Organizing keys

Organizing key also have an impact on the query response time. When choosing an organizing key, you select columns by means of which you group the rows of an accelerator-shadow table within the data slices on the worker nodes. This creates grouped segments or blocks of rows with equal or nearby values in the columns selected as organizing keys. If an incoming SQL query references one of the organizing key columns in a range or equality predicate, the query can run much faster because entire blocks can be skipped. It is not necessary to scan the entire accelerator-shadow table. Thus the time needed for disk output operations related to the query is drastically reduced.

Organizing keys allow the query engine to identify the disk regions (addressable storage blocks on the disk) that contain the clusters of rows relevant to a query.

Best practices for selecting organizing keys

  • In general, the accelerator should be able to process your queries with adequate performance so that organizing keys are not needed. However, the use of an organizing key, particularly on large fact tables can result in table scan performance gains by multiple orders of magnitude.
  • An organizing key has no effect if the table is too small. The Organized column in the Accelerator view reflects this by not showing a value for the degree of organization (percentage).
  • It is recommended to define an organizing key for accelerator-shadow tables that you want to update continually by using the incremental update function. Use the primary key columns of the table for the organizing key. When the incremental update function applies DELETE or UPDATE statements, the accelerator has to search for the rows that must be deleted or updated. Defining an organizing key accelerates these operations.
  • Organizing keys work best on large tables (with millions or more records), under the condition that your queries restrict on column values that are rather scattered across the table. For example, if a query restricts on a set of product IDs and customer IDs from a table of sales records in which the records are presorted by the date on which a record was added, the customer ID column and the product ID column would make good candidates for an organizing key. These keys would have the effect that records with the same customer ID and product ID are grouped together, leading to the table scan performance benefits described earlier.

    Since restrictions on summary columns in dimension tables are, in many cases, automatically pushed down to the join column of a fact table, organizing keys on such columns in the fact table can be very beneficial.

    An organizing key is also recommended if your history of data records reaches back into the past for an extended period, but the majority of your queries, in using a range predicate on a fact-table timestamp column or a parent attribute in a joined dimension, requires a constrained range of dates.

    In this example, the TRANSACTION_DATE column would make a good organizing key.

    As additional columns are chosen as organizing keys, the benefit of predicates on column subsets is reduced. Four keys are the allowed maximum. However, there is hardly a need to select more than three.

  • Organizing keys are also useful the more frequently the columns that you specified as keys are used in query predicates, alone or in combination, and if the column cardinality is high (that is, if the columns have many different values).
  • For organizing keys to have a positive effect on the table-scan performance, a query does not have to reference all the columns that have been defined as organizing keys. It is enough if just one of these columns is addressed in a query predicate. However, the benefit is higher if all columns are used because this means that the relevant rows are kept in a smaller number of disk regions.
  • There is no preference for any of the columns that you specify and the order in which columns are selected does not matter either.
  • Bear in mind, though, that clustered table rows cause a processing overhead when you load or update these tables on the accelerator.