Configuring the QRadar Assistant app

The QRadar® Assistant app is included in QRadar installations of version 7.3.1 and later. You can download the app from the IBM® Security App Exchange ( for those versions. An Admin user must configure certain options to enable the Assistant app in your QRadar environment.

About this task

QRadar requires that you use authentication tokens to authenticate the API that calls the app. Use the Authorized Services to create authentication tokens before using the QRadar Assistant App. You must have QRadar administrator privilege to create authorized service tokens.

QRoC users must contact support to have them create and apply the required Admin:Admin level token.

Note: For information about troubleshooting QRadar App not loading issue, see QRadar: App not loading due to invalid token.


  1. Click the Assistant app icon (Assistant app icon).
  2. If you are the Admin configuring the Assistant app for the first time, complete the following steps:
    1. Enter a valid authorized service token into the banner on the Assistant app page and click Save.
      For more information, see How to add an authorized service (
      Important: The security profile for the token must be Admin.
    2. Click Settings, select the API Authentications tab, and enter your X-Force® Exchange API Key and API Password. For more information, see Obtaining an API Key and Password (
    3. For Assistant 3.5.0 or later, click the gear icon on the Assistant app page to go to the Settings page, and then enter the authorized service token, your X-Force® Exchange API Key, and API password.
    After an Admin configures the authorized service token and API key and password, other Admin users do not need to perform this configuration. Non-Admin users can use the Assistant app, but are not authorized to download and install apps.
  3. To configure a proxy server for communication with X-Force Exchange, click Settings, select the Proxy tab, and enter the following information for your proxy server:
    • Protocol
    • Address
    • Port
    • User name
    • Password
  4. Click Save, then close the Settings window.
  5. If you want to use the QRadar Phone Home Service, click Agree.
    For more information about the Phone Home Service, see Phone Home.