Using the security policies

All policies that are created in MaaS360® are displayed on the Policies page. From the List view, you can take the following actions on security policies: filter, sort, search, delete, or export.

You can take the following actions on security policies in the List view:
Option Description
a. Quick actions Take the following quick actions:
  • View: Navigates to the Details page for the policy.
  • History: Tracks all changes that are made to a policy. On the History page, you can compare a policy with a previous version and roll back any changes if the policy is already published.
  • Export: Exports the policy as an Excel spreadsheet. For more information, see Understanding data in the exported excel file.
  • Set as Default: Marks a policy as the default policy. This policy is automatically assigned to devices if a policy is not specified. The new default policy is automatically replaced on devices that use an older default policy.
  • Deactivate: Deactivates the policy. As a result, the policy will not be visible on the MaaS360 Portal after deactivation.
    Note: After deactivating a policy, you cannot reuse its name to create a new policy.
  • Info: Displays details such as Name, Description, and Created from (the policy that the current policy is based on).
    Note: This setting displays Industry, Deployment size, and the Region for community-based policies and the Business Use Case for business template policies. This setting also displays the Name and Description for older policies.

Hover over the information icon to view the number of devices that use the policy.

b. Status The status of the policy. Devices receive only published policies.
c. Type The platform that the policy is designed for. Different platforms use different policy options.
d. Add Policy Creates a new policy.
e. Precedence The policy precedence indicates which policy must be applied to the device when multiple policies of the same type are pushed to the device. For more information, see Using policy precedence on devices.
f. More
  • Show All Policies: Filters the List view to display both active and inactive policies.
  • Hide All Policies: Filters the List view to display active policies.
  • Policy Files: Uploads files that you can push to devices through policies. For more information, see Uploading policy files to the MaaS360 Portal.
  • iOS Home Screen Configuration: Configures the Home Screen layout for iOS supervised devices. For more information, see Home Screen.
  • Bulk Edit History