is used in the Hyper-V URL. Documentation is updated under the following links:
IJ31142 9.2.23 Documentation provides an incorrect syntax of a WinRM command. Documentation is updated under the following link: Configuring WinRM on Hyper-V and Azure Stack HCI hosts.
IJ24830 9.2.22 Installation of DB2 as part of the All-in-One installer fails when the /tmp or /home directory is mounted with restricted permissions. The problem does not occur.
IJ25280 9.2.22 All-in-One installation fails when a static BigFix folder already exists on the computer, for example because separate mountpoints were prepared in advance. The problem does not occur.
IJ27041 9.2.22 IBM Transformation Extender for Non Production does not exist in the software catalog. IBM Transformation Extender for Non Production is added to the software catalog.
IJ28654 9.2.22 Import of data fails with the following error.
The problem occurs when you create two custom bundling options in which the same component is assigned to the same product but with different license metrics.
The problem does not occur.
IJ28703 9.2.22 Import of data fails. No error message is written in the import log. However, the following error message is written in the tema.log file.
Permission denied - C:\Program Files\ibm\LMT\wlp\usr\servers\
The problem does not occur.
IJ28916 9.2.22 Generating a PDF version of the Audit Trail report fails when the report contains an entry in which exclusion or suppression comment contains a line break. The problem does not occur.
IJ29126 9.2.22 When you try to open the New Dashboard and Reporting link from the Dashboard, the following error is displayed.
An error occurred while getting the list of report statuses
The problem does not occur.
IJ29172 9.2.22 A computer is not applicable for the Software Scan Status analysis when the besclient.exe file and the __BESData folder are located on different drives. The problem does not occur.
IJ29176 9.2.22 When you generate a PDF version of the All Metrics or PVU Subcapacity report, a different time range appears on the PDF than was specified on the report. The problem does not occur.
IJ29179 9.2.22 Some hosts from the same cluster are not processed even though scan results are correct. The problem occurs when multiple VM manager connections are defined to the same cluster, mostly on Hyper-V. The problem does not occur.
IJ29290 9.2.22 After upgrading the License Metric Tool server on Red Hat Linux, the jre directory has a different set of user and group pair that it used to have before the upgrade. The problem does not occur.
IJ22354 9.2.22 Informix 4GL 7.51 is not discovered. The problem does not occur.
IJ24830 9.2.21 Installation of DB2 by using the All-in-One installer fails with the following error.
LIC1407N You are trying to register an invalid license certificate file,
The problem does not occur.
IJ25280 9.2.21 Installation with the All-in-One installer fails when a dedicated file system with a mount point is created in advance. The problem does not occur.
IJ25637 9.2.21 Installation of the License Metric Tool server fails because the password for the default License Metric Tool keystore was not set up correctly. The following error is written in the logs. -
securityUtility execution failed with return code: 
1, stdout: , stderr: JVMJ9VM015W
Initialization error for library j9jit29(11):
cannot initialize JIT
The problem does not occur.
IJ25638 9.2.21 Monthly schedule of exporting reports might not work correctly. The problem does not occur.
IJ25986 9.2.21 Upgrade of the License Metric Tool server fails during the update of schema if a saved report was previously created on the deprecated Inventory Exploration report. The problem does not occur.
IJ25997 9.2.21 Documentation does not provide information about the order in which the disconnected scanner must be install on zones and domains on Oracle Solaris. Documentation is updated. For more information, see: Installation of the disconnected scanner on Oracle Solaris.
IJ26396 9.2.21 License usage is displayed on the All Metrics report for a product on a computer where no component of that product is installed. It happens on computers where IBM DB2 Advanced Workgroup Server Edition OEM Limited Use 11.1 component was previously bundled to that product (as a charged assignment). The problem does not occur.
IJ26514 9.2.21 Import of data fails after manual modification of the etl_settings.yml and the following error is written in the team.log file.
ERROR (Default Executor-thread-3) loadSystemProperties
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant 
at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(
The problem does not occur.
IJ26522 9.2.21 Scheduling capacity scan with a disconnected scanner fails on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11. The problem does not occur.
IJ26648 9.2.21 The version of the scanner catalog that is contained with the disconnected scanner package for IBM i is older than the version that is delivered with License Metric Tool 9.2.20. The version of the scanner catalog that is contained in the disconnected scanner package is the same as the version the is delivered with the License Metric Tool server.
IJ26693 9.2.21 Scanner installation package for HP-UX Itanium was change to 64-bit, but the Install or Upgrade Scanner fixlet still uses the old naming convention for the SPB file name (CIT_hpuxIA32.spb). As a result, the scanner installation file is not found or not valid. The SPB file name is changed to CIT_hpuxIA64.spb, and the problem does not occur.
IJ26708 9.2.21 When more than one dollar sign ($) is used for any parameter in the installation response file, the value is incorrectly interpreted. Installation of the License Metric Tool server might fail. If it does not fail, the value of the parameter that is used is not the same as the one that was provided in the response file. It might result in unexpected behavior. The problem does not occur.
IJ26969 9.2.21 When you open the VM Managers panel, an error message to install and run the BigFix BigFix service is displayed. However, the problem is with an incorrect discovery of the master DSA server. The problem does not occur.
IJ26973 9.2.21 In general, the No Host Scan Data status means that the VM is not taken into account in PVU calculations. To correctly calculate PVU utilization on such a VM, its host must report to License Metric Tool. However, HP-UX computers with the No Host Scan Data status are contributing to calculation of PVU based on default PVU values. The problem does not occur.
IJ27041 9.2.21 The IBM Transformation Extender for Non Production product is missing from the software catalog. The product is added to the software catalog.
IJ27091 9.2.21 After installing License Metric Tool with the All-in-One installer, unexpected values are set for the following parameters: delete_successfully_imported_scans, scanFileSizeLimit, schema_next, vmman_check_uniqueness_enabled, vmman_fix_parameters_enabled. The values are not consistent with the default values that are described in the documentation. The default values are corrected in the documentation.
IJ27118 9.2.21 Disconnected scanner is unable to collect VM manager scan results on Windows. The problem does not occur.
IJ27196 9.2.21 Documentation provides incorrect paths for some of the disconnected scanner scripts on IBM i. Documentation is updated to provide correct paths.
IJ27299 9.2.21 When you remove an instance tag that contains a white space character, the tag is not removed. The problem does not occur.
IJ27355 9.2.21 The Initiate Software Scan actions ends with the following error on HP-UX.
Could not load a transcoding service
The problem does not occur.
IJ27690 9.2.21 The IBM MQ Non-Production product is missing from the software catalog. As a result, it is not possible to assign that products to the Cloud Pak. The product is added to the software catalog.
IJ24270 9.2.20 Due to differences in processing results from the VM Manager Tool and the scanner, when software is detected both on the host and guest operating system, it is calculated separately. It might lead to overcharging. The problem occurs on Hyper-V only. The issue does not occur.
IJ24463 9.2.20 Import of data fails during the upload of the PVU table and the following error is written in the log.
ERROR: [ILMTCore] (ImportThread) doAction
java.lang.ArithmeticException: divide by zero at
The issue does not occur.
IJ24502 9.2.20 Upgrade of the License Metric Tool server with a fixlet is not possible on Linux because the fixlet is not relevant due to problems with relevance 5 and 7. Documentation is updated to provide instructions how to work around this issue. For more information, see: Installation and upgrade problems.
IJ24899 9.2.20 The Initiate Software Scan fixlet is not relevant due to problems with relevance 11. The issue does not occur.
IJ25327 9.2.20 During the upgrade, the installer attempts to move the current installation location of License Metric Tool to the backup folder. When it is not possible because a dedicated mount point is used, the upgrade fails. To solve the problem, perform the following steps.
  1. Run the Download IBM License Metric Tool (<version>) fixlet to download the server installer to the computer on which the current version of the server is installed.
  2. Extract the installer.
  3. Open the command line and export the following environment variable.
    export tlm_debug_disable_upgrade_check=true
  4. Upgrade the License Metric Tool server.
IJ25430 9.2.20 Security Identity Manager and Role Management Unlimited User Option are detected as version 5.1 but should be detected as version 6.0. The issue does not occur.
IJ25458 9.2.20 The Schedule VM Manager Tool Scan Results Upload fixlet is not relevant on Cent OS due to relevance restriction according to which the fixlet should be relevant on Red Hat Linux but not SUSE Linux. The issue does not occur.
IJ25460 9.2.20 Collecting troubleshooting logs fails and the following error is written in the tema.log file.


AbstractController::DoubleRenderError (Render and/or redirect
were called multiple times in this action. Please note that you
may only call render OR redirect, and at most once per action.
Also note that neither redirect nor render terminate execution
of the action, so if you want to exit an action after
redirecting, you need to do something like "redirect_to(...)
and return".)
The issue does not occur.
IJ25589 9.2.20 Links for saved reports that were created for the Usage per Computer report are not working because the report was removed in one of the previous application updates of License Metric Tool. Links to content that was removed in previous application updates were removed.
IJ25599 9.2.20 Computer that is identified as Oracle Public Cloud has wrong value in the Computer Type column on the Hardware Inventory report. The issue does not occur.
IJ25697 9.2.20 When the number of partition cores exceeds 999 on the Hardware Inventory report, the following error is displayed.
Your database is offline/inaccessible or your database server credentials
are incorrect or have expired. Please contact the administrator or 
refer to tema.log for more information.
The issue does not occur.
IJ20095 9.2.19 IBM Cognos Analytic Server (IBM Cognos Analytic Server for Non-Production Environment) changed name to IBM Planning Analytics Local TM1 Server (IBM Planning Analytics Local TM1 Server for Non-Production Environment). The part number that should discover the new product is assigned to the old product in the software catalog. As a result, the old product is discovered by License Metric Tool. To keep backward compatibility of catalog import in License Metric Tool some part numbers that were associated with product IBM Cognos Analytic Server will not be associated with product IBM Planning Analytics Local TM1 Server. It might affect automated bundling capability. To resolve the issue, use custom bundling to assign components to correct products. For more information, see: Assigning components to products and Cloud Paks.
IJ21733 9.2.19 Creation of the License Metric Tool database fails on Windows due to compatibility issues even though the database compatibility level is correct. The following error is displayed.
The database must have an SQL Server compatibility level 
of least 110 (it's currently 90). If you have migrated
this database from an earlier version of SQL Server, 
you must update its compatibility level before it can be used.
The problem does not occur.
IJ21747 9.2.19 License Metric Tool does not work and the following error is written in the tema.log file. I SRVE0292I: Servlet Message
- [tema]:.[FATAL] ActionView::Template::Error (Unknown error 
(SystemCallError) - Unknown Error (0) - /var/opt/IBM/LMT/ilmt/
d86835e34da4b): [" 172: end\r", " 173: \r", " 174: def
summarize_software_installs_widget\r", " 175: cache
summarize_software_installs_widget_cache_key do\r", " 176:
summarize_software_installs(::SAM::SoftwareTitle,true)\r", "
177: overview_summaries(::SAM::ComputerGroupRollup.current\r",
" 178: .first(computer_group_id:
User.current.computer_group_id), true)\r"]
org/jruby/ `stat'
/jruby.home/lib/ruby/stdlib/fileutils.rb:1339:in `lstat'
:in `exist?
The problem does not occur.
IJ21789 9.2.19 IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler - Agent 8.2 is not discovered by License Metric Tool. IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler - Agent 8.2 is properly discovered.
IJ21800 9.2.19 Update of the database schema fails due to invalid handling of existing indexes. The following message is written in the tema.log file.
[12/30/19 13:08:12:897 UTC] 00000052 I SRVE0292I: Servlet Message -
[tema]:.[INFO] Begin applying migration
1568220001_panoramix_aggr_outputs_split_part2.rb, direction:
[12/30/19 13:08:13:657 UTC] 00000052 SystemOut O 2019-12-30
13:08:13 LMT [ERROR] [ILMTCore] (Default Executor-thread-14)
The name of the object to be created is identical to the
existing name "AGGR.METRIC_OTHER_GR_1_IDX1" of type "INDEX"..
SQLCODE=-601, SQLSTATE=42710, DRIVER=3.72.24 at
The problem does not occur.
IJ22183 9.2.19 Documentation does not specify that HOSTID values on a local zone and its parent global zone must be the same in order to match the guest and host system. Otherwise, License Metric Tool is unable to properly build virtualization structure information and the "No Host Scan Data" status is displayed for the guest system. Documentation is updated under the following link: Client installation on Oracle Solaris (BigFix scenario).
IJ22221 9.2.19 A user cannot generate the audit snapshot under the following circumstances:
  • The user is not an Administrator
  • The user is assigned a role that allows for generating the audit snapshot
  • The user does not have a permission to view the Audit Trail
The problem does not occur.
IJ22241 9.2.19 A disconnected data source cannot be created on a computer on which a custom computer property is defined. The problem does not occur.
IJ22354 9.2.19 Informix 4GL 7.51 is not discovered by License Metric Tool. Informix 4GL 7.51 is discovered.
IJ22562 9.2.19 A KVM has the "No Data" status despite it was successfully scanned by the Run Capacity Scan on Virtualization Hosts fixlet. The problem occurs because the output of the virsh command does not show any guest systems even though they are present and active. The problem does not occur.
IJ22782 9.2.19 Relevance 11 of the Initiate Software Scan fixlet returns the following error on Solaris.
Singular expression refers to nonexistent object
The problem does not occur.
IJ22881 9.2.19 Import of data fails with the following error.
ERROR: (ImportStep:CatalogMerger) null
One or more values in the INSERT statement, UPDATE statement,
or foreign key update caused by a DELETE statement are not valid
because the primary key, unique constraint or unique index
identified by "3" constrains table "SAM.DISCOVERABLES_PERSISTENT"
from having duplicate values for the index key..
SQLCODE=-803, SQLSTATE=23505, DRIVER=3.72.24
The problem does not occur.
IJ23216 9.2.19 The VM Managers panel cannot be displayed because Web Reports are not running. However, only a general error message is displayed. The error message is improved to indicate what is the cause of the problem.
IJ23221 9.2.19 When a software component was discovered in the past and later on it was removed from the software catalog, the information about the component becomes inconsistent. The License Metric Tool database contains correct information. However, the Software Classification and the PVU Subcapacity reports provide incorrect information. The problem does not occur.
IJ23369 9.2.19 Documentation provides incorrect description of the catalog_dimensions columns. Documentation is corrected. For more information, see: Mapping columns between software_instances and v2/software_instances REST API.
IJ17382 9.2.19 The Initiate Software Scan fixlet requires the pkgdb to work. The requirements is removed.
IJ21245 9.2.18 After upgrading to License Metric Tool 9.2.17, License Metric Tool cannot be accessed with the following message:
We are sorry, but
something went wrong.
Contact your IBM License Metric Tool
administrator if the problem persists.
The issue does not occur.
IJ21162 9.2.18 License Metric Tool reports an incorrect end of support date for IBM MQ 9.0. The issue does not occur.
IJ21140 9.2.18 The partition cores reported on the Hardware Inventory report do not match the CPU Core Subcapacity Limit on the IBM PVU Subcapacity report for machines on Amazon public cloud. The issue does not occur.
IJ21123 9.2.18 Schema update fails with compatibly level check error reported in tema.log. The issue does not occur.
IJ21042 9.2.18 Software scan based on package data fails on Solaris servers due to missing implementation of IPS repository for package data collection. The issue does not occur.
IJ21002 9.2.18 When importing capacity scan with the future date, the import of current scans fails. Importing capacity scans with a future date is not possible and produces a warning in logs.
IJ20419 9.2.18 Fixlet related to VM managers are not relevant on Debian OS. The issue does not occur.
IJ20158 9.2.18 When config.sso.debug is enabled, a clear text password is shown in team.log. The issue does not occur.
IJ19979 9.2.18 Import of data fails with the following error:
2019-09-09 22:09:10
(+0:00:00.235) INFO: ETL from Data Source - SAM::ScanFile      
(0x0000000000990AF5 - 0x00000000009A8E62): Failed
22:09:10 (+0:00:00.015) ERROR: Sequel::CheckConstraintViolation:
DBNAME: temadb -                                               
Java::ComMicrosoftSqlserverJdbc::SQLServerException: The UPDATE
statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint                 
"ckt_sam__scan_files_scd". The conflict occurred in database   
"temadb", table "sam.scan_files_scd".    
The issue does not occur.
IJ19901 9.2.18 Central VM Manager Tool is incorrectly determined when using the BigFix disaster recovery model with the DSA server as a backup existing in the environment. Central VM Manager Tool is correctly determined in DSA configuration.
IJ17980 9.2.18 The Run Capacity Scan and Upload Results ( fixlet shows the -1 exit code. The fixlet action script shows the following information:
--- Completed wait sh -c "'
{parameter "homefolder" as string}/'
 > '{parameter "logfilepath" as string}' 2>&1"
 Failed continue if {exit code of action = 0} 
The issue does not occur.
IJ19251 9.2.17 The Initiate Software Scan fixlet should verify the OS platform as Docker scan is supported only on Linux. The Initiate Software Scan fixlet is updated.
IJ18134 9.2.17 When a docker image does not have any .SWIDTAG signature file inside, the following error message is returned: cp: cannot stat '/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/docker/images/z987654321y0/*': No such file or directory The issue does not occur.
IJ17596 9.2.17 License Metric Tool discovers 4 socket RH5885H V3 machine during capacity scan as 1 socket only machine, which has impact on PVU calculation. License Metric Tool discovers 4 socket RH5885H V3 machine correctly.
IJ17594 9.2.17 License Metric Tool PVU table specifies 120 PVUs for the IBM z14 LR1 (3907) Rockhopper 1 processor. However, the value should be 100 PIUs. PVU table is updated.
IJ17219 9.2.17 Run Capacity Scan on Virtualization Hosts fails with the Exit Code 1 on KVM hosts. Run Capacity Scan on Virtualization Hosts on KVM hosts runs successfully.
IJ16429 9.2.16 When you suppress all components that are bundled to a product with the UNKNOWN metric, the product does not disappear from the All Metrics report panel. The product remains listed in the panel and its link leads to an empty page.  The issue does not occur.
IJ16496 9.2.16 On Software Summary (Preview) panel the Count column shows different number than the number of rows that are displayed when you click the target link. Software Summary (Preview) panel displays the correct values.
IJ16580 9.2.16 Initiate Software Scan fails on the step when total time of scan is generated. Initiate Software Scan works correctly.
IJ16910 9.2.16 The import of data fails due to incorrect version in datasource_database.rb The import of data is successful.
IJ17333 9.2.16 In Japanese environment when you export Software Installations, Software Classifications or All IBM Metrics report to csv or pdf file, the exported file name is garbled. The exported file name is correct.
IJ17382 9.2.16 The Initiate Software Scan depends on pkgdb, which is not correct. The Initiate Software Scan does not depend on pkgdb.
IJ15942 9.2.16 The connection with VM Manager fails because of an authentication issue. It is possible to connect to VM Manager.
IJ15887 9.2.16 -/var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/citinstall directory is created by UID/GID "1002 user when installing CIT scanner. The issue does not occur.
IJ15875 9.2.16 When there are many Hyper-V VM Managers defined (WinRM connection method), VM Manager tool might not be able to correctly establish the connection to them simultaneously in multiple threads. If it frequently fails to connect, it might be required to lower the number of connection threads to one (set vmm_thread_pool_size to 1) or to add more VM Manager tools to distribute the load. The product documentation is updated.
IJ15842 9.2.16 Entries related to MAC OSX in Computers report cause that the export of the report to csv file fails. The export of the report to csv file is successful.
IJ15773 9.2.16 The <NOT SET> value that is displayed on the Software Classification panel is unclear. The product documentation is updated.
IJ15680 9.2.16 The import of data fails with the following error message:
SAM::AppUsage step: java.lang.NullPointerException,
Error converting data type datetime2 to datetime, 
Duplicate key, 
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException exception
The import of data is successful.
IJ15612 9.2.16 The PVU sub-capacity values that are displayed on the reports in the UI are not correct, despite the fact that the application calculates the values correctly. The report displays the correct PVU sub-capacity values.
IJ15582 9.2.16 In certain conditions and during short period of data import process, Software Installation panel may display the data from all computers, not only from the computer group that the user is assigned to. Software Installation panel is properly filtered.
IJ15355 9.2.16 The Software Summary (Preview) panel does not work on MS SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2. The minimal MS SQL Server version where panel operates is MS SQL Server 2012. It works on all supported DB2 versions. The product documentation is updated.
IJ14303 9.2.16 You cannot save the custom report after you sort the data by non-selected column on the Hardware Inventory panel. You can save the custom report.
IJ15238 9.2.16 Disconnected Scanner consumes up to 10 jobs. If there are no sufficient resources available, the job might not be invoked. The issue does not occur.
IJ15143 9.2.16 The import of data fails when capacity scan results from Solaris servers are retrieved. The import of data is successful.
IJ15118 9.2.16 Customer receives the following warning message:
Warning WARN: SAM::RawComputerHealthValue: 
Skipping record dueto exception: 'undefined method ´rpartition'
for #<Array:0xab19735a>
The warning message is suppressed.
IJ15107 9.2.16 Hardware capacity scan on Solaris fails with the error code 8. Hardware capacity scan runs successfully.
IJ14919 9.2.16 The product documentation is missing an explicit requirement informing that the Windows script host has to be enabled on Windows endpoints. The product documentation is updated.
IJ14072 9.2.16 Several Informix 4GL products are not discovered correctly. Software catalog is improved.
IJ11917 9.2.16 After successful application upgrade to version 9.2.13 some panels, including Overview panel is not accessible. All panels are accessible.
IJ13573 9.2.15 Comment under "PVU subcapacity" view shows as 0 or 1. There is a problem with a renderer which should change the value to some message on the UI. The issue does not occur.
IJ13362 9.2.15 When switching from or to DST (Daylight Saving Time), email report notifications are not sent, or the application does not start. The notifications are sent correctly during DST change.
IJ13353 9.2.15 Software scan fails when using characters outside of ASCII encoding to specify the names of excluded directories. Product documentation is updated and technote is published.
IJ13332 9.2.15 An error may occur when assigning component to a product and clearing the check box "List products for which the component is listed as a bundling option.". The error does not occur.
IJ12165 9.2.15 The capacity scan on IBM i system fails because 'QTIMSEP' time separator is not taken into account. The time is specified without the time separator.
IJ11504 9.2.15 When Samba Filesystem is mounted on AIX, it is not discovered as a shared disk. Samba Filesystem that is mounted on AIX, is discovered correctly.
IJ09767 9.2.14 While upgrading to version 9.2.13. the Schema update fails with the following error message:
SQLServerException: Lock request time out period exceeded.
The upgrade to version 9.2.13. is successful.
IJ11004 9.2.14 The Resource Value Unit tier table document uses dots (.) instead of commas (,) in Activated Processor Cores column. The documentation is updated.
IJ11112 9.2.14 It is not possible to create a computer group. The following error message is displayed when you try to input the description.
undefined method `report_column_id' for #<Criteria:0x19b364c3>
You can create a computer group successfully.
IJ11285 9.2.14 There is an issue with the internal scheduler, which gets initiated too many times. The issue does not occur.
IJ11293 9.2.14 Running software scan on a docker might generate a detection of too many software instances. The issue does not occur.
IJ11634 9.2.14 After upgrade to Catalog version usage data is not available for selected Java components. The issue does not occur.
IJ11778 9.2.14 Upgrade to version 9.2.13. fails in Unix based environment. Upgrade to version 9.2.13. is successful.
IJ11791 9.2.14 The import of data is very slow, when many instances are suppressed. The issue does not occur.
IJ06462 9.2.13 The License Metric Tool server cannot connect to the MS SQL Server after the database is patched. When the problem occurs, a message is displayed to restart the License Metric Tool server.
IJ07294 9.2.13 The exclude_path.txt lists additional directories that you want to exclude from software scans on a particular computer. If you empty the exclude_path.txt file so that it has 0 bites, directories that should be excluded from software scans by default are scanned. The problem does not occur.
IJ07370 9.2.13 When you set up e-mail notifications to be sent every three months, e-mails are not sent on the expected dates. The problem does not occur.
IJ07404 9.2.13 When discovery of software on shared disks is enabled and the same disk is mounted twice under different paths on a particular computer, import of data fails. The problem does not occur.
IJ07441 9.2.13 When a shared disk is mounted twice on a single computer, and the names of mount points differ only in letter capitalization (for example: /opt/IBM and opt/ibm), software is discovered only in one of the locations. The problem occurs on UNIX. The problem does not occur.
IJ07569 9.2.13 Results of capacity scan are not imported from Amazon Cloud machines that are running on KVM. The problem does not occur.
IJ07728 9.2.13 Installation of the disconnected scanner fails because the wcitinst.pgm file is copied to a wrong location. The problem does not occur.
IJ07913 9.2.13 The status of the VM manager is Unknown problem and the following error is written in the logs.
(ImportMergeTask-Thread:0) SQLException -> Message:
mainException -> SQL Message: Cannot insert duplicate key row
in object 'adm.cluster' with unique index 'cluster_ui1'.
The duplicate key value is (16, Test server 2014/Test11).
-> SQL ErrorCode: 2601
-> SQL State: 23000
The problem does not occur.
IJ08122 9.2.13 Software identification tag scan skips hidden files. The problem does not occur.
IJ08137 9.2.13 A user who is assigned the Auditor role does not have access to the Metering Data and Unrecognized Files reports. However, such a user should have access to these reports according to documentation. A user who is assigned the Auditor role has access to the Metering Data and Unrecognized Files reports.
IJ08192 9.2.13 Although the software scan was not run on a computer, the following columns have the value Yes: Catalog Scan Successful, Software Tags Scan Successful, and Package Scan Successful. The problem does not occur.
IJ08497 9.2.13 The computer.yml file is not created by disconnected scanner when the folder where the file is located is too long or contains white characters. The problem does not occur.
IJ08738 9.2.13 License Metric Tool indicates that it imports the whole certificate chain into the key_server.jceks file while in fact it does not. The problem does not occur.
IJ08783 9.2.13 Upgrade to version 9.2.12 fails when software is discovered in paths that contain spaces. The problem does not occur.
IJ03763 9.2.12 When you verify the license for DB2 that is delivered with License Metric Tool by running the following command:
db2licm -g a.txt; cat a.txt
the command returns a violation of the DB2 license.
License for DB2 that is delivered with License Metric Tool is corrected and the violation is not returned.
IJ05324 9.2.12 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for i5/OS 3.7 is not discovered because file size that is defined in the product signature is different than the size of the file that exists in the environment where the product is installed. The problem does not occur.
IJ05411 9.2.12 Installation of the License Metric Tool server fails with error code 41. The problem does not occur.
IJ05768 9.2.12 Upgrade to version 9.2.11 fails in large environments with the following error.
Sequel::DatabaseError (DBNAME: temadb - 
Java::ComMicrosoftSqlserverJdbc::SQLServerException: Cannot
insert duplicate key row in object 'sam.versions' with unique
index 'sam_versions_version_index'. The duplicate key value is
The problem does not occur.
IJ05798 9.2.12 Import of data fails after the name of a custom computer property is changed in the BigFix console.
Batch execution error: Error for batch element #22:
An error occurred in a triggered SQL statement in trigger
"DBO.DATASOURCE_P".  Information returned for the error includes
SQLCODE "-545", SQLSTATE "23513" and message tokens
SQLCODE=-723, SQLSTATE=09000, DRIVER=4.22.29
INFO: ETL from Data Source - DatasourceProperty
(0x00000000A5C19174 - 0x00000000AB935E48): Failed
The problem does not occur.
IJ06058 9.2.12 Fixlet for upgrading the License Metric Tool server is not relevant due to relevance 6. The problem does not occur.
IJ06312 9.2.12 When a VM is created before its node, wrong PVU is shown for such a VM even though PVU calculations that are performed are correct. The problem does not occur.
IJ06367 9.2.12 Software is not detected on Solaris because the _cit.xml scanner files cannot be created. The problem does not occur.
IJ06399 9.2.12 After upgrading to version 9.2.11, some of the confirmed software assignments become unconfirmed. The problem occurs on environments where License Metric Tool is installed with MS SQL Server. The problem does not occur.
IJ06405 9.2.12 Due to differences in processing of outputs from the VM Manager Tool and the scanner, software is detected on both the host and guests on some virtualization platforms (Hyper-V, KVM). As a result, metric utilization is calculated separately which can lead to overcharging. The problem does not occur.
IJ06475 9.2.12 Software Products, Software Versions and Software Releases report show not only products but also components that cannot be chosen during the assignment on the Software Classification panel. Software Products, Software Versions and Software Releases reports show only products. The number of items is lower due to this change as the reports no longer include components. The Software Components report is not changed. Additionally, following information is displayed on the details reports:
  • Version of the shown entity
  • Version-independent component ID that includes the name of the component
IJ06690 9.2.12 IBM Sterling Gentran for iSeries v3.5 is not discovered because it is not contained in the software catalog. The problem does not occur.
IJ06802 9.2.12 Depending on the settings of the IBM i locale, the ./bin/ command fails with the following error.
001-0050 Syntax error on line 25: token "(" not expected.
due to incorrect interpretation of character escape.
Character escaping in the script works correctly and the problem does not occur.
IJ06852 9.2.12 When License Metric Tool attempts to connect to the BigFix server during the installation, it uses the 52311 port by default. If a different port is defined in the RSP_APP_DS_TEMS_PORT parameter in the install_response.txt file, License Metric Tool is not able to connect through this port. The problem does not occur.
IJ01930 9.2.11 Cannot remove an existing data source that is mapped with BigFix. The problem does not occur. The import of data is blocked during data source removal. The warning is displayed on the Data Sources and Data Imports panels.
IJ02730 9.2.11 The date of the next scheduled export is not correctly displayed in License Metric Tool. The problem does not occur.
IJ02830 9.2.11 Upgrade of License Metric Tool to version 9.2.10 or fails with the following message: I SRVE0292I: Servlet Message - 
[tema]:.[FATAL] NoMethodError (undefined method `Exception' for 
extensions/migration.rb:62:in `method_missing' domains/sam/db/
`modify_role' domains/sam/db/migrate/
Solution to the problem is described in the following technote:
IJ02861 9.2.11 After Install or Upgrade Scanner fixlet is updated, previously triggered actions become relevant again. The problem does not occur.
IJ02891 9.2.11 PVU table does not contain the 2S and 8S versions of E7-4870V2, E7-4880V2 and E7-4890V2 Intel Xeon processors. The PVU table is updated with 2S and 8S versions of E7-4870V2, E7-4880V2 and E7-4890V2 Intel Xeon processors.
IJ03008 9.2.11 After upgrading to License Metric Tool 9.2.10, the suppressed software reappears on the reports. The problem does not occur.
IJ03189 9.2.11 API for retrieving software products does not return non-IBM products. Documentation is updated to specify that the APIs for software inventory management and software classification return only IBM products that are assigned to default license metrics.
IJ03199 9.2.11 Product documentation does not contain information about the space requirements including the space that is required for transaction logs for the License Metric Tool database. Documentation is updated with the information about the space requirements including the space that is required for transaction logs for License Metric Tool database.
IJ03203 9.2.11 Configuration of a new data source after product installation fails with the following error:
SQLCODE=-433, SQLSTATE=22001, DRIVER=3.72.24
The problem does not occur.
IJ03485 9.2.11 After running a disconnected scan, the log.txt file is created in the incorrect directory. The problem does not occur.
IJ03488 9.2.11 The import of data fails with the following error:
ERROR: Java::JavaSql::BatchUpdateException:   
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object
The problem does not occur.
IJ03660 9.2.11 When a single-core virtual machine without VM Manager reports a processor which is not listed in the PVU table, incorrect PVU per core is assigned. The problem does not occur.
IJ03812 9.2.11 Generation of Audit Snapshot takes a considerable amount of time and computer resources. The problem does not occur.
IJ03834 9.2.11 Documentation does not contain information about the privileges that a user needs for installing a BigFix client on UNIX. Documentation is updated with information about the privileges that a user needs for installing a BigFix client on UNIX.
IJ03880 9.2.11 Catalog Download fixlet is not relevant on Solaris endpoints because multiple processes are running at the same time The problem does not occur.
IJ04107 9.2.11 Documentation does not contain information about how to configure a directory server with multiple domain controllers. Documentation is updated with information about how to configure a directory server with multiple domain controllers.
IJ04644 9.2.11 Import of data completes, however the following error is displayed in the logs:
Cannot insert duplicate key row 
in object 'sam.expanded_usage_rollups' with unique index
The duplicate key value is (1, Feb 28 2018  3:09PM).
             -> SQL ErrorCode : 2601
             -> SQL State     : 23000
The problem does not occur.
IJ04967 9.2.11 Scan fails on the Software Tag Scan step. The problem does not occur.
IJ04197 9.2.11 When License Metric Tool cannot download data from the BigFix server for a specific endpoint, software detected on that endpoint may be marked as uninstalled, even though it is still present. As a result, the software might not be reported for this endpoint, or can be duplicated on the Software Classification panel. The fix prevents the issue from reoccurring. The duplicated entries remain, as they do not have negative impact on the license usage. In case the discovery is missing, applying Force Reupload of Software Scan Results fixlet will resolve the issue.
IJ03008 After upgrading to License Metric Tool 9.2.10, all instances of components that were suppressed are reassigned to default products. Depending on the license metric that the default product uses, the reassigned components might contribute to license metric utilization that is reported on the All IBM Metrics report. Components that were suppressed before upgrading to version 9.2.10 are suppressed again. If you confirmed the suppression in the past, verify that it is still confirmed after upgrading to version If not, confirm the suppression.
IV99657 9.2.10 Components that are discovered with SWID tags are not correctly matched against software catalog due to differences in capitalization of their names. The problem does not occur.
IV96770 9.2.10 The import of data fails and the following error is written in the logs:
Sequel::SerializationFailure: DBNAME: BFEnterprise - 
Java::ComMicrosoftSqlserverJdbc:: SQLServerException: 
Transaction (Process ID 90) was deadlocked on lock resources 
with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. 
Rerun the transaction.
To avoid a situation in which the import of data fails due to deadlocks of SQL queries, the step during which the deadlock occurs is retried up to 5 times before the import fails.
IJ02365 9.2.10 Installation of License Metric Tool fails on Linux because the /tmp directory is mounted with the NONEXEC flag. Documentation is updated with instructions for specifying a custom directory as the temporary directory of InstallAnywhere.
IJ02357 9.2.10 Installation fails and a warning about the lack of free disk space is displayed even though there is enough disk space in the particular directory. Documentation provides instructions for changing the value of the CHECK_DISK_SPACE parameter to solve the problem but the solution does not work. Documentation is updated with instructions for setting the value of the tlm_debug_disable_disk_space_chec variable to true to solve the problem.
IJ02292 9.2.10 Upgrade of License Metric Tool fails and the following error is displayed:
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'sam.versions' 
with unique index 'sam_versions_version_index'.
The problem does not occur.
IJ02291 9.2.10 E-mail notifications are not sent because an error occurs during the communication with the SMTP server. The problem does not occur.
IJ02102 9.2.10 The procedure for manually reverting the disabled SSO configuration for SAML is incomplete. Documentation is updated with the complete procedure for manually reverting the disabled SSO configuration for SAML.
IJ01949 9.2.10 When the total number of characters in the user name and password of the BigFix user that is specified while adding a new data source exceeds 44 characters, the following error is displayed:
Failed to connect to 'https://........:52311'    
The problem does not occur.
IJ01929 9.2.10 When you import a new software catalog in which a custom metric was assigned to a product with an unknown metric, the import fails. The problem does not occur.
IJ01906 9.2.10 A computer group that is created in the BigFix console cannot be recreated in License Metric Tool when its name contains an underscore. The problem does not occur.
IJ01508 9.2.10 When you generate a PDF report from a report view that contains empty cells, and the default CSV separator is changed, the PDF report contains only the header row. The problem does not occur.
IJ01226 9.2.10 If you have License Metric Tool and BigFix Compliance 1.8 installed in the same environment, a configuration problem occurs during database creation. Solution to the problem is described in the following technote:
IJ00911 9.2.10 Import of data and on-demand recalculation are not correctly synchronized which can lead to long-running re-aggregation. Import of data and recalculation are better synchronized.
IJ00766 9.2.10 Import of data fails because connection to the database times out. If the problem occurs, the import log contains information how to troubleshoot the problem.
IJ00721 9.2.10 Information about the amount of free disk space that is required in the /opt/ibm/LMT directory is incorrect. It does not take into account disk space that is needed during the upgrade. Documentation is updated to state that 3GB of free disk space is required in the /opt/ibm/LMT directory to ensure that the upgrade succeeds.
IJ00657 9.2.10 The list of operating systems supported by the disconnected scan that is available in the translated versions of the documentation is not in sync with the English version. The list of operating systems supported by the disconnected scan is moved to the SPCR report.
IJ00603 9.2.10 The Software Catalog Update task requires that the zip and unzip RPMs are installed on computers that run on operating systems other than Windows. The requirement is no longer necessary and prevents the catalog from being updated on systems where these RPMs are not present. The requirement is removed.
IJ00601 9.2.10 Documentation does not provide information that the amount of free disk space that is required for the BigFix database increases when the database grows. The amount of space that is required for the BigFix database is optimized.
IJ00500 9.2.10 Japanese names of tasks for downloading the disconnected scanner package for IBM i and for other platforms are the same. The Japanese name of the task for downloading the package for platforms other than IBM i is corrected.
IJ00373 9.2.10 Multiple software scan processes that are running on a single computer decrease scan performance. The problem occurred because the same type of action was scheduled multiple times on a single computer. It is advised to run each recurring action only once per computer. Additionally, scans on Solaris zones were improved.
IJ00246 9.2.10 Import of data fails and the following error is written in the logs.
ERROR: Java::ComMicrosoftSqlserverJdbc::SQLServerException:
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'pk_datasource_sites_scd'.
Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.datasource_sites_scd'. 
The problem does not occur.
IJ00169 9.2.10 Custom computer properties are not refreshed in License Metric Tool. The problem occurred because the properties were based on the results of an analysis that was removed. Currently, the import log contains information about such a situation.
IV97086 9.2.9 The Software Installations report and the Metering Data report show inconsistent application usage data. The problem does not occur.
IV97130 9.2.9 The list of reports contains reports that the user is not authorized to view. The problem does not occur.
IV97157 9.2.9 After reconfiguration of the environment, reports still display software instances that should not be applicable anymore. After reconfiguration of the environment, the reports do not display the software instances that are not applicable anymore.
IV97322 9.2.9 When no virtual machines are detected on a Hyper-V host, the VM manager status on VM Managers panel is Insufficient rights. When no virtual machines are detected on a Hyper-V host, the VM manager status on VM Managers panel is No Data.
IV97413 9.2.9 The PVU table does not contain the 4-socket processors from the Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-xxxx line. The PVU table is updated with the 4-socket processors from the Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-xxxx line.
IV97421 9.2.9 The import of usage data fails when the process name contains a semicolon. The problem does not occur.
IV97498 9.2.9 The import of ISO tags fails when two tags have identical UNIQUE_ID. The problem does not occur.
IV97690 9.2.9 Content of packages with disconnected scan results on Windows in Japanese language is not accurate. The problem does not occur.
IV97717 9.2.9 During the import of data, the following error is displayed.
ERROR: Java::ComIbmDb2JccAm::SqlException: The file system is full.
The problem does not occur.
IV97734 9.2.9 PVU is not properly calculated for zLinux computers. The problem does not occur.
IV97806 9.2.9 Import of Software Catalog fails when the software details are duplicated by different catalog providers. The problem does not occur.
IV97869 9.2.9 The System Model of virtual machines in the application is different from the information collected by REST API. The problem does not occur.
IV98045 9.2.9 Upgrade to the latest version of the application fails when the saved reports definition contains non-ASCII characters. The problem does not occur.
IV98047 9.2.9 The SSO setup for SAML is problematic. The problem does not occur.
IV98174 9.2.9 Import of data fails when the name of the custom site contains special characters. The problem does not occur.
IV98258 9.2.9 Computers with NULL value are marked as deleted, and the information about these computers is no longer available on the reports. If a computer has no name and IP address, the data from the computer is not displayed on Software Classification and All Metrics reports. However, the details are still available on other reports, such as, Software Installations.
IV98280 9.2.9 After the VM Manager upgrade, the value of _BESClient_ArchiveManager_MaxArchiveSize is reset to default. The problem does not occur.
IV98375 9.2.9 The server.env file is not preserved during application upgrade. The server.env file is preserved during application upgrade.
IV98729 9.2.9 The import of data fails when raw data is merged. The problem does not occur.
IV98832 9.2.9 The following error is displayed after the user is redirected to the SSO login page.
Unknown error.
The following error message is displayed in case of SSO login issues.
Signle Sign-On Error
The unexpected Single Sign-On error occured. The possible reason
is the insufficient SSO session timeout. For more details, 
check the web browser Console and contact your system administrator.
Refresh the website to display the SSO login page.
IV98882 9.2.9 The import of data fails because the key value is processed twice. The problem does not occur.
IV98946 9.2.9 The PVU table does not contain information about the Power8 chip on 9080-MME. The PVU table is updated with the Power8 chip on 9080-MME.
IV98950 9.2.9 The /usr/lpp directory is excluded by default and some IBM products are not discovered. Documentation is updated with information about troubleshooting steps for the excluded /usr/lpp directory. This directory is included in software scans from the latest version of the scanner.
IV99040 9.2.9 The Catalog Download task fails because the BigFix server cannot connect to the License Metric Tool server. Documentation is updated with the description of the scenario and the troubleshooting steps.
IV99343 9.2.9 The initial import of data on Mac OS is extremely slow. The problem does not occur.
IV99505 9.2.9 The Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor is present in the current version of the PVU table only with the 3 or 4 Socket option. The PVU table is updated to contain other option of the Intel(R) Xeon(R) processor.
IV99563 9.2.9 The application upgrade from version 9.2.2 fails with the following error.
DatabaseError (DBNAME: temadb -
Java::ComMicrosoftSqlserverJdbc::SQLServerException: Lock
request time out period exceeded.)
The problem does not occur.
IV99594 9.2.9 After a few imports in a raw fail, the next import can fail because of the historical data cleanup. The problem does not occur.
IV99612 9.2.9 It is not clearly stated if HP-UX Virtual Partitions (vPars) are supported. The Software Product Compatibility Report (SPCR) was updated with the information that HP-UX Virtual Partitions (vPars) are supported, except from the HP-UX Virtual Partitions v6.0 (vPars v6.0) on HP Integrity Server Blade.
IV99651 9.2.9 The import of data fails and the following error is displayed in the logs.
ERROR: Sequel::DatabaseError: DBNAME: BFENT -
Java::ComIbmDb2JccAm::SqlDataException: A numeric      
argument of a built-in string function is out of range..
SQLCODE=-138, SQLSTATE=22011, DRIVER=4.22.29
The problem does not occur.
IV99730 9.2.9 The Run Capacity Scan and Upload Results fixlet initiates download of zip.exe file even if such file already exists in the License Metric Tool directory. The problem does not occur.
IV99867 9.2.9 It is not clear that, for Unix systems, the user needs to have tar and gzip installed on each target computer to complete the Run Capacity Scan and Upload Results fixlet successfully. Documentation is updated with the information that tar and gzip must be installed on each target computer to run the fixlet.
IV88965 9.2.8 Documentation provides incorrect information about the security scenarios. Documentation is updated to provide correct information about security scenarios.
IV92314 9.2.8 After upgrading from TLS 1.0 to TLS 1.2, the connection between TLS 1.2 and LDAP fails. The problem does not occur.
IV93398 9.2.8 A number of Intel processors is reported as Xeon instead of Core. The problem does not occur.
IV94146 9.2.8 Software catalog version and report time range are not included in the PDF reports that are exported by e-mail. Software catalog version and report time range are included in the PDF reports that are exported by e-mail.
IV94436 9.2.8 In documentation about adding VM managers in central mode, a screen in step 3 shows an incorrect user ID format. Documentation is updated.
IV94519 9.2.8 The Next Scheduled Export column shows only the export date for the user who is currently logged in. The column name is changed to Your Next Scheduled Export. A tooltip is added to explain the column value.
IV94548 9.2.8 The date in the First Used column is prior to the date in the Discovery Start column. Documentation is updated to explain that the First Used date might be prior to Discovery Start date.
IV94665 9.2.8 After the upgrade import is very slow, or fails. The following error is displayed.
SQLServerException: Could not continue scan with NOLOCK due to
data movement.
The problem does not occur.
IV94721 9.2.8 File with scan results that is larger than 3 MB is registered as failed and is constantly processes. The problem does not occur.
IV94780 9.2.8 Optimization of file extensions might require bigger transaction logs than listed in the Scalability Guide. The problem does not occur.
IV95273, IV95377 9.2.8 The disconnected scan results cannot be imported due to a software catalog version problem. The problem does not occur.
IV95282 9.2.8 When you run the scrip during the installation of the disconnected scanner, the following error is displayed.
ERROR: Error while getting catalog version
The error is not displayed. The user is asked to run the import.
IV95307 9.2.8 License Metric Tool still queries the VM manager that has already been removed. The problem does not occur.
IV95308 9.2.8 Duplicated BigFix properties cause an error when adding BigFix as a new data source. The appropriate warning is displayed in the tema.log to prevent duplication.
IV95420 9.2.8 After importing a failed VM manager scan results, the host is immediately detached from the VM manager. The computerVmManagerDetachmentPeriod parameter is changed to VmManagerDetachmentPeriod, and allows for configuring the period of VM manager detachment from a cluster.
IV95445 9.2.8 User cannot log in to License Metric Tool due to database connection issue. The problem does not occur.
IV95486 9.2.8 After installation of License Metric Tool 9.2.7 with a custom MS SQL Server database, first import of data fails. The following message is displayed when installing 9.2.7 version on MS SQL Server with the database collation other than SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS:
The database must have the SQL database collation set to
SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS. Currently, it is 
Albanian_100_CI_AS_WS_SC. If you created this database,
update its collation before you can use it.
IV95728 9.2.8 The software scan requires large disk space for temporary files. Documentation is updated with the additional disk space requirement for the /temp folder.
IV96034 9.2.8 When you install License Metric Tool with All-in-One installer and the user password does not meet the password requirements, user is not properly notified. The appropriate notification is displayed.
IV96097 9.2.8 PVU pricing for IBM SoftLayer single tenant and multi tenant is different. PVU pricing for both single and multi tenant is now unified.
IV96221 9.2.8 Audit Trail is not up-to-date. The problem does not occur.
IV96271 9.2.8 Solaris servers are improperly reported as virtual machines. The problem does not occur.
IV96314 9.2.8 The warning icon with the tooltip related to confirmation status is displayed on the All Metrics report. The warning icon is removed.
IV96320 9.2.8 The Software Classification panel does not load when the application is running on MS SQL Server Express and the language is set to other than US English. The problem does not occur.
IV96398 9.2.8 The ISO tag files are not imported after a disconnected scan. The problem does not occur.
IV96455 9.2.8 The endpoint UUID on Citrix Xen with pool is incorrectly identified. The problem does not occur.
IV96464 9.2.8 It is unclear what to do after running the disconnected scan on IBM i. The log message is reviewed, to clarify what actions should be completed after the scan.
IV96480 9.2.8 Documentation does not explain how to change the BigFix password for Console Operator directly in License Metric Tool. Documentation is updated with the instruction about how to change the password for Console Operator.
IV96577 9.2.8 Disconnected scanner uses the interface host name instead of the actual computer name provided by the hostname command. The computer name is collected through the hostname command by default.
IV96595 9.2.8 Database schema cannot be updated on DB2 after the upgrade. The problem does not occur.
IV96622 9.2.8 Audit snapshot cannot be generated when the value of the user_password_regular_expression parameter is empty. The problem does not occur.
IV96662 9.2.8 The scanner diagnostic tool cannot be initiated on Power Linux Big Endian. The problem does not occur.
IV96676 9.2.8 Cannot download the software catalog. The problem does not occur.
IV96748 9.2.8 It is not clear that you require the following directories to complete the installation with All-in-One installer: /opt, /etc and /var. The following error is displayed in the All-in-One installer if any of the required directories is missing:
The installation directory /directory 
for the BigFix internal directory does not exist.
IV96753 9.2.8 Documentation does not include information about removing all components after a failed installation with the script. Documentation is updated with information about removing all components after a failed installation with the script.
IV96798   After upgrading to version 9.2.7, import of data fails with the following error.
Cannot resolve the collation conflict between 
"SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"
in the equal to operation
The problem does not occur.
IV96908 9.2.8 Inventory builder fails with the following error:
The UPDATE statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint
The problem does not occur.
IV97027 9.2.8 Upload of capacity data fails on AIX. The problem does not occur.
IV91604 9.2.7 If a sequence number of a new computer is updated during the import, computer properties are skipped. The computer data is populated during the next import, but its properties are not re-imported. The problem does not occur.
IV91628 9.2.7 Upgrade to the latest version fails because multiple computer groups have the same name. The following error is written in the logs.
The same row of target table "SAM.AUDIT_TRAILS" was identified
more than once for an update, delete or insert operation of the 
MERGE statement. SQLCODE=-788, SQLSTATE=21506, DRIVER=3.64.104:
The problem does not occur.
IV91631 9.2.7 Import of data fails because the tempdb database uses the full disk space. The following error is written in the logs.
Could not allocate space for object '<temporary system object:
422214265208832>' in database 'tempdb' because the 'PRIMARY'
filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files,
dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the
filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.
When you encounter this error, contact IBM support to obtain the fix. The fix is not enabled by default because it extends the import time.
IV91693 9.2.7 Data in the bundling_definitions.csv file is valid but some rows are repeated. It happens for servers with multiple computers. The problem does not occur.
IV91733 9.2.7 A user who is not assigned to the All Computers group can list all computers by using REST API. Only a user who is assigned to the All Computers group can list all computers by using REST API.
IV91735 9.2.7 Disk space requirements for the client installed on AIX are incorrect. Documentation is updated to provide correct disk space requirements.
IV91736 9.2.7 Upgrade to the latest version fails and the following error is written in the logs.
The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row 
more than  once.
The problem does not occur.
IV92162 9.2.7 After updating the catalog to the latest version, the following warning is displayed in the catalog wizard.
Warning: New IBM products that are not in the current catalog
discovered. Update IBM software catalog to newest version to 
discover the possible bundling.
The problem does not occur.
IV92339 9.2.7 The fixlet for upgrading the server checks whether enough disk space is available in the file system of the BigFix client instead of the file system of the License Metric Tool server. Disk space is checked on the file system of the License Metric Tool server.
IV92432 9.2.7 The computer.yml file is missing when the IBM i is installed on bare metal. Documentation is updated to contain information that IBM i is not supported on bare metal and must be installed on a supported virtualization technology.
IV92450 9.2.7 Information about supported operating systems in the SPCR reports and License Metric Tool documentation is not in sync. The information is aligned.
IV92454 9.2.7 A key pair generated for License Metric Tool cannot be used for Web Reports when the private key is password-protected. Documentation is updated to contain information that the key pair generated for License Metric Tool can be used for Web Reports only if the private key is not password-protected.
IV92593 9.2.7 Documentation lists vCenter 4.0 and 4.1 as supported virtualization technologies even though they were removed from the list of eligible virtualization technologies. vCenter 4.0 and 4.1 are removed from the documentation.
IV92990 9.2.7 The number of server active sockets reported on AIX is incorrect. The reported number of active sockets is correct.
IV93008 9.2.7 Documentation indicates that the BigFix client is not supported on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition. Documentation is updated to contain information that the BigFix client is supported on Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition.
IV93055 9.2.7 File signatures that are used for both recognition and monitoring, and have the AND operator, are not matched if the file does not have any extension. To solve the problem, upload the software catalog released in March 2017. When the problem occurs, it is logged as the following error in the import log.
ERROR: Unhandled signature with guid: <guid>
IV93258 9.2.7 VM Manager Tool does not accept certificates signed by third party. VM Manager Tool still does not accept certificates signed by third party. However, the self-signed certificate that is included in the tool and is used for local communication is replaced with a certificate signed by a certificate authority.
IV93388 9.2.7 Documentation provides incorrect information about the location of scanner logs on UNIX. Documentation is updated to contain information that the scanner logs are located in the /usr/ibm/tivoli/common/CIT directory.
IV93491 9.2.7 Software scan fails when the BigFix client on Windows is installed on a drive other than C:. The problem does not occur.
IV93537 9.2.7 Saving capacity reports into a file ends with an exception that occurs during retrieving data from the defined VM managers. The problem does not occur.
IV93557 9.2.7 Software scan fails and the following message is written in the logs.
/cit/ 001-0078 001-0078 Process ended
by signal 5. Error 133 while launching command
Documentation is updated to contain information that the *ALLOBJ authority is required to install the scanner and run scans on IBM i.
IV93640 9.2.7 0 is displayed as the number of partition cores in case of Solaris Zones on x86. Correct number of cores is displayed.
IV93750 9.2.7 For some multi-socket processors, an incorrect number of sockets is displayed on the Hardware Inventory report and its CSV version. The problem does not occur.
IV93777 9.2.7 When the computer.yml contains multiple IP addresses, the disconnected scan data on IBM i is not processed. The following message is written in the logs.
WARN: Invalid computer.yml file. Skipping package: The following error occurred:
(<unknown>): could not found expected ':' while scanning 
a simple key at line 8 column 1.
The problem does not occur.
IV93900 9.2.7 When a large number of connections to Hyper-V is defined by using the PowerShell protocol, some of the connections fail. The problem does not occur.
IV94078 9.2.7 After upgrading to the latest version of License Metric Tool and running the first import, some confirmed bundlings changed to unconfirmed. The problem does not occur.
IV94199 9.2.7 License Metric Tool detects MQ .swtag files in the /var/spool/pkg directory on Solaris. The directory contains installation files, not installed MQ components. The /var/spool/pkg directory is excluded from software scans by default.
IV94226 9.2.7 The Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7- 4820 processor is present in the current version of the PVU table only with the Xeon(R), 3 or 4 Socket option. The PVU table does not include the 1 or 2 Socket option. It leads into issues with wrong PVU calculation, as the PVU is set to 100 instead of 70. The PVU table is updated to contain the 1 or 2 Socket option.
IV91486 9.2.6 Import of data fails and the following error is written in the logs.
ERROR: NoMethodError: undefined method 
´historical_hierarchical_object' for nil:NilClass 
The problem does not occur.
IV90937 9.2.6 VM managers have the No VM Manager Data status because their UUIDs are incorrectly matched with the UUIDs that are returned by the operating system on VMware. The problem does not occur.
IV90032 9.2.6 Naming convention that is used for Microsoft Hyper-V communication interface (NTLM and PowerShell) suggests that PowerShell is more secure than the obsolete NTLM protocol suite. However, NTLM authentication protocol is used in both cases. NTLM is replaced by WinRM so that the naming convention reflects the underlying communication protocol not the authentication protocol.
IV89970 9.2.6 When the computer has the No VM Manager Data status, incorrect values are used for license calculations. As a result, the calculations are underestimated. The problem does not occur.
IV89924 9.2.6 Capacity is incorrectly calculated when a Linux guest runs on zVM on LPAR in mixed mode. The problem does not occur.
IV89688 9.2.6 Generating the CSV version of reports uses 100% of CPU and hangs when the report is very large. Performance of generating the CSV version of reports is improved.
IV89613 9.2.6 Documentation does not contain information about requirements for installing the BigFix client on HP Integrity VM. Documentation is updated to contain information that the client needs to be installed on the virtual machines and their host operating systems.
IV89592 9.2.6 Import of data fails on the IP address computer property. The problem does not occur.
IV89078 9.2.6 Capacity scan results are incorrectly processed when zLinux is installed directly on the LPAR. The problem does not occur.
IV89617 If a user is removed, or LDAP configuration is changed, reports that are set as global defaults are also deleted. It causes issues with displaying the application user interface after the application restart. The problem does not occur.
IV90129 Software installation paths are missing in environments where the License Metric Tool server is installed on Windows. The problem does not occur.
IV77920 9.2.5 The number of rows that is displayed on the reports is limited to 40000 in Internet Explorer. The problem does not occur.
IV85665, IV85667 9.2.5 The formula for calculating space needed for DB2 transaction logs is incorrect. The formula is updated.
IV85973 9.2.5 When the import of data runs more than once per day and the software inventory changes, some software components are reported as uninstalled. The problem does not occur.
IV86114 9.2.5 When the login contains a backslash (\), retrieving debug data from the VM Manager Tool does not work. Also, when you use the -retrievedebugdata option, the following message is written in the logs even if the credentials are correct:
Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name
or password.
The problem does not occur.
IV86300 9.2.5 A database error is returned when the size of the filter is larger than 1 MB. Documentation is updated that the size of the filter cannot be larger than 1 MB.
IV86499 9.2.5 Import of data fails when the data in the tlmsubcapacity.cfg file is invalid or the file is corrupted. The import does not fail but information about the corrupted file is written in the logs.
IV86926 9.2.5 Branded Solaris zones are not supported. Documentation is updated to contain information that this type of Solaris zones is not supported.
IV86970 9.2.5 List of directories that are by default excluded from software scans is not optimal. The following directories are by default excluded from software scans:
  • */perl/lib/*
  • */perl5/*
  • */unicore/lib/*
  • /usr/src/kernels/*
IV87040 9.2.5 If a local zone in the virtualized Solaris environment does not have a shared pool defined, the capacity of the physical node is modified with the value from the local zone. The problem does not occur.
IV87439 9.2.5 Generating the audit snapshot does not work. The problem does not occur.
IV87537 9.2.5 The audit snapshot shows the license metric peak value time that is outside of the specified time range. The problem does not occur.
IV87557 9.2.5 A computer has the Missing Scan Results status even though the scan data from the computer was imported during the last 24 hours. The problem does not occur.
IV87748 9.2.5 When the Active Directory times out during the creation of user provisioning, an unhandled exception is displayed on the user interface. A meaningful message is displayed.
IV87852 9.2.5 The VM Managers panel takes a lot of time to load when it contains definitions of more than 500 VM managers. The panel loading time is shortened.
IV87944 9.2.5 Documentation does not contain information that the database schema must be updated in some upgrade scenarios. Documentation is updated to contain information that if the database schema changed between the versions, you will be asked to update it.
IV88001 9.2.5 Documentation does not provide information about the requirements that must be fulfilled by the BigFix user that is used during the migration from License Metric Tool or Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed 7.x. Documentation is updated to include information that the user must fulfill the following requirements:
  • Has the IBM License Reporting (ILMT) v9 site assigned
  • Can administer computers that are going to be migrated
  • Has the Can use REST API, and Can Create Actions permissions
IV88622 9.2.5 The Software Installations report displays accurate information, but when the report is exported to CSV or PDF, blank fields are displayed. The problem does not occur.
IV88692 9.2.5 Import of data fails and the following message is written in the logs.
ERROR: Sequel::CheckConstraintViolation: DBNAME: temadb -
The UPDATE statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint
"ckt_sam__usage_facts_scd". The conflict occurred in database "temadb",
table "sam.usage_facts_scd
The problem does not occur.
IV88696 9.2.5 Import of data fails and the following error is written in the logs:
ERROR: Sequel::Error: Record not found
D:/Program Files/ibm/BFI/wlp/usr/servers/
plugins/slowly_changing.rb:387:in ´_save_refresh'
The problem does not occur.
IV88718 9.2.5 If you open the IBM PVU Subcapacity report and drill down to the details of the computer on which the software is installed, the details page is empty. The problem does not occur.
IV88721 9.2.5 Migration from License Metric Tool or Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed 7.x fails with the out of memory error. The problem does not occur. However, it is recommended that you set the maximum memory limit to 2GB to avoid environment dependency.
IV88883 9.2.5 When you upload the same version of the software catalog that is already uploaded, some software components are not properly recognized. The problem occurs on Windows. The problem does not occur.

GUIDs of signatures that are used in the catalog-based scan are not regenerated during first update of the catalog after product installation. If you have the License Metric Tool server installed on Windows and did not update the catalog yet, upgrade License Metric Tool to version 9.2.5 to avoid the problem.

IV88892 9.2.5 A partition from in the HP-UX environment shows that its number of cores is equal to the full capacity of a node on which the partition resides. The problem does not occur.
IV88950 9.2.5 Migration of bundlings and exclusions from License Metric Tool or Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed 7.x does not work. The problem occurs on Windows. The migration works.
IV82798 9.2.4 The IBM Software Classifications panel is displayed in the language that was used during the installation of the License Metric Tool server instead of the language that is set in the user profile. The panel is displayed in the language that is set in the user profile.
IV82912 9.2.4 MS SQL Server with case sensitive collation cannot be used as the BigFix database. Documentation is updated to contain information about this limitation.
IV83283 9.2.4 Documentation does not provide information about how to customize the login page. Documentation is updated to contain information about customizing the login page.
IV83677, IV93108 9.2.4 The Initiate Software Scan task fails on Windows computers that do not have Internet Explorer installed. The problem does not occur.
IV83978 9.2.4 Upgrade of the database schema fails and the following error is written in the logs:
I SRVE0292I: Servlet Message - [tema]:.[FATAL]
NameError (uninitialized constant SystemConfig
The problem does not occur.
IV84111 9.2.4 Silent installation fails and the following error is written in the logs:
I SRVE0292I: Servlet Message - [tema]:.[ERROR]
An error occurred when creating the database 
automatically: undefined method `uid' for nil:NilClass
The problem does not occur. Additionally, validation of the profile of the DB2 instance owner is introduced.
IV84216 9.2.4 Upgrade of the database schema fails and the following error is written in the logs:
SRVE0292I: Servlet Message - tema:. ERROR
The ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE procedure could not be
completed at this time by this user.
The problem does not occur.
IV84261 9.2.4 A Linux computer is marked as running on a public cloud however the information is not reflected on the reports. The problem does not occur.
IV84405 9.2.4 The Outdated Version status on the Deployment Health widget is confusing.

For some operating systems, support is withdrawn with newer versions of the BigFix client and only earlier versions are supported. Such a computer is reported as having an outdated version of the client even though a newer version is not available.

The status is removed from the widget. Instead, a predefined report view Outdated Agents is provided on the Computers report. The view shows computers on which the BigFix client is not updated to the latest available version. Computers that run on operating systems for which no newer version of the client is available are displayed on the report.
IV84474 9.2.4 The number of PVUs is incorrectly reported on some of the VMware ESX servers. The problem does not occur.
IV84507 9.2.4 Import of data fails and the following error is written in the log:
Error converting data type nvarchar to datetime.
The problem occurred when results of the Software Scan Status analysis contained a date that was out of range. The error is substituted with the following warning and the import succeeds.
WARN: SAM:: ComputerHealth: Skipping record for 
computer id = 10 due to incorrect date range
IV84646 9.2.4 After the update of the scanner, the list of custom excluded directories is overwritten with the default list. As a results, some of the directories that were excluded from software scans are scanned. The problem does not occur.
IV84647 9.2.4 License Metric Tool does not support Buddhist calendar. It causes that computers on which this date format is used have the No Host Scan Data status. Aggregation results are not available for these computers. The problem does not occur.
IV84874 9.2.4 HP Integrity virtual machines remain in the No Host Scan Data status even after the managing host submits its capacity scan. The problem does not occur.
IV84898 9.2.4 After the update of the database schema, bundlings and historical scan data are missing from License Metric Tool. Documentation is updated to contain the procedure for creating a new database without reinstalling License Metric Tool and for reinstalling License Metric Tool with an existing database.
IV85133 9.2.4 Import of data fails and the following error is written in the logs:
ERROR: RangeError: bignum too big to convert into long'
Import of data succeeds.
IV85659 9.2.4 Documentation indicates that the installation of the BigFix Console is an optional task while the console is in fact required. Documentation is updated to contain information that the BigFix Console is a required component.
IV83558 During the upgrade to application update 9.2.3, a very large amount of disk space is required for transaction logs. The amount of disk space needed for transaction logs during the upgrade is reduced.
IV84174 9.2.3 During the migration from License Metric Tool or Tivoli® Asset Discovery for Distributed 7.x, the following error is written in the log:
CTJSM0077E Input/Output error. For more details,
see the migration.log file.    
The problem occurs because too many software instances are migrated in one batch and the connection is blocked.
The default number of software instances that are downloaded in one batch is lowered to 1000. Additionally, documentation is updated to contain information about the possibility of lowering the number of downloaded instances by using the SUA_READ_SOFTWARE_BATCH_SIZE parameter.
IV79428 9.2.3 When you add a computer property whose value is larger than 32 KB, import of data fails. When the value of the property is larger than 32 KB, the property is truncated. The import finishes and a warning about the truncated property is written in the import log.
IV79527 9.2.3 Names of user roles are displayed in the language that is set on the operating system of the computer on which the License Metric Tool server is installed. Names of user roles are displayed in the language that was chosen during the installation of the License Metric Tool server, not the language of the operating system on which the server is installed.
IV79990 9.2.3 It is not possible to install the scanner on a Solaris global zone because the Install or Upgrade Scanner task is not relevant. The task is relevant and the scanner can be installed on the Solaris global zone.
IV80071 9.2.3 After the upgrade, the audit snapshot cannot be generated. The tema.log file contains the following error:
I SRVE0292I: Servlet Message - [tema]:.[FATAL]
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches
[POST] "/restin/reports/metrics/")
The problem does not occur.
IV80347 9.2.3 The PVU value that is assigned to the Intel E6510 and E7520 processor is incorrect. The PVU value is correct.
IV80534 9.2.3 The server does not properly handle the change of discovery method of components installed in multiple paths. When a component discovered by the catalog-based scan in multiple paths on one server is no longer reported by the software scan but is reported by the file rule analysis, the import of data fails. The change of discovery method is properly handled and the import of data succeeds.
IV80577 9.2.3 Documentation indicates that the installation scenario in which all components are installed on a single Windows server is not supported. Documentation is updated to contain information that all components can be installed on a single Windows server.
IV80622 9.2.3 Data that is returned by system calls is incorrectly handled causing issues with matching UUIDs returned by the capacity scans with UUIDs returned from the VMware API. The UUIDs are properly matched.
IV80820 9.2.3 During the configuration of email notifications, sending a test email fails and the following error is displayed:
Test email failed. ArgumentError : SMTP-AUTH
requested but missing secret phrase
The problem does not occur.
IV80825 9.2.3 After the installation of the scanner, the following directories are created with open permissions (777) which might trigger security warnings:
  • /opt/tivoli/CIT/cache_data
  • /opt/tivoli/CIT/bin/custom scanner
  • /opt/tivoli/CIT/bin/etc
  • /opt/tivoli/CIT/bin/etc/wscanfs
  • /opt/tivoli/CIT/bin/etc/wscansw
The directories have the 755 permission.
IV81127 9.2.3 Changing the time of import from AM to PM is impossible for languages other than English where time is specified in the 12-hour format because AM and PM are translated. The problem does not occur.
IV81165 9.2.3 Documentation does not provide instructions how to create a password for the private key. Documentation is updated to contain instructions for creating a password for the private key.
IV81296 9.2.3 Reports are not correctly exported if the list of server IP addresses is longer than 255 characters. The list of server IP addresses is truncated. The problem does not occur.
IV81420 9.2.3 When you are importing a certificate in the PEM format and an encrypted private key in the PKCS#8 format, the following error is displayed:
The private key could not be read with the provided password. 
Ensure that the file and the password are valid.
Documentation is updated to contain information that the file must be updated to allow for using encrypted private key in the PKCS#8 format.
IV81513 9.2.3 The capacity scan fails when the BESClient_ArchiveManager_MaxArchiveSize property does not exist on the endpoint. If the BESClient_ArchiveManager_MaxArchiveSize property does not exist on the endpoint, it is set during the capacity scan. The scan succeeds.
IV81526 9.2.3 When you add a new data source to License Metric Tool and the data source contains custom analyses whose content size is close to 2MB, the BigFix database might run out of space during the first import. The problem does not occur.
IV81607 9.2.3 The install_response.txt file does not provide exact information about characters that can be used in the passwords. The file is updated to contain exact information about characters that can be used in the passwords.
IV81647 9.2.3 REST API for computer systems returns an error when a non-English version of MS SQL Server is used. The problem does not occur.
IV81702 9.2.3 Update of the database schema fails and the following error is written in the logs:
The statement failed because one or more dependencies 
exist on the target object. Target object type: "FUNCTION". 
Name of an object that is dependent on the target object:
Update of the database schema succeeds.
IV81781 9.2.3 Some of the fixlets and tasks grant excessive access rights during the generation of files that are needed to perform the task. Access rights are limited to the minimum required rights.
IV81860 9.2.3 The VM Manager Tool is running but the task that gathers information from the client on which the tool is running is not targeting the correct computer. The problem occurs when the BigFix client is reset or its computer ID changes. The problem does not occur.
IV81895 9.2.3 A potential security vulnerability issue that allows to open the web.xml file without being authenticated even when the License Metric Tool server is configured to use TLS 1.2. The security vulnerability is mitigated.
IV81981 9.2.3 Documentation does not provide clear information about the amount of free disk space required for the installation. Documentation is updated to provide more detailed information about the disk space requirements.
IV82061 9.2.3 Documentation does not provide information that Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.1 is supported. Documentation is updated to contain information about support for Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.1.
IV82064 9.2.3 The Run Capacity Scan on Virtualized Hosts task fails on computers where the en_US language is not installed. The problem does not occur.
IV78578 9.2.2 Data import fails and the following exception is thrown:
ERROR: Sequel::DatabaseError:
The datediff function resulted in an overflow. 
The number of dateparts separating two date/time instances 
is too large.
The error does not occur.
IV78543 9.2.2 The documentation does not contain sufficient information about the required privileges or roles that must be granted to a License Metric Tool account that accesses a remote BigFix database. Product documentation has been updated.
IV78486 9.2.2 The installation that is performed with License Metric Tool 9.2.0 All-in-one installer (package CN4HBML) fails on auto-mounted /home partition without write access, but is successful on a hard-mounted /home partition that has write access. The information that an automounted directory is not supported during the installation of License Metric Tool with the All-in-one installer has been added to the product documentation.
IV78384 9.2.2 License Metric Tool incorrectly identifies the CPU on two physical systems and defaults to All Existing with a PVU of 100 while the value normally is 70. The Intel E5-2640v3 processor is listed as valid. The correct PVU value is reported on the two systems with Intel E5-2640v3 processors.
IV78323 9.2.2 After backing up and restoring a guest image on which one of the BigFix endpoints is installed, No VM Manager Data is reported in the License Metric Tool user interface. The old BigFix client has been removed from the BigFix database. License Metric Tool displays the previous client UUID instead of the new one. License Metric Tool correctly displays the UUID of a virtual machine after a guest image has been backed up and restored.
IV78060 9.2.2 Data import (ETL) fails and the following error message is displayed in the License Metric Tool import log:
ERROR: (ImportThread)SQLException -> Message :
udpateDiscoveredSoftwareDetailsTable -> SQL message :
The statement terminated. The maximum recursion 100
has been exhausted before statement completion.
-> SQL errorcode : 530 -> SQL state : S0001 SQLServerException: 
The statement terminated. The maximum recursion 100 
has been exhausted before statement completion.
Data imports complete successfully.
IV77914 9.2.2 VM Manager Tool reports Unknown Problem status from 3 Hyper-V 2012 R2 servers. After debug logging was enabled in VM Manager Tool, the following errors are recorded in the log file:
Installation of .NET Framework 3.5 or higher was not discovered.
VM Manager Tool reports correct data when PowerShell 2.0 and .NET Framework version 4.0 or higher are installed on the target endpoints.
IV77891 9.2.2 If you run a query to generate an audit snapshot, all free disk space on the server might be used. The problem does not occur.
IV77762 9.2.2 On the Directory Servers panel, after you provide an LDAP user credentials and click Test Connection, the connection to the LDAP server fails and no masked password is displayed in the License Metric Tool web user interface. The problem does not occur.
IV76754 9.2.2 Import of part numbers into License Metric Tool fails because of the presence of header and footer in the part numbers file. A part numbers file that contains a header and footer can now be imported without any problems.
IV77539 9.2.2 Hidden directories such as .snapshot are not excluded from the scans even after they have been added to the exclusion list. This defect requires scanner update to version Hidden directories are excluded from scans after they have been added to the exclusion list.
IV76938 9.2.2 Software and hardware scans fail because the file is missing on the endpoints. Even though the installation of BigFix clients completed successfully, the file was not created on those Windows endpoints. Software and hardware scans complete successfully.
IV77554 9.2.2 Some entries on the Package Data report are not readable - they contain numerous question marks instead of Japanese characters. Japanese locale is set on the endpoints, on the BigFix and License Metric Tool servers. Japanese entries are correctly displayed on the Package Data report in License Metric Tool.
IV77451 9.2.2 Red Hat Enterprise Linux® 5 and 6 for x86 are listed as supported operating systems for the BigFix client in License Metric Tool 9.2.x documentation. They are no longer supported. License Metric Tool has been updated.
IV76740 9.2.2 A software product cannot be detected even though a signature has been created based on the entry in the Package Data report, a software scan has been run, data has been uploaded, and an import has completed. Software products can now be detected after a signature has been added based on entries in the Package Data report.
IV67449 9.2.2 More detailed information about License Metric Tool server space requirements need to be added to the product documentation. The License Metric Tool documentation has been updated.
IV67386 9.2.1 Long response time while filtering data on the Scanned File Data and Package Data reports. Getting the total number of rows is moved to a separate thread after showing the first rows on the user interface. The count is fetched in the background, which allows for starting the work with data earlier.
IV74136 9.2.1 After you add or delete a property in the Computer Properties panel, data cannot be retrieved from License Metric Tool by using REST API. Data can be retrieved from License Metric Tool by using REST API.
IV74142 9.2.1 When you edit scan configuration directly in License Metric Tool, and click Save, the scan settings are not only saved but also scheduled on the entire environment. After you click Save a message is displayed to confirm that you want to schedule the scan on the entire environment.
IV74207 9.2.1 When you create a computer group with a very complex definition, an error is displayed. The maximum size of the computer group definition is extended.
IV74464 9.2.1 When you display all classifications on the IBM® Software Classification panel, and start scrolling down, the CODDB2023E error is displayed. The problem does not occur.
IV74782 9.2.1 When you apply a filter on the IBM Software Classification panel so that not all instances of a release are displayed, and try to reassign the release, incorrect bundling options are displayed.

As a result, the CODDB2102E error is displayed when you try to reassign the release.

Actions that are applied on the release level respect the applied filters.
IV75000 9.2.1 Upgrade to the latest version of License Metric Tool fails and the following error is written in the logs:
The value of a host variable in the EXECUTE
or OPEN statement is out of range for its
corresponding use.
The problem does not occur and the upgrade succeeds.
IV75068 9.2.1 Upgrade to the latest version of License Metric Tool fails due to some data not being removed from the database tables. The problem does not occur and the upgrade succeeds.
IV75086 9.2.1 When you configure VM managers and generate the audit snapshot that includes a period during which the VM managers were not configured, the snapshot shows the generic processor type for the entire report period. You can add comments to the audit snapshot to indicate when the VM managers were configured and provide processor information for the problematic machines.
IV75230 9.2.1 Silent installation fails if the directory with the BigFix license file is the same as or within the installation directory of License Metric Tool. A message is displayed stating that the directory with the BigFix license file cannot be the same or within the License Metric Tool installation directory.
IV75333 9.2.1 Installation of License Metric Tool fails because the application installer cannot launch its internal binaries that are in the /tmp directory. A message is displayed stating that you need to change the mounting options for the /tmp directory and repeat the installation.
IV75347 9.2.1 When you try to generate the audit snapshot, the CODIF1501E message is displayed. The problem does not occur.
IV75784 9.2.1 When you configure or edit a connection to a directory server and specify a port other than the default one, the default port number is still displayed on the user interface. The proper port number is displayed on the user interface.
IV76131 9.2.1 Import of package data fails because the package contains restricted characters. Import of package data for packages that contain restricted characters succeeds.
IV76195 9.2.1 Documentation does not provide clear information about the tempPathForGeneratedFiles parameter. Documentation is updated.
IV76238 9.2.1 Catalog based scan and file system scan use different separators, which might cause that the same component is detected in the same location but with different paths. For example, C:\directory and C:/directory. The problem does not occur.
IV76313 9.2.1 Software identification tags scan fails with return code 8. The scan succeeds.
IV76314 9.2.1 Documentation provides incomplete information about using REST API to change server settings. Documentation is updated.
IV76715 9.2.1 UUID of the host cannot be identified as a valid UUID. Documentation is updated with information how to retrieve correct UUID data from operating systems installed with the ROK media.
IV76869 9.2.1 SSL and TLS are vulnerable to an attack. The vulnerability is mitigated.
IV77016 9.2.1 Documentation does not provide instructions for rebuilding MS SQL Server database indexes. The instructions are provided in the Scalability guide.
IV77117 9.2.1 Performance of the IBM Software Classification panel is poor while reassigning software instances. Performance is improved.
IV77456 9.2.1 Performance of excluding software from pricing calculations is poor. Performance is improved.
IV77599 9.2.1 Import of data fails and the following error can be found in the log:
ERROR: Sequel::DatabaseError:
An error occurred in a triggered SQL statement 
in trigger "SAM.PACKAGE_FACT".
The error does not occur and the import of data succeeds.
IV64519 Results of the initial bundling differ between various instances of License Metric Tool. Results of the initial bundling are consistent across all instances of License Metric Tool.
IV67451 Progress of the import status is misleading as it does not relate to the actual duration of the import. The progress is more accurate and better reflects the duration of the import.
IV70623 Import of data fails and the following message can be found in the log:
Error for batch element #944: The value of a host variable in the
EXECUTE or OPEN statement is out of range for its corresponding use.
The error does not occur and the import of data succeeds.
IV70647 Some of the messages in the property file are incorrectly displayed and translated in French. The messages are displayed and translated correctly.
IV70833 The Catalog Download fixlet cannot be downloaded from the License Metric Tool user interface because the link does not work if the locale is set to Japanese. The fixlet can be downloaded from the user interface.
IV70953 Documentation does not provide clear information about support for Microsoft Hyper-V server 2012 R2. Documentation is updated to provide information that Microsoft Hyper-V server 2012 R2 is supported if the version of the VM Manager Tool is or later.
IV71146 Logs do not provide sufficient information about LDAP problems. When you enable the DEBUG mode, information about LDAP problems is written to the tema.log file. For information about enabling the DEBUG mode, see: Server log file.
IV71200 After you activate the Discover Remote Shared Disks analysis, scheduled imports of data fail and the following errors can be found in the log:
ERROR: Sequel::DatabaseError: 
Value "network_file_system, ULPGCTMFIL050:/CHURNPROD,/datafiles/BI"
is too long. SQLCODE=-433, SQLSTATE=22001, DRIVER=3.64.104"

ERROR: Sequel::DatabaseError: 
Value "mounted_shared_disk is too long. 
SQLCODE=-433, SQLSTATE=22001, DRIVER=3.64.104
The problem does not occur when you trigger the import manually.
The errors do not occur and the import of data succeeds.
IV71264 Information about the outdated catalog that is displayed on the Scan Health widget is incorrect. The problem is caused by unsynchronized sequence numbers between the License Metric Tool database and the BigFix database. Information about the outdated catalog that is displayed on the Scan Health widget is correct.
IV71447 When you create a computer property and its value is bigger than 1 MB, the import of data fails and the following message can be found in the log:
ERROR: Batch execution error: Error for batch element #1:
An error occurred in a triggered SQL statement in trigger
"DBO.COMPUTER_PRO".Information returned for the error includes
SQLCODE "-433", SQLSTATE "22001" and message tokens 
"RPM_package_name". SQLCODE=-723, SQLSTATE=09000,DRIVER=4.14.111
If the value of a computer property is larger than 1 MB, the value is truncated to 1 MB. The error does not occur and the import of data succeeds.
IV71602 Documentation does not provide information about support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 on Microsoft Hyper-V. Documentation provides information that Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 is supported on Microsoft Hyper-V.
IV71744 Documentation states that formulas for calculating the size of the database apply to a typical environment but does not explain what typical environment is. Documentation provides information that the formulas can be used for any kind of environment.
IV71749 Documentation does not provide sufficient information about setting the data retention period. Documentation provides detailed information about setting the data retention period.
IV71776 Analyses that are activated are treated as inactive and do not collect any data. Activated analyses are not treated as inactive.
IV71860 Documentation does not provide information that directories that are by default excluded from software scans should not be removed from the list of exclusions. Documentation is updated to provide information that the following directories should not be removed from the list of exclusions:
*/Temporary Internet Files
IV72214 Capacity scan and upload of its results last long and consume a lot of resources. Performance of the capacity scan is improved.
IV72222 Documentation lists a number of Linux libraries as required on the endpoints although they are not necessary. Documentation is updated to list only the required libraries.
IV72262 Documentation does not provide information about the period after which a computer is considered as missing the software scan. Documentation provides information that the period is 30 days. The date of the last scan can be checked in the Software Scan Status analysis.
IV72287 When you try to retrieve information about computer systems by using the REST API call https://server_host_name:port_number/api/sam/computer_systems, the following SQL exception is returned:
An error occurred during implicit system action type \"3\".
Information returned for the error includes SQLCODE \"-104\", SQLSTATE 
\"42601\" and message tokens \"END-OF-STATEMENT|where cs.is_curr8|
interval_qualifier\". SQLCODE=-727, SQLSTATE=56098, DRIVER=3.64.104"}
The error does not occur and the information can be retrieved by using REST API.
IV72380 Installation of License Metric Tool fails and a warning about the lack of free disk space in a given directory is displayed. However, there is enough free space in that directory. Documentation provides information that to solve the problem, you should open the command line interface and run the following command:
  • Windows: set CHECK_DISK_SPACE=OFF
  • Linux: export CHECK_DISK_SPACE=OFF
Then, rerun the installation.
IV72534 Import of data fails and the following error can be found in the logs:
Snapshot isolation transaction failed accessing database 'TEMADB' 
because snapshot isolation is not allowed in this database. 
Use ALTER DATABASE to allow snapshot isolation.
Documentation provides information that snapshot isolation must be enabled in the MS SQL Server.
IV72654 License Metric Tool cannot be installed on Windows with MS SQL Server database when the database uses a date format other than MM/DD/YYYY. Installation of License Metric Tool succeeds.
IV72921 Initial import of data fails because the License Metric Tool server cannot connect to the BigFix server. The problem occurs when the LDAP user that is used during the installation does not have the administrative rights on the computer where the application server is to be installed and cannot modify the server.xml file. License Metric Tool verifies whether the user has the administrative rights on the computer where the server is to be installed.
IV73062 LDAP users cannot log in to License Metric Tool. LDAP users can log in to License Metric Tool.
IV73101 A PDF version of the Audit Trail report cannot be generated on systems where the locale is set to languages other than English. The PDF version of the Audit Trail report can be generated.
IV73229 A scheduled CSV report contains extra spaces. When the report is opened in a CSV viewer, the extra spaces are shown as empty rows. Extra spaces are removed from the CSV file.
IV73230 Import of data fails and the following error can be found in the logs:
Error for batch element #1: One or more values in the INSERT
statement, UPDATE statement, or foreign key update caused by a DELETE
statement are not valid because the primary key, unique constraint or 
unique index identified by "1" constrains table 
"SAM.ISOTAG_FACT_TEMPS" from having duplicate values for the index key.
SQLCODE=-803, SQLSTATE=23505,DRIVER=4.14.111
The error does not occur and the import of data succeeds.
IV73584 Scan files are not imported to License Metric Tool when the database already contains entries with the same SHA1 values. Scan files are imported.
IV73605 When the Run Capacity Scan and Upload Results task fails, it does not try to re-run the scan. The task can be re-run after it fails.
IV73615 When you open the IBM PVU Subcapacity report, the time range is specified in the UTC+02:00 time zone. However, when you click a product name and go to the IBM PVU Subcapacity Product panel, the time is expressed in UTC+01:00 time zone. The problem is listed as a known limitation.
IV73823 An incorrect number of computers is listed on reports because the reports contain empty rows. The correct number of computers is listed on reports.
IV73927 The name of the Sun operating system is incorrectly translated into Sunday. The name of the Sun operating system is properly translated.
IV74108 Import of data fails and the following error can be found in the log:
A communication error occurred during operations on the 
connection's underlying socket, socket input stream, or socket 
output stream. 
Error location: Reply.fill() - (-1).
Message: Read timed out. ERRORCODE=-4499, SQLSTATE=08001
The error does not occur and the import of data succeeds.
IV74618 Initial import of data fails and the following message can be found in the log:
Failed NoMethodError: undefined method `count' for nil:NilClass
ins/sam/app/models/sam/computer_health.rb:27:in `convert_version_to_number'
ins/sam/app/models/sam/computer_health.rb:142:in `calculate_is_out_of_date'
ins/sam/app/models/sam/computer_health.rb:101:in `etl_source'
The error does not occur and the import of data succeeds.
IV74556 Messages in the tema.log file indicate that the migration of raw data source fixlet results is in progress. The db2diag.log shows that the tables related to the source_fixlet_results to SCD schema are locked and the database migration hangs. The RawDatasourceFixletResults step is removed and the migration succeeds.
IV74879 During the database schema migration, the database becomes unresponsive and the following warning message is written in the log:
Could not retrieve fileExtensionsUpgradeDecided
parameter from SAM.CONTROL_VALUES table.
The error does not occur and the migration of the database schema succeeds.
IV72983 When scan results from a particular endpoint are removed from the BigFix server, inventory from other endpoints is affected. As a result, the overall inventory is incomplete. Removal of scan results from the BigFix server does not affect the overall inventory.
IV72368 When scan results from a particular endpoint are removed from the BigFix server, inventory from other endpoints is affected. As a result, the overall inventory is incomplete. Removal of scan results from the BigFix server does not affect the overall inventory.
IV71731 Import of data fails and the following error can be found in the log:
ERROR: Sequel::CheckConstraintViolation: 
The UPDATE statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint
"ckt_raw_datasource_fixlet_results_scd". The conflict occurred
in database "temadb", table "dbo.raw_datasource_fixlet_results_scd"
The error does not occur and the import of data succeeds.
IV70954 If you upgrade License Metric Tool from application update or lower to version 9.2 and you have LDAP and user provisioning rule that is enabled, the upgrade fails. Use the installer for License Metric Tool update 9.2 to successfully complete the upgrade.
IV69927 The Scan Health widget displays the Outdated Catalog notification for a number of computers. However, if you click the link to preview details, License Metric Tool displays no data instead of catalog version for the computers on the list. Moreover, if you access the Software Scan Status analysis in the BigFix console, it shows that the computers contain version numbers. Catalog version on the computer is the same as the version that is displayed on the user interface.
IV68936 A NullPointer exception is thrown while the data import is in progress. ETL import does not fail due to the NullPointer exception.
IV69038 Capacity data cannot be loaded from VM managers if several data sources are defined in the application. If you define a new data source such as an extra BigFix or Web Reports server, the import of data always returns some rows (not 0) for loading.
IV68900 Import of data fails because of a large BigFix fixlet. Import of data succeeds.
IV68767 The Install Scanner task deploys an invalid version of bzip2 on Red Hat Linux 4. In the BigFix console, a notification about the invalid archiver is returned in the Software Scan Status analysis. As a result, the software scan fails. The Initiate Software Scan task completes successfully.
IV68741 Computer property values are trimmed to 255 characters on the Computers pane. The original value is correctly displayed when you drill down to the Computer report. The computer property data is displayed correctly because it is taken directly from the BigFix server.
IV68535 Errors occur during the import of scan results. A fixlet now triggers data validation on the side of the endpoints.
IV68548 License Metric Tool user interface does not display information that VM managers are locked due to multiple failed connection attempts that were caused by invalid credentials or due to hard connection timeout. Separate statuses have been created: operational and test connection status. License Metric Tool user interface displays information that VM managers are locked.
IV68553 It is not possible to resume locked VM Managers in the License Metric Tool user interface. You can resume the operation of your VM Managers by modifying any of the VM manager tool parameters.
IV68693 Processor core values are displayed in processor brand name. Processor core number values have been removed. The matching is done correctly.
IV68305 You cannot import a PVU table and the data import (ETL) fails. Data import (ETL) completes successfully.
IV68066 The ports 9081 and 52311 were not specified as prerequisites in License Metric Tool documentation. The License Metric Tool documentation lists ports 9081 and 52311 as prerequisites for the communication between License Metric Tool and Endpoint Manager.
IV68103 The scanner does not detect the Windows operating system on some endpoints. As a result, data import (ETL) into License Metric Tool does not complete. The data import into License Metric Tool does not fail. If a problematic scan occurs, it is skipped.
IV67974 Data import fails because of large amounts of data that is uploaded as a result of software use scan. Data import does not fail. If the Upload Scan Results task uploads too much data, the package is skipped.
IV67948 You cannot add an Active Directory user because a connection timeout occurs. When you add an Active Directory user, a timeout does not take place.
IV67636 A data source pre-check is needed in License Metric Tool. When a user is adding a data source in License Metric Tool, the application verifies whether DBO.DBINFO is present in the BigFix database.
IV67489 If the BigFix server is under a heavy load, there might be problems with copying software scan files during the ETL import, and the import does not stop. The fix introduces an extra file check that verifies whether all files have been loaded during an import. If a file has not been loaded, it will be copied during the next import because new scan files from the client will trigger the import of the missing files.
IV62025 It is impossible to delete a computer group. Data import is resumed after it has failed.
IV67354 License Metric Tool does not provide support for the scanned or unrecognized file data and reporting. Therefore, the file system scan does not run in a License Metric Tool environment. The following topic is not clear: Initiating software scans (BigFix scenario). The information about scanned or unrecognized file data and reporting is unavailable in License Metric Tool documentation
IV67338 Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 does not display a large import log in the License Metric Tool web user interface when the debug mode is turned on. When the application is in debug mode, logs must be moved to a different location and opened in a text editor. They are not to be shown in the product web user interface.
IV67182 In order to generate the license key during the installation of License Metric Tool, the script is run in an environment with internet connection. However, the script fails and the license is not created. The script does not return an error message that indicates network problems if the internet connection is slow.
IV67161 It is not possible to create more than 13 backup servers, and the error message Unexpected Next is displayed in a pop-up window while Backup Domain controllers are being added. It is possible to create any number of backup servers.
IV66879 In the Computers window, there are records, which have no data values in the Last Scan Import and Installed Software columns. When you click any of the records, the computer details and information about discovered software is displayed and the information when the last scan was performed is available. The computers were scanned. The Last Scan Import and Installed Software columns contain valid information.
IV66443 There are several errors during the ETL import process. The newly added Property is displayed on reports, but it has no value. The data import (ETL) runs successfully.
IV65927 License Metric Tool documentation does not specify when the Software Catalog Update fixlet is irrelevant. Users need to ensure that they have the ZIP/UNZIP utility on the License Metric Tool server because the fixlet mentions ZIP/UNZIP RPMs. The fixlet also becomes irrelevant if the catalog file is downloaded to /opt/ibm/SUA/sua_catalog. The License Metric Tool documentation provides accurate information about when the Software Catalog Update fixlet becomes irrelevant.
IV65438 The number of debug statements in License Metric Tool logs is not satisfactory. The amount of information that is logged in the VM Manager Tool was increased so that IBM support can provide better help to IBM customers.
IV65336 The Endpoint Manager client needs around 2.4 GB of disk space on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.6. The size of the following file becomes large: /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/RPM/rpms.xml. The improved Initiate® Software Scan fixlet does not take up so much disk space on an endpoint.
IV65480 The Server Name column that is available on PVU Full Capacity or IBM PVU Subcapacity product page is confusing. The new text that is displayed after you hover over the column name contains a detailed description of what server name is in case of both physical servers and virtual machines.
IV65479 License Metric Tool displays corrupted double-byte characters for package data, which is the result of activating the Installed Window Applications analysis. License Metric Tool does not display corrupted double-byte characters for package data.
IV68079 After you upgrade to a newest version of License Metric Tool, product inventory is re-created and the discovery start date is set to the date of the first import after the upgrade. The proper discovery start date is displayed.
IV68103 Import of data fails when the scanner cannot correctly identify the operating system of the endpoint. Scan data from the endpoint whose operating system was not discovered is skipped. A warning is written in the logs. The import succeeds.
IV67285 Import of data hangs because results of the scan data cannot be downloaded. Scan data that cannot be downloaded is skipped during this import and the import succeeds. License Metric Tool attempts to download the data during the next import.
IV67283 Information on the Package Data report is incomplete due to a problem with processing REG_SZ registry entries. The registry entries are properly processed and complete information is displayed on the report.
IV67157 After you configure a remote database, the DatabaseConnectionError occurs and License Metric Tool cannot connect to the database. License Metric Tool can connect to the remote database.
IV67087 SSL connection fails because the VM manager tries to connect to RHV-M that is configured to only support TLS. The VM manager connects to RHV-M by using TLS.
IV66908 If you reinstall an BigFix agent on a virtual machine, the agent remains in the No VM Manager Data status. A reinstalled agent reports the correct status.
IV66878 When you export a report to PDF and the Latest Scan Import column contains the <no data> value, the export fails. Export to PDF is successful even if the Latest Scan Import contains the <no data> value.
IV66655 License metrics are not calculated for x86 computers that used to have duplicated UUIDs even the UUIDs were corrected. License metrics are calculated for such computers.
IV66532 During the initial configuration of License Metric Tool, an error that is related to determining the database character set occurs after the database is created. The error does not occur.
IV66374 Scalability Guide is only available for BigFix Inventory. Scalability Guide is also available for License Metric Tool.
IV66183 When you scan the infrastructure for software identification tags, automounted file systems are incorrectly mounted during the scan. Automounted file systems are correctly mounted during the software ID tags scan.
IV65883, IV67252 Import of data fails and the CODDB2001E message is displayed. The problem occurs when the UUID of a virtual machine is changed. After you install the update, the import of data succeeds.
IV65480 When you drill down the IBM PVU Subcapacity report, the Server Name column is displayed. It is difficult to determine to which computer the value in this column refers. When you hover over the name of the column, explanation of how to interpret the server name is displayed. For physical hardware, the name of the server consists of the hardware manufacturer, type and serial number. For virtual machines, the name consists of the manufacturer and host name. If the virtual machine has an incomplete definition, the server name consists of universally unique identifier (UUID) of the virtual machine and the prefix TLM_VM.
IV65291 Documentation contains information that when you create the part numbers file, one of the acceptable formats is a file with a single column that lists part numbers. For example:
However, when you try to upload such a file, it is considered invalid.
You can upload a part numbers file with a single column.
IV65010 If names of some packages do not contain versions, the software scan cannot complete on UNIX systems. The software scan finishes on UNIX systems even if some package names do not contain versions.
IV64771 When you search the software catalog, the following error is displayed:
We're sorry, but something went wrong. Please contact your
Tivoli Endpoint Manager Analytics administrator if 
the problem persists.
The problem occurs only for some key words.
The search mechanism works correctly.
IV64717 Import of file facts in an environment where some computers were deleted form the BigFix server takes much time. Import of file facts takes less time.
IV64615 After you upgrade to a newer version of License Metric Tool by using a fixlet, update of the database schema and import of the scan data fail. Update of the database schema and import of the scan data succeed.
IV63662 After you activate the Application Usage Statistics analysis, the license peak value history is not updated. The license peak value history is updated regardless of whether the Application Usage Statistics analysis is activated or not.
IV63361 When an action cannot be completed because it cannot be sent to the BigFix server, it is not clear whether the problem is caused by invalid credentials or some other error. Error messages that are displayed when the action cannot be sent to the BigFix server indicate whether the problem occurs because of invalid credentials or due to some other error that needs to be checked in the log.
IV63063 If descriptions of packages are too long on Linux, import of the scan data fails. The import succeeds regardless of the length of package names.
IV57268 9.0.1 Instructions for uploading scan results of the VM Manager Tool state that the upload should be reapplied a limited number of times. However, no limit should be set for this action. Documentation is updated to provide information that the upload of scan results from the VM Manager Tool should be reapplied whenever relevant, without any limitations.
IV58139 9.0.1 During the installation of License Metric Tool, DB2® settings are not validated and the database is not created. The problem occurs because the number of active databases is by default limited to two. After the upgrade, the number of active databases is increased and the database is successfully created.
IV59278, IV60651 9.0.1 After a new catalog is uploaded, the following warning messages are written in the logs although they do not indicate a real problem:
WARN: Staging table is empty for SAM::PublisherAliasStaging
WARN: Staging table is empty for SAM::UnixPackageRuleStaging
Additionally, the name of the refresh hardware table column is misspelled in the importdatecatalog.txt file.
The warning messages are changed into informational messages. The misspelled column name is corrected.
IV59339 9.0.1 An error occurs when License Metric Tool attempts to connect with an LDAP. License Metric Tool successfully connects with an LDAP.
IV59470 9.0.1 Information about the support for VMware ESXi is inconsistent. Documentation is updated to provide accurate information about the supported versions of VMware ESXi.
IV59518 9.0.1 Information about the supported operating systems is incomplete. Documentation is updated to provide accurate information about the supported operating systems.
IV59725 9.0.1 Import of data fails and the following entry is written in the import log:
ERROR: Sequel::DatabaseError: NativeException: An error occurred in 
a triggered SQL statement in trigger "DBO.DATASOURCE_G"
The problem occurs when a computer is inserted, updated, or deleted a few times in the same sequence. After the upgrade, computers whose membership is altered multiple times in one sequence are handled properly and the import of data succeeds.
IV59940 9.0.1 Information about disk space requirements is in accurate. Documentation is updated to provide accurate information about disk space requirements.
IV60526 9.0.1 Import of data fails and the following entry is written in the import log:
ERROR: Sequel::DatabaseError: NativeException: An error occurred in 
a triggered SQL statement in trigger
Import of data succeeds.
IV60652 9.0.1 Information about the roles and their privileges is inaccurate. Documentation is updated to provide accurate information about privileges that are assigned to each role.
IV60784 9.0.1 The Latest Scan Import column on the Computers report is not updated after every import. The date in the Latest Scan Import column is only changed if there are changes in the content of the scan file. If scan data is unchanged after the scan, the Latest Scan Import column is not changed. Documentation is updated to provide information about this behavior.
IV61006 9.0.1 Instructions for deploying the License Metric Tool installer contain an incorrect name of the installer file. Documentation is updated to provide the correct name of the installer file: LMT-server-9.0-tar.gz.
IV61149 9.0.1 REST API samples contain a wrong port number. Documentation is updated to provide the correct port number.
IV62266 9.0.1 The client that is installed on AIX® does not report software scan results. The client reports software scan results.
IV62308 9.0.1 The CPU Core Subcapacity column on the IBM PVU Subcapacity report shows an incorrect number of cores that are used by a product. The problem occurs because the ADM.MEASURE table is incorrectly filled with shared and dedicate measures. After the upgrade, the table is correctly filled and a proper number of cores is displayed on the report.
IV62569 9.0.1 The scanner cannot be installed on a drive other than the C:\ drive. It might cause that the scanner installation fails in case of custom disk configuration. The scanner is not by default installed on the C:\ drive but on the drive on which the scanner installer is located.
IV62892 9.0.1 Import of data fails. The problems occur because the amount of space that is assigned for keeping the package data is insufficient. After the update, enough space is assigned and the import succeeds.
IV63043 9.0.1 Processing of the software scan results stops if a processed entry contains the ampersand (&). It causes that the discovered software inventory is incomplete. Entries that contain the ampersand (&) are properly processed during the import.
Internal defects fixes - previous application updates
Defect number Available since Symptoms Behavior after you install the update
202372 9.2.36 The 'Computer Name of the VM Manager Tool' column shows a '<no data>' status on the VM Managers panel The problem does not occur.
202578 9.2.36 Unable to input the maximum number of Chinese characters into the exclude and suppress comments fields in DB2. The problem does not occur.
202562 9.2.36 When you modify the Host value in the Directory Server entry, the 'Test connection' from Directory Servers may provide inaccurate results. The problem does not occur.
202558 9.2.36 The Datasource panel becomes unresponsive when a Disconnected entry (Windows only) is non-accessible, such as a shared drive or a non-existing drive. The problem does not occur.
202530 9.2.36 The VM Manager status shows an Unknown Problem status due to string conversion issues. The problem does not occur.
202512 9.2.36 Update the Red Hat Marketplace web address to reflect the recent changes. The problem does not occur.
202490 9.2.36 In rare situations, data import fails immediately after startup. The problem does not occur.
202469 9.2.36 In some cases, disconnected scanner packages are discarded even if computer_reconciliation_mode is disabled. The problem does not occur.
202456 9.2.36 The audit snapshot hangs during the generation process. The problem does not occur.
202447 9.2.36 The filter on the Computer Groups panel isn't functioning properly. The problem does not occur.
202442 9.2.36 Bouncy Castle is vulnerable to RSA timing attacks and potentially other vulnerabilities as well. The problem does not occur.
202434 9.2.36 Database migration to version 9.2.35 fails in some cases. The problem does not occur.
202371 9.2.36 The upgrade to version 9.2.35 fails when SP800-131 compliance is enabled. The problem does not occur.
202091 9.2.35 Filesystems are automatically mounted after setting alternative CIT cache (provider_cache3) The problem does not occur.
202140 9.2.35 api/sam/v2/bundling_options and api/sam/v2/software_instances API endpoints are not consistent with respect to metric_id parameter. produc_metric_id and product_metric_code_name are deprecated and substituted with the metric_id and metric_code_name columns.
202183 9.2.35 First import after upgrade to 9.2.34 fails due to inconsistencies in products_metrics table. The problem does not occur.
202195 9.2.35 Audit snapshot file pvu_sub_capacity.csv does not show part number of Cloud Pak if product is assigned to Cloud Pak. The problem does not occur.
202255 9.2.35 In case when SerialNumber is empty random UUID is not generated for public cloud. The problem does not occur.
202258 9.2.35 Number of current computers in computer groups are not being refreshed after computer removal from UI The problem does not occur.
202314 9.2.35 Incorrectly identified common bundling options if one of the components has no bundling options The problem does not occur.
201973 9.2.35 Change of the sub-product within the same Cloud Pak removes Cloud Pak assignment when using API The problem does not occur.
202019 9.2.34 Cannot perform multiple bundling changes (for example, change the component assignment to the product, exclude that product from pricing calculations and confirm that assignment) in one row of the request using software classification REST API api/sam/v2/software_instances. You can use a single request to change multiple values. For example, to assign a component to a product and then the product to a Cloud Pak. The only exception is when you include the software instance in the pricing calculation or unsuppress its discovery. By design, these actions make the software assignment unconfirmed. Use the same REST API call again to confirm the software assignment.
202017 9.2.34 Software classification REST API api/sam/v2/software_instances clears Cloud Pa or FlexPoint Bundle assignment if current  bundle_name or bundle_guid is not included in REST API call. Cloud Pak or FlexPoint Bundle assignment is preserved even if bundle_name and bundle_guid are not provided. For example, if the software instance is being excluded using REST API call.
202011 9.2.34 Token may be included in the Ansible logs when the computer is decommissioned using License Metric Tool Ansible playbooks. The token is not included in Ansible logs.
201999 9.2.34 Disconnected scanner computers are possible to be decommissioned during import. It may result with the following message reported in the import logs.
2023-11-07 13:14:19 +0000 (+0:00:00.003) ERROR: 
Sequel::UniqueConstraintViolation: DBNAME: TEMADB - 
One or more values in the INSERT statement, 
UPDATE statement, or foreign key update caused by a 
DELETE statement are not valid because the primary key, 
unique constraint or unique index identified by "1" constrains 
table "DBO.ETL_COMPUTER_DIMENSION" from having 
duplicate values for the index key.. SQLCODE=-803, 
SQLSTATE=23505, DRIVER=4.32.28
Computers cannot be decommissioned during data import.
201993 9.2.34 Misleading number of modified instances can be reported by the software classification REST API api/sam/v2/software_instances. The correct number of modified instances is reported.
201992 9.2.34 GET and PUT methods of software classification REST API api/sam/v2/software_instances differ in the way thediscovery_path is encoded in the JSON string. PUT method of software classification REST API api/sam/v2/software_instances accepts both the previous format as well as the one used by the GET method.
201979 9.2.34 Assigning more than one different component to the same product using software classification REST API api/sam/v2/software_instances results in only one software instance being modified. All software instances are correctly modified.
201973 9.2.34 In case too many disconnected scanner scan result packages are being uploaded at once through the License Metric Tool server using the Scan Results Upload panel, the upload might fail. Scan Results Upload panel allows to upload up to 50 disconnected scanner scan result packages at once.
201952 9.2.34 In case of multiple import failures the number of successfully processed disconnected scanner packages can cause the import to fail when trying to delete them all at once. The successfully processed disconnected scanner packages are deleted in batches during data import.
201913 9.2.34 In case the physical server does not have any computers reporting to License Metric Tool currently, the Processor Brand String column in audit snapshot for that server is empty. The Processor Brand String information is preserved even all the computers running on a physical server are decommissioned.
201877, 201876, 201857, 201857, 201851, 201849 9.2.34 In the multitenancy scenario, users with the access to the specific resource type within their own computer group could craft a malicious HTTP request using specialized tools to manage that resource type of the other computer group. For example, generate audit snapshot for the other computer group. The computer group access is checked when the data is requested.
201708 9.2.33 Basic Support Data file generation fails if license usage calculation is disabled on all computers group. The problem does not occur.
201697 9.2.33 Update of the database schema after the upgrade fails. The problem does not occur.
201695 9.2.33 Improper discovery of User's time zone breaks the Import panel. The problem does not occur.
201672 9.2.33 Incorrect 'Server Cores' value in case of some Intel processors. The problem does not occur.
201637 9.2.33 Rails - CVE-2023-28362 : PVR0452207 The security vulnerability is mitigated.
201817 9.2.33 Run Capacity Scan and Upload Results action is failing if both Manually Adjust the PVU per Core Value and Identify Computers on Public Clouds actions were used. The problem does not occur.
201654 9.2.33 Lack of X.509 Certificate validation upon uploading an invalid certificate using Server Settings panel. The problem does not occur.
201405 9.2.32 Upgrade of the License Metric Tool server fails when there is no certificate with the alias default in the License Metric Tool keystore. The problem does not occur.
201429 9.2.32 When you export a report to the PDF format, the time range in the PDF header shows 90 days even if a custom time range is specified for the report. Proper time range is shown in the PDF header.
201584 9.2.32 Components such as WebSphere Application Server are automatically assigned to License Metric Tool. The problem occurred because the partition collocation rule was applied during the automated bundling of the disconnected scanner. It caused that some of the components that were discovered on the same partition as the disconnected scanner were assigned to License Metric Tool instead of their corresponding products.

The partition collocation rule is no longer applied for the disconnected scanner during automated bundling. As a result, the discovered components are no longer automatically assigned to License Metric Tool and the accuracy of automated bundling is improved.

201079 9.2.31 It is not possible to generate the audit snapshot when the License Metric Tool server is installed on a Windows computer that uses the Thai Buddhist Calendar format. The problem does not occur.
201092 9.2.31 Report names might be truncated when reports are exported to the PDF format with portrait orientation. The problem does not occur.
201140 9.2.31 Some bundling options are missing for Netcool Omnibus 8.1. The following components can now be assigned to Netcool Omnibus 8.1.
  • Multi-headed socket 1.0
  • Standard Input /Stdin Probe 1.0
  • Syslog / Syslogd 1.0
  • Mttrapd SNMP Probe 1.0
201168 9.2.31 Import of data hangs if the local VM Manager Tool stops working but the License Metric Tool server is still running. The problem occurs on Linux. The problem does not occur.
201208 9.2.31 The following header is displayed when you view details of a computer that has the No Scan Data or No Host Scan Data status.
[missing "en.status_missing _popup_title" translation]
Proper heading is displayed.
200647 9.2.30 PVU Subcapacity and VPC Subcapacity widgets do not show Cloud Paks. The problem does not occur.
200703 9.2.30 When an invalid character is provided in the Add Excluded Directories fixlet, the configuration file of the scanner is corrupted. The problem does not occur. Non printable characters are omitted when the list of excluded directories is created. The scanner uses UTF-8 encoding when it reads the list.
200723 9.2.30 Resuming connection to a local VM Manager Tool does not work. The problem does not occur.
200742 9.2.30 Marking a computer as running on the KDDI public cloud by using a fixlet does not work. The problem does not occur.
200765 9.2.30 Import of data fails when the xxx_scan_status values from the scanner_status.yml file contain some typical Windows system errors. The problem does not occur. Return code 255 is added.
200811 9.2.30 The Install or Upgrade Scanner task fails due to the lack of the execute bit in the script. The problem is caused by using non-default umask setting on Linux or UNIX systems. The problem does not occur.
200831 9.2.30 A component that is assigned to a product that is a part of a Cloud Pak cannot be reassigned to the same product but without the Cloud Pak by using REST API. The problem does not occur.
200832 9.2.30 In some rare cases, the following MS SQL Server error is returned during the import of data.
Msg 8115, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression
to data type int.
The problem does not occur.
200834 9.2.30 The VM Managers panel displays a redundant Communication Interface field for all virtualization types that are managed by the VM Manager Tool in distributed mode although the field is specific to Hyper-V. The problem does not occur.
200891 9.2.30 Certificate validation procedure for LDAP does not check all required conditions. The following conditions are checked:
  • Whether the certificate subject matches the target host name
  • Whether the certificate is not expired
  • Whether the certificate is signed by a CA in cacerts file
200516 9.2.29 The Initiate Software Scan fixlet fails to collect RPM packages because the iconv and tr commands fail on AIX. The problem does not occur.
200379 9.2.29 Import of data fails due to problems with Java lowercase conversion in Turkish. The problem does not occur.
200240 9.2.28 If the endpoint ID of a computer on which the BigFix client is installed is recreated, uninstalled software instances might never be marked as such. The problem does not occur.
200222 9.2.28 By default, License Metric Tool imports data only from computers that are subscribed to the IBM License Reporting (ILMT) v9 fixlet site. However, when reconciliation mode is enabled for the purpose of migrating between data sources, all computers on which the BigFix client is installed are taken into account during the migration. If a computer is not subscribed to the IBM License Reporting (ILMT) v9 fixlet site in the target BigFix server, it is marked as deleted in License Metric Tool. The computer is migrated only when it is subscribed to the IBM License Reporting (ILMT) v9 fixlet site in the target BigFix server.
200214 9.2.28 The user interface and import are not working when the MS SQL Server default schema for the database user is not set to dbo. Documentation is updated to inform that the default schema of the database user must be set to dbo.
200039 9.2.27 The number of processor cores is not updated for Solaris x86 virtual machines that are managed by a VM manager. The problem does not occur.
200019 9.2.27 Metric ID of IBM WebSphere Application Server Family Edition Perpetual PVU Option is empty on the Products & Metrics report. The problem does not occur.
200012 9.2.27 Custom part numbers might be removed during the first import after the upgrade from application update 9.2.24 or 9.2.25. The problem does not occur.
199915 9.2.27 The All-in-One installer improperly checks for restricted permissions of the /home directory (the DB2 instance owner home directory). As a result, the installation fails with errors that are difficult to troubleshoot because they do not indicate the problem with permissions. The problem does not occur.
199912 9.2.27 Upgrade of the License Metric Tool server started in the resume mode hangs on the Extract the new local VM Manager Tool step. The problem does not occur.
199889 9.2.27 Connection to a VM manager from which data is collected by the central VM Manager Tool cannot be edited because the following error is displayed on the VM Managers panel.
Input length (with padding) not multiple of 16 bytes
The problem does not occur.
199883 9.2.27 After you uninstall the central VM Manager Tool with a fixlet, connections to VM managers from which data was collected by this VM Manager Tool are still visible on the panel and can be edited. A message is displayed to indicate that existing connections should be changed to a different type of the VM Manager Tool or that the VM Manager Tool should be reinstalled.
199873 9.2.26 GUIDs of the following Cloud Paks changed:
  • IBM Db2 Advanced Edition Extension for IBM Cloud Pak for Data
  • IBM Db2 Base Edition Extension for IBM Cloud Pak for Data
  • IBM Db2 Standard Edition Extension for IBM Cloud Pak for Data
As a result, they are duplicated on the user interface.
The problem does not occur.
199870 9.2.26 Import of data might fail if data that is imported from a disconnected computer for the first time is already older than the number of days that is specified in the max_data_visibility_for_inactive_computers parameter. The first import includes data from such a computer. The next import removes the data.
199797 9.2.26 Import of data fails when wrong collation is set on the BigFix server (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS). The problem does not occur.
199738 9.2.26 License Metric Tool never closes open connections to the BigFix database. It might lead to exhausting the pool of available BigFix database connections. The problem does not occur.
199734 9.2.26 When you install the disconnected VM Manager Tool and run the -regenerateencryptionkey command, the following error is displayed on the VM Managers panel after the import.
Given final block not properly padded
The problem does not occur.
199697 9.2.26 The products_daily_<start_date>_<end_date>_<server_FQDN>.csv file from the audit snapshot does not contain usage data for products without license usage and the ones with license usage declared by the user. Usage data for all products is included in the file.
199545 9.2.25 Computer reconciliation does not work correctly when the BigFix client is migrated between two BigFix data sources multiple times. The problem does not occur.
199533 9.2.25 The following error is returned during the scan on Linux.
Lockdown: wscanhw: /dev/mem,kmem,port is restricted;
see man kernel_lockdown.7
The problem does not occur.
199364 9.2.25 VM Manager Tool Information analysis does not provide information about the local VM Manager Tool. The name of the analysis is changed to Central and Distributed VM Manager Tool Information to indicate that it does not cover the local VM Manager Tool.
199213 9.2.24 Hypervisor host computers (for example Hyper-V) are incorrectly assigned the Outdated VM Manager status. The problem does not occur.
199212 9.2.24 The following error is displayed on the VM Managers panel.
Input length (with padding) not multiple of 16 bytes.
The problem does not occur.
199111 9.2.24 Missing scan status is shown all the time for a computer even if scans are ran multiple times. The issue seem to be related to one of VBS scripts returning 1970-01-01 as the date. The problem does not occur.
199094 9.2.24 Export of data to Red Hat® Marketplace fails when all filters are removed from the All Metrics report. The problem does not occur.
199087 9.2.24 CSV files from the audit snapshot present parsing problems when there is an entry with an exclusion comment that contains a line break. The problem does not occur.
198930 9.2.24 Improper logging of duplicates within computer reconciliation. The problem does not occur.
198774 9.2.24 HTTP_PROXY environment variable redirects the HTTP requests during the import and the following error is displayed.
'504 Gateway Timeout'
The problem does not occur.
198840 9.2.23 When you add a second BigFix data source to License Metric Tool and then try to remove the first BigFix data source, the first BigFix is not removed and the following error is displayed.
An error occurred while connecting to BigFix server 
trying to determine central computer ID.
The problem does not occur.
198774 9.2.23 Setting the HTTP_PROXY environment variable on Linux might cause that some steps in the import of data fail. The problem does not occur.
198768 9.2.23 The Scan Configuration panel cannot be accessed after the import. The problem occurs if only a disconnected data source is defined. The Scan Configuration panel is disabled if only a disconnected data source is defined. The panel is used to manage scans only on computers that have the BigFix client installed.
198759 9.2.23 When language preference of the logged-in user is set to "Browser Default", and the browser language is set to Chinese, Chinese characters in the PDF version of reports are corrupted. The problem does not occur.
198738 9.2.23 Documentation does not provide advanced steps for troubleshooting the Outdated VM Manager Data status. Documentation is updated under the following link: Troubleshooting the Outdated VM Manager Data and No VM Manager Data statuses.
198730 9.2.23 The central VM Manager Tool is reported as inaccessible when the primary data source is changed. The problem does not occur.
198690 9.2.23 An unexpected error might occur when SSO is configured without properly configured Webseal Reverse Proxy. The problem does not occur.
198541 9.2.23 When FIPS compliance is enabled and then the License Metric Tool server is upgraded, it is not possible to log in to License Metric Tool. The problem does not occur.
198539 9.2.23 Forcing re-upload of software scan results causes an error in the import log. The problem does not occur.
198534 9.2.23 If the installation or upgrade of the License Metric Tool server fails on a certain post-installation step, some of the server binaries are stored in a temporary server subdirectory of the installation directory. If the upgrade to the newer version of License Metric Tool is started afterward, new binaries are added to the ones that already exist in the server subdirectory. The upgrade might be successful but the License Metric Tool will not be operational. The problem does not occur.
198526 9.2.23 When the VM Managers panel is opened before the first import, the panel is blocked and the following error is displayed.
You cannot add VM managers because the computer 
where the central VM Manager Tool is installed 
does not belong to your computer group.
The message is still displayed after the import even if the computer on which the central VM Manager Tool is installed belongs to the computer group that is assigned to the user who opens the panel.
The problem does not occur.
198507 9.2.23 The OutOfMemoryError exception occurs in License Metric Tool. The problem does not occur.
198503 9.2.23 When the Docker scan is disabled, the /var/lib/docker folder is unnecessarily scanned. The problem does not occur.
198496 9.2.22 After you decommission a computer on which the disconnected scanner is installed, and run an import that contains data from this computer, the computer remains decommissioned. However, it should become active again. The computer becomes active after the import.
198453 9.2.22 The following DB2 extensions of CloudPak for Data are incorrectly added to the software catalog.
  • IBM Db2 Base Edition Extension for IBM Cloud Pak for Data 11.5
  • IBM Db2 Advanced Edition Extension for IBM Cloud Pak for Data 11.5
  • IBM Db2 Standard Edition Extension for IBM Cloud Pak for Data 11.5
The extensions are correctly added to the software catalog.
198344 9.2.22 Disconnected scanner setup script does not remove the schedule of software scans when the SW_SCAN_SCHEDULE_ENABLED parameter is set to FALSE in the setup_config.ini file. The problem does not occur.
198190 9.2.22 Documentation does not provide clear instructions how to download the disconnected scanner package. Documentation is updated. For more information, see: Downloading the disconnected scanner package (disconnected scenario).
198123 9.2.22 Audit trail for setting and clearing entitlements does not provide information about the computer group for which the operation was done. The problem does not occur.
197726 9.2.21 License Metric Tool documentation does not mention that using the securityUtility tool requires setting up the JAVA_HOME variable. Documentation is updated under the following links.
197729 9.2.21 When a user cannot log in to License Metric Tool with an LDAP account because some settings of the Directory Server became invalid, the following message is displayed.
We are sorry, but something went wrong
The message is updated to indicate that the problem is related to an invalid setting of the Directory Server.
197760 9.2.21 The Initiate Software Scan action can hang in some cases. The problem does not occur.
197769 9.2.21 Import of the software catalog to endpoints fails when the language of the database user is set to other than English. The issue does not occur.
197812 9.2.21 The All-in-One installer uses port 80 for communication with Web Reports while BigFix uses port 8083. Both components use port 8083.
197820 9.2.21 Disconnected scanner fails on Windows when the scan output directory is specified as a an absolute path. The issue does not occur.
197966 9.2.21 Disconnected scanner can use up to 100% CPU for a long period of time on Windows 2008. The issue does not occur.
197968 9.2.21 Silent installation of the disconnected scanner on some older version of Red Hat Linux on s390 mainframe require providing answers to prompted questions which does not allow for a fully silent installation. It is possible to install the disconnected scanner in fully silent mode. For more information, see: Installing the disconnected scanner and gathering scan results (disconnected scenario).
197972 9.2.21 Documentation does not provide information that FP5 is the lowest supported fix pack for DB2 10.5. Documentation is updated. For more information, see: Software requirements (BigFix scenario).
197976 9.2.21 During the installation of the VM Manager Tool or the disconnected scanner, one of the steps is moving the newly installed directories. When the process is blocked, for example by an anti virus software, installation fails. The installer attempts to move the directories a couple of times before it fails to ensure that the directories are not simply blocked.
197992 9.2.21 Documentation for the api/sam/v2/software_instances REST API does not mention that the bundle_id and bundle_name columns provide information about Cloud Paks. Documentation is updated. For more information, see: Retrieval of software inventory (v2).
198060 9.2.21 After upgrading to License Metric Tool 9.2.20, custom part numbers are deleted. The issue does not occur.
197520 9.2.20 Documentation provides an invalid link to the Airgap tool. Documentation is updated to provide the correct link.
197519 9.2.20 Documentation provides an invalid link to the BES Download Cacher. Documentation is updated to provide the correct link.
197435 9.2.20 Old versions of the disconnected scanner are not removed from the License Metric Tool installation directory during the upgrade. Only the latest version of the disconnected scanner is stored in the License Metric Tool installation directory.
197253 9.2.20 IBM Db2 Standard Edition VPC Option 11.5 is not bundled with License Metric Tool by default. It is necessary to create a custom bundling relation. The issue does not occur.
197234 9.2.20 When the number of CPUs is increased on an LPAR that is monitored by using a disconnected scanner, the changed number of CPUs is not reflected in License Metric Tool. The issue does not occur.
197183 9.2.20 Software scan unnecessarily follows symlinks for paths defined in the excludeDirectory and includeDirectory properties. The issue does not occur.
197026 9.2.20 It is possible to re-apply an old software catalog over a newer one if you keep an old instance of the Catalog Dowload fixlet in the Master Action site. The issue does not occur.
196939 9.2.19 It is not possible to use the Airgap Tool in non-extraction mode because information about the e-mail address and license serial number that is needed for this procedure is not available to the user. Documentation is updated to provide information on how to extract the information about the e-mail address and the serial number. For more information, see: Updating the content of the fixlet site on Linux and Updating the content of the fixlet site on Windows.
196937 9.2.19 The /usr/lpp folder is incorrectly excluded from the software scan. The /usr/lpp folder is removed from the list of excluded directories. Software that is installed in this folder is correctly discovered.
196797 9.2.19 In very rare cases, the VM Managers panel does not show any existing VM entries because it treats the VM Manager Tool as deleted. The problem does not occur.
196793 9.2.19 The License Metric Tool server reselects the central VM Manager Tool when the BigFix server is in the DSA configuration. However, the process does not work when Web Reports are not running. The problem does not occur.
196410 9.2.18 Product documentation does not list all versions of supported virtualization types. The product documentation is updated.
196379 9.2.18 The disconnected scanner scans the paths defined as $DOCKER_EXCLUDED_PATHS. The issue does not occur.
196332 9.2.18 Using the disconnected scanner on a machine with locale suffix set to @euro causes the scan failure with a 255 error and the following message:
The issue does not occur.
196207 9.2.18 The warning that is displayed during import is not clear.
WARN: Can't find component : 
The warning is improved.
195873 9.2.17 You cannot import saved reports that were previously exported. You can import saved reports that were previously exported.
195242 9.2.16 A warning might be displayed while starting and stopping License Metric Tool server on Windows using CLI scripts, despite the fact that everything works fine. No warning is displayed while starting and stopping License Metric Tool server on Windows using CLI scripts.
195162 9.2.16 On the Software Classification panel you cannot filter products under Flexpoint bundles. On the Software Classification panel you can filter products under Flexpoint bundles.
194807 9.2.16 The import of Software Users might fail with Null Pointer Exception. The import of Software Users is successful.
194580 9.2.16 PEM encoded private key/certificate files that are unicode encoded are not accepted. PEM encoded private key/certificate files that are unicode encoded are accepted.
194455 9.2.16 Some of the columns, including Server Vendor are displayed only on Hardware Inventory panel. The issue does not occur.
194289 9.2.16 License Metric Tool keystore password is based on TLM_UUID_1 and TLM_UUID_2 values that are generated during each upgrade. Thus, you might have problems to recover the password, if you remove the installation logs. You can easily recover the password.
193422 9.2.15 No dedicated permission to view support page. Permission added.
193394 9.2.15 After changing or removing the end of support date, there is no confirmation whether the action was successful. The confirmation is displayed after the action.
193202 9.2.15 The Software Installations predefined report does not include the 'Path' column. Therefore the software installed in multiple locations is displayed as duplicated entries on the report. With the 'Path' column displayed on the report it is possible to differentiate the software installed in multiple locations.
193195 9.2.15 User must restart the server to run the import of custom computer properties from Disconnected Scanner Package. Restart is not required to import custom computer properties for disconnected computers.
193173 9.2.15 After the application upgrade the import of data fails because of the error message: Invalid column name 'metric_type_id'. The import of data is successful.
193157 9.2.15 Some of the properties in analysis are evaluated every time when import of data runs, which affects the performance. The evaluation of properties is optimized.
192539 9.2.15 When files that contain information about the date of last successful scan have the "read-only" attribute, scan may fail. The "read-only" attribute is removed from affected files.
192558 9.2.15 A problem occurs when Initiate Software Scan fixlet is scheduled to run at the same time when the week scans are triggered. Initiate Software Scan fixlet has synchronization mechanisms, so that the scans do not interfere.
193003 9.2.15 The upgrade cannot complete because of broken database configuration file. The logs are extended with additional information.
193123 9.2.15 To Do list relevance may consume too many resources. The process is optimized.
193504 9.2.15 Import duration is long especially for environments with large custom catalog. Some of the import steps are optimized.
193565 9.2.15 In a DB2 based environment it takes a long time to scroll and load the next page on the application UI. The process of scrolling is optimized. However, it still takes a long time to load the next page.
193566 9.2.15 Unclassified Mac Software' concept is not documented and not understood by customers Product documentation is updated.
193571 9.2.15 A report does not display the correct data after sorting or switching to a different report view. A report displays the correct data.
193751 9.2.15 Upload Software Scan fixlet does not work correctly, if it is ran against the BigFix client with the version lower than 9.0. Upload Software Scan fixlet runs without any errors.
193356 9.2.15 The file data_condition.txt from the audit snapshot package contains incorrect "Aggregation Status" The file data_condition.txt contains correct data.
191628 9.2.14 After the session timeout it is not possible to log in again. The problem does not occur.
192704 9.2.14 After running Initiate Software Scan on Shared Disks, it fails to run Upload Software Scan Results. The problem does not occur.
191609 9.2.14 In documentation about installing the server in silent mode, the path for the license agreement is wrong. Product documentation is updated with the correct information about the license agreement path.
191782 9.2.14 In product documentation about installing the License Metric Tool server and DB2 in silent mode, information about some parameters inside the install_response.txt file is missing. Product documentation is updated with the information about parameters inside the install_response.txt file.
191876 9.2.14 In product documentation about discovering usage of Oracle database features, the destination path for ReviewLite.sql script is wrong. Product documentation is updated with the correct destination path for ReviewLite.sql script.
192405 9.2.14 Import log provides no information about the start and end of import finalization. Import log is updated with the relevant information.
192457 9.2.14 Install or Upgrade Scanner fails to complete on the BES Inventory and License Site. Install or Upgrade Scanner completes successfully.
190989 9.2.13 During the All-in-One installation, password verification does not check whether the password meets the requirements of the BigFix password. As a result, you can specify a password that causes the installation to fail at a later step. The problem does not occur.
190558 9.2.13 When you right-click the Initiate Software Scan fixlet and click Take Default Action, the Resource Utilization scan is not triggered. If you trigger the fixlet by using a different method, this type of the software scan is correctly triggered. The problem does not occur.
189668 9.2.12 The RSP_IEM_LICENSE_FILES_DIR parameter is marked as mandatory in the install_response_integrated.txt file. The parameter is mandatory only in offline installation. It is optional in case of the online installation. The RSP_IEM_LICENSE_FILES_DIR parameter is marked as optional in the install_response_integrated.txt file.
189213 9.2.12 When the /tmp directory cannot be used to extract files and start the installation, there is no information about the problem with accessing the directory. Appropriate message about the cause of the problem and and its solution is displayed.
188920 9.2.12 When collation of the MS SQL Server database is not set to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS, upgrade of the License Metric Tool server or import of data might fail. When the collation of the MS SQL Server database is not set to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS, information about the need of changing the collation is displayed during the upgrade of the License Metric Tool server.
188918 9.2.12 License Metric Tool does not block installation with MS SQL Server 2016 database and later which is not a supported version of the database. Information that MS SQL Server 2016 database and later is not supported byLicense Metric Tool.
188602 9.2.12 Upgrade of the License Metric Tool server fails with the following error.
There is already an object named 'schema_migrations'
in the database.: CREATE TABLE [schema_migrations] 
([filename] varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY)
The problem does not occur.
188463 9.2.12 Some of the packages that are displayed on the Package Data report are duplicated. The problem does not occur.
188264 9.2.12 Log collector gathers the entire software inventory. It should gather the inventory only from the computer on which you ran the collector. The problem does not occur.
188191 9.2.12 Script for stopping the License Metric Tool server does not end the License Metric Tool service. The problem does not occur.
185667 9.2.11 When you disable the statement concentrator on DB2 where the License Metric Tool database exists, catalog import takes a considerable amount of time. Scalability guide is updated with the warning indicating that by disabling the statement concentrator on DB2 where the License Metric Tool database exists, catalog import takes a considerable amount of time.
186180 9.2.11 The setting of on_demand_sam/product_usage parameter and its usage are confusing. The parameter is renamed to calculate_during_import/product_usage and its description is updated on user interface and in documentation.
186559 9.2.11 Log Collector does not collect all necessary scanner data. The problem does not occur.
186569 9.2.11 Capacity scan for disconnected scanner runs even when there is no new data to be collected. The problem does not occur.
186572 9.2.11 Tema.log file contains the following error:
warning: already initialized constant MAX_STRING_BYTESIZE
The problem does not occur.
186778 9.2.11 When a custom rule is successfully created, the log file still returns the following error code: 204. The problem does not occur.
186883 9.2.11 The Server Settings panel contains a Use SSL checkbox. This label is confusing as it enables HTTPS. User interface and documentation are updated and references to SSL are changed to HTTPS.
187010 9.2.11 Documentation does not contain information that migration from License Metric Tool to BigFix Inventory is only possible between the same versions. Documentation is updated with information that before migrating to BigFix Inventory, License Metric Tool must be upgraded to the latest version.
187272 9.2.11 License Metric Tool cannot be uninstalled through Apps & Features on Windows 10. The problem does not occur.
187402 9.2.11 It is not clear what default language should be set for an MS SQL Server database user. The import log contains the message that explains that the MS SQL Server Express database user should use
It is recommended for MS SQL Express use us_engling as default language 
for datbase user used to connect to the database by application.
185569 9.2.11 For environments with multiple data sources, the import of data takes long time to complete the following step:
 INFO: Delta changes applied on model SAM::FileFact:
The problem does not occur.
182287 9.2.10 The Package Data report shows information about all versions of the packages that were installed on AIX instead of only the current version. The Package Data shows only the current version of the discovered packages.
182374 9.2.10 Software scan hangs on IBM i while scanning the /QSYS.LIB/QSYSV*.LIB directory. The /QSYS.LIB/QSYSV*.LIB directory is excluded from software scans as it contains only files that are specific to the operating system.
183134, 184177 9.2.10 When you generate an audit snapshot from a report that is filtered by a custom field, the following problems occur in the data_condition.txt file:
  • The file lists custom fields by their code names instead of the names that are displayed on the user interface
  • The value by which the custom field is filtered is incorrectly displayed
The problems do not occur.
183135 9.2.10 When you open the All IBM Metrics and drill down to information about computers on which the product is installed, the report cannot be filtered by the Last Seen column. You can filter the report by the Last Seen column.
183433 9.2.10 After upgrading License Metric Tool, RedHat Enterprise Server versions 6.6 to 6.8 are not properly discovered. Upgrade to the latest version of License Metric Tool. Go to the following URL: host:port/management/feature and select Import all computer properties and do matching of all facts once again (next import only).
183995 9.2.10 Inconsistency between the /etc/init.d/LMTserver script and the /opt/ibm/LMT/cli/ script causes License Metric Tool downtime. The scripts are unified.
184217 9.2.10 Explanation about the outcome of changing the retention period that is provided on the user interface is misleading and indicates that decreasing the setting might have negative impact on the reports. In fresh installations of License Metric Tool the retention period is set to 7 days. It can be modified by changing the raw_data_api_history_keep_days parameter on the Advanced Server Settings panel. Changing the retention period does not have any negative impact on reporting the discovered software and license metric utilization. It only removes historical raw data that is no longer used by License Metric Tool.
184402 9.2.10 When you add a custom certificate into the License Metric Tool keystore, import of data fails and the following error is written in the logs.
ERROR: Cannot connect to LMT 
because of the error: 
No matching server certificate found. Ensure the server 
has been restarted after modifying certificate settings.
The problem does not occur.
184703 9.2.10 When the SSL certificate of the configured LDAP server expires and is renewed, users cannot log into License Metric Tool and the following error is displayed.
Error contacting the Directory Server for authentication.
Documentation is updated with steps for refreshing the certificate.
184843 9.2.10 After you change the port number on the Server Settings panel and then run the import, the import fails. It happens because changing the port requires that the License Metric Tool server is restarted. It is no longer required to restart the License Metric Tool server after changing the port number.
185260 9.2.10 The options to assign a new metric to a product and to add custom part numbers require the Manage Part Numbers Upload permission but it should require a separate permission. The Manage Licenses permission is added to License Metric Tool.
185487, 185607 9.2.10 When you generate a PDF or CSV version of the Resource Utilization report, the format of the date in the First Measured and Last Measured columns is different than in the user interface. Also, when the Last Measured date is not specified, the following value is displayed: 01/01/10000 12:59 AM. Format of the date is unified. Also, when the Last Measured date is not specified, the value <unlimited> is displayed on the user interface and an empty cell is shown in the PDF and CSV version of the report.
185606 9.2.10 Corrupted results of the capacity scan are constantly re-read from the server even though they do not change. The problem does not occur.
185710 9.2.10 RPM packages that contain the <name> tag are ignored. The problem does not occur.
185749 9.2.10 When you generate a PDF or CSV report that contains the Threshold Delta column, the value in that column does not contain commas. For example, the value is displayed as 1500 instead of 1,500. Values in the PDF and CSV reports contain commas.
185832 9.2.10 When you import part numbers and then try to filter the All IBM Metrics report by a part number, the following error is displayed.
CODDB2001E: Database error
The problem does not occur.
178427 9.2.9 The import of data fails with the following exception.
Out Of Memory
The problem does not occur.
179392 9.2.9 When adding a new disconnected data source on the Data Source panel, you can choose to download the software catalog for Sun. The name of this operating system is globally changed from Sun to Solaris.
179510 9.2.9 After using the REST API for retrieval of clusters, the information about the core count is hidden. After using the API for retrieval of clusters, the information about the core count is displayed by default.
179581 9.2.9 The value in the PVU per Core column for computers in No Scan Data status on the Hardware Inventory report and its PDF version is inconsistent. The problem does not occur.
180085 9.2.9 During the import of data, the log contains the following information.
INFO: ComputerHealthPropertyMapping table is not correct, 
rebuilding it.
The problem does not occur.
180393 9.2.9 During the installation of the disconnected scanner for Windows, the setup.bat script does not check whether the catalog file is in place. The problem does not occur.
180408 9.2.9 The installation of disconnected scanner fails when the library is missing. When the library is missing, the setup.bat script installs the older version of the scanner.
180509 9.2.9 When the computer.yml file contains multiple IP addresses, these addresses are not separated with the comma. The problem does not occur.
180832 9.2.9 The readme.txt file that is embedded in the audit snapshot is not rendered properly in some languages. The readme.txt file that is embedded in the audit snapshot is rendered properly in all available languages.
180885 9.2.9 When you go to Definition Source page and click on Software Version, Releases or Component the following error is displayed.
Your database is offline/inaccessible or your database
server credentials are incorrect or have expired. Please contact
your BigFix Analytics administrator or refer to tema.log
for more information.
The problem does not occur.
180892 9.2.9 When you run the again, the crontab entry is multiplied. The problem does not occur.
180951 9.2.9 After upgrading the disconnected scanner package, the old SWID tags are not cleared. The problem does not occur.
181196 9.2.9 During creation of a new computer group with the software template, the shared disk access point is not displayed correctly. The problem does not occur.
181371 9.2.9 If a computer has no host name, the Computer Name column on Software Classification panel shows null. If a computer has no host name, the Computer Name column on Software Classification panel shows <no data>.
181540 9.2.9 If the installation path for the disconnected scanner on Linux contains spaces, the scanner is not successfully installed. Documentation is updated with the information that the installation path on Linux should not contain any white space characters.
182000 9.2.9 The list of limitations regarding coexistence of and License Metric Tool is not complete. Documentation is updated with the additional information about the limitations of coexistence scenario.
182349 9.2.9 When you add a new disconnected data source, and provide a main directory as a location of the disconnected data source results, validation is different for Windows and Linux. When you add a new disconnected data source, and provide a main directory as a location of the disconnected data source results, validation is the same for Windows and Linux.
182532 9.2.9 After migration, custom Software Classification and Signatures reports that were based on the value of the Software Catalog column are lost. The Software Catalog column is replaced with the following columns.
  • Component Definition Source
  • Product Definition Source
  • Release Definition Source
  • Signature Definition Source
  • Version Definition Source
Additionally, the filtering mechanism is changed. It is recommended to recreate custom reports, and base them on the new columns. These reports will be preserved after migration or upgrade.
182557 9.2.9 The audit report duplicates a computer if a PVU and RVU peak takes place during the VM migration. The problem does not occur.
182897 9.2.9 After application upgrade from version 9.2.5, the import of software catalog fails. A technote is published with a solution to fix this issue.
166696 9.2.8 Import fails when the publisher is created first through the ISO tag, and then again when the new catalog is uploaded. The problem does not occur.
169353, 174383 9.2.8 User cannot log in through user interface with the Active Directory account after upgrading to License Metric Tool 9.2.7. The problem does not occur.
171789 9.2.8 When you assign multiple components to a single product, select the Share component check box, and then confirm that the selected components are charged, you get an unclear error message. The message is updated to be more informative.
CODDB3021E: The task cannot be completed because 
of a database timeout or deadlock. Other operations 
currently being processed are preventing this task 
from accessing required resources.
174151 9.2.8 When the script runs successfully on IBM i systems, the exit code is 1. The exit code is 0.
174530 9.2.8 When your login session expires, and you try to add the first data source, the user automatically switches to SYSTEM. The problem does not occur.
175942 9.2.8 After generating an audit snapshot in language other than English, the logs contain multiple warnings. The problem does not occur.
176801 9.2.8 When one of the disconnected scanner scans fails, the output package is still created. When one of the disconnected scanner scans fails, the action is terminated with an error.
177172 9.2.8 When RPM description begins with an empty line, BigFix collects this empty line as a description. The problem does not occur.
177357 9.2.8 The Computers report shows no data in the First Seen column after you resubscribe a computer. The problem does not occur.
177359 9.2.8 On the Computers report, the date displayed in the Last Seen column is prior to the date displayed in the First Seen column. The tooltip with the column description is added.
177383 9.2.8 After a disconnected scan, import of ISO tags scan results fails. The problem does not occur.
177442 9.2.8 Performance of the UpdateComputerSystems step is low which impacts the length of the import. Performance of the UpdateComputerSystems step is improved.
177469 9.2.8 Data on the Software Installations report is inconsistent with data on other reports. Documentation is updated to contain information about the Software Installations report limitations.
178073 9.2.8 Performance of the inventory builder step is low which impacts the length of the import. Performance of the inventory builder step is improved.
178217 9.2.8 In some languages, when you want to create a new computer group under Management > Computer Groups, the Create button does not work. The problem does not occur.
178358 9.2.8 When you install the disconnected scanner on Windows, the following error is displayed.
ERROR: Value for '/TR' option cannot be more 
than 261 character(s).
Documentation is updated to contain information about the limited length of the installation directory on Windows.
178599 9.2.8 After the import of capacity scan results, the Intel processor version is not collected. The problem does not occur.
178649 9.2.8 Import of data on MS SQL Server fails. The problem does not occur.
178765 9.2.8 The import log contains 3 errors that are caused by the deadlock on a database. The problem does not occur.
165740 9.2.7 When you apply a date filter on the All IBM Metrics report multiple times and specify the same end date every time, the end date does not remain the same but is extended with every application of the filter. The problem does not occur.
167410 9.2.7 Search of the software catalog does not work after the import of the software catalog fails. The problem does not occur.
167994 9.2.7 CSV and PDF reports are always generated with the same name and the files are overwritten. Thus, it is difficult to keep the history of reports. It is also not clear when the report was generated. A time stamp is added to the report name.
168218 9.2.7 When you try to sort a large number of components by the license metric, the following error is displayed.
Don't know how to order report by 
The problem does not occur.
168434 9.2.7 After you create a custom bundling and define it as charged, it is not possible to change the relation to not charged and the other way round. To change the type of the relation, reassign the component to the same product, and select the appropriate type of the relation: charge or not charged.
168599 9.2.7 When the License Metric Tool user is not the database owner during the upgrade, the following error is displayed.
The user is not the owner of the specified database
The error does not provide information about how to solve the problem.
The error is extended with information about the current user, the user that is the database owner, and how to solve the problem.
168603 9.2.7 When you create a custom bundling for a product that can use multiple license metrics and mark the relation as charged, the product is listed twice on the Assign Component to a Product window. One entry has the relation marked as charged. The other entry has the relation marked as <no data>. The problem does not occur.
168642 9.2.7 Software scan takes a lot of time on IBM i due to the CPU threshold that is set by default. The scan is shorter after the CPU threshold is disabled. CPU threshold is disabled by default on IBM i.
169154 9.2.7 When recalculation is running in one computer group, you cannot set metric threshold in another computer group. The problem does not occur.
169353 9.2.7 SSO with SAML cannot be configured when TLS 1.2 is enabled. The problem does not occur.
169569 9.2.7 The number of instances of products that use the Install Instances metric in the audit snapshot is greater than the number of instances that contributed to the license peak value. The problem does not occur.
169871 9.2.7 Audit snapshot is not generated when the License Metric Tool database and server are installed on computers that have different time set. The problem does not occur.
169944 9.2.7 When the x86 bare metal has hyper-threading enabled, and you create a VM that has more cores than the bare metal, the reported number of partition cores is incorrect. The problem does not occur.
169973 9.2.7 When multiple computer groups or subgroups have the same name, and you try to upload part numbers for a specific group, only one of these groups is available for selection on the Part Numbers Upload panel. The problem does not occur.
171045 9.2.7 When you upload a software catalog in which a software release was moved from one product to another, the change might not be correctly handled in License Metric Tool. It might result in incorrect bundling options for the changed releases. The problem does not occur.
171343 9.2.7 When you are adding a data source, you can choose Disconnected as the type of the Web Reports database. After you save the changes, the data source is not created and no error or warning is displayed. You cannot choose Disconnected as the type of the Web Reports database.
171823 9.2.7 Default configuration of logging in the migration tool is insufficient. The migration_debug script is added to enable debug logging.
172714 9.2.7 When you try to import part numbers from a TXT file, a message that the file format is wrong is displayed. The message is updated to be more informative.
The selected file must have the .xml or .zip extension.
172907 9.2.7 After you upload a new software catalog, the next import of data might fail with the following error.
The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE 
the same row more than once.
The problem does not occur.
173115 9.2.7 Some enhancements are needed in the area of disconnected scans on IBM i. The following changes are introduced:
  • Computers that have multiple IP addresses are properly reported.
  • The du command is not available in IBM i 5.4 so it is substituted with the wc command.
  • The script removes SWID tags and moves logs to the logs folder.
160288 9.2.6 When you set up a filter for the Metrics column to in set, the whole Configure View panel scrolls up when you select a parameter. The selection list does not close, when another filter is added. Filtering is moved to the top of the Configure View panel. The problem does not occur.
162070 9.2.6 After a failed import of data, the catalog search does not work and the following error is displayed:
The last import failed. Check the log before trying again.
The problem does not occur.
162549 9.2.6 Names of the following fixlets are imprecise: Create Capacity Configuration for Linux on z/VM, Edit Capacity Configuration for Linux on z/VM, Delete Capacity Configuration for Linux on z/VM. The names are changed to: Create Capacity Configuration for zLinux, Edit Capacity Configuration for zLinux, Delete Capacity Configuration for zLinux.
16257 9.2.6 Date formatting is inconsistent on the Software Installations report and the Details panel. The problem does not occur.
163428 9.2.6 The scanner status for package scan is incorrect. The problem does not occur.
163450 9.2.6 The following fixlets do not provide the information about the newest version of the VM Manager Tool: Install VM Manager Tool, Install Additional VM Manager Tool (OPTIONAL), Update VM Manager Tool. Version of the VM Manager Tool is added to the names and descriptions of these fixlets.
163472 9.2.6 Usage signatures are displayed in License Metric Tool, however, their descriptions are empty. Usage signatures are not displayed.
163490 9.2.6 Capacity data from LPARs with a KVM hypervisor that is displayed on the Hardware Inventory report does not provide all fields required for capacity calculations. The problem does not occur.
163541 9.2.6 The URL template for KVM RHV-M version 3.1 is missing on the VM Managers panel. The template is added on the VM Managers panel.
163735 9.2.6 No warning is displayed when creation of a bundling tag fails. Warning in the import logs informs about the unsuccessful creation of a bundling tag.
163861 9.2.6 When a SWID tag is skipped, the warning in the log file does not specify the affected tag. The warning specifies the affected tag.
164053 9.2.6 Two bundling tags with the same part number, path, and instance ID cause that the inventory builder fails. The problem does not occur.
164408 9.2.6 When you start the License Metric Tool server, the WebSphere Liberty website opens prematurely while the application is not yet ready. The problem does not occur.
164418 9.2.6 When you try to open a report to which you do not have access, the following error message is displayed:
We are sorry, but something went wrong.
The following error message is displayed:
Access Blocked.
164422 9.2.6 After the catalog import fails, the Overview panel is unavailable. The displayed message informs that the catalog import is in progress. The problem does not occur.
164495 9.2.6 The scanner .spb files are deemed unsafe and cannot be downloaded. For information about how to configure firewall to download the .spb files, see: Problem with downloading CIT .spb files.
164514 9.2.6 The capacity scan is not imported from HP-UX installed on a physical box. The problem does not occur.
164769 9.2.6 BigFix scan group migration fails when it is performed by a user other that Master Operator. BigFix scan group migration succeeds when it is performed by any user with sufficient rights.
164788 9.2.6 Each time the audit snapshot report is generated, it is saved with the same name: The audit snapshot report is saved with a unique name.
166634 9.2.6 The SunOS 5.10 UltraSPARC-T2 data on Hardware Inventory panel is invalid. The problem does not occur.
167179 9.2.6 When you enable secure communication, it is not clear if enabling TLS 1.2 disables TLS 1.0 protocol. Documentation is updated to explicitly state that enabling the TLS 1.2 disables the TLS 1.0 protocol.
155902 9.2.6 The number of PVU cores displayed on the reports is incorrect. The scheduled hardware scans fail, and the scan schedule is canceled. The problem does not occur.
159055 9.2.5 Some of the information that is displayed on the Software Installations report is not displayed when you export the report to PDF. The problem does not occur.
160067 9.2.5 The URL template that is displayed on the VM Mangers panel is not relevant for VMware 5.5. The template is adjusted to also apply to version 5.5.
160408 9.2.5 When recalculation is needed, a red square is displayed on the All IBM Metrics report. However, when you configure the report view so that it does not include the Product Name column, the red square is not displayed. The problem does not occur.
160712 9.2.5 Import of data fails because the BigFix or Web Reports service is missing. The problem does not occur.
160899 9.2.5 The XML file with warnings from the software scan is uploaded to the BigFix server even though the file is not needed. The file is not uploaded to the BigFix server.
161687 9.2.5 Some security headers are not sent by HTTP requests. The problem does not occur.
161785 9.2.5 Import of data fails and the following error is written in the logs:
Import process fails due to constraint in USAGE_FACTS_SCD
table: 2016-07-26 05:31:30 (+0:00:00.016) ERROR: Sequel::
CheckConstraintViolation: DBNAME: temadb - Java::ComMicrosoft
SqlserverJdbc::SQLServerException: The UPDATE statement conflicted
with the CHECK constraint "ckt_sam__usage_facts_scd". The conflict
occurred in database "temadb", table "sam.usage_facts_scd".
The problem does not occur.
162618 9.2.5 Software ID tags scan on HP-UX and Solaris gathers irrelevant data about patch version. As a result, warnings are written in the import log. The irrelevant data is not gathered and the warnings are not logged.
157297 9.2.4 Clicking Take Action on the Schedule VM Manager Tool Results Upload task does not work. The problem does not occur.
156355 9.2.4 The audit snapshot that is created from the IBM PVU Subcapacity does not contain bundling information. The problem does not occur.
156260 9.2.4 The PDF version of the All IBM Metrics report does not contain information about the need to trigger a recalculation. The problem does not occur.
155898 9.2.4 The software scan cannot be run on an LPAR because the Initiate Software Scan is not relevant on that computer. Documentation is updated to contain information that when a WPAR exists on an LPAR, all WPAR processes are visible on the level of the LPAR. When the software scan is running on the WPAR, the process is visible on the level of the LPAR and thus the Initiate Software Scan fixlet is not relevant on the LPAR. To run the software scan on the LPAR, wait for the scan to finish on the WPAR.
155811 9.2.4 Import of data is triggered one hour later than it is scheduled. During the conversion of time to UTC, presence of the daylight saving time (DST) is taken into account. As a result, when current user's time zone has DST, import time changes when switching to and from DST. The time is converted to UTC on the day of setting the import schedule.
155615 9.2.4 Results of the software identification tags scan are uploaded to the License Metric Tool server even if they contain no new data. The problem does not occur.
155506 9.2.4 Server logs contain irrelevant information that makes them difficult to read. The logs do not contain irrelevant information.
155403 9.2.4 Server logs contain redundant entries related to testing VM Manager connections. The logs do not contain redundant entries.
155382 9.2.4 Information about the scan status is inconsistent on the Computers report. Scan status information is consistent on the Computers report. Status names and tooltips are also updated to be more understandable.
155281 9.2.4 Export of reports with a large number of records to CSV or PDF hangs. Handling of out of memory errors during PDF generation is improved to prevent the process from hanging. Additionally, the number of rows that are exported to PDF is limited to 100000. In this case, the information is marked in the PDF. To change the limit, change the value of the pdfReportRowLimit parameter.
155269 9.2.4 On computers where the system diff tool uses a unified format, the file system scan is not updated which causes that information about raw files is missing. The problem does not occur.
154679 9.2.4 Information about VM manager duplicated addresses is not displayed on the reports. The problem does not occur.
154503 9.2.4 Import of data fails and the following message is written in the logs:
INFO: ETL from Datasource - RawDatasourceAnalysis 
(0x000000 - 0x00000035): Failed
Documentation is updated to contain information that to solve the problem, you need to ensure that no actions such as a backup or recovery are taking place on the BigFix database. Then, rerun the import.
154291 9.2.4 If you set a custom home page, the Overview dashboard is no longer accessible. A link to the Overview dashboard is provided in the Reports menu.
153769 9.2.4 Information about process usage is missing and the following error is written in the import logs:
ERROR: Sequel::DatabaseError: 
The COMMIT TRANSACTION request has no corresponding
The problem does not occur.
153243 9.2.4 When the computer where the BigFix server is overloaded, data from BigFix is not imported to License Metric Tool, and the following warning appears in the logs:
WARN: Datasource file <file_name> could not 
be retrieved from <path>.
Returned message was Connection refused -
Connection refused (Errno::ECONNREFUSED)
The problem does not occur.
153224 9.2.4 Migration logs do not contain information about the number of excluded directories for which the migration from version 7.x failed. The information is provided in the migration log.
153222 9.2.4 Information about the disk space requirements that is provided in the description of the task Upgrade to the latest version of License Metric Tool is inaccurate. The description is updated to provide accurate disk space requirements.
153207 9.2.4 The following information is not logged during the migration from version 7.x:
  • Configuration parameters
  • Detailed content of POST and GET requests sent to License Metric Tool and the BigFix Platform including the content of the header and the URL
The information is logged in the FINEST level.
153013 9.2.4 Vulnerability issue related to trusting certificates from all defined VM managers. You can specify whether all certificates are trusted or only those that are placed in the truststore.
148633 9.2.4 Some of the internal APIs are not working in case of port tunneling. The problem does not occur.
155826 Processing of software identification tags takes a lot of time. Performance of software identification tags is improved.
142831 9.2.3 Results of capacity scan contain large amount of data that is not relevant to the calculation of subcapacity licenses. Processing of this data might impact the performance. Capacity scans do not collect data that is not relevant to the calculation of subcapacity licenses.
146360 9.2.3 A potential security vulnerability related to HTTP response splitting attack in WebSphere Application Server (CVE-2015-2017). The security vulnerability is mitigated.
146378 9.2.3 A potential security vulnerability related to Java (CVE-2015-4872). The security vulnerability is mitigated.
147517 9.2.3 Description of the Configure Scan Timeout task is misleading. The name of the task is changed to Configure Scanner Query Timeout and the description is changed to indicate that the task changes the timeout of a single query not the total duration of the scan.
149285 9.2.3 The BigFix server does not report when the client changes its remote ID. It causes that the central VM Manager Tool does not work correctly. Information about the change of the remote ID is reported and the VM Manager Tool works correctly.
149290 9.2.3 Logs of the VM Manager Tool do not contain sufficient information. Logs of the VM Manager Tool contain information that not all connections were completed before pooling interval was reached and that the scan output does not contain information about virtual machines.
149405 9.2.3 When the License Metric Tool server and the BigFix server are in different networks and the BigFix server is in a network with NAT, the License Metric Tool server cannot connect to the BigFix server. Documentation is updated to provide instructions for configuring BigFix servers in networks with NAT.
149488 9.2.3 Sorting on the Inventory Exploration widget is not intuitive. Sorting is corrected.
150555 9.2.3 Import of part numbers fails when the part numbers file is encoded with UTF-8 with BOM. The problem does not occur.
150665 9.2.3 Some of the computers have the Missing prerequisites status on the Deployment Health widget while they are in fact not missing any prerequisites. The problem does not occur.
150907 9.2.3 Broken scans are re-imported during every import. Broken scans are ignored.
151581 9.2.3 Logs of the BigFix client contain irrelevant information that makes them difficult to read. The logs do not contain irrelevant information.
151811 9.2.3 When the VM Manager Tool cache was removed and the VM Manager Tool is locked, the following error is written in the log:
CapacityReport: required field 'status' is null.
The problem does not occur.
152559 9.2.3 When you click a link to the list of all PVU products from the IBM PVU Subcapacity widget, the list of products cannot be sorted. The list of products can be sorted.
152343 9.2.3 Import log contains information about the version of the TEMA internal component instead of the version of License Metric Tool. The import log contains information about the version of License Metric Tool.
146779 9.2.2 When you open the VM Managers panel after you removed and added the same data source, the VM Managers panel fails with error undefined method 'connection_test' for nil:NilClass. The error does not occur.
145458 9.2.2 Capacity scan file has negative values for CoreCount. Capacity scans return proper values for CoreCount.
144831 9.2.2 The scanner cache is not deleted after each software and hardware scan. Scanner cache is removed after each software and hardware scan.
144501 9.2.2 The Catalog Download task does not push the software catalog to the endpoints after it has been re-imported to License Metric Tool. The software catalog is properly distributed to the endpoints during a data import.
142828 9.2.2 Data import log contains multiple entries of the following warning:WARN: Failed attempt to insert duplicate of fact with guid guid_number on computer computer_name. Data import log does not contain any entries of the warning.
142764 9.2.2 An error is displayed on the Software Installations panel after the following steps have been completed: a custom signature was created, a data import was run, and the signature was removed from the software catalog. The issue disappears after running the subsequent data import. The issue does not occur.
142521 9.2.2 After a new VM manager has been added on the VM Managers panel, when you click the new VM manager entry a wrong URL template is shown in the bottom pane for both ESX and KVM virtualization technologies. Correct URL templates are shown when you create new VM manager entries for Hyper-V, KVM-RHV-M, VMware ESX, ESXi, and vCenter on the VM Managers panel.
139388 9.2.2 The scanner cache is not always cleared even if scans complete without any errors. The cache directory is empty after each scanner process completes.
119836 9.2.2 More precise estimates of the License Metric Tool database size need to be provided in the License Metric Tool documentation. The License Metric Tool documentation has been updated.
147582 9.2.2 Some entries are missing on the All IBM Metrics and PVU Subcapacity panels while the csv, and pdf reports, and the audit snapshot contain all entries. This error might occur in License Metric Tool that has been installed with MS SQL Server database. All entries are present on the IBM Metrics and PVU Subcapacity panels.
142545 9.2.1 When you try to open the All IBM Metrics or IBM PVU Subcapacity reports, an error is displayed and the following message is written in the logs:
[FATAL] NoMethodError (undefined method 
`formatted_offset' for nil:NilClass
Also, when you try to export history from the Resource Utilization report, an error is displayed and the following message is written in the logs:
[ERROR](Default Executor-thread-106)
The problem occurs when single sign-on is enabled.
The problem does not occur.
140767 9.2.1 Upgrade on Linux fails when License Metric Tool was installed by a non-root user. The upgrade succeeds.
137145 9.2.1 On the Software Installations report, the value 0 is displayed in the Total Runs and Average Runs per Day columns when in fact no usage data is available. If no usage data is available, the value "<no data>" is displayed.
135800 9.2.1 Tool for migrating from License Metric Tool and Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed does not work when TLS 1.2 is enabled in License Metric Tool 9.x. The migration tool works when TLS 1.2 is enabled.
135220 9.2.1 DB2 tablespace definitions differ between older version of License Metric Tool and the latest version, which might lead to database problems. Tablespace definitions are updated to the latest definition during the upgrade.
135137 9.2.1 Version in the Windows service name of License Metric Tool is not changed after the upgrade. Computer restart is required. Version is changed in the Windows service name without restarting the computer.
135126 9.2.1 An incorrect number of rows is displayed in PDF reports when cells contain new lines. The correct number of rows is displayed.
130663 9.2.1 After the upgrade, steps to rebuild a clean License Metric Tool database fail. The problem does not occur.
133909 After you upgrade from License Metric Tool to , information on the Scan Health widget is outdated. Information on the Scan Health widget is up to date.
133847 Filtering the Audit Trail report by modification date does not work properly. Filtering by modification date works properly.
133817 During the upgrade of License Metric Tool to the newest version, update of the database schema fails because the user is not the owner of the database. The problem occurs when Windows authentication was used during the installation. Update of the database schema succeeds.
133136 The Inventory Exploration report lists software that is no longer detected on any of the computers. Software that is no longer detected on any of the computers is not displayed on the Inventory Exploration report.
132498 Import of data fails and the following error can be found in the log.
ERROR: Java::ComMicrosoftSqlserverJdbc::SQLServerException: 
Transaction (Process ID 116) was deadlocked on lock resources 
with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim.
The error does not occur and the import of data succeeds.
132027 Rebundling, confirmation, and exclusion of software from pricing calculations are not logged in the Audit Trail report when they are invoked via REST API. The actions are logged in the Audit Trail report regardless of whether they are invoked from the user interface of REST API.
131965 Software instances that are free of charge are not included in the audit snapshot. The other_products.csv that was a part of the audit snapshot is substituted with the bundling_definitions.csv file. The new file contains information about products that are free of charge.
131958 Two users cannot simultaneously generate the audit snapshot. The generated snapshots might be inconsistent, contain empty files, or the generation of the compressed file might fail. Two and more users can simultaneously generate audit snapshots.
130060 Legacy Microsoft Active Directory settings do not work with the Global Catalog search option. Legacy Active Directory settings are migrated to different types of server settings to ensure that they work properly.
129910 In some cases, when you open the Computers report, the following error is displayed.
Invalid column name 'valid_from'.
The error does not occur and the report can be opened.
129886 When you create a user and assign him the Software Asset Manager role, the following reports become available:
  • Package Data
  • Scanned File Data
  • Unrecognized Files
  • Metering Data
The reports should not be accessible.
The reports are not accessible.
129729 The software scan fails on SUSE Enterprise Linux Server 10. The software scan succeeds.
129717 VM Manager Tool times out on Hyper-V. VM Manager Tool timeout is increased to 90 seconds.
129570 All computers that are monitored by BigFix are visible in License Metric Tool regardless of whether they are subscribed to the product site. Only computers that are subscribed to the product site are visible in License Metric Tool. The Scan Health widget no longer reports issues on computers that are not subscribed to the License Metric Tool site.
129211 If the name of a Microsoft Active Directory user does not contain the domain name, the user is incorrectly identified. The domain name must be specified for Active Directory users.
128295 Import of data succeeds but the software inventory is incomplete and the following error can be found in the log:
ERROR: Unexpected response code 500 received from IEM server 
IP_address. Ensure the server and its Web Reports service 
are running. The catalog download action (catalog_download.bes) 
could not be sent to IEM server: IP_address. 
Received response code: 500.
The problem occurs when incorrect credentials are provided for any of the data sources to which License Metric Tool is connected. After you install the update, the credentials are checked beforehand and the import fails immediately after the start, not in the middle of the process.
120329 The Catalog Download action is distributed to all computers regardless of whether they are subscribed to the License Metric Tool site. The action is distributed only to the computers that are subscribed to the License Metric Tool site.
117272 The link to information about agent problems is broken on the Deployment Health widget. The link points to a proper documentation topic in the IBM Knowledge Center.
116907 Products that are licensed under the RVU license other than RVU MAPC are not listed in the other_products.csv file. The products are listed in the other_products.csv file.
116353 On some reports, information about the number of rows in the report is larger than in reality when the report is exported to PDF. Information about the number of rows in the report is correct when the report is exported to PDF.
111375 During database configuration, when you specify a database name that is longer than 8 characters, you cannot download the script for creating the database. However, no error message that indicates that the problem is related to the database name is displayed. An error message is displayed to indicate that the script cannot be created because the database name is too long.
95624 When a report is exported to PDF, large numbers do not contain digit group separators. The separators are used in the user interface. Digit group separators are used in the PDF reports.
84509 When you perform any action on the IBM Software Classification panel, all products are collapsed after the action. The product view is not collapsed.
113006 Software that is deployed under a tmp directory is not discovered. Documentation is updated to contain information that tmp directories are not scanned by default. If an application is installed under a tmp directory, it is not detected. To solve the problem, you can change the scanner settings to scan tmp directories. On the computer where the software is installed, go to the BESClient/LMT/CIT/ directory and open the exclude_path.txt file. It lists all directories that are excluded from software scans. Remove the */tmp directory from the list and save the file.
Warning: If you remove the */tmp directory from the list of files that are excluded from software scans, all */tmp directories are included in software scans. It might influence the length of the software scan.
111952 The status on the All IBM Metrics report indicates that the license peak value for a product should be recalculated. However, the Recalculate button is inactive. The Recalculate button is active when recalculation is needed.
115871 When you recalculate the license peak value on the All IBM Metrics or IBM PVU Subcapacity report and then perform an action that requires another recalculation, the Recalculate button is inactive. The Recalculate button is active when recalculation is needed.
88386 When you are creating a catalog entry and specify the publisher name, the autocomplete for the product name lists also products of other publishers. The autocomplete for the publisher name is narrowed down to the specified publisher. If the publisher does not exist in the catalog, no autocomplete options are suggested.
VM Manager Tool fixes - previous application updates
ID VM Manager Tool version Symptoms Behavior after updating the VM Manager Tool
201701 9.2.33 VM Manager Tool sends unnecessary configuration details to LMT server. The problem does not occur.
201426 9.2.32 When a connection to Hyper-V that uses the PowerShell protocol fails due to invalid credentials, the following error is displayed.
An internal error occurred 
while trying to connect to the VM manager.
The error that is displayed is more accurate.
The VM manager denied access because of invalid credentials.
200567 9.2.29 For Hyper-V, duplicated guests are sometimes not properly reported as such in the VM Manager Tool log. As a result, they are not in the OK - duplicated UUIDs status. The problem does not occur.
200313 9.2.28 The VM Manager Tool service does not start after the VM Manager Tool keystore password is changed. The problem does not occur.
199859 9.2.26 When a Hyper-V host allows only Basic Authentication and there is more than one connection defined, the VM Manager Tool receives the following error.
411 : HTTP Length Required
The problem does not occur.
IJ33595 9.2.25 Connection error occurs when trying to connect to a Hyper-V host that is configured to allow only the Basic Authentication scheme. The problem does not occur.
198968 9.2.24 The VM Manager Tool is not detected by the disconnected scanner and no results are collected on Linux. The problem does not occur.
IJ30106 9.2.23 When a new connection to Oracle VM Server is defined in License Metric Tool, status of all existing Hyper-V connections changes to Invalid Credentials. The problem does not occur.
IJ30652 9.2.23 When a Nutanix host has no active VMs, the following error is written in the logs.
StatusUtils::convertErrorCodeToStatus::Resolved status: 
Unknown problem

Exception while processing VM Manager URL: 

The problem does not occur.
198769 9.2.23 When you run the vmman -retrievedebugdata command, the connection fails with the following status: Invalid Credentials - Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password. The problem occurs if the user name or password that is specified for the particular VM manager contains the ampersand (&). The problem does not occur.
IJ22565 The "No VM Manager Data" status is displayed for virtual machines that are hosted on VMware ESXi 6.7. The problem occurs because the UUID from a local/guest hardware scan does not match the value returned in vCenter. The initial three portions of the UUID appear to be mixed. As a result, License Metric Tool cannot match VMs and calculate PVU values. The problem does not occur.
196971 The problem does not occur. The -retrievedebugdata command collects information about the serial number of the hypervisor.
IJ04308 VM Manager data is missing due to duplication of cluster names in VMware with nested folder hierarchy. The problem does not occur.
IJ04020 The description of vmman_uuid_filtering_enabled parameter is inconsistent. The description of vmman_uuid_filtering_enabled parameter is updated in the Update VM Manager Tool fixlet.
IJ02585 Current solution for supporting Xen virtualization on Citrix Xenserver is not aligned with Citrix Xenserver license terms. The fix for this problem is delivered. To apply this fix contact IBM Support.
IJ02210 When PowerShell is used as a communication interface for collecting data from a Hyper-V cluster with shared credentials, the VM manager does not gather data from all nodes. The problem does not occur.
138657 Event log on the Windows computer where the VM Manager Tool is installed contains errors. For example:
application impairment occurs : prunsrv.exe
The prunsrv.exe library was upgraded.
IV98697 VM Manager Tool collects information about all network interfaces in the cluster, instead of active hosts only. VM Manager Tool collects information about the hosts in a cluster that are active. A new VM manager status is introduced. When connection to one or a few hosts in a cluster fails, the VM manager status is Data partially collected.
181712 VMware systems that support TLSv1.2 security protocols cannot connect to VM managers. The problem does not occur.
IV93900 VM Manager Tool fails to connect to the Hyper-V hypervisor when it is using PowerShell. The problem does not occur.
IV94730 The VM Manager Tool that is listening on port 25001 only accepts TLS 1.0 connections. The vmm_rmi_protocol parameter is added to the You can use the parameter to specify the protocol that is used for internal communication.
IV94733 It is not clear how to backup and restore VM managers. Documentation is updated with instructions about how to backup and restore VM managers.
IV95325 The Update VM Manager Tool fixlet fails during Java shutdown. The problem does not occur.
IV95530 Hyper-V VM managers fail with the following error:
Documentation is updated with the troubleshooting scenario for this error.
176819 VM Manager Tool does not work on Debian Linux. The problem does not occur.
177018 Installation of the VM Manager Tool fails on Ubuntu. The problem does not occur.
IV93258 VM Manager Tool does not accept certificates signed by third party. VM Manager Tool still does not accept certificates signed by third party. However, the self-signed certificate that is included in the tool and is used for local communication is replaced with a certificate signed by a certificate authority.
IV93537 Saving capacity reports into a file ends with an exception that occurs during retrieving data from the defined VM managers. The problem does not occur.
Scanner fixes - previous application updates
ID Scanner version Symptoms Behavior after updating the scanner
202561 9.2.36 Disconnected results upload fails because the file is too large, due to an invalid Locale setting. The problem does not occur.
202509 9.2.36 The CURL path does not work when it contains spaces. The problem does not occur.
202481 9.2.36 The lack of errno value when attempting to create warning.xml fails for unknown reasons The problem does not occur.
202413 9.2.36 The software scan fails on OS400 in case of some IFS file systems. The problem does not occur.
202410 9.2.36 The hardware scan on version 9.2.34 fails on Windows Server 2022 with return code 5. The problem does not occur.
202201 9.2.35 Cannot specify the disconnected scanner output directory as absolute path for the scan results upload The problem does not occur.
202228 9.2.35 In rare situations capacity file name in disconnected scanner package may have invalid suffix The problem does not occur.
202249 9.2.35 Disconnected scanner fails to pack results on Windows in case when VM Manager Tool is installed on the same system in path with space The problem does not occur.
202106 9.2.34 During disconnected scanner upgrade, only the scan scripts are updated. The scanner binaries are not upgraded. During disconnected scanner upgrade both scan scripts as well as scanner binaries are updated.
201891 9.2.34 Disconnected scanner installation fails when using automatic scan results upload to License Metric Tool on Windows if MinGW-w64 cURL distribution is used. The setup fails with the following error.
Curl error occured. Error code: 26
The installation is successful.
201908 9.2.34 No scan data status can be reported for a Hyper-V VM if the BIOS SerialNumber does not match the expected pattern. BIOS SerialNumber not matching the expected pattern is still accepted and processed. The capacity scan from such VM is accepted.
201672 9.2.33 Incorrect Server Cores value in case of some old Intel processors. The problem does not occur.
201546 9.2.32 Error 127 is returned by the disconnected scanner during the capacity scan even though the scan results are correct. No error is returned when the scan results are correct.
201198 9.2.31 Disconnected scanner cannot run a scheduled task on Windows when the scanner is installed in a path that contains spaces on a drive other than C:. The problem does not occur.
200693 9.2.30 LPAR IDs equal to or greater than 255 are reported with a wrong ID. The reported ID is 255 or 0 depending on your version of IBM i. To solve the problem, upgrade the scanner to version and install a PTF appropriate for your version of IBM i.
  • For IBM i 7.3, SI81703 is required
  • For IBM i 7.4, SI81704 is required
  • For IBM i 7.5, SI81705 is required
PTFs for IBM i 9.2.30 License Metric Tool might report an incorrect Partition Cores value for some iSeries machines on which Mobile CoD processors feature is used. To solve the problem, install a PTF appropriate for your version of IBM i.
  • For IBM i 7.3, SI81901 is required
  • For IBM i 7.4, SI82088 is required
  • For IBM i 7.5, SI81911 is required
200401 9.2.29 Packaging results of the disconnected scanner fails on Windows if the scanner installation directory contains parentheses. The problem does nor occur.
200409 9.2.29 Disconnected scanner on Windows scans the same SLM tag files multiple times. The problem does not occur.
200466 9.2.29 The script is not able to store the disconnected scan results on an NFS share. The problem does not occur.
200561 9.2.29 The secfs2 file system is scanned while it should not be. The system is not scanned.
200199 9.2.28 Some VMware guests are incorrectly classified as physical machines instead of virtual machines. The problem does not occur.
200155 9.2.28 The disconnected scanner uses a vulnerable version of zlib library (CVE-2018-25032). The zlib library is upgraded to version 1.2.12.
200133 9.2.28 When the same directory whose path ends with a slash (/) is excluded both from the catalog scan and file system scan, the physical scan of the file system is restarted and scan cache is recreated when the filessystem scan runs right after the catalog scan. The problem does not occur.
IJ38919 9.2.28 The var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/ directory is used for running scans and preparing their outputs. If the noexec flag is set on the /var directory, errors might occur during the installation and upgrade of the scanner and while running scans. Documentation is updated to contain information that the /var directory cannot have the noexec flag set if the scanner is planned to be installed in that directory.
IJ37144 9.2.27 The output directory that is used by the script for packing capacity data collected by the disconnected VM Manager Tool (pack_results.bat) is set incorrectly. As a result, the script fails when the user changes the output directory in the configuration file. The problem does not occur.
200088 9.2.27 Scanner performance is degraded compared to the previous version. Scanner performance is improved.
199993 9.2.27 The scanner does not collect SMBIOS data from Solaris 11.4 that runs on VMware. The problem does not occur.
IJ36234 9.2.26 Segmentation fault (SIGSEGV) is returned when reading the serial number from the EEPROM on SPARC. The problem does not occur.
IJ35182 9.2.26 The scanner cannot collect SMBIOS data from Solaris 11.4 that runs on VMware. The problem does not occur.
199846 9.2.26 The problem occurs after the migration from BigFix to disconnected infrastructure. When the disconnected scanner is installed on the computer where the License Metric Tool server and the BigFix server are installed, it automatically discovers the central VM Manager Tool and starts uploading its results to the License Metric Tool server even though the BigFix server is still installed and manages the VM Manager Tool. As a result, VM manager connections are duplicated on the VM Managers panel. The problem does not occur.
199826 9.2.26 The scanner might report a doubled number of server cores for some older Intel processors. The problem does not occur.
199683 9.2.26 When the disconnected scan runs, the output file is called --<endpoint_ID> instead of <scan_date>-<endpoint_ID>.zip. Such file is not imported to the License Metric Tool server. The problem does not occur.
199610 9.2.26 The scrip does not run the packaging step on UNIX when the software scanner exits with an error. The problem does not occur.
199532 9.2.26 In case of some older Intel processors (pre-2010), License Metric Tool might overstate the number of server cores. It might affect calculations of the full capacity license. It does not affect calculations of the subcapacity license as the number of server cores in not used in these calculations. The problem does not occur.
IJ33747 9.2.25 The Run Capacity Scan and Upload Results fixlet fails with error code -124 because the Illegal instruction exception is returned when reading SMBIOS. The problem does not occur.
IJ33481 9.2.25 The scanner might incorrectly discover the number of partition cores on a Solaris local zone that runs with a processor pool if the processor model is not identified. The problem does not occur.
199307 9.2.25 The scan hangs when the RPM registry is corrupted. The problem does not occur.
IJ32101 Some Intel Hexa-core CPUs, such as i5-8600T, i5-8500, and i7-8850H are assigned 100 PVUs, despite all i3, i5, i7 CPUs being worth 70 PVUs. The problem does not occur.
199195 The scanner discovers only 4 cores per chip on SPARC T5-2. The problem does not occur.
199135 Disconnected scanner on Windows does not create results package when software scans failed. The problem does not occur.
199011 Installation of the disconnected scanner fails on Windows with following error.
Initial hardware scan failed with error -1073740940
The problem does not occur.
199001 Disconnected scanner output folder is not created if its path contains spaces. The problem does not occur.
198968 The VM Manager Tool is not detected by the disconnected scanner and no results are collected on Linux. The problem does not occur.
IJ30616 Software scan might fail on IBM i due to non-standard language setup. The problem does not occur.
198682 Packing disconnected scanner results fails with error code 18 because ZIP cannot open a file for reading. The problem occurs because the hardware scan is running and producing files with scan results that are at the same time being read by ZIP that tries to create the results package. Schedules of running the hardware scan and packing scan results are adjusted so that they do not overlap. For more information, see: Schedule of disconnected scanner actions (disconnected scenario).
198821 The disconnected scanner on Windows requires Windows Management Instrumentation command-line (WMIC). Dependency on WMIC is removed.
IJ23587 The capacity scan returns the following error.
Could not load a transcoding service
The problem is caused by incorrect settings of the system's locale.
The issue does onto occur.
IJ23404 It has been confirmed that in a very rare case, on some unusual UNIX OS setups, under circumstances that have not yet been precisely defined, the mechanism of caching the scan data by the software scanner fails. Due to this error, the scanner is looping through the cache data, and as a result occupies one of the threads available on the machine. The issue is caused by the incorrect processing of scanner cache data. New experimental cache was introduced. For more information, see: APAR IJ23404.
IJ24961 Oracle Netra SPARC T4-1 with 4-cores is detected as having 8 cores. The issue does not occur.
197728 Subcapacity values are incorrectly counted on Solaris x86 with kernel zones. The issue does not occur.
196957 The SMBIOS data is retrieved from DMI tables prior to other methods. The issue does not occur.
IJ21455 The problem does not occur. The issue does not occur.
IJ20761, IJ20776 The vendor information is not collected by the capacity scan because the newer version of BIOS is available on the physical server. The issue does not occur.
IJ20098 Capacity scan does not collect information about BIOS. The issue does not occur.
196556 Scanner upgrade on Windows 2019 fails with the following message:
Can't execute command 
'"C:\Program Files\tivoli\cit\bin\wscancfg.exe" 
-enable all', result was: 0
Exec '"C:\Program Files\tivoli\cit\bin\wscancfg.exe"
 -enable all' returned -1
*** Error: could not restart CIT.
Installation failed, rolling back
The issue does not occur.
196412 The capping values of CPU pool, LPAR group and tenant resource group are not converted or are incorrect. The issue does not occur.
IJ17335 In hardware scan output CoreCount fields in LogicalDomains group on Solaris were filled with incorrect values. The values are reported correctly.
IJ18228 When the Windows date format is set to ddd-mmm-yyy the .info files created by the scanner (for example, contain scan timestamps in an unexpected format: -- 13:35:52,49. The same information is displayed by the Software Scan Status analysis. The problem does not occur.
195215 ComponentID section does not contain values for Manufacturer, Product, SerialNumber and Type fields on Solaris x86 local zones, which are the required data to import the hardware scan. License Metric Tool can retrieve the values for Manufacturer, Product, SerialNumber and Type fields on Solaris x86 local zones.
195648 Scanner incorrectly discovers number of sockets on E7 series of Xeon processors. Scanner reports correct number of physical sockets.
194301 Scanner on Solaris x86 exits with error code 8 with no scan results. The scanner runs correctly and produces scan results.
IJ16397 After the scanner is successfully updated with a fixlet, the fixlet remains relevant on the target computers. The problem does not occur.
IJ18249 Running the software scan on legacy Solaris endpoints might fail with the following error in the <ID>_citlog.log file on the endpoint.
is not an identifier
The problem does not occur.
193790 CIT installation failure due to dependency on VIS instruction (unsupported hardware capability) on SPARC The reference to VIS hardware capability is removed as it is not used by CIT scanner in any way.
191930 CIT does not handle correctly copyright information 'Wscanfs' works properly.
188889 CIT does not handle correctly file metainfo on Windows. Output fields that are affected are: Path, Name, ProductName, CompanyName, ProductVersion, FileDescription, LanguageName, LanguageId, CodePage, Comments, InternalName, LegalCopyright, LegalTrademarks, PrivateBuild, FileVersion, OriginalFilename, SpecialBuild. All affected fields are encoded correctly and 'wscanfs' works as desired.
193069 CIT hardware scan on IBM i platform reports garbled IP when the system has more than 12 IP addresses. CIT hardware scan reads all IP addresses correctly.
IJ05837 Software is not discovered on Windows because the scanner is not able to return the file version of a Windows executable if the product version is not available. Usually, the file version and the product version properties in the Details tab of a Windows executable are in line. If they are not in line, the file version takes precedence over product version on condition that file version is not empty. If file version is empty, product version is reported on condition that it is not empty. If both values are empty, no version is reported, but the software id discovered.
IJ05165 Capacity scan completes on z/VM 6.2 but the computer still has the No Scan Data status on the IBM Capacity Data Completeness widget. Additionally, the following warnings are written in the import logs
WARN:(ImportCapacity-Thread:0)VirtualMachine layer of type
z/VM-hypervisor does not have valid name () or VirtualMachineID 
is not set (1), Discarting the capacity scan from agent with id 
: 186 
Task::Some error occurred during capacity scan form file:
/tlm_hw_201802221704_1519286651.xml for endpoint :186
The problem does not occur.
IJ03617 Catalog Download fixlet cannot be run because backslash is duplicated in the cit.ini file. The problem does not occur.
IJ03655 Hardware scan on Oracle SPARC-S7 systems fails. The problem does not occur.
IJ03879 Capacity scan fails on KVM virtual machines with the following exit code: 3. The problem does not occur.
185543 Scanner does not discover products that are detected with signatures based on the package data. The problem does not occur.
185909 Disconnected scanner on AIX delivers incorrect package data. The problem does not occur.
186816 The hardware scan output is incomplete because the CPUID output doe not display ProcessorTable or LDOM summary. The problem does not occur.
IJ02332 The new version of scanner causes a CPU load issue. The problem does not occur.
IJ00446 Hardware scan results are missing information about SerialNumber and Processors due to failing CPUID. Hardware scans are complete.
183292 CPU usage is very high during the software scan on HP-UX, despite of setting the CPU threshold. The problem does not occur.
IV98512 The cache data is not preserved for child drives when they are scanned before parent mount points. Parent drives are always scanned first. Cache data is preserved.
IV99110 The PVU calculation for Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697A v4 @ 2.60GHz is incorrect. The PVU is set to 100 instead of 70. The problem does not occur.
IV96589 The CPU usage during the software scan is very high, despite of the set CPU threshold. The problem does not occur.
175597 Some character (coded on > 1 byte) are not correctly encoded in UTF-8 output. The problem does not occur.
180857 Because of the constant size buffers for mount point and server path on AIX, Solaris and HP-UX systems, buffer overflows occur. Dynamic buffers are used, and thus, the problem does not occur.
180941 On AIX and Solaris systems, scan signatures are created by the scanner even when the required command is not initialized. Creation of signatures is initialized only when requested.
IV94660 After running a successful disconnected scan on IBM i, the following error is written in the logs.
wscanhw():  451 hardware WARNING| Failed to removefile=
errno=3025 \wscanhw():482 hardware open()handle=3
The problem does not occur.
IV96406 The scan results are empty because the same directories are scanned twice. The problem does not occur.
IV96470 The PVU pricing for Xeon E3-1271 V3 is incorrect. The problem does not occur.
173444 On Solaris systems, the <LparType> and <LparID> attributes are empty in the hardware scan output. The problem does not occur.
IV91278 Scanner logs are not generated when the log folder does not exist. The folder is created automatically and the logs are generated.
IV91620 Address of the SMBIOS table is not properly calculated during the hardware scan. The problem does not occur.
IV92831 The file system or software scan cannot discover files or software signatures in a directory that is of a different file system type than the root file system. In some circumstances such directories are excluded from scanning. The problem occurs on UNIX. The problem does not occur.
IV93046 Upgrade of the scanner fails because command that stops the scanner process does not complete successfully. The problem does not occur.
IV93586 For some Intel processors, the scanner ignores the BIOS information and uses its internal logic to determine the number of cores per package. The problem does not occur.
IV90992 Capacity scan fails with exit code 2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 because the cpuid executable crashes. The problem does not occur.
IV90920 When you enable the scan optimization, software scans do not return any results on some computers. The problem does not occur.
IV89503 UUID is incorrectly reported in the ComponentID group on Linux systems. Instead of a correct number, UUID contains zeros at the end. For example, A62605C5-7869-D8E9-4C8C-567F00000000. The problem does not occur.
IV89259 The number of sockets is incorrectly reported on Itanium IVM host NPAR. The problem does not occur.
IV89950 VXFS file systems are scanned, but scan results are not stored in the cache. Thus, the data is not available for signature evaluation. The problem does not occur.
IV90740 A component is not discovered on Windows when a file signature contains substitute characters. The problem does not occur.
165262 The scanner reports limited hardware resources for Domain 0 on Xen although Domain 0 has full access to the underlying resources. The problem does not occur.
163881 The scanner retrieves Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3 (Santiago) as the operating system description of Oracle Linux Server release 6.3. The problem does not occur.
163727 Events of the product does not exist type are treated as errors and logged on the MIN level in the scanner traces. The events are logged as information messages.
151828 The .sgn file with the signature of the scan output does not contain a timestamp on Windows. The file contains the timestamp.
160911 During the creation of a file with the signature of the scan output, a ?:*STDOUT*:?.sgn file is created. The additional file is not created.
161099 The file contains and incorrect version of the scanner after the upgrade. The file contains the correct version of the scanner.
IV87619 A high number of mount points is inefficiently handled by the scanner. The problem does not occur.
163067 Hardware scan hangs when the trace path destination does not exist. The problem does not occur.
IV85867 CPU usage for the software scan on HP-UX greatly exceeds the specified threshold. The problem does not occur.
IV86128 The FileExists operator that is used in a software signature fails on Windows when a file is not found. It results in an exception in signature matching. FileExists correctly returns false when a file does not exist on Windows.
141317 The scanner requires 32-bit version of libraries on 64-bit Linux on IBM Power System. 64-bit libraries are supported.
153899 Unicode characters used in file paths are not properly handled on some of the operating systems. The problem does not occur.
IV83170 Capacity scan fails with a floating point exception when no information about processor cores is available on Red Hat Enterprise Linux x86. The problem does not occur.
IV84480 After the upgrade of the scanner, the CIT_ConfigRootDirectory parameter is not updated which causes that running the Change Scanner Cache Folder fixlet fails. The problem does not occur.
146590 A signature that uses the ReadFile operator is not discovered on Windows if a file name to be read contains letters from an extended character set (Unicode characters). A file with a name that contains Unicode characters is properly read and the signature is successfully discovered on Windows.
146668 It is possible to configure the location of the scanner cache directory to a read-only directory. As a result, the cache is not created. When you try to configure the location of the scanner cache directory to a read-only directory, the error code 11 is returned.
147620 On a corrupted NFS mount, the fragment size of a file system (f_frsize) that is returned by the statvfs parameter might contain invalid data. The sizes of a partition is limited to the maximum theoretical NFS block size.
149549 On Linux, the scanner does not retrieve information about the operating system from the etc/os-release file. The scanner retrieves information about the operating system from the etc/os-release file.
150160 The scanner crashes with segmentation fault while reading the CPU frequency. The problem does not occur.
151817 Software scans stops after the file system scan and before the catalog signature matching process which causes a significant increase of the overall scan time. The overall software scan time is significantly reduced.
IV77539 Exclusion rules are not applied on the AIX operating system with diskless setup. The directory exclusion is consistently applied.
IV76938 Installation finishes without any errors on Windows although setting the trace path failed. Installation finishes with a proper return code.
IV76979 VXFS file systems that are mounted under a subdirectory of the root directory (for example: /opt/directory1) via mount command are excluded from scans. VXFS file systems are included in the scans.
IV77351 The scanner does not respect the includeDirectory attribute when the catalog contains signatures from outside of that inclusion. The scope of scanning is limited to the list of included directories specified in the scan configuration. The behavior applies to both wscanfs and wscansw binaries. A catalog signature definition does not extend the list of scanned directories. If no includeDirectory attribute is defined, the scanning starts from the root directory.
IV78384 The scanner does not recognize Intel Xeon E5-2640 V2/V3 processor due to the brand string formatting. It returns the physical processor type as E5-2640 instead of E5-2640V2 and reports an incorrect CorePerPackageCount value. The scanner properly recognizes the recognize Intel Xeon E5-2640 V2/V3 processor and reports a correct CorePerPackageCount value.