How to build a successful talent acquisition strategy
30 November 2023

11 min read

The success of any organization relies on its ability to attract, retain and develop top talent. Talent acquisition refers to the ongoing strategy and process an organization and its HR department uses to source, attract, evaluate, hire and retain the highly qualified new employees it needs to grow.

A well-crafted talent acquisition strategy has become a critical component for organizations seeking to secure a competitive edge. Beyond simply filling open roles, a comprehensive talent acquisition strategy encompasses a holistic approach to talent management, from identifying organizational needs to nurturing relationships with potential candidates.

By recognizing the importance of a strategic and proactive talent acquisition approach, companies can position themselves as employers of choice. This approach can foster a culture that not only attracts the right candidates but also cultivates long-term success and sustainability.

What is a talent acquisition strategy?

A talent acquisition strategy is a comprehensive plan that an organization develops to optimize its talent acquisition—the identification, attraction and retention of the right talent. It includes a series of interconnected processes and initiatives designed to align the organization’s talent needs with its business objectives. The strategy outlines the methods and processes for sourcing, screening and selecting candidates, while also focusing on employee retention and long-term development.

Talent acquisition strategy involves the use of various recruitment methods, technologies and practices. It enables HR professionals and the organization to build a strong employer brand, create a positive candidate experience and foster an effective, diverse and inclusive workforce. An effective talent acquisition strategy continually adapts to changes in industry trends and candidate preferences. It ensures that the organization’s talent acquisition efforts remain competitive and resilient.

Steps to build a successful talent acquisition strategy

An effective talent acquisition strategy includes elements designed to effectively attract, asses, identify and retain the best talent for the organization’s current and future hiring needs. The creation of a successful strategy should include these steps:

Develop a strong employer brand

A compelling employer brand can set an organization apart, making it an attractive destination for skilled professionals. Many steps can be taken to build and enhance an employer brand, including:

  • Define the employer value proposition (EVP): Clearly articulate what sets the company apart as an employer—what it stands for and the kind of working environment it offers. Highlight the unique benefits, opportunities and culture.
  • Create a compelling careers page: Build an organized and informative careers page on the company website. Describe the application process. Use engaging content, images and videos to showcase the work environment.
  • Collect and share employee success stories: Let employees describe their experiences working at the company, including career growth, work-life balance and company culture.
  • Use social media: Promote the employer brand on social media by sharing company news, employee stories and industry insights. Engage with potential candidates and encourage a sense of community.
  • Offer competitive compensation and benefits: Meet or exceed industry standards for pay and benefits packages and clearly communicate these offerings to potential candidates.
  • Foster employee engagement and growth: Create a supportive work environment that encourages employee engagement, professional development and career advancement.
  • Initiate employee advocacy: Encourage employees to become brand advocates. Provide them with tools to share positive experiences on their personal social media accounts and professional networks.
  • Promote diversity and inclusion: Widen the pool of top candidates by highlighting initiatives that demonstrate the organization’s commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace.
  • Provide a positive candidate experience: Streamline the recruitment process to ensure a seamless and positive experience for all candidates. Communicate with transparency.
  • Highlight work-life balance: Showcase any flexible work arrangements, wellness programs or other initiatives that prioritize the health and happiness of employees.
  • Attend industry events: Participate in conferences, webinars, speaking engagements, award competitions and other events to establish a presence and engage with potential candidates.
  • Monitor online reviews: Respond to reviews, whether positive or negative, to demonstrate a commitment to improving and addressing concerns.
  • Measure impact: Use analytics and metrics to assess the effectiveness of branding efforts. Monitor website traffic, application rates and employee referrals to gauge their success.
  • Seek feedback and continuously improve: A positive candidate experience can contribute to a favorable employer brand. Gather feedback from candidates who go through the hiring process.
Assess current and future needs

Conduct a thorough assessment of current and future talent that the organization requires to achieve its business objectives.

  • Conduct an organizational analysis: Identify key areas where new talent is needed to support the company’s current and projected business goals and growth plans.
  • Determine short- and long-term talent needs: Distinguish between immediate hiring needs and future requirements. Prioritize roles that require immediate attention.
  • Develop candidate profiles: Create personas for ideal candidates and write detailed job descriptions for each role based on the skills and qualifications necessary for success.
  • Evaluate internal talent: Encourage employee retention by identifying suitable internal candidates for open positions and evaluate existing employees to determine if they can be upskilled or reassigned to fulfill upcoming roles.
Use targeted sourcing

A diverse range of sourcing channels can effectively connect with a wider pool of potential candidates. Key sourcing channels include:

  • Company website: Maintain an updated careers page on the company website that provides comprehensive information about the organization, job openings and the application process.
  • Job boards: Post openings on popular job boards and career websites such as Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor and Monster to reach active job seekers.
  • Recruitment agencies: Collaborate with reputable recruitment agencies and staffing firms that specialize in the same industry to gain access to their talent pool and sourcing expertise.
  • Social media platforms: Use LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok to promote job openings, share company culture and engage with potential candidates.
  • Employee referrals: Encourage current employees to refer potential candidates from their professional networks. Implement an employee referral program to incentivize employees to recommend qualified candidates.
  • Networking events: Attend industry-specific networking events and job fairs to establish connections with potential candidates and build relationships within the industry.
  • Professional associations: Engage with relevant professional associations and groups to reach candidates who are actively involved in the same field.
  • Employee alumni networks: Reconnect with former employees who may be interested in returning or referring other qualified candidates.
  • Online forums and communities: Participate in online communities and industry-specific groups where professionals discuss relevant topics and raise awareness about job opportunities.
  • Talent marketplaces: Explore online talent marketplaces and freelance platforms to connect with freelancers and independent contractors for short-term vacancies or special project roles.
  • Direct outreach: Reach out to potential candidates through emails, messages on professional networking platforms or phone calls to introduce the company and discuss relevant opportunities. 
Create an effective screening process

Implementing a structured and comprehensive screening process can help assess candidates’ skill sets, qualifications and cultural fit. To develop an effective screening process:

  • Review resumes and cover letters: Assess their qualifications, relevant experience and alignment with the job requirements. Look for key achievements, skills and career progression that match the position.
  • Conduct phone screenings: Assess candidates’ communication skills, professional demeanor and overall fit for the role.
  • Administer skills assessments: Administer tests or assignments to evaluate candidates’ technical skills, problem-solving abilities and job-related competencies.
  • Conduct multiple or panel interviews: Gather diverse perspectives on each candidate’s fit for the role by arranging separate or panel interviews with key stakeholders.
  • Include behavioral interviews: Use behavioral interviews to understand candidates past behavior and assess how they might respond to specific situations in the workplace.
  • Assess cultural fit: During the interview process, evaluate candidates’ alignment with the company’s culture and values. Ask questions that assess their work style and preferred work environment.
  • Check references: Reach out to the provided references to verify the accuracy of candidates’ work history, skills and achievements.
  • Conduct background checks: Include employment verification, education verification and criminal record checks. This validation of candidates’ qualifications ensures they meet the necessary requirements.
  • Assess soft skills: Evaluate candidates’ soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, adaptability and leadership potential, during the interview process.
Improve the candidate experience

Here are some effective ways to improve the candidate experience:

  • Provide clear communication: Ensure that candidates are informed about the next steps and the expected timeline throughout the hiring process.
  • Streamline the application process: Minimize the number of steps required and optimize the application platform for user-friendliness.
  • Create transparent job descriptions: Include the role’s responsibilities, qualifications and expectations and provide insights into the company culture and values.
  • Conduct engaging and respectful interviews: Ensure that interviews are well-organized, respectful and engaging, with interviewers who are well-prepared, ask relevant questions.
  • Personalize candidate engagement: Tailor candidate interactions to create a personalized and meaningful experience.
  • Offer constructive feedback: Provide specific insights into their strengths and areas for development to help them understand how they can improve and grow professionally.
  • Ensure consistent employer branding: Ensure that the candidate experience aligns with the employer brand. Maintain consistency in messaging, communication style and overall candidate engagement.
  • Provide responsive and accessible support: Make it easy for candidates to contact the hiring team or recruitment professionals for guidance and support.
  • Follow up: Express appreciation and provide closure on their application status, whether they are selected or not. Encourage them to stay connected with the company for future opportunities.
  • Gather feedback: Implement satisfaction surveys to gather feedback on the overall hiring process. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement in the candidate experience.
Use data and analytics

By using data-driven insights, organizations can make informed decisions, optimize the recruitment processes and improve the overall quality of hires. Here are several ways in which data and analytics can be used in a talent acquisition strategy:

  • Forecast talent demand: Analyze historical data and job market trends to forecast future talent demands. This helps anticipate hiring needs and proactively source and attract the best candidates in advance.
  • Sourcing channel performance analysis: Track and study the performance of different sourcing channels such as job boards, social media and recruitment agencies.
  • Candidate journey assessment: Identify potential bottlenecks or areas for improvement at each stage of the recruitment process. This helps create a smoother and more efficient experience.
  • Application and hiring metrics: Use metrics such as application completion rates, time-to-hire, cost-per-hire and quality of hire to measure the effectiveness of the recruitment strategy.
  • Candidate assessment and selection: Implement data-driven assessment tools and techniques to objectively evaluate candidates based on skills, competencies and cultural fit.
  • Employer brand perception analysis: Monitor and analyze online reviews, social media mentions and candidate feedback to gauge the perception of the employer brand.
  • Diversity and inclusion: Analyze data on candidate demographics, hiring outcomes and employee retention to identify opportunities for fostering a more inclusive environment.
  • Return on investment (ROI) analysis: Evaluate the ROI of different recruitment initiatives and strategies to assess their effectiveness in attracting and retaining top talent. Analyze the cost and benefits associated with each.
  • Predictive analytics for talent management: Use predictive analytics to identify potential high-performing candidates, forecast employee retention rates and develop talent management strategies.
Employ useful technologies

Technology can play a pivotal role in enhancing various aspects of a talent acquisition strategy. It can enable organizations to streamline recruitment processes, improve candidate experience and make data-driven hiring decisions. Here are several ways technology can be used as part of a comprehensive talent acquisition strategy:

  • Applicant tracking systems (ATS): Implementing an ATS can help automate and streamline the recruitment process, from job postings to managing candidate applications. ATS platforms enable recruiters to track candidate progress, schedule interviews and communicate with applicants efficiently, creating a more organized and efficient hiring process.
  • AI-powered sourcing and screening: AI can help analyze resumes, assess candidate fit and even conduct initial screenings, allowing recruiters to identify top talent more effectively.
  • Video interviews: Save time and resources and get a more comprehensive understanding of candidates’ communication skills and demeanor by using video interviewing platforms.
  • Employee referral software: Enable employees to refer potential candidates and track the status of their referrals. This technology can streamline the employee referral process.
  • Virtual events and career fairs: Host virtual career fairs and events using online platforms to connect with a broader pool of candidates and showcase the employer brand.
  • Data analytics and reporting tools: Data-driven insights can help recruiters make informed decisions, identify bottlenecks in the recruitment process and optimize hiring strategies.
  • Mobile recruitment applications: Develop mobile-friendly recruitment applications and platforms that allow candidates to conveniently apply for jobs, submit resumes and engage with recruiters.
  • Candidate relationship management (CRM) systems: CRM systems help recruiters maintain a database of potential candidates, nurture relationships over time and provide a personalized and engaging experience for each candidate.
Incorporate diversity and inclusion

Incorporating diversity and inclusion initiatives into recruitment can yield numerous benefits: improved innovation, enhanced employee morale and a positive employer brand. Here are more reasons why diversity and inclusion are essential to a talent acquisition strategy:

  • Enhanced innovation and creativity: A diverse workforce brings together individuals with unique perspectives, experiences and backgrounds. This diversity fosters innovation, creativity and new ideas.
  • Improved employee performance: Inclusive workplaces that value diversity often experience improved employee morale, engagement and overall job satisfaction.
  • Broader talent pool: A commitment to diversity and inclusion in the talent acquisition process expands the candidate pool, allowing organizations to attract and retain an array of top talent.
  • Better understanding of customer needs: Employees from different backgrounds can enable organizations to develop products and services that better meet the demands of a diverse market.
  • Positive employer branding: Companies that prioritize diversity and inclusion are often viewed as progressive, inclusive and socially responsible, making them more attractive to job seekers.
  • Legal and ethical compliance: Emphasizing diversity and inclusion ensures that organizations comply with antidiscrimination laws and promote fairness and equity in the workplace.
  • Adaptability to changing demographics: Diverse and inclusive work environments are better equipped to navigate cultural differences, adapt to changing demographics and effectively engage with a diverse customer base.

Integrating diversity and inclusion into the talent acquisition strategy requires a comprehensive approach. It involves creating inclusive job descriptions, implementing bias-free recruitment practices, providing diversity training and fostering an inclusive workplace culture. By prioritizing diversity and inclusion, organizations build a more dynamic, innovative and resilient workforce reflective of the diverse society in which they operate.

Build a talent pipeline

Building a talent pipeline involves proactively identifying and nurturing relationships with potential candidates even if there are no immediate job openings. Here’s why building a talent pipeline is an important part of a talent acquisition strategy:

  • Proactive recruitment: By cultivating relationships with potential candidates in advance, companies can reduce the time and resources required to fill future job openings when they arise.
  • Shortened time-to-hire: With a prequalified pool of candidates readily available, organizations can quickly engage and evaluate, leading to faster decision-making and onboarding processes.
  • Strategic succession planning: A well-developed talent pipeline enables organizations to identify and groom internal talent for future leadership roles and key positions.
  • Reduced recruitment costs: By continuously engaging with potential candidates over time, organizations can reduce their reliance on external recruiters, job boards and other sourcing channels.
  • Enhanced candidate quality: Nurturing relationships with candidates over time allows organizations to gain a deeper understanding of their skills, experiences and cultural fit.
  • Improved employer branding: Maintaining a talent pipeline demonstrates an organization’s commitment to talent development and recruitment, enhancing the employer brand.
  • Increased agility and flexibility: Having access to a pool of qualified candidates enables organizations to adapt swiftly to emerging opportunities and challenges.
  • Long-term relationship building: Regular engagement with these candidates creates a positive candidate experience, even if they are not immediately selected for a role.
Evaluate and adjust

Regular evaluation allows organizations to identify areas for improvement, make necessary adjustments and align the talent acquisition strategy with the changing needs of the business. Here are several ways that an organization can assess its talent acquisition strategy:

  • Key performance indicators (KPIs): Establish and monitor specific KPIs related to the talent acquisition process such as time-to-fill, cost-per-hire, quality of hire and candidate satisfaction. Regularly tracking these metrics provides insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment process and helps identify areas for improvement.
  • Candidate feedback and surveys: Gather feedback from candidates who have gone through the recruitment process to understand their experience, perception of the brand and overall satisfaction, as well as to identify opportunities for enhancing the candidate experience.
  • Data analysis and reporting: Assess the performance of different sourcing channels, the quality of candidates sourced and the success rates of various recruitment initiatives.
  • Continuous process improvement: Solicit feedback from recruiters, hiring managers and other stakeholders involved in the talent acquisition process to identify bottlenecks, streamline workflows and implement best practices.
  • Talent market analysis: Conduct regular analyses of the talent market to understand emerging skill requirements, industry trends, shifts in the labor market and adjust the talent acquisition strategy accordingly.
  • Internal stakeholder engagement: Engage with internal stakeholders, including senior leadership, human resource management and hiring managers, to gather insights into the effectiveness of the talent acquisition strategy.
Develop and retain employees

While attracting top talent is essential, retaining and developing existing employees is equally crucial for the long-term success and sustainability of an organization. Investing in employee development and creating growth opportunities within the organization can increase employee satisfaction and reduce turnover rates. This saves the organization time and resources associated with recruiting and training new hires.

Enhanced employee engagement, employee experience, succession planning and the cultivation of a learning culture provides several benefits, including: clear career paths for employees help avoid leadership gaps, and contribute to the organization’s overall growth and competitiveness. All of this attracts job seekers drawn to companies that prioritize employee growth, learning and career advancement.

Still, the cornerstone of organizational success remains a forward-thinking talent acquisition strategy—driving growth, fostering resilience and positioning companies for sustained excellence in the years to come.

Talent acquisition and IBM

As a leading talent acquisition and skills development consultancy, IBM Consulting® works closely with clients to tailor solutions specific to their recruiting and skilling needs. Whether you are looking to address high turnover, enhance the recruiting technology stack, improve work force productivity, address skills shortages, or create an effective learning experience for a diverse workforce, IBM can provide customized strategies and tools across consulting, technology and managed services.

Matthew Finio Content Writer, IBM Consulting