Create an Offer

Use the Offer Manager in Sterling B2B Integrator to create offers.

To create an offer, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator.
  2. From the Administration menu, select EBICS > Subscription Manager > Offer Manager > Offer Configuration.
  3. In the Offer Configuration page, click Go next to Create New Offer.
  4. In the Offer Configuration page, enter the values for the fields listed in the following table and click Next.
    Field Description
    Bank ID (Host ID) Required. Select a bank ID from the drop-down list.
    Offer Name Required. Specify a name for the offer.
  5. In the Associate/Disassociate Order Types page, the bank assigns the order types and file formats to the partners of the offer. The bank assigns the order types either in full or as a subset.
    1. Optionally, you can filter the list of Available Order Types. Type a part of the order type in the Filter Data By Name field and click the filter icon for a filtered list.
    2. Use the arrows to add Available Order Types to the Selected Order Types list. This assigns the order types to the newly created offer. Click the first double arrow to add all the available order types to the Selected Order Types list.
    3. Enter the values for the fields listed in the following table and click Next.
      Field Description
      Authorization Level Optional. Select the signature authorization of the user who acted as the signatory. Valid values are:
      • [T] Transport Signature – Use to submit the order data
      • [E] Single Signature – Use to authorize the order data
      • [ES] Electronic Signature
      Note: This field is not applicable to INI, HIA, and download order types with protocol version set to H003 or H004.

      To view this option, specify the authorization level in the file by setting the value of the SigClassesAllowedForEbOffer parameter to T,E,ES, which indicates that the EBICS Banking Server supports T, E, and ES signatures.

      The ES option indicates that the offer supports E, A, and B authorization levels.

      In Transport signature, the role of the user is submitter. In single signature, the role of the user can be either submitter or signatory.

      No. of Sign Reqd.

      Min and Max

      Optional. Specify the minimum and maximum number of personal signatures required to authorize the order. If you do not provide a value for these fields, the default value, 0, is used.
      Post BP Optional. Select the business process to be invoked at the EBICS Banking Server after the selected order type is completed.
      VEU enabled Indicates whether Distributed Electronic Signature (VEU) is enabled. Valid values are:
      • Enabled - Enables VEU
      • Disabled - Disables VEU
      Replace Default Attributes Valid values are:
      • Replace Currently Added Order Types - Indicates that the attributes specified in this page are applied to the order types that have just been added from this user interface. This does not include the order types that are retrieved from the database, and the order types that were added earlier. This is the default value.
      • Replace Newly Added (unsaved) Order Types - Indicates that the attributes specified in this page are applied to the order types that have been added but are not yet saved. This does not include the order types that are retrieved from the database.
      • Replace ALL - Indicates that the attributes specified in this page are applied to all the order types in the Selected Order Types list.
  6. The Order Type List page lists the order types assigned to the offer. You can edit the settings of the order type assigned to the offer by clicking edit next to the order type. You can also add or remove order types by clicking add or delete respectively.
  7. In the Order Type List page, click Next.
  8. In the Confirm page, click Show All next to List of Order Types to view the list of order types assigned to the offer. Verify the offer configuration settings, and click Finish.