Home Services Page Title Decision Advisor Decision Advisor will change the way clients collaborate with IBM —getting to better outcomes faster

Decision Advisor will reshape the way our clients make complex technology planning decisions, using AI technology to quickly explore multiple services strategies tailored to their goals.

We want to hear from you about how your team makes IT services planning decisions so we can refine our platform. 

Contact the Decision Advisor team at sminorin@us.ibm.com so we can deliver a more tailored IT services planning experience. 

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Beyond the RFP
  • Technology leaders are tasked with making planning decisions at the speed at which technology changes, and they must act rapidly to remain competitive in the marketplace.
  • These inherently complex decision are commonly governed through a Request for Proposal (RFP). The RFP is an iterative process that typically arrives at a positive outcome, but often takes a significant amount of work and time to complete.
  • IBM Services is developing Decision Advisor to disrupt this status quo.
How it works Set goals

We start by looking ahead. We'll discuss your goals and ambitions and identify three clear, measurable objectives to guide our exploration.

Define scope

Once we understand your goals, we'll talk about your current technology landscape and what services are in scope for this new engagement.

See solutions

This is where explore different solution strategies and make decisions about which ones to take further.

Track key metrics

As we explore and refine potential solution strategies, Decision Advisor keeps track of two key metrics to help evaluate your strategy: impact on goals and data confidence.

Impact on goals

Based on the priorization of your goals, this proprietary, Watson-driven algorithm that shows how each solution we review in the dashboard meets your target goals.

Data confidence

Data confidence looks at the information that's been provided for us to configure a solution. The more complete and accurate the data is, the better Decision Advisor can help us develop a successful technology strategy.

Next steps

Participate in our research by contacting the Decision Advisor team at sminorin@us.ibm.com

Join our research