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13 min read

Security challenges to your business

Partner with IBM Security Services to help your transformation journey.

Two male coworkers collaborating at white board filled with pasted up images

Having cybersecurity keep up with the pace of innovation is a challenge many organization leaders like you face. You need an approach that manages current and anticipated risks without adversely affecting the progress of your business growth. A clear and aligned strategy to assess your enterprise’s overall maturity and gaps is necessary for you to build security into your digital strategy and transformation initiative. Without such a strategy, you may question if and how you can effectively respond to threats that continue to grow exponentially.

Your fears are well founded. These figures indicate just how data breaches have become all too common and too costly for enterprises like yours when not addressed.

USD 3.86 million

Global average total cost of a data breach in 20201

USD 871,686

Global average for theft of credentials in 20192


Growth of attacks on operational technology between 2018 and 20193

Get more information on the security landscape by reading the 2021 Threat Intelligence Index Report.

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Cybersecurity is a top priority due to several other mounting pressures.

Over the past decade, the cloud has become integral to nearly every digital and business transformation strategy. With broad adoption of hybrid multicloud, microservices and integration of cybersecurity into the DevOps lifecycle, the perimeter has almost completely dissolved, leading to an even greater importance placed on the security function.

You need to decide how to select and integrate any on-premises and software as a service (SaaS) security tools that you already have with the appropriate native cloud security controls provided by cloud service providers. However, this process often results in a fragmented patchwork of solutions with limited cohesion and visibility.

  • 80% of workloads have still not yet migrated to cloud4
  • 94% of enterprises have multiple clouds5
  • 60% of companies use 25 or more unique security products, with 44% engaging more than 10 vendors6

Organizations worldwide face increasingly destructive attacks. Malware, such as ransomware attacks, continue to plague businesses and governments. Insider threats and compromised credentials are difficult to detect and mitigate.

Piecing together several seemingly low-risk events to find the one extremely high-risk cyberattack requires technology and skill. Data exfiltration events, such as insertion of Universal Serial Bus (USB) devices, use of personal email services, unauthorized cloud storage or excessive printing, need to be controlled.

  • 67% increase in ransomware attacks alone in 20197
  • 280 days to identify and contain a data breach8
  • Top three initial attack vectors are compromised credentials, cloud misconfiguration and vulnerability of third-party software9

Fines from violations of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and other privacy laws can potentially cost billions for global enterprises. Data privacy protection concerns are driving new regulations around the world. Organizations are trying to protect data privacy online and improve personal data protection. Enterprises that exceed the new requirements may be able to build trust with consumers and users and stand out from their competitors.

It’s important to evaluate your existing security governance — including data privacy, third-party risk and IT regulatory compliance needs and gaps — against your business challenges, requirements and objectives.

  • The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) imposed a $5 billion penalty and sweeping new privacy restrictions on Facebook10
  • Compliance failures is one of the top four data breach cost amplifiers11

An organization is only as strong as its people. For cybersecurity leaders, the challenge of recruiting and retaining the best technical and business professionals is a constant worry. There’s continued high demand for cybersecurity professionals and an ongoing shortage of talent.

The security industry is facing a shortage of qualified candidates with the necessary hands-on skills and product experience. Those working as security professionals need continuous training and professional development to keep up with evolving technologies and the threat landscape. They’re also challenged to find time to properly mentor and train new hires.

  • CISOs will face an estimated 1.8 million unfulfilled cybersecurity jobs by 202212
  • Security skills shortage is a top three data breach cost amplifier13
  • USD 2 million higher cost of an average data breach of those organizations without incident response teams and testing compared to those with no IR team and plan testing14

An increased prevalence of threats exists for mobile devices, edge computing, operational technology (OT), Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). New connected devices can introduce vulnerabilities into the most secure environments and can expose critical data and systems to an attack.

Security assessment of your network and how these devices interact is critical. The devices themselves should be tested to identify default passwords, misconfigurations, unsecured connections and security controls. Centralize monitoring for OT, IoT and IoMT devices to identify abnormal activity and potential threats.

  • 38+ billion IoT connected devices in 202015
  • 76% of respondents said remote work would increase time to identify and contain a breach16
  • 2,000% growth of attacks on operational technology between 2018 and 201917

In response, many enterprise leaders like yourself know they need to emphasize cybersecurity proactively. The top challenge is having to use too many tools from too many vendors.


of enterprises see cybersecurity as a business enabler


of enterprises include cybersecurity in the planning of all new deployments


of enterprises have no plans to reduce their cybersecurity budgets, despite the decrease in IT spending caused by COVID-1918

Additionally, hard-to-manage cybersecurity portfolios are the main inhibitor of security capability improvement.19

The answer to all of these challenges is IBM® Security Services, which provides the modern, open, unified approach to security that you need.

With IBM Security Services, you get proactive help to align, protect, manage and modernize your security in the following ways:

  • Align your security strategy with your business.
  • Protect your digital assets, users and data.
  • Manage your defenses against growing threats.
  • Modernize your security with an open, multicloud strategy.
1 Ponemon Institute, Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020, sponsored by IBM Security, July 2020.
2 Ponemon Institute, Cost of Insider Threats: Global Report 2020, sponsored by IBM Security, July 2020.
3 X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2020, IBM Security, 2020.
4 McKinsey, Cloud adoption to accelerate IT modernization, Nagendra Bommadevara, Andrea Del Miglio, and Steve Jansen, 12 April 2018.
6 ESG Master Survey Results, Enterprise-class Cybersecurity Vendor Sentiment, March 2020.
7X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2020, IBM Security, 2020.
8 Ponemon Institute, Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020, sponsored by IBM Security, July 2020.
9 Ponemon Institute, Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020, sponsored by IBM Security, July 2020.
11 Ponemon Institute, Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020, sponsored by IBM Security, July 2020.
12 CSIS, The Cybersecurity Workforce Gap, William Crumpler, 29 January 2019.
13 Ponemon Institute, Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020, sponsored by IBM Security, July 2020.
14 Ponemon Institute, Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020, sponsored by IBM Security, July 2020.
15 Juniper Research, 'Internet of Things' Connected Devices to Almost Triple to Over 38 Billion Units by 2020, sponsored by IBM Security, 28 July 2019.
16 Ponemon Institute, Cost of a Data Breach Report 2020, sponsored by IBM Security, July 2020.
17X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2020, IBM Security, 2020.
18 IDC Topline, Sponsored by IBM Security, How to Improve Your Ability to Respond to a Breach Through a Proactive Approach to Cybersecurity, Doc #146760020, September 2020.
19 IDC Topline, Sponsored by IBM Security, How to Improve Your Ability to Respond to a Breach Through a Proactive Approach to Cybersecurity, Doc #146760020, September 2020.


6 min read

Align your security strategy

Develop a security strategy that meets your business needs and objectives.

Two male coworkers collaborating in security command center with computer monitors in front and big screens in background

Security can and should fit your business goals and objectives. You need a solution that can assess, reduce and manage your security risk. Security should be embedded into the company culture, proactively linked to changing line-of-business priorities and enabling business outcomes.

Experienced risk advisors and proven frameworks from IBM provide deep understanding of business and compliance needs. Strategy, risk and compliance professionals from IBM can develop a program aligned to your business practices that manages security risks and addresses regulatory policies.

IBM Security Strategy, Risk and Compliance (SSRC) helps you implement an improved approach to assessing, reducing and managing security risks and compliance. IBM Strategy and Risk solutions help foster proactive security cultures by unifying business leaders on their current risk and compliance posture and by helping develop plans for improvement. These specialists can offer a wide range of capabilities, including the following:

  • Risk Quantification Services: Security risk quantification translates cybersecurity risk into financial terms and creates a common language between security advisors, boards and C-suite executives. Connect security to the overall business strategy in a contextually relevant manner.
  • Multicloud security strategy and compliance: Provide continuous visibility, detection and remediation capabilities across the entire public cloud environment integrated with the threat intelligence and governance systems.
  • Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) strategy and automation: Perform comprehensive assessment of clients’ program and prepare automation roadmap, assist in system integration, and manage and operate GRC platforms.
  • Security risk assessments and management: Proactively assess security risk, including third party, SAP, critical infrastructure and more, to gain enterprise-wide insight into risk and compliance activities and how they impact overall business risk. We then develop a custom security strategy that fits your business.

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Use IBM Security Command Center to prepare your response to a cyberincident. Prepare for a security breach with a cyber range experience. Experienced instructors facilitate hands-on experiences and demonstrate the most effective practices gathered from mature industries and organizations. They guide your teams through realistic real-world breach scenarios that help them learn crisis management skills and build a better security culture.

Instructors teach security and business leaders how to develop and practice their incident response (IR) plans, demonstrate best practices learned from the most mature industries and organizations, and guide teams through experiences that help them build a better security culture. A stress-tested plan is critical for rapid security IR to minimize operational, regulatory and brand risks.

You can also strategize with security advisors in one of our global Executive Briefings Centers or host an IBM Security Command Center onsite experience at your preferred location.

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The philosophy of zero trust is challenging to implement and integrate across multiple security domains. Zero trust forces security and risk leaders to shift into a business outcomes mindset, rooted in a unified strategy that accelerates business and IT objectives.

IBM Security Zero Trust Acceleration Services can help organizations accelerate their zero trust journey. Specialists can deliver an integrated, multidisciplinary zero trust governance model to securely connect your users, data and resources. A zero trust security strategy, which results in a deny-by-default policy and authorization for each connection, can help in an evolving, perimeter-less business environment.

IBM Security professionals recommend a phased, use case-based approach to mature zero trust capabilities and integration across multiple security disciplines. Selecting a use case can allow your organization to incrementally mature security controls across the major security domains impacted by a zero trust strategy. You can align your new zero trust strategy to proven security frameworks like the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Cloud Security Alliance Capability Maturity Model and others for a new target state. This approach allows the organization to integrate security domains for intelligent, context-driven decision-making.

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7 min read

Protect your users, assets and data

Build trust and enable the right user with the right access to the right data.

Professional woman using thumb print ID scanner in hallway

As your business innovates and expands, the challenge is for your security to keep pace with these advancements. Even if you have an in-house team, those members may be overwhelmed in attempting to protect every aspect of your business.

Govern and protect your business, data, users and critical assets. Deliver trust when you connect policy, analytics and controls across your entire business. IBM provides a robust portfolio of services for data protection, identity and access management, endpoint, network, mainframe protection and application security.

As your organization’s data grows exponentially, ensuring continued business success means protecting your business-critical data from data leaks or data loss. This activity includes knowing where your vital assets reside, what your data protection is and who has access to it so you can determine your security objectives.

IBM Data Security Services can craft a strong security strategy to help protect your precious resources. Working with you, IBM Data Security Services performs the following activities:

  • Identifies your most sensitive and confidential data, data storage repositories, and data access permissions
  • Assesses your existing processes and controls
  • Looks for vulnerabilities
  • Helps plan baseline security requirements

Based on those requirements, IBM Data Security Services helps design solutions and prioritize process transformations. This process helps protect your critical data from unauthorized access and data loss by providing data encryption and data activity monitoring to help you keep pace with an ever-changing security landscape.

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Enterprise applications can lead to greater innovation, customer experiences and even revenue streams. These applications can also be the gateway to critical enterprise data. Because of this fact, they have become top targets for cybersecurity attacks. Despite this reality, many organizations lack the expertise and resources to build and secure their enterprise applications.

Application vulnerabilities are often identified in the late stages of the software development lifecycle because DevOps and security processes are often disjointed. To address this need, IBM Application Security advisors can help assess and transform your challenges in determining application vulnerabilities. Trusted advisors can help unify your DevOps and security to transform your DevSecOps practices.

It's never too early to integrate security into your software development life cycle. Leverage the expertise, tools and practices of IBM Application Security Services.

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Get the right skills and strategy needed for an identity and access management (IAM) program, which is essential for security and regulatory compliance. IBM identity and security advisors can help you tackle your various IAM projects, including roadblock and gap identification, design and architectural considerations, and deployment and steady state management of IAM solutions. All of these activities are aimed at setting you up for long-term success.

IBM Security IAM consultants and specialists can help you design and manage identity and access solutions tailored to your needs and set you up for long-term success by maximizing your investments. The end result is a holistic IAM program that can manage user access, authentication and compliance, while also protecting your enterprise and potentially reducing costs and improving efficiency through automation. Additionally, a holistic IAM program can enable your organization to leverage AI and data analytics to identify high-risk user patterns in context and prevent potential breaches before they occur.

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Specialists with IBM Security can help protect and manage your security systems across distributed environments and establish secure remote access for employees, vendors and partners. IBM Security helps protect workflows, applications and cloud services quickly while managing compliance requirements so that you can keep up with the pace of digital transformation.

To reduce the cost and complexity of managing infrastructure security technology, IBM Security Managed Security Services helps optimize the value of security investments while delivering near-continuous management and analysis. IBM Security Managed Network Security Services provides management, monitoring and alerting of security devices in the cloud or on-premises, including the following offerings:

  • Next-generation firewalls
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS)
  • Unified Threat Management (UTM) stations
  • Secure Web Gateways (SWGs)
  • Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN)
  • Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)

The Managed Network Security Services supports a matrix of thoroughly tested and industry-leading alliance partner platforms and technologies and virtual software installed in your environments. A network of global and regional Security Operations Centers (SOCs) operating 24x7 can deliver the extended resources you need to secure your business.

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8 min read

Manage your defenses against threats

Unite your defense to identify, orchestrate and automate threat response.

Coworkers collaborating in office at computer together

Your organization’s productivity can be severely hampered trying to recover from the effects of a cyberattack. A strong defense against such activities can be advantageous in saving precious operation costs.

You need to be able to identify and respond to threats quickly and confidently. Threat intelligence provides continuous insights to find critical threats faster and respond more efficiently.

IBM Security X-Force® Threat Management Services provides consulting and governance to improve identifying and protecting critical assets, detecting advanced threats, and responding and recovering faster from disruptions. With X-Force Threat Management Services, you get a multiyear engagement to integrate an overarching standards-based framework such as NIST to prevent and detect undesired activity. You receive ongoing insights using visualization and analysis tools and proactive security techniques and tactics, including AI, machine learning and orchestration. AI and automation also assists with necessary scaling without the need for large personnel shifts.

X-Force Threat Management Services provides an aggressive approach to the security perimeter to encompass widely distributed endpoints. And as technology evolves, so does X-Force Threat Management Services to deliver the same level of protection for emerging technology environments. These domains include OT, IoT and IoMT.

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IBM Security Intelligence Operations and Consulting Services advisors can help your enterprise improve your Security Operations Center (SOC) or create one from the ground up, placing Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) at the center of your efforts. These services can help whether you’re looking to deploy on-premises, in the cloud or in hybrid multicloud environments.

The methodology driving IBM Security Intelligence Operations and Consulting Services includes the following elements:

  • Assessment of security intelligence and operations against best practices
  • Design of a robust SOC using security intelligence and analytics
  • Building of a world-class SOC from initial plans through full deployment
  • Optimization of your SOC with in-depth analysis and strategic recommendations

With these solutions, you can gain a unified view across security tools, supplying powerful AI-driven insights and the ability to quickly act to mitigate threats across hybrid multicloud environments, no matter where the data resides.

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This holistic service integrates security threat intelligence, IR and remediation to help minimize the loss of revenue caused by a security incident. Receive a more comprehensive view of an attack so you can make the most informed decisions to defend it. Main service offerings include:

  • IBM Security X-Force Incident Response Retainer: Improve cyber-IR preparedness and minimize the impact of breaches with a team of IR advisors and proactive services to help accelerate your incident response strategy.
  • IBM Security X-Force Threat Intelligence: Get industry leading analysis from global advisors who can design, build, deliver and operate an automated cyberthreat platform.
  • IBM Security Managed Detection and Response (MDR): Get a 24x7 threat prevention, detection and fast response capability, fueled by threat intelligence and proactive threat hunting to identify and remediate advanced threats.
  • IBM Security Command Center: Experienced instructors guide your teams through realistic breach scenarios that help them learn crisis management skills and build a better security culture.

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IBM Security X-Force Red is a team of hackers who use the same tools, techniques and mindset as attackers to find and help fix clients’ most critical vulnerabilities. These 200-plus hackers help security leaders identify, prioritize and remediate security flaws that could expose their digital and physical ecosystem to an attacker. Services offered include:

  • Penetration Testing: Identifies and helps fix exploitable vulnerabilities exposing your networks, applications, hardware, hybrid cloud environments and employees and staff to an attack.
  • Vulnerability Management Services: Identifies, prioritizes and facilitates the remediation of critical vulnerabilities threatening your most important assets. Automated prioritization based on asset value and weaponization helps optimize your time and resources.
  • Adversary Simulation: A full-scale attack simulation designed to measure how well your “blue teams” and security controls detect and respond to an attack.
  • Application Scanning: Provides Static Application Security Testing (SAST) and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) to uncover vulnerabilities exposing your most important applications during development and deployment.

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IBM Security Managed Detection and Response (MDR) delivers a turnkey, 24x7 threat prevention, detection and fast response capability, fueled by threat intelligence and proactive threat hunting to identify and remediate advanced threats. IBM Security MDR includes endpoint detection and response tools to conduct detailed investigations. IBM’s propriety tactics, techniques and procedures threat hunt library and next-generation antivirus for behavior-based blocking and continuous policy management.

  • Enhance visibility of endpoint security to malicious activity
  • Reduce the dwell time of attacks and speed investigations
  • Deliver fast, decisive responses to attacks within the network
  • Prevent similar incidents from causing future damage

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2 min read

Modernize your security for hybrid cloud

Move confidently to the cloud and integrate security in your cloud journey.

Woman writing on white board with coworkers collaborating with her

The trend in major organizations is to adapt to using hybrid multicloud with open technologies. Your security implications change as workloads move from on-premises to cloud. The journey to cloud includes challenges as you have a continuous approach to advise, build, move and manage on cloud.

Automate, centralize and simplify with cloud security services that provide consulting, systems integration and managed services.

IBM Security can help you gain visibility, control and security expertise for your hybrid cloud environments. Cloud security specialists can help you no matter where you are on your cloud journey, from strategy, migration and modernization.

With Cloud Security Services, your organization can use any cloud with confidence, creating an environment of trust that enables your business to innovate and grow. IBM Security is helping thousands of organizations of all sizes on their cloud journey, from defining the right security strategy to managing hybrid cloud environments. Only IBM Security can deliver solutions based on extensive research into cutting-edge technologies, including quantum computing, IoT and AI. It’s all backed by the experience of monitoring more than 150 billion security events every day.

Focus on transformation and drive business innovation with the right cloud security skills and experience. Discover what real threats could be lurking with the use of cloud services, along with the best practices to fight back.

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8 min read

Why trust IBM Security Services

Discover why businesses rely on trusted advisors from IBM Security Services.

Woman presenting in front of coworkers in security command center with computer monitors and a large screen

As the largest enterprise security vendor, the mission of IBM Security is to help you thrive in the face of cyber uncertainty.

IBM Security delivers on this promise by joining with your business in the following key areas:

Shield with squares and triangles icon

Align your security strategy with your business

Building a custom security plan that is both industry-specific and aligned to your security maturity demands a partner with the expertise and resources to help you remotely or onsite. Our trusted advisors and proven frameworks provide deep understanding of business and compliance needs.

Shield with person, check and bars icon

Protect your digital assets, users and data

To help you build a foundation of trust in your interactions, you should enable the right user to have the right access to the right data. Deliver trust when you connect policy, analytics and controls across your entire business.

Shield with crosshairs sighting icon

Manage your defenses against growing threats

When every second counts, you need a unified defense to identify, orchestrate and automate your response to threats quickly and more efficiently.

Shield descending from cloud icon

Modernize your security with an open, multicloud strategy

To protect your hybrid multicloud infrastructure in a world of complexity, you need to ensure the workload is secure, from processes to technologies. Automate, centralize and simplify with cloud security services.

IBM Security delivers its security by joining with your business in the following key areas:

Trusted advisors with IBM Security take an integrated approach to transform your organization’s security programs and mature the overall security posture of your enterprise. These advisors help you understand and define your security strategy and roadmap, and how to communicate that information to your executive stakeholders, including board members. Their consulting capabilities can address such topics as maturity assessments and compliance rationalization. Systems integration can transform your organization and help implement, execute and integrate your technology and programs.

Advisors can offer you insights through the following deep domains:

  • Security Strategy
  • Risk and Compliance
  • Security Intelligence and Operations
  • X-Force Red Offensive Security
  • X-Force Incident Response and Intelligence
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Data and Application Security
  • Infrastructure and Endpoint Security
  • Hybrid Multicloud Security

IBM consultants can also help you design the architecture and programs, build an infrastructure plan, and advise on compliance.

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IBM Managed Security Services can help simplify security and risk with continuous 24x7, value-driven monitoring, management and threat intelligence backed by global expertise and an integrated security portfolio. Working with organizations of all sizes worldwide — including operations across the globe — IBM delivers capabilities to security hybrid cloud environments for specific geographic and country issues.

IBM offers unparalleled, world-class security advisors, global wisdom and technology to help you understand and manage your risk while driving innovation and high-velocity business growth. Working with IBM, you get a security strategy with the following assets:

IBM works smarter with AI to yield higher value to client investigation and response times. Technology investments elevate skills within your organization and remove the security expertise burden from your team.

Open and integrated
The capabilities of IBM Security Services extend across an open security ecosystem with the best in the industry. IBM works with 130-plus security ecosystem companies.

World-class advisors partner with you throughout your journey to a mature security posture. You get deep industry experience from a security-certified talent pool on a global scale with local delivery and domain expertise.

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Consider the breadth and depth of what IBM Security Services delivers to businesses regarding critical incidents and breaches.

4.7 trillion+

Security events monitored per month


Security professionals globally


Worldwide security patents granted

In addition, according to The IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Managed Security Services 2020 Vendor Assessment, “IBM is seen as a strategic partner at a global scale with local delivery capabilities and has solutions to address a number of customer issues: move to the cloud, application security, threat intelligence and threat management operations.”20

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Other top industry analyst firms, including Forrester Research, rank IBM as a leader across 14 different market segments. According to The 2019 Forrester Wave™: Cybersecurity Incident Response Services, “IBM is a strong choice for training and incident preparation services.”21

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To keep updated on the latest reports and intelligence from trusted advisors at IBM Security Services and how these developments can affect your enterprise, visit

21 Forrester Research Inc., The Forrester Wave™: Cybersecurity Incident Response Services, Q1 2019, Josh Zelonis with Stephanie Balaouras, Madeline Cyr, Peggy Dostie, 18 March 2019.