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IBM Quantum Roadmap

The future of computing is quantum-centric.


Strategic milestones

All information being released represents IBM’s current intent, is subject to change or withdrawal, and represents only goals and objectives.

You can learn more about the progress of individual items by downloading the PDF in the top right corner.


Introduce parallelization of quantum computations.

2023 is all about pushing speed in quantum workflows by introducing parallelization in the Qiskit Primitives.

Why this matters for our clients and the world

Today, our systems are capacity limited and user jobs can take multiple days. Efficient parallelization between QPUs and parallelization of quantum and classical resources will enable efficient near-term algorithms.

The technologies and innovations that will make this possible

Middleware will automatically distribute tasks. Serverless tools will allow users to focus on code and not the infrastructure. Expanded classical resources in Qiskit Runtime will speed up compilation and maximize the utilization of the QPUs.

How these advancements will be delivered to IBM clients and partners

Multiple 100+ qubit Eagle processors will be connected using classical communication. Ahead-of-time compilation will increase utilization of the QPUs.