Resource Manager

The Import/Export feature supports many different resource types, including trading partner data. When you use the Resource Manager to export an envelope that uses a global control number, you need to configure a global control number on the import system.

When you import a file that contains envelopes or control numbers (or both), the Import option converts an XML file or installable bundle to Sterling B2B Integrator resources format.

Depending on the type of export you used (standard or advanced, default or all versions), the Import option performs the following functions:
  • Creates and checks in new versioned envelopes (assigns time/date of the import)
  • Updates or preserves existing non-versioned envelopes
  • Preserves or appends existing checked-in envelopes
    Attention: To prevent the loss or corruption of existing records, preserve and download the backup file of all imports that you conduct.
The standard import:
  • Appends to existing versioned resources
  • Sets the default according to imported records
Some important general information about importing resources:
  • You must manually update imported resources that contain hard-coded, computer-specific information. For example, system paths in scripts must be manually changed to use the new path after importing resources to their new location.
  • During import, Sterling B2B Integrator creates a backup file containing records as they existed prior to import. After you import the resources, you can download and preserve the backup file, which is named backup.xml by default. You can change the name of the backup file so that you do not overwrite an existing backup file.

The import process creates a new record where none exists. If you are importing envelopes to an environment that already contains the same envelopes, you have the option to update the existing envelope or to preserve the existing envelope.