Migrating saved searches from Elasticsearch 6 to Elasticsearch 7

In Process Federation Server V20.0.0.2, using an external Elasticsearch 6.x cluster is no longer supported. Instead, an external Elasticsearch 7.x (from 7.8.0) cluster is set up (see Elasticsearch product end of life dates at https://www.elastic.co/support/eol)

Note: This procedure applies only for upgrades to V20.0.0.2. If you migrate to Process Federation Server Containers V21.0.2, follow the procedure described at Migrating Process Federation Server containers to V21.0.2.
The migration to Elasticsearch 7 clusters brings in two major changes:
  • There no longer is a document type for the documents stored by Process Federation Server in Elasticsearch indices (as a result of the mapping types removal in Elasticsearch 7: Removal of mapping types)
  • As index names starting with "." are deprecated in Elasticsearch 7 (see Create index API), when a federated system is declared with an index name of myIndexName, the created index has the name @myIndexName. In Elasticsearch 6, an index named .myIndexName was created with an alias of myIndexName.
Because Process Federation Server Containers stores the federated saved searches in an Elasticsearch index, if you migrate to Process Federation Server Containers V20.0.0.2 from an existing topology based on an Elasticsearch 6.x cluster, you must export your existing saved searches before upgrading.
Note: If you need information about how to access the Process Federation Server Containers REST APIs, see Accessing the REST API
  1. Use the GET /rest/bpm/federated/v1/searches/transfer REST API to export all the Process Federation Server saved searches as a JSON object, such as the following one:
        "results": [
                "importName": "savedSearch1",
                "savedSearch": {
                "importName": "savedSearch2",
                "savedSearch": {
        "status": 200
    For more details about the GET /rest/bpm/federated/v1/searches/transfer REST API, see Saved Search Transfer Import Resource - GET Method
  2. Once Process Federation Server Containers have been upgraded to the latest version, re-import the saved searches, by using the POST /rest/bpm/federated/v1/searches/transfer REST API to import the array of saved search returned as the results attribute of the previous export:
                "importName": "savedSearch1",
                "savedSearch": {
                "importName": "savedSearch2",
                "savedSearch": {
For more details about the POST /rest/bpm/federated/v1/searches/transfer REST API, see Saved Search Transfer Import Resource - POST Method.