The information contained here is for informational purposes only and pertains specifically to software licensing within the IBM Passport Advantage Program.

For the exact terms and conditions which govern the usage of a specific software program, refer to the software's License Agreement including the International Program License Agreement (IPLA), License Information Documents and any additional agreement under which the software was obtained such as the IBM International Passport Advantage Agreement

User Based Licensing

Authorized user

Concurrent user

User Value Unit (UVU)

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Capacity Based Licensing


Managed Virtual Server

Processor Value Unit (PVU)

PVUs in Containers


Virtual Processor Core (VPC)

VPCs in Containers

Virtual Server

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Other Licensing

Resource Value Unit (RVU)

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Additional License Documents

Get license information documents

A searchable collection of IBM License Information documents is at License Information documents

Get base license agreements

View IBM International Program License Agreements (IPLA) Base license agreements