User roles

Access to the environments and components is controlled through user roles.

Operational Decision Manager on Cloud has two groups of users.

Cloud group

At the cloud level, there is only one user role:

The administrator manages the list of users and assigns roles in the Operational Decision Manager on Cloud portal. The administrator also creates service credentials for authenticating client applications. Each cloud portal must have at least one administrator, and only an administrator can remove another administrator. Most users do not have this role.

ODM group

The following user roles collaborate on modeling, authoring, governing, deploying, and integrating decision services:
Rule developer
  • Works primarily in Rule Designer and the development environment.
  • Creates the model of a decision service.
  • Uses the Rule Designer component to convert the knowledge from the business domain into IBM® ODM artifacts.
  • Makes the initial version of the business rule artifacts, including action rules, decision tables, and ruleflows.
  • Runs the decision service locally or in the cloud development environment until the expected results are achieved.
  • Publishes the decision service from Rule Designer to Decision Center.
  • Collaborates with the release manager and business users in authoring and governance activities.
  • Collaborates with the integrator to integrate the decision service into an application.
  • Creates deployment configurations in Rule Designer for the development, test, and production environments.
  • Can deploy a decision service to the development environment, but cannot deploy to the test or production environment.
Release manager
  • Works primarily in the Decision Center Business console component.
  • Orchestrates the lifecycle of a decision service, and is responsible for the deployment of a decision service release to production.
  • Follows a staged progression from development to production.
  • Creates development branches or releases.
  • Defines change and validation activities for rule developers, business users, and integrators.
  • Assigns ownership for work, reviews, and approvals.
  • Can create deployment configurations in the Business console for the development, test, and production environments.
Business user
  • Works primarily in the Decision Center Business console component.
  • Implements and maintains some or all of the business rule artifacts that are in a decision service.
  • Runs functional tests and simulations in the development environment to validate the changes that are made for a release.
  • Can deploy a decision service to the test environment to validate changes in a test application. Can also deploy to the development environment.
  • Can participate in the review or approval process for other business users or integrators.
  • Works primarily in the Decision Center Business console component, and uses other development, integration, and test tools.
  • Builds the client applications that call a decision service in the development, test, and production environments.
  • Sets up performance and reliability test applications.
  • Can be involved in the validation activities that are defined by the release manager.
  • Can deploy decision services to the development and test environments.
  • Can view and use the decision services that are deployed in the production environment.
Permission manager
  • Works primarily in the Decision Center Business console.
  • Implements security on decision services.
  • Creates groups, sets the permissions, adds users to the groups, and sets the groups on decision services.
  • Can create deployment configurations in the Business console for the development, test, and production environments.
  • Can deploy decision services from any cloud environment.
  • Can hold all the ODM roles when, for example, a team is small.

The following table associates the ODM roles with some of the key activities.

The last column uses the following abbreviations:

  • Dev: development environment
  • Test: test environment
  • Prod: production environment
Table 1. Table summarizes the user roles.
ODM role Creates branches Edits rules Edits vocabulary (XOM/BOM) Deploys to cloud environments (Dev/Test/Prod)
Rule developer X X X Dev
Release manager X X X Dev/Test/Prod
Business user X X - Dev/Test
Integrator X X X Dev/Test/Prod
Permission manager X X X Dev/Test/Prod