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Business Automation

Business process automation solutions

Business process automation solutions

Discover solutions that deliver intelligent automations quickly with low-code tooling
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An illustrated hand with colored lines and shapes
Grow your business with business automation software 

Grow your business with business automation software 

Business process automation tools empower you to understand and orchestrate critical resources including people, applications and systems. Manage your end-to-end business processes and respond quickly to changing market conditions. Increase organizational efficiency and reduce errors that can negatively impact the customer experience.

Featured content
Analyst research Intelligent content services
IBM is recognized as a Leader in the “IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Intelligent Content Services 2024 Vendor Assessment"
Analyst research Decision intelligence platforms
IBM is recognized as a leader in the “IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Decision Intelligence Platforms 2024 Vendor Assessment.”
IBM named as a leader in the Omdia Universe: Content Services Platforms, 2024-25 report
Build end-to-end process automations  faster

Build end-to-end process automations  faster

Low-code and no-code tooling enable process experts to build automations quickly themselves.
Create seamless experiences

Quickly iterate on automations for seamless customer experiences that boost client satisfaction, engagement and retention.

Enable collaboration

Empower users of all skill levels to contribute their expertise without risk using low-code and no-code tools with easy-to-manage oversight. 

Infuse intelligence

Make better decisions and help users prioritize tasks with content and process insights from integrated AI and monitoring.



Business process automation software

Reveal and eliminate hidden business process inefficiencies.

Decisioning software

Make faster, repeatable and transparent decisions.

Robotic process automation

Automate mundane, repetitive tasks.

Process mining

Fix process inefficiencies and maximize automation outcomes.

Workflow automation

Increase visibility, consistency and agility.

Business process mapping

Analyze and collaborate on improved business processes.

watsonx Orchestrate

Offload tedius tasks to your digital worker.

Content services

Accelerate content management and governance processes.

Document processing

Extract and apply business information with AI.

Customer success stories

Customer success stories

TD Ameritrade

TD Ameritrade automated customer account processes and reduced time to open a new account by 70%.

BlueShore Financial

BlueShore Financial redesigned their client experiences and operational processes to achieve a 250% increase in lending volumes without additional hires.

Primanti Brothers

By automating daily sales and labor reporting, Primanti Brothers eliminated 2,000 hours of manual work per year.


Explore IBM Business Automation

See how feature-rich business automation accelerates your work.