Starting the 7063-CR1 system

You can use the power button to start the IBM 7063-CR1 Hardware Management Console systems.

About this task

Attention: For safety, airflow purposes and thermal performance, the service access cover must be installed and fully seated before you power on the system.

You can use this procedure to power on the system; or you can use a console and the IPMI tool to power on the system.


  1. Before you press the power button, ensure that the power supplies are connected to the system unit and that the power cables are connected to a power source.
  2. Press the power button (7) shown in Figure 1. You may have to press the switch for 0.5 to 3 seconds.
    Figure 1. Power switch for 7063-CR1
    Power switch for 7063-CR1

What to do next

If you press the power button and the system does not start, contact your next level of support or your service provider.

Last updated: Tue, April 14, 2020