HMC commands

Learn about the Hardware Management Console (HMC) commands that are available on your HMC.

An alternative to performing tasks on the HMC graphical user interface is using the command line interface (CLI).

HMC command information, including examples, is available from the HMC command line by using the man command. To view the command information, type man and then the command name. For example, to learn more about the Create a user for the HMC (mkhmcusr) command, type the following command at the command line:

man mkhmcusr

You can use the CLI in the following situations:

  • When consistent results are required. If you must administer several managed systems, you can achieve consistent results by using the CLI. The command sequence can be stored in scripts and run remotely.
  • When automated operations are required. After you develop a consistent way to manage the managed systems, you can automate the operations by starting the scripts from batch-processing applications, such as the cron daemon, from other systems.

On a local HMC, you can use the CLI in a console window. To open a console window, use the Open Restricted Shell Terminal task from the HMC Management work pane.