Order management yfs.properties

Use the customer_overrides.properties file to override properties in the Order Management category of yfs.properties.

The following table contains Order Management yfs.properties and descriptions.

Property Values Description
yfs.transferPreparation.minTimeReq <number of hours>

Supported maximum value = 24 HRs

Default = 0

Set this property with the minimum time (Hours) required for transfer preparation. This property is used by all Promising and Scheduling APIs.


yfs.NonAddressFields Valid values: AlternateEmailID, Beeper, DayFaxNo, DayPhone, Department, EMailID, EveningFaxNo, EveningPhone, FirstName, HttpUrl, JobTitle, LastName, MiddleName, MobilePhone, OtherPhone, Suffix, or Title This property enables you to change the value of any non-address field in the ShipTo address of a sales order without requiring the creation of a new work order.

Example: yfs.NonAddressFields=FirstName,LastName,DayPhone,EMailID

This property is not handled in the Commerce Call Center user interface.

yfs.item.attrs.max.records.forquery Number of item attributes

Default = 100

This property determines the maximum number of item attributes that can be used when running pricing queries. If the number of attributes exceeds this value, attributes are evaluated in the API rather than in the query.



yfs.setInvoiceCompleteForCancelledLines Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

Set the value of this property in the customer_overrides.properties file as yfs.yfs.setInvoiceCompleteForCancelledLines=Y.

By setting the yfs.setInvoiceCompleteForCancelledLines property to Y, the Invoice_Complete parameter for cancelled lines is set as Y and if order is completely invoiced it allows creation of debit memo in the system.

yfs.promotionrules.cache.disabled Valid values = yes or no

Default = no

Indicates whether pricing rule cache is disabled.



Note: This property is applicable for application server JVMs only and not for agent servers.
yfs.promotionrules.cache.maxsize.toload <rule count number>

Default = 50000

Defines the maximum number of pricing rules to cache to the JVM.



Note: This property is applicable for application server JVMs only and not for agent servers.
yfs.pricelistheader.cache.disabled Valid values = yes or no

Default = no

Indicates whether price list header cache is disabled.



Note: This property is applicable for application server JVMs only and not for agent servers.
yfs.pricelistheader.cache.maxsize.toload <rule count number>

Default = 50000

Defines the maximum number of price list headers to cache to the JVM.



Note: This property is applicable for application server JVMs only and not for agent servers.
yfs.ItemProperties.cache.disable Valid values = true or false

Default = false

Set this property to true if you do not want to use the cache.



Note: This property is applicable for application server JVMs only and not for agent servers.
yfs.ItemProperties.cache.size <number of properties to cache>

Default = 10000

Defines the size of the cache.



Note: This property is applicable for application server JVMs only and not for agent servers.
shard.ignoreDisabledColonies.<api_name> Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

When this property is turned off (set to N, which is the default), the API that is called will throw an error if a colony in the sharded environment is disabled. When this property is set to Y, the API will ignore any errors that are thrown for the disabled colony and will return the output for the given input criteria.





yfs.getatp.usejvmcache Valid values = true or false

Default = false

Set this property to true if you want to enable the JVM level cache for the getATP API.



yfs.solver.MaxChoiceFailures All positive numbers. For Example: 1000
  • Cost based optimization and optimization on minimum shipment will be done together.
  • Solver will use the value set as limit to reject suboptimal solutions.
  • There will be no default value for this property.
yfs.calcPlanRefForAllSuppressRefSettleWaitTillReturnInv Default = N A yfs.calcPlanRefForAllSuppressRefSettleWaitTillReturnInv property is introduced. By default the value for yfs.calcPlanRefForAllSuppressRefSettleWaitTillReturnInv is set to N. To enable the enhancement, set the property to Y in the customer_overrides.properties file.

Enable this property in the processReturnOrder API to calculate the planned refund amount for the payment methods with configuration refund to the "New Payment method". With planned refund amount populated for the payment methods, system creates the refund charges without return order invoice. Setting this property to Y suppresses the creation of refund charges until the return order invoice is created.

yfs.splitCTRWithSeqOnlyAndAllowSmallerBestMatch Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

Set the value of this property in the customer_overrides.properties file as yfs.yfs.splitCTRWithSeqOnlyAndAllowSmallerBestMatch=Y.

If this property in the customer_overrides.properties is set to "Y", The Charge Transaction Request (CTR) is sorted and grouped with ChargeTransactionRequestSequence only.

ycd.managePriceMatch.bcmode Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

If this property is set to Y, the managePriceMatch API does not update the linked orders automatically when a price match is approved.
yfs.pricing.pricerules.trackRoundedOffCentsDuringDistribution Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

If this property is set to Y, any gain or loss due to rounding off when distribution of percentage adjustments is done is tracked and adjusted accordingly on the next line. The effect of this behavior is more evident when all lines are of equal weights.
yfs.manageCustomer.create.businesscustomer.bcmode Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

If this property is set to Y, the application does not throw an error, when a Business customer is created and if there is a business customer available in the system with same combination of OrganizationCode and Buyer Organization.

<number of minutes>

Default = 15

Set the value of this property in the customer_overrides.properties file as yfs.omp.holdtype.reprocess.interval.delayminutes=30.

This property enables you to override the default next task queue interval of "Process order hold type" agent from 15 minutes to the customized value.

yfs.ignorePaymentEncryptionForPurgeAndRestore Default=N Set the value to Y if you do not want encryption logic to be applied at the time of Purge and Restore for orders.
yfs.solver.exploreMoreNodeDateOptions Valid values = true, false This property is used for optimization of cost and the number of shipments, in cases where the required quantity on an order line is not completely available at any single node. This property helps in exploring more options for solution generation, further improving the shipment suggestion.
ycd.ignorepickupstatus Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

This property controls whether or not the shipment status information is always displayed for PICK orders. If this property is set to Y, the Where is my shipment button in IBM® Call Center for Commerce always displays the shipment information, regardless of the pipeline status. By default, the value of this property is set to "N".
yfs.RTAM.ActivityPurposeToConsider <comma separated list of positive numbers> This property tells Realtime Activity Based Monitor (RTAM), in the activity based mode (01), to consider only specific activities for bundle items in a JVM. This property is JVM specific and therefore needs to be used with yfs.RTAM.ActivityPurposeToExclude in other JVMs.


Note: If you do not set this property in a JVM, by default, all the activities are processed. However, you cannot specify both the properties for a JVM.
yfs.RTAM.ActivityPurposeToExclude <comma separated list of positive numbers> This property tells Realtime Activity Based Monitor (RTAM), in the activity based mode (01), to not consider specific activities for related items in a JVM. This property is JVM specific and therefore needs to be used with yfs.RTAM.ActivityPurposeToConsider in other JVMs.


Note: If you do not set this property in a JVM, by default, all the activities are processed. However, you cannot specify both the properties for a JVM.
yfs.bSkipADJForChangesInPartialInvDiscount Valid values = Y or N

Default = N

To skip the adjustment invoice creation for chargeType discount in the partial invoice, in the customer_overrides.properties, set scenarioSet yfs.yfs.bSkipADJForChangesInPartialInvDiscount=Y.
yfs.solver.WarningOrExitOnIntrupt=<Char> Valid values = N, W, or E

Default = N

Set this property to enable warning or error for a long running solver process.
  • N - Do not take any action for long running solver process.
  • W - Warning occurs if the failure condition for time or objects goes beyond the configured number.
  • E - Error message when displayed terminates the process.
yfs.solver.IntruptAfterMinutes=<Integer> Default = 0 Set this property to an integer value to display an error or warning message, if the solver process is running from more then 'n' minutes.
yfs.solver.IntruptOnlyForRead= <Boolean> Valid values = true or false

Default = true

Set this property to display error or warning based on the API, whether read-only or read-write APIs.
  • true = control for read-only APIs.
  • false = control for both read-write APIs.