Display a list of resource definitions in TOURDEVT

  1. On the primary menu, select option 2 CICS Resources.

    The list of CICS® configurations appears.

  2. Press the PrevPage key (F10) or the NextPage key (F11) to scroll hidden columns into view.

    Notice that you can choose to view either the CICS configuration descriptions, or the names of their underlying CSD files or CICSPlex® SM contexts.

    Like any other list panel in CICS Configuration Manager, to see the actions that you can perform on an item in the list, you enter / next to an item.

  3. Enter / next to one of the CICS configurations in the list.

    A pop-up window appears showing the list of actions that you can perform on the selected CICS configuration.

    Figure 1. Guided tour: Enter / next to an item on a list panel to see the available line actions
       File  Menu  Settings  Help
      ┌─────────────────────────── CICS Configurations ────────────────────────────┐
                          CICS Configurations Line Actions                       
      Select a number or action code and press Enter.                            
           1.   Expand   Expand ResDescs or Lists hierarchically          (X)    
           2.   Groups   List ResGroups or Groups for further expansion   (G)    
           3.   Import   Import CICS resources using an import file       (IMP)  
           4.   Select   Select resource lists for editing or viewing     (S)    
            CCVT52D   CONFIG for 5.2 CSD
            CCVT52T   CONFIG for 5.2 CSD
            CCVT53D   CONFIG for 5.3 CSD
            CCVT53T   CONFIG for 5.3 CSD
        /   TOURDEVT  Guided Tour Development Environment
            TOURPROD  Guided Tour Production Environment
            TOURTEST  Guided Tour Testing Environment
     ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
  4. Press the Cancel key (F12) to close the pop-up window.
  5. Enter S next to the TOURDEVT CICS configuration.
    Tip: To scroll the list to this CICS configuration, enter L TOURDEVT on the command line. To hide CICS configurations that are not related to this tour, enter TOUR* in the filter field above the Name column.

    A list panel appears with filter fields and column headings, but no list items. Instead, directly under the column headings is a bottom of data indicator. This empty list is normal: the panel does not display any list items until you press Enter. This allows you to adjust the filter before displaying the list, avoiding delays caused by listing more resource definitions than required.

  6. Type filter masks for the resource definition name, type, and group. For details on specifying a filter, move the cursor to a filter field and then press the Help key (F1).

    Specify a filter that displays resource definitions of a type that are familiar to you. For example, if you are familiar with transaction resource definitions, specify CIR* for the name, select TRANSACTION as the type, and DFH* as the group to find some transactions you can use in this tutorial.

  7. Press Enter.

    The list displays the resource definitions that match the filter.

    Figure 2. Guided tour: Filtering a list panel of resource definitions
       File  Menu  Settings  Checksum  Search  Help 
     Resources                   TOURDEVT CICS Resources            Row 1 to 2 of 2 
     Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR 
     Filter CIR*        TRANSACTION  + DFH*                        *               
            Name     Type           Group    Prompt                --- Changed ----
            CIRP     TRANSACTION    DFHCOMPF                        2015/11/06 06:41
            CIRR     TRANSACTION    DFHCOMPF                        2015/11/06 06:41
     ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

    These transactions might belong to a different group name beginning with DFH. The group name depends on the version of CICS Transaction Server running on the CICS region whose SDFHLOAD load library you used to initialize the CSD file. Regardless of the version, the group name begins with DFH, which indicates that the resource definition is supplied as part of CICS.

    The list column headings are point-and-shoot fields: to sort the list by a column, select the column heading.

    Tip: To scroll to a particular resource definition, enter L name on the command line, where name is the name of the resource definition, or just its leading characters.