RAR file details

A resource adapter archive (RAR) is a Java™ archive (JAR) file used to package a resource adapter for the Connector Architecture for WebSphere® Application Server. A RAR file can contain enterprise information system (EIS) supplied resource adapter implementation code in the form of JAR files or other executables, such as dynamic link lists (DLL); utility classes; static documents, such as HTML files, images, and sound files, and J2C common client interfaces, such as cci.jar. The standard file extension of a RAR file is .rar. RAR files are sometimes called connectors.

The "RAR file details" page shows the details for a particular resource adapter archive file. You access the details page by clicking a RAR file name on any page on which resource adapter archives appear, such as the "RAR file summary" page.

Use the "RAR file details" page to:

  • See the attributes of a specific RAR file.
  • Perform actions on the asset.
  • See other assets that are related to the current asset.

This page contains sections that help you with the following tasks.

This section is in the upper-left corner of the page. It opens the "Bookmark this page" wizard in a separate window.
This section is the shaded area at the top left of the page. It shows the attributes of the current asset. If an attribute name is a link, you can access a details page for it by clicking the link. For more information on the attributes shown, see the following topics:
Common attributes
Describes attributes that are common to multiple assets.
DMH_RAR database table
Describes attributes specific to resource adapter archives.
This section is a drop-down list on the right side of the page. From this list you can select actions to perform on the current asset. For more information on the actions available on this page, see the following topics:
Related assets
This section is a series of expandable lists that show assets related to the current asset. To expand a list, click +. From some of these lists, you can click a name to open a details page for a specific related asset. For more information on the asset types you can link to from this section, click the links under "Related Help."
Reference graph
Illustrates how the current asset relates to other assets in the inventory database. To display the graph, click +.