Tagging Publishing Document Builder templates as Document Studio snippets

Adding a snippet- prefix tag to your Publishing Document Builder template creates a snippet element in the Palette view of Document Studio.

Before you begin


  1. Open the Publishing Document Builder in a browser at http://server:port/rpeng
  2. Specify the user name and password to authenticate into the Publishing Document Builder.
    Remember: The user name and password depends on the user credentials configured and mapped to the pub_report_designer or pub_admin user roles. See the links on configuring users and authentication for the Publishing Document Builder.
  3. Select the template that you want to create a snippet, click on An image of the Add Tags icon. Add Tags icon. In the Tag Template pop-up window, type snippet-<snippet_name> and click Save tags. Start the tag with a snippet- prefix followed by a name for your snippet. Any uppercase letters specified in the name of your snippet (<snippet_name>) default to lowercase letters. For example, the tag snippet-Demo defaults to a snippet name: demo.
    A screen capture of snippet-demo tag.
  4. In Document Studio, create a document template (or open an existing template).
  5. The template that you previously tagged in Publishing Document Builder, is listed as an element in the Snippets drawer in the Palette view:
    A screen capture of the Palette view.
  6. From the Palette view, select and drag a snippet into the template content editor.
  7. If there is conflicting information between the snippet and the template, the Insert Snippet wizard opens.
  8. Select the importing type:
    • Physical embedding: Inserts the template elements into the current template.
    • Dynamic referencing: Template elements are linked and loaded during document generation into the output.
      Important: Use physical embedding instead of dynamic referencing when:
      • A template or snippet is designed to extract information from a data source.
      • A template or snippet contains a dynamic reference in it.
  9. Edit the conflicting information:
    • To use the information from the template, click Use Existing Item For Conflicts As Allowed.
    • To edit the conflicting information, click Edit, modify the value, and then click OK.
  10. After you resolve the conflicts, click Finish.