Viewing streaming events

Streaming mode will enable you to view event data that enters your system. This mode provides you with a real-time view of your current event activity by displaying the last 50 events.

About this task

If you apply any filters on the Log Activity tab or in your search criteria before enabling streaming mode, the filters are maintained in streaming mode. However, streaming mode does not support searches that include grouped events. If you enable streaming mode on grouped events or grouped search criteria, the Log Activity tab displays the normalized events. See Viewing normalized events.

When you want to select an event to view details or perform an action, you must pause streaming before you double-click an event. When the streaming is paused, the last 1,000 events are displayed.


  1. Click the Log Activity tab.
  2. From the View list box, select Real Time (streaming).
    For information about the toolbar options, see Table 4-1. For more information about the parameters that are displayed in streaming mode, see Table 4-7.
  3. Optional. Pause or play the streaming events. Choose one of the following options:
    • To select an event record, click the Pause icon to pause streaming.
    • To restart streaming mode, click the Play icon.