To set the IP address within Windows XP and Windows 2000, complete these steps.
- Click .
- On the control
panel, double-click Network
- Right-click Local
Area Connection.
- Click Properties.
- Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP),
and then click Properties.
Attention: Record the current settings before making any changes. This will allow you to
restore these settings if you disconnect the PC or notebook after setting up the ASMI
web interface.
Note: If Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) does not appear in the list, complete the following steps:
- Click Install.
- Select Protocol, and then click Add.
- Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
- Click OK to return to the Local Area Connection Properties window.
- Select Use
the Following IP Address.
In the IP address, and Subnet mask fields, enter
the values that are obtained in step 4 from Accessing the ASMI using a Web Browser.
- Click OK on
the Local Area Connection
Properties window. It is not necessary to restart your PC.