The update access key for the system has expired or is about to expire.

Use the following table to determine the action to perform.
Table 1. Action to perform for a reference code that occurred because an update access key expired or is about to expire.
Reference code Description Action
A7004760 The update access key expiration date is less than 30 days away. After the update access key expiration date has expired, only firmware updates with a date prior to the expiration date are allowed. A new update access key is required. To determine the update access key expiration date, see Determining the expiration date of the update access key. To renew the hardware entitlement of this system, obtain a new update access key from the website To activate the update access key, see Activating the update access key. This ends the procedure.
A7004761 The update access key has expired. Only firmware updates with a date prior to the expiration date are allowed. A new update access key is required. To renew the hardware entitlement of this system, obtain a new update access key from the website To activate the update access key, see Activating the update access key. This ends the procedure.
A7004762 The activation code for the microcode entitlement date could not be found. The system cannot start without an activation code. An activation code is required to start the system. Contact your next level of support. This ends the procedure.
B181309D A firmware update was not allowed because the date of the firmware update is beyond the update access key expiration date. A new update access key is required. To renew the hardware entitlement of this system, obtain a new update access key from the website To activate the update access key, see Activating the update access key. This ends the procedure.
B7000805 A microcode update was not allowed because the date of the firmware update is beyond the update access key expiration date. A new update access key is required. To renew the hardware entitlement of this system, obtain a new update access key from the website To activate the update access key, see Activating the update access key. This ends the procedure.

Determining the expiration date of the update access key

An unexpired update access key allows you to update your firmware with the latest fixes available. After the update access key date has expired, only firmware updates with a date prior to the expiration date are allowed.
  1. Is a location available in the serviceable event view for this failing item?
    • Yes: Continue with the next step.
    • No: Contact your next level of support. This ends the procedure.
  2. The location for the failing item FMWREXP in the serviceable event view indicates the update access key expiration date. The location is in the format Utttt.mmm.sssssssdd/mm/yyyy-hh:MM-DD-HH where:
    • Utttt.mmm.sssssss is the unit type, model and serial number of the system.
    • dd/mm/yyyy is the day, month and year of the expiration date.
    • hh:MM is the hour and minute of the expiration time (24-hour time).
    • DD is the number of days remaining until the expiration date (shown only if applicable).
    • HH is the approximate number of hours remaining until the expiration time (shown only if applicable).

Activating the update access key

Activate the update access key by using the same method that you use to activate a Capacity on Demand activation code.

Last updated: Tue, April 21, 2020