This feature has been stabilized. The strategic alternative to this feature is described at This feature enables the usage of the MongoDB Java Driver and allows DB instances to be configured in the server configuration, injected into managed components such as EJBs, and accessed through JNDI. Applications interact with these DB instances via the MongoDB APIs

Enabling this feature

To enable the MongoDB Integration 2.0 feature, add the following element declaration into your server.xml file, inside the featureManager element:


Feature configuration elements

Supported Java versions

  • JavaSE-1.8

  • JavaSE-11.0

  • JavaSE-17.0

  • JavaSE-21.0

  • JavaSE-23.0

Developing a feature that depends on this feature

If you are developing a feature that depends on this feature, include the following item in the Subsystem-Content header in your feature manifest file.; type="osgi.subsystem.feature"