
Use the file to override properties in the Security category of

The following table contains the Security and descriptions.

Property Values Description
Security Valid values = Y or N

Default = Y

Set this property to secure access to APIs. If enabled, an authorization check is performed on a user's access to an API when the user calls that API. Valid values = STRICT, LAX, or DEBUG

Default = STRICT

STRICT: If any validation fails, throw an exception. This is appropriate for production systems, if all permissions are configured properly.

LAX: Filter out and log invalid input, but continue processing. The filtering allows the system to mostly work despite incorrect input or output, while the logging helps to identify placed that need change. LAX can be useful during initial development and testing.

DEBUG: Log invalid input and output, but do not filter anything or throw exceptions. This is appropriate only during initial development, to identify the permissions required by various processes.

Note: If you do not specify a security mode, then the system defaults to STRICT.


This example sets access for the CreateOrder API to DEBUG. Valid values = Y or N

Default = Y

If = Y, the login API returns a special UserToken security token attribute upon successful authentication.

The property controls how long this token is active. Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

If = Y, API security, in addition to the built-in security, is used for the JSP console.

Note: Enabling this property may require that you relax other security settings or take additional steps that are described in the following article:

  • Go to the link Sterling Customer Center
  • Log in, and in the Search Knowledgebase, enter “HTG2798”.
  • The article will be displayed as a selectable item. Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

If = Y, API security, in addition to the built-in security, is used for the Applications Manager and the system monitor console.

Note: Enabling this property may require that you relax other security settings or take additional steps that are described in the following article:

  • Go to the link Sterling Customer Center
  • Log in, and in the Search Knowledgebase, enter “HTG2798”.
  • The article will be displayed as a selectable item.
api.outputDBPasswords Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

If api.outputDBPasswords = true, passwords are returned in the output of the getDBPoolLIst and getDBConnParams APIs.
yfs.dsg.api.disable Valid values = <api_name> Set this property to disable the new data access policy functionality for specific APIs.


yfs.dsg.api.disable=<api_name, api_name, api_name> Valid values = Y or N

Default = Y

Enables application server to authenticate a user, using token-based or container-based authentication.
interopservlet.auth.container.enabled Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

Set this property to “true” if you want the application server to authenticate a user by checking whether the user ID matches the requested user ID. If this property is set to “false”, container-based authentication is disabled.


interopservlet.auth.container.enabled = false

interopservlet.auth.token.enabled Valid values = Y or N

Default = Y

Setting this property to “true” validates the user token supplied as a parameter on the request. When enabled, this also allows access to the login API, which is what supplies the user token. If this property is set to “false”, token-based authentication is disabled.


interopservlet.auth.token.enabled = true

interopservlet.auth.userPassword.enabled Valid values = Y or N

Default = Y

Set this property to “true” if you want the user ID and password to be passed as parameters to the servlet, instead of using the typical login API/token approach.


interopservlet.auth.userPassword.enabled = true

userauthfilter.enabled Valid values = yes or no

Default = Y

Sets a servlet filter that ensures authenticated user access to everything under web root, except for login pages.
yfs.login.singlesignon.class <class name> The class that handles Single Signon. Refer to the javadocs for the com.yantra.ycp.japi.util.YCPSSOManager interface for information about how to write your own implementation for this class. Valid values = Y or N

Default = Y

If this property is set to Y, the single sign on class is called.
Note: If the CSRF validation is enabled and the single sign on is implemented, then it is recommended that you exclude the single sign on the landing page URI from the CSRF validation.
yfs.login.singlesignon.checkuser Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

If this property is set to Y, each request is validated against the singleSignOn Server for the user authentication. If the property is set to N, user authentication against the singleSignOn Server is done only when the session times out. <class name>

Default is not set.

The class that will be invoked for user authentication. Uncomment and change this only if you do not want to use application authentication.

Refer to the javadocs for the YFSAuthenticator interface for information about how to write your own implementation for this class. If you want to use the default implementation for LDAP authentication, uncomment the property and set it to com.yantra.yfs.util.YFSLdapAuthenticator.

Example: <class name> The LDAP context factory classname as specified in your LDAP Server configuration.

Example: <url> The URL for accessing your LDAP Server as specified in your LDAP Server configuration.

Example:<ldapservername>:<portnum> Default is not set. The value specified for the organizational unit in your LDAP Server configuration.

Example: Default is not set. The value specified for the organization in your LDAP Server configuration.


yfs.encrypter.class <class name> The class that handles encryption and decryption of credit card numbers. Refer to the Javadocs for the YCPEncrypter interface for information about how to write your own encrypter class. If this property is not specified, then no encryption will be performed.
Note: The yfs.encrypter.class is deprecated and no longer used for property encryption. You can now use security.encrypter.class for property encryption.
security.encrypter.class Valid values = <your_property_encrypter_class>

Default is not set

The class that handles encryption and decryption of credit card numbers. Refer to the Javadocs for the YCPEncrypter interface for information about how to write your own encrypter class. If this property is not specified, then no encryption will be performed.
yfs.propertyencrypter.class Valid values = <class name>

Default is not set.

This class will be used for encrypting and decrypting properties specified in, and files. All properties which end with ".encrypted" are automatically decrypted using this class at runtime. Use this property to encrypt critical data like user/password.
Note: The yfs.propertyencrypter.class is deprecated and no longer used for property encryption. You can now use security.propertyencrypter.class for property encryption.



could be specified as:

yfs.agent.override.auth.password.encrypted=<encrypted password>

security.propertyencrypter.class Valid values = <your_property_encrypter_class>

Default is not set

This class will be used for encrypting and decrypting any property (except for the security.propertyencrypter.class property in the file) mentioned in the runtime property files (including the sandbox.cfg file). Use this property to encrypt sensitive data, such as user IDs and passwords. Properties starting with “encrypted:” are automatically decrypted at run-time.

Example:<encrypted value>

httpOnlyCookie Valid values = true or false

Default = true

Set the value of this property to “true”, if you want to enable the httpOnly cookie at the application server level.

