Installing the User Management Service

Install the optional User Management Service product extension on IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Liberty
Important: The User Management Service is implemented as a liberty extension. As a convenience, the installable of the User Management Service product also installs IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty. If you install the User Management Service, you must ensure that the IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty is kept up-to-date.

The User Management Service is delivered as an optional product extension on Liberty in a self-extracting JAR file, as described in Installing Liberty by extracting a Java archive file.

You can either install the User Management Service on one (or more) dedicated hosts, or it can be collocated with other IBM Business Automation Workflow runtime components.

To install the User Management Service, perform the following actions:
  1. Ensure that your environment conforms to the supported platforms.
  2. If you do not have Java 8, download IBM SDK for Java 8 from IBM SDK Java Technology Edition Version 8.0 for WebSphere Liberty using Archives.
  3. Ensure that your JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables are set to point to your Java 8 installation, as described in Installing Liberty by extracting a Java archive file.
  4. Create a directory for your User Management Service installation, for example on Windows, you might choose to create C:\ums.
  5. Copy the Archive Install file into your newly created directory and run the install by invoking the following command:
    java -jar ums-install-VersionNumber.jar
    Where VersionNumber is the version number, for example,
    Tip: For a list of additional options, see Java archive file extraction options.
  6. Archive Install will display the license agreement, license information, and prompt you for your agreement. You will then be able to provide a target installation directory. If you do not specify a target directory, the installer extracts all files into a subdirectory wlp ( WebSphere Liberty Profile) relative to your current working directory.
  7. Check whether updates are available for the Liberty server:
    1. Display the User Management Service product information by changing to the server's wlp\bin directory, and running the command:
      productInfo version
      The Liberty version that the installed User Management Service is using is the product version that is listed for the WebShphere Application Server .
    2. Check if there is a newer fix pack by checking the support page: Latest fix packs for WebSphere Application Server, if so, install the latest fix pack.
Next, perform Configuring the User Management Service.