Windows of a building as seeing from below

Top 10 practices to accelerate technology transformation

Manage and optimize your cloud applications and infrastructure


Manage and optimize your cloud applications and infrastructure

Drive innovation in your enterprise

1 min read

Develop a detailed roadmap for your move to cloud


Develop a detailed roadmap for your move to cloud

Reach the cloud state that achieves your business objectives

1 min read

Integrate resiliency planning early in hybrid cloud planning


Integrate resiliency planning early in hybrid cloud planning

Proactively protect your critical workloads

1 min read

Prepare for cloud with software defined networking


Prepare for cloud with software defined networking

Transform your network for future cloud deployments

1 min read

Optimize your hybrid cloud infrastructure


Optimize your hybrid cloud infrastructure

Make private cloud IaaS a strategic asset

1 min read

Simplify hybrid cloud IT management


Simplify hybrid cloud IT management

Take back control

1 min read

Move ERP applications to a managed cloud services provider


Move ERP applications to a managed cloud services provider

Free up your in-house IT resources

1 min read

Simplify development and deployment across multiple clouds


Simplify development and deployment across multiple clouds

Orchestrate and automate your hybrid cloud

1 min read

Manage application complexity with DevOps


Manage application complexity with DevOps

Speed application releases and existing app modifications

1 min read

Accelerate cloud transformation through IT support optimization


Accelerate cloud transformation through IT support optimization

Get help managing complex hybrid cloud environments

1 min read

Utilize payment plans to overcome cloud budget challenges


Utilize payment plans to overcome cloud budget challenges

Move your transformation forward

1 min read
Windows of a building as seeing from below

Top 10 practices to accelerate technology transformation


1 min read

Manage and optimize your cloud applications and infrastructure

Drive innovation in your enterprise.

Hybrid and multicloud environments are a growing reality as businesses seek to reduce costs, optimize workloads and deliver new applications and services to customers, employees and partners. In fact, 70% of enterprises are pursuing hybrid cloud,1 yet 65% of companies lack a management plan for hybrid today.2 Moving data, workloads and business critical applications from legacy environments to hybrid cloud can be risky. With careful planning and a robust resiliency strategy, you can mitigate service interruptions, security breaches—and the accompanying loss of trust in your enterprise.

To stay competitive organizations must build new digital services while driving innovative business processes on secure, resilient, scalable and open platforms across public and private clouds. They need the right tools and skills to design, deploy and manage complex multicloud environments across vendors and platforms.

This guide provides resources to help you identify practices that accelerate transformation with hybrid cloud.

1 2019, “IBM Cloud Market View: 10k+ enterprises”, IBM.
2 Eric Hanselman, June 2020, “The State of Hybrid Multicloud Resilience” , 451 Research.


1 min read

Develop a detailed roadmap for your move to cloud

Reach the cloud state that achieves your business objectives

Most IT and business leaders understand the benefits of hybrid cloud environments, yet two-thirds of these executives are skeptical about the ability of their enterprises to successfully make the move.3

To overcome these hesitations, senior IT leaders are turning to cloud architecture design to reach a cloud state that achieves their business objectives. With the right plan, teams can stay focused and improve security, maximize availability and integrate workloads across hybrid IT estates.

95% of business executives agreed a cloud architecture design helps improve an organization’s transition to the cloud” 4
3 2019, IBM Market Development & Insights, IBM.
4 March 2019, How cloud architecture design accelerates cloud deployments, IBM.


1 min read

Integrate resiliency planning early in hybrid cloud planning

Proactively protect your critical workloads

When an organization’s applications, data sources and data reside across private cloud, public clouds and traditional on-premises environments, it’s challenging to manage business continuity and disaster recovery. The high levels of complexity and interdependence may create risks and vulnerabilities that, unless identified and managed appropriately, can reduce the benefits of cloud migration. Most enterprises have limited proactive plans to effectively protect their critical workloads in the event of a disaster, with 68% acting only after a disaster had occurred.5 When outages occur, determining their cause can be complicated, recovery times can be lengthy and the business impact can be very high.

5 Eric Hanselman , August 2019, Migrating Risks in the Hybrid Multicloud Journey, 451 Research.


1 min read

Prepare for cloud with software defined networking

Transform your network for future cloud deployments

Network modernization is essential to enterprise success in the digital era. Your network is the backbone of your IT infrastructure, and it needs to evolve as your enterprise adapts to shifting market and workplace priorities. It also has to reduce costs, provide rapid application deployment and help enable the journey of your applications to cloud environments. In fact, 82% of IT leaders say that connectivity is a primary concern for moving to a hybrid cloud model.6

As we put these transformed networks in place with secure wired and wireless capabilities, we are seeing people work in new ways.” 7
Masanori Izumi
Senior Manager of Operational IT Promotion in Fuji Television’s Technology IT Promotion Center

Fuji Television needed a more secure, flexible network infrastructure to support changing employee work styles and help pave the way for cloud transformation. Their existing network wasn’t keeping pace with their business needs.

7 September 2019, Fuji Television Network, Inc. , IBM.


1 min read

Optimize your hybrid cloud infrastructure

Make private cloud IaaS a strategic asset

For many enterprises, their private cloud infrastructures are key for expansion into hybrid multicloud environments. In fact, private cloud can serve as a foundation to seamlessly link private and public cloud resources. Dedicated private infrastructures can reside on- or off- premises and, when consumed in as-a-service managed models, provide virtually unlimited infrastructure resources. All this without ever having to procure, maintain and manage the technology. Managed private clouds can also help enterprises benefit from greater security and uptime by lowering their total cost of ownership (TCO), preserving capital expenses and freeing up internal resources for other strategic needs.


1 min read

Simplify hybrid cloud IT management

Take back control

An effective cloud strategy must consider methods for effectively managing multiple clouds with a single cloud management platform. Without it, digital transformation is much harder to achieve. Without common operations, compliance and governance cadence for cloud, the digital enterprise cannot scale. The hybrid IT operations model should be a partnership between DevOps and IT operations teams offering choice and consistency while avoiding provider lock-in.


1 min read

Move ERP applications to a managed cloud services provider

Free up your in-house IT resources

Cloud environments provide stable and secure platforms for enterprises, and often typically improve application speed, agility and performance. However, only 20% of business-critical applications such as SAP and Oracle have migrated to the cloud10. What’s driving this hesitancy? To start, ERP applications are complex and deeply integrated into multiple processes and non-ERP applications. Additionally, many organizations lack SAP and Oracle application skills, which are especially crucial in global implementations requiring country-specific expertise and consistent delivery. Finally, downtime due to migration is never an option.

SAP applications and IBM Applications Management for SAP Solutions releases time for us to focus on analyzing customer buying preferences and aligning our product selections to demand with a degree of accuracy that was simply not possible before.” 10
Dijalma da Rocha Meireles
Junior, Director of IT, St. Marche

Many leading enterprises have turned to cloud managed services providers to fill this gap and help with migration planning and deployment and management of SAP and Oracle applications on the cloud. Finding the right managed services provider is key.


1 min read

Simplify development and deployment across multiple clouds

Orchestrate and automate your hybrid cloud

Whether it’s scalability, cost savings, or the ability to match the right workloads to the right providers, leading enterprises are realizing the benefits of moving to hybrid cloud models. Hybrid cloud environments can also speed application development and deployment times, while bringing new services to customers, suppliers and employees. Many enterprises are also using multicloud deployment services to boost hybrid cloud operational efficiencies.

However, orchestration and automation across multiple technologies, cloud environments and service providers can be complex and time consuming.

Only 30% of enterprises have a multicloud orchestrator or other multicloud management platform.” 11


1 min read

Manage application complexity with DevOps

Speed application releases and existing app modifications

Hybrid cloud architecture is rapidly becoming the preferred deployment platform for both cloud-enabled and cloud-native applications. Enterprises can find they lack the in-house skills and processes to manage the complexity of these environments. There are many advantages to integrating DevOps into your hybrid, multicloud application management strategy. Empower your team to quickly adapt to market trends.

  • Develop solutions sooner and go to market faster.
  • Improve your deployment frequency.
  • Move faster and increase agility with DevOps.


1 min read

Accelerate cloud transformation through IT support optimization

Get help managing complex hybrid cloud environments

Many businesses have deployed hybrid IT environments and have found that ongoing management remains complex. Why? Integrating data center and cloud environments can be particularly difficult given the sophisticated coordination required across private and public cloud platforms, technologies and vendors. Additionally, in-house IT teams frequently don’t have all of the skills needed to effectively deploy and maintain workloads in these multicloud environments.

67% of IT leaders cite lack of in-house cloud expertise as a barrier to cloud transformation.” 13
13 2019, How the Right IT Support Partner can Accelerate your Cloud Transformation, Frost & Sullivan.


1 min read

Utilize payment plans to overcome cloud budget challenges

Move your transformation forward

The move to hybrid cloud is driven by many factors—including the need to create new revenue sources, reduce operational costs and speed up time to market.

However, internal budget challenges can limit progress. In a recent report, 56% of IT leaders state that managing and optimizing cloud costs holds enterprises back from putting core applications on the cloud14.

65% of organizations will modernize legacy systems with extensive new technology platform investments through 2023.” 14

As a result, enterprises are taking advantage of payment solutions to help fund their cloud transformation, improve cash flow, and enhance their return on investment (ROI). IBM Global Financing can help structure a payment plan that’s right for your enterprise.

15 Susan Middleton, March 2020, How Flexible Payment Solutions Can Accelerate Digital Transformation. (PDF, 855 KB) , IDC Technology Spotlight #US46142520.