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syncvg command


Synchronizes logical volume copies that are not current.


syncvg { -lv | -pv | -vg } Name ...


The syncvg command synchronizes the physical partitions, which are copies of the original physical partition, that are not current. The syncvg command can be used with logical volumes, physical volumes, or volume groups, with the Name parameter representing the logical volume name, physical volume name, or volume group name.

Unless disabled, the copies within a volume group are synchronized automatically when the volume group is activated by the activatevg command.

Note: For the sycnvg command to be successful, at least one good copy of the logical volume should be accessible, and the physical volumes that contains this copy should be in ACTIVE state.

The syncvg command will check for the NUM_PARALLEL_LPS environment variable. The value of NUM_PARALLEL_LPS will be used to set the number of logical partitions to be synchronized in parallel.


-lv Specifies that the Name parameter represents a logical volume device name.
-pv Specifies that the Name parameter represents a physical volume device name.
-vg Specifies that the Name parameter represents a volume group device name.

Exit Status

See Exit status for Virtual I/O Server commands.


  1. To synchronize the copies on physical volumes hdisk04 and hdisk05, type:
    syncvg -pv hdisk04 hdisk05
  2. To synchronize the copies on volume groups vg04 and vg05, type:
    syncvg -vg vg04 vg05

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Last updated: Fri, Oct 30, 2009