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diagrmc - diagnose RMC connection issues




To check the management console for general RMC connection issues:
diagrmc [--autocorrect] [-v] [--help]

To check the management console for general RMC connection issues and also check for RMC connection issues to the specified partition:
diagrmc -m managed-system --ip partition-IP-address
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
[--autocorrect] [-v] [--help]

To check the management console for general RMC connection issues and also check for RMC connection issues to the specified management console:
diagrmc --mcip MC-IP-address
[--autocorrect] [-v] [--help]


diagrmc checks the management console for possible problems that will prevent the management console from establishing Resource Monitoring and Control (RMC) connections to partitions. Some of the things that are checked include the network setup, firewall permissions for RMC ports, the RMC subsystem, duplicate partition NodeIDs, and recycled IP addresses.

diagrmc also checks the management console for possible problems that will prevent it from establishing RMC connections to other management consoles in order to manage a Power enterprise pool.


-m The name of the managed system which has the partition for which to check for RMC connection issues. The name may either be the user-defined name for the managed system, or be in the form tttt-mmm*sssssss, where tttt is the machine type, mmm is the model, and sssssss is the serial number of the managed system. The tttt-mmm*sssssss form must be used if there are multiple managed systems with the same user-defined name.
--ip The IP address of the partition for which to check for RMC connection issues.
-p The name of the partition for which to check for RMC connection issues.

You must either use this option to specify the name of the partition, or use the --id option to specify the partition’s ID. The -p and the --id options are mutually exclusive.

--id The ID of the partition for which to check for RMC connection issues.

You must either use this option to specify the ID of the partition, or use the -p option to specify the partition’s name. The --id and the -p options are mutually exclusive.

--mcip The IP address of the management console for which to check for RMC connection issues.
--autocorrect Specify this option to allow the management console to automatically correct any RMC connection issues that are found that the management console can correct. Note that the management console will not be automatically restarted.
-v Specify this option to enable verbose mode. When verbose mode is enabled, additional details are displayed.
--help Display the help text for this command and exit.


Check for general RMC connection issues:


Check for general RMC connection issues and for RMC connection issues to partition mylpar with IP address

diagrmc -m system1 -p mylpar --ip

Check for general RMC connection issues and for RMC connection issues to partition ID 5 with IP address, and automatically correct the issues found:

diagrmc -m system1 --id 5 --ip --autocorrect

Check for general RMC connection issues and for RMC connection issues to the management console with IP address that may be preventing the management consoles from communicating to manage a Power enterprise pool:

diagrmc --mcip






IBM Austin

Linux DIAGRMC (1) "May 2016"
Generated by manServer 1.07 from diagrmc.1 using man macros.