Select Platforms

Use the Select Platforms tab to select the operating system that your smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices support.

About this task

MaaS360® is automatically configured to support Android, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry devices. If these devices are the only devices that you are using, click Start without iOS to go to the next tab of the Quick Start wizard and add devices.

If you are using iOS devices, Apple requires that you use an Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) certificate.


To download the APNs certificate:

  1. Click Setup iOS Now.
    Use either the Safari, Chrome, or Firefox web browser to download the certificate.
  2. Type your corporate Apple ID and click Next.
    You must use the same Apple ID every year when you renew your APNs certificate. If you do not have an Apple ID, mouse over Create ID and click Apple Website to access a page where you create a corporate Apple ID.

    Note: Make sure that you create an Apple ID that belongs to your company, and not to an individual at your company. The Apple ID that you use to set up your devices is the same Apple ID that you use to renew your certificate each year. If you use a personal Apple ID and that person leaves your company, you must create a new Apple ID at renewal time and then enroll all of your iOS devices again that use that Apple ID.

    The Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is automatically generated. This process might take up to 5 minutes. Stay on this page until the certificate is generated. The CSR is sent by email to the specified account or click Download to upload the CSR and save the file to your system.
  3. Type the Apple ID and your password, and then click Sign in. If you do not need to create a PEM file, click Next to skip steps 4 - 7 and continue to step 8.
  4. Click Create a Certificate.
  5. Select the I have read and agree to these terms and conditions check box, and then click Accept.
  6. Click Browse to locate the CSR.txt file and then upload the certificate file.
  7. Click Open, and then click Upload.
  8. Click Download to download the PEM file.
  9. Click OK to save the PEM file to your Downloads folder, and then click Next.
  10. Click Browse to upload the certificate to MaaS360.
  11. Locate the MDM_Fiberlink_Communications.pem file in your Downloads folder, and then click Open.
  12. Type a password, and then click Upload.

    Note: This password has no minimum security requirement. To help you remember the password, you might want to use the password that you used for your Apple ID password.

    The APNs certificate is created.
  13. Click Close.

What to do next

You are now ready to enroll devices.